// Save me from "The Purge"

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Based off my Free! - One shots (this makes Mark sound like a scared cat)

"This bell is not a warning, this is the first Annual Purge, this bell is not a warning. You have twelve hours to commit illegal crimes, twelve hours. Have a wonderful night."

I sat and watched the blue screened TV.

I slowly popped buttery popcorn into my mouth as I watched the words move. "Mark, hurry up!" I yelled up to the bedroom Mark was getting dressed in.

"Do I have to watch the movie?" Mark asked. "I don't really want to."

"Markimoo, we took your nieces trick-or-treating from your parents house, did we die?" I asked, getting up from the couch. "We're absolutely fine," I slid my thumbs across his cheeks. "Come on, protect me," I giggled.

He sat on the couch next to me and snuggled next to me, tightly and he hid his face. He softly grabbed my side and pulled me closer to his figure and began to smell the inner creases of my neck that held a strong scent of perfume. "(Y/N)."

"Hm, Mark?" I questioned, caressing his head of black hair. Even though we're best friends, he always goes towards me as something different, but he never acts like he loves me.

"Why do you always watch movies like this?" he asked, leaning his head on my shoulder. "Okay, not always."

"Because sometimes you need to see something a little different. I know you like comedies, but sometimes I want to watch something else."

"Why couldn't we have just watched Deadpool?"

"Because it's Halloween Mark," I softly smiled as Mark turned his head to look at me. I brushed the small pieces of hair out of his eyes and looked into his brown colored orbs. "Just watch the movie Mark."

He hugged me close and turned ourselves around, where I was the one laying on him, as he pet my hair. "I guess I'll watch it with you," he smiled out of force.

I lied my head onto his chest and grabbed his forearm, slowly moving my thumb back and forth. Both of his hands lay on my back; I could feel them tighten as 'scary' parts showed upon the screen. My eyes slowly folded closed, drifting me off into sleep.

I soon woke up in a bed that smelled exactly like Mark. I could see lights on in the hallway and I could here small deep hums come from someone coming up the stairs. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. His TV showed no movie, but the old TV show Friends. I yawned, looking over to the other side of me, where Mark would lay if I wasn't here. The door creaked open and a familiar voice spoke up. "You woke up? Do you want a glass of water?" Mark asked. Currently we was wrapped in a towel, while another towel was drying the hair on his head. I turned around and hid the blush that has crept up onto my face. "(Y/N)?"

"I w-would love a glass of water.." I replied as softly as possible.

I heard his chuckle behind me. Suddenly, I could hear his phone start to ring. "Hello?" he answered. "Yes, she's with me right now. She's sleeping Mrs. (L/N)," I could hear him going downstairs. "I'm sorry I forgot to call you earlier, she's okay," Mark chuckled. "I'm just getting her a glass of water at the moment," there was a pause. "Okay, bye Mrs. (L/N)." I heard the sink fill a glass up.

"Mark," I saw him walk into the room after turning the hallway lights off and turning the light on in he bedroom. He closed the door behind him and gave the glass to me. He was still only in the towel, causing my cheeks to only flare once again. "Thank you."

"Of course," he said as I sipped at the water. I didn't dare look around as I heard a towel drop and the sound of putting boxers or shorts on for bed. "Anything for you," he walked over and turned the TV up and shut the lights off. Mark crawled into bed next to me as I gave him my glass to put onto the nightstand. He soon wrapped his arms around me once again and smiled against my neck. A light kiss was pressed against my skin as he cuddled closer. "I love you (Y/N)," Mark said. "It feels so good to get that out.."

I turned around and faced him. Our faces were only centimeters away. "You could have told me earlier," I whispered and rubbed my fingers along his cheek. I looked into his eyes with a smile, looking to his lips, and to his orbs again. "I love you too.." There was a noise coming from downstairs that sent chills down my spine, causing my body to cling to Mark's. "Mark, I'm scared!"

"Do you want me to go check what it is?" He asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Please Mark!" I yelped.

Mark got up and walked downstairs. Meanwhile, I ran to the bathroom and stripped down to the spandex I was wearing, due to the bipolar weather; currently hot inside. "(Y/N), it was just the cat, no need to worry," I heard Mark say to the bedroom.

"I'm in the bathroom!" I called out. I headed back to the room in a quick pace. I jumped onto the bed, accidentally landed on Mark's body. "I'm sorry!" I hugged him.

"I think you're a scaredy cat," Mark laughed.

"N-no I'm not!!" I hid my face in his bare chest.

"Look at me," he grabbed my chin and brought my face closer to his. "Nothing's going to get you," he smiled.

*******Six months Later*******

Mark and I weren't really a couple yet. On Halloween, we let out confessions, but they didn't lead to a relationship. That didn't happen because we were applying for Colleges and I had actually gotten into one.

I was in my dorm room on a cool April day. We were on spring break and I was sleeping off the hours of actual studying from the day before. My room was mine alone, but I didn't feel too lonely. I became friends with the neighbors and we had all studied together almost every night.

My phone had started to buzz with text messages, and there were a lot.

Mark: Are you on spring break? 8:30a.m.

Mark: I'm gonna go visit you if that's alright. 8:32a.m.

Mark: Are you even awake? 8:38a.m.

Mark: Quit sleeping and let me see you! 8:40a.m.

Mark: (YYYYY/NNNNNNNNN), answer me!! 8:42a.m.

(Y/N): Mark, let me sleep. It's almost nine in the morning.. 8:50a.m.

Mark: FINALLY. 8:50a.m.

At almost nine-thirty, a frantic knock banged against my door. I groaned getting up. I yawned opening the door. What I saw in front of me is what I wanted to see this whole time. Mark held a bouquet of flowers all dressed up in a suit and tie. "Hi," he waved.

"Mark... I didn't think you'd really show up!" I squeezed his body and pulled him inside.

Mark chuckled. "I'm asking you on a date," he smiled. "Because I love you."


"I really do (Y/N)," Mark grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me closer to him. His lips softly brushed across mine, melting me into jello. "I really love you."

"I-," I wanted to continue, but tears blurred my eyes as I grabbed onto Mark. "I love you too Mark."

He chuckled. "Don't cry, didn't I save you from the Purge?"

"Shut up, you little-"

Lips were pressed onto mine again, as if he wanted me to shut up.

If you see Makoto anywhere, please tell me XD


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