//we're not meant

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I had this chapter all done, but wattpad decided it was going to delete more than half of the chapter and not let me revise in any way possible.

Song: Don't Leave - Mo and Snakehips

"Oakly!" I called from my room. A blue firey ball grew up in one hand as I searched around my little sister, a half sorcerer. "I'm not in the mood Oakly! I need that paper for school tomorrow!" Paul walked into the house after arriving home from work, my stepdad.

"Um, what's going on?" Paul asked.

"Dad, Oakly took my mist paper, and I need it for school tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Sunday."

"I still need the paper!" I shouted, I snapped my fingers. "Thought you could run from me huh?" I whisped away the paper I needed and tried returning to my bedroom.

"Hey, Mark wanted to ask if you wanted to go out tonight," I heard my stepfather call. "Your mom would love to see you with a boy if she was here," he sang.

They loved each other very much.

"I'll catch up with him later," my cheeks grew red as I fled to my room.

Under the covers of my bed, I bit my lip. I had the biggest crush on Mark, and only Paul and Oakly knew. "(Y/N), are you going to marry Mark?" My little sister walked in.

"Oakly stop."

"I'm being serious sis," she looked at me with a serious look. Her eyes were speckles like stars, it was a feature of being half.

"Oak, Mark doesn't like me like that, and I'm going to get over it sooner or later."

"I see him in our future," she smiled. "I may not be able to do cool things like you do with all your blue fire and such, but I can see it."

I can't believe a seven year old just acted like she was my age.

"Mom spoke about how much she wanted to see your eyes before you were born, but none of us knew that the hospital was going to be her last place," I smiled. "She was beautiful."

"Do you have a picture?" Oakly questioned.

"I do, but Dad said you needed to wait."

"You look exactly like her, don't you?"

"Just a little. You do too Oak."

There was a knock coming from the window. Little pebbles were thrown. I opened the window. "Hey, are you coming or not?"

"You know you can come through the front door right? My dad or Oakly isn't going to bite you."

"Oakly bit me last time, don't you remember!?"

Oh right.


Oakly poked her tongue out.

Mark was exactly like Paul. Tall, his hair was dark, goofy, and human. "Hello kind sir."

"How do you do young ma'am?"

"I'm well, how are you?"

"Good," he snickered. "Where do you want to go? Margos, Margos, or Margos?"

"Oh my, theres a lot of choices to make, hmm," I tapped my chin. "Margos!"

"Excellente! Shall w-"

"Remember, no kissing."

Mark and I both had red hot cheeks. "Dad."


"I-I don't think that'll hap-happen," Mark stuttered.

We took our seats at a booth in the restaurant. Everything was perfectly placed on the table. "Hello, I'm Jack and I'll be your waiter for this evening. Is there anything I can get for you to drink?" I looked at Mark, knowing exactly what I wanted.

"Heyy buddy, mind telling me whatcha got in your pocket as for money?" I strange man walked up.

"It's mine, that's whats in my pocket."

"Give the money to -"

A blue flare shot up from my hand, and frosr the hands of a theif. "It's not your money, go bug someone who likes money as much as you."

"You litt-"

"As for you, a red flare sorcerer, you're not as strong as what I've heard red flares are."

"How did you know?"

"Out," I shooed him away. "Poof."

Mark looked at me in awe. "And that's why," he paused. "How's your meal?"

"We haven't even gotten our food yet you goofball!" I giggled.

Mark walked me home after our meal, giving me his coat after I started to get cold. "I liked dinner, didn't you?"

"I did," I smiled. "Thank you fot taking me."

"Thank you for coming with me."

I smiled. "Goodnight Mark."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Hey Mark."


"Watch out," I sheilded Mark after pointing my finger at the same red flare that showed his face earlier.

I flicked my finger. "Could you pick on somebody your own size?" Two other men showed up, I lifted them up. "There's no way you're going to hurt people I like. Go pick on Freddie, the greedy old guy thats a black flare."

"Black flare is too strong."

"Blue flares stronger than you."

Paul walked outside of the house. He looked at me, and then at the others. "Hey Rick, could you leave my daughter and her boyfriend alone?"

"You're Lisa's daughter! I'm so sorry!"

I dropped the men.

Mark ran up to me and hugged the life from my body. "Too. Tight."

"Just right," Mark smiled, pressing his lips to mine.

"Guys! I said no kissing!"

Chica ran up to us while we were being yelled at. "How'd my dog get here?!"

"I may or may not have told them to go steal your dog."

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