// Why Do I Make Promises I Can't Keep?

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(Based off the question, not the video, though it may or may not have made me cry)

"How we met" will continue on shortly...

Word Count: 742

"I promise I'll take take you dining and we'll have the time of out lives, okay?" Mark softly stroked my cheek as I cried from him getting back home from a tour that lasted six months. "But it may not happen soon, because of how busy, I'll still be, but it will happen," he smiled.

I looked up at him and smiled softly. "Do you promise me?"

"I do."

"Cause you never really keep any other promises. Why do you make promises you can't keep?" I asked. "I'm tired of waiting for something to happen."

"Why do I make promises I can't keep? (Y/N)..."

"You're not going to make me upset," I said, hugging him. "I'm not going to be mad either."

"Because I am busy with my job, I forget to do these things, and all promises that I have kept. I've made so many promises that I've broken, so I don't know why I make them. I try to make everyone happy; however, I can't do that if I keep promises for everyone and then forget about them."

"Make promises you can keep then Mark. Tell you what, take a brea-"

"But I can't, I have things to do."

"Take a break for a couple of days, and then I will help you out with YouTube, and stuff. I know you need to make more videos, and I will help you, okay? I promise to help you come up with some ideas too," I nuzzled him. "Now, can't we go home, so I can cuddle with my fiancé?"

"I'll just tell Ethan and Tyler to hold off then," he smiled. "I guess I can stay and do nothing for a little."

"You'll get plenty of sleep too," I smiled. "I know you want that."

"Can I blog for YouTube though? I mean, I already have once a week for them."

"For six months?"

"Yeah," he chuckled.

"I guess so," I smiled. "Just tell them you're spending time with me though."

"Of course."

We got home shortly after having dinner at (favorite/restaurant), and Mark actually went to bed, which is when I came up with an idea. I went into Mark original recording room, it was a bit dusty and I dusted off the area I would be using. I set up the camera in front of me, and I sat down in the chair. It was 1:00 in the morning, and I took a deep breath.

"Hi," I began. "I am not Mark, but none other than his fiancé. I am up, and letting him sleep off his tour. I came into this room to talk about a question I have asked him, and a question he's been asking himself.

Why do I make promises I can't keep?

He explained to me that he wants to make people happy, and wants to fulfil his promises, though he forgets sometimes. He promised me to take me out, and so he did, because I told him to make promises he can make. I want him to make promises he can do, and so, he will be starting over. I apologize if he has made you a promise, but I want him to be happy, so that he makes you happy."

I went on and on of what he told me during his charity stream and the whole tour.

I soon said bye, and went to bed, next to my lovely Mark.

♤ ♤ ♤ ♤

A bright light was shined in my eyes. I could smell pancakes and bacon in the room. Mark was standing there smiling widely, "good morning sunshine," he passed the tray to me and sat next to me. "And thank you," he took hold of my hand. "For that video; many people commented beautiful things about you and how they appreciate you."

"You're welcome," I took a bite of the bacon. "I just want you and your fans to be happy is all. Even if you have to start over a little."

"I love you," he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too sweetheart," I smiled.

♧ ♧ ♧ ♧

Cupcakes, I've got two drawings done!

Pepe, who I renamed JoJo, because it looks nothing like him.

And Ethan (I'll post the bad picture first, and then the remake, that looks a whole lot better)



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