Advice !

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Anu's pov :-

The sun light penetrating on us from the window becomes brighter waking me up . I get up on my elbow to see myself crawled on Chandu's chest while he has wrapped his arms possessively around me .

I don't know from where I got that guts to initiate sex because it was always other way around with other guys but Chandu was special in every way because I love him .....

Pulling the blanket closer to me , I slowly get out of his vile grip by replacing my body with a pillow to which he snuggles closer making me smile .

I grab my phone to check on time when I see my phone bombarded with notifications : 25 missed calls from Navya , 30 messages from her and few messages from Vamshi , Rahul and Laksh .

God save me . This people are going to kill me for not responding to their calls and messages . But it wasn't my fault if I kept my phone in silent to prevent any disturbance during our talk . Talk that turned out in us having the best day of my life .

Without making noise , I slowly take my clothes from the wardrobe and go inside the bathroom for a relaxing shower .

Once ready in my casual jeans and top , I look at myself in mirror to see a different kind of glow on my face seeing the marks of his nails and not to forget those awful hickeys on my neck . I start blushing by remembering how I received these hickeys by the beasty possessive husband of mine ....

Taking the concealer , I apply it in appropriate quantity to cover the Hickey and then put on a scarf to cover the rest . Thanks to my full sleeves top that no one will notice the nail marks on my arms ......

I come out of bathroom to see My husband still sleeping . I make breakfast and then decide to wake him up but my plans change once I get another call from Navya telling me that she's waiting at CCD near my place . She sounded irritated .

Ofcourse she'll be irritated , you made her wait there for an hour already and you know how punctual she is , my mind mocks me . I feel guilty for making her wait . 

So , I quickly grab a pen and a paper and write down a letter telling Chandu to have breakfast while I come back soon after meeting Navya .

I keep the letter on fridge and grabbing my bag and phone , I make my way to CCD which is just a street away .

Once inside CCD I notice the familiar black eyes of Navya glaring at me . She sat there at the corner of cafe with her arms folded on her chest trying to look intimidating . But I know better .....

Hey meri jaan , I greet her only for her to turn her head away from me . I'm sorry , I woke up late . I apologize and she slowly looks at me from top to bottom assessing mE .

I fidget with  mY hands continuously so that her suspicious stares don't confirm . Thus is the same way she looks at me after my one night stand but only that this isn't one ......

Was it with Chandu ? She asks finally catching up with reading my body .

Yeah ! I answer , though I don't like to speak about it , I know as a matter of fact that Navya never judges . Unlike me who draws conclusions very easily ......

Once I slide down on the chair opposite her's , the waiter comes and places our drinks on the table .

Since you were expected to be late , I took the privilege to order drinks for both of us , Navya taunts while I smile . She can taunt me but not shout at me .....

I think of ways to tell her that I don't want to go to London for my master's rather be with Chandu as if on reading my thoughts ,

You don't want to go to London . Do you ? Navya asks while I look at her in pure shock . How come she reads my thoughts so easily ??

WhY do you say that ? I ask her diverting our conversation .

She shrugs her shoulders and tells ,
May be because I know you've feelings for your husband but you are scared to not confess .

How , I ask her again , are my feelings so visible or is it written on my face ?

It's not written on your face stupid . It's just that I know you more than yourself . So , just grab your bag , go to him and tell him how you feel before it's late because in a relationship telling your feelings only brings you closer and not other way around . So , go ........

I love him Navya , I truly do but I also love my career . I tell sadly .

You can still have it Anu . You can do distance course in Crown University . I've already brought distance course applications . But please don't give up on your marriage ...

I thought you don't like him , I whisper .

Well , that's because he hurt you bestie . Now that you both are happY together , I want you to stay like that .

Nodding mY head , I gulp my drink first then grabbing my bag I stand up and leave not before Navya wishing me luck for my love life ahead ......

I'll confess today that , I love him ........

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