Prologue: Marley's Hero

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Third POV
Y/N was seen coming out of his Titan form as Marley Military soldiers started to clap. Y/N's eyes looked emotionless and steam was coming out around his eyes

Y/N: 'Mother'

Y/N brought his hand up and he looked at it

Y/N: 'I- I didn't know how long we've been waiting for this’

Magath started to run towards Y/N and he hugged him as Y/N put his arm down

Magath: I'm so proud of you, son

Magath said as his eyes had tears in them

Magath: I'm sure that your mother would've said the same if she was still with us.

Magath let go of Y/N and he looked toward his companions

Magath: This night, Y/N Magath Tybur has inherited the Morphing Titan and he will bring peace and justice to Marley!

The Marley officers started to cheer and clap for Y/N. Meanwhile, Y/N seemed like he was seeing someone.

Y/N looked straight forward from Magath and he saw many people that looked translucent

Y/N: 'What if...what if I don't want to do that?'

???1: You don't have to, Y/N

???2: Not anymore, Y/N

???3: You choose what you want to do, Y/N

It seemed like thousands- no, millions of voices were being heard inside of Y/N's head

Y/N's Mother: Your destiny, is for you to choose, Y/N.

Y/N's mother's voice was the last thing he heard from all of it until his father snapped him back to reality

Magath: Y/N, are you alright son?

Magath said as he looked fuzzy in Y/N’s point of view

Y/N: Yes

Y/N looked at his father as his vision started to be more clear

Y/N: I mean, yes. Everything is alright dad.

Y/N said as he patted his father's shoulder

Magath: Come on then, we have hosted an event with everyone we know just for this

After Y/N inherited the Morphing Titan, a big event in Liberio was celebrating his inheritance. Y/N was seen sneaking out of the event with the rest of the Warriors.

Y/N sighed in relief

Y/N: That sure was close. I thought I would've never gotten out of there

Marcel wrapped his arm around Y/N's shoulder as he laughed

Marcel: You sure are famous now huh, Y/N? They celebrated from all of Liberio just for your inheritance!

Y/N: Heh well I didn't ask for it. Not that I don't appreciate it but it's a bit too much for my liking

Porco: The same old humble Y/N. It never gets old eh Zeke?

Zeke smirks and lightly nods in acknowledgment

Pieck: To think that everyone would celebrate your Titan coronation, Y/N. You deserve it

Pieck says with a gentle smile at Y/N. Y/N puts his hand on the back of his head and he slightly smirks

Y/N: Thanks Pieck-

Lara: It's only logical that he would deserve it

Lara says as she comes in between Y/N's view to Pieck

Lara: He worked and trained harder than any of us here. Which I still don't agree with you doing

Y/N: Well it paid off in the end, Lara

The Warriors continued to talk and walk through the forest. Y/N checks his watch to see the time

Y/N: It looks like I need to go now

Reiner: Why? Where are you going?

Y/N: I promised my dad that I would spend time with him because...of my mother

Bertolt: Oh- we're sorry Y/N, we've been celebrating so much that we-

Y/N lifts his hand towards Bertolt

Y/N: No no, it's fine. I'm just glad that we spent time together today

The Warriors say their goodbyes to Y/N as he goes back to his home

Y/N opens the door and he goes to the dining room. He sees his dad drinking alcohol

Y/N: Hey dad

Magath looks behind him and he sees Y/N as he walks toward him

Magath: Hey Y/N, I'm sorry that I'm drinking right now. I just-

Y/N: It's okay dad. You barely drink. It's only natural that you would just for this occasion.

Y/N sits down on a chair next to his father.

Magath puts his bottle down on the table

Magath: I know that taking her life was very difficult for you, Y/N.

Y/N: ...

Magath: Your mother, she was a fantastic Warrior. More skillful than me. Smarter in fact.

Y/N: ...

Y/N continued not to respond as he was blankly looking at the table

Magath: But she did want me to make a promise for her just for this occasion

Y/N looked at his father slowly

Magath: What did you see when you inherited her power?

After those words came out of Magath's mouth, Y/N's mind started to go into a frenzy. Y/N started to get dizzy as if that question alone, alerted something in his mind. Like it was-

Y/N: Instinct

Magath: Instinct? What are you talking about? Are you alright, son?

Y/N was trying to see who was in front of him

Y/N: Apologies, I'm alright

Y/N rubbed his eyes and looked straight to see his dad, but other people were seen from his point of view. They were behind his father as they were staring at Y/N. As if they were waiting for him to do something

Magath: You look... tired, Y/N. I'll take you to the infirmary

Y/N: No no

Y/N lightly pushed his dad away as he rubbed his eyes again. This time he only saw his dad in view

Y/N: I'm completely fine

Y/N looked around him to see where he was. He was back at the Titan ceremony for passing down the Titan Shifter power

Y/N: What the hell?

???4: Y/N.

???5: Y/N~

???6: Y/N!

Y/N: What's-

Y/N stumbled back a few steps as he closed his eyes for a second and he saw his mother

Y/N's mother was looking at Y/N with blank eyes

Y/N's mother: Who are you, Y/N?

Y/N: My name is-

Y/N: Y/N Magath Tybur! I am the current host of the Morphing Titan! I will go out and eradicate the Devils on Paradise Island! Then, I will bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to Marley!

The thousands of people start to cheer and clap for Y/N as he was on top of a pillar with a microphone in his hand.

Y/N: But, I cannot do it alone.

Y/N brings his hand towards his friends who are next to him

Y/N: Marcel Galliard! Porco Galliard! Annie Leonhart! Bertolt Hoover! Lara Tybur! Pieck Finger! These brave soldiers will do it with me!

Y/N says as he brings his right arm up high. The crowds do the same

Y/N: I will come back with the Founding Titan in my grasp and be the hero that Marley needs!

Everyone cheers with joy as Y/N goes on a carriage with his friends toward their next destination

Marcel: That was some speech, Y/N. An encouraging one

Marcel says with a smile

Bertolt: With Y/N at our side, we cannot lose. Right, Annie?

Annie remains quiet for a moment and she answers

Annie: Yes, this mission will be quick and efficient

Y/N smiled as his friends were waving at the people who were cheering

Y/N: 'I am Marley's hero'

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