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Hey guys enjoy with update 

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Happy UGADI to all the readers 


 Nandini pov – I was angry upon myself , that how could I let my guard down ? If he would not have been here then may be in that girl's place I would have been there .Wait that girl , OH NO we should have helped her instead we are walking away like coward .i halted on my steps , and even manik he looked at me with confusion in his eyes .


Manik – what ??

Nandini – I think we need to go back

Manik – why ?

Nandinimanik , we cant be so selfish we left the poor girl over there , What if ??

Manikssshhh , calm your horses down

Nandini – but

Manik – let me explain first , And places his index finger on her lips

Manik pov – it was so cute to see her nodding her head like a obedient child. My fingers were lingering on her lips her lips they were soft like petals and she was gazing at my fingers , oh shit I should remove my fingers .

Manikcabir is here he would stop them

Nandinicabir ?

manik – yes , see nandini me and cabir are like fevicol ad glue stick you know , If today you are safe here with me then the credit goes to cabir . He is not that bad he is just cocky and so full of himself . But that does not mean he has loose character and neither do I .And that girl obviously cabir went to them , to help her .

Nandiniok , that means the girl is safe right ?

Manik – 100./. safe , you can trust cabir

Nandinimanik can I ask you one question ?

Manik – hmm

Nandini – why are you even friends with both of them ? I mean if you knew that they are like these kind of guys

Manik – sit down ,And makes her sit near by bench

Nandini – now tell me , Are you of that kind ?

Manik pov - what ?? she thinks of me like that

Nandini pov – after I questioned manik that he was looking at me with wide eyes ,Is he seriously like that ? If he is then I would complaint about him to uncle and aunty and he would "loose all the respect he has gained today from me".

Manik – no nandini we are not that kind of guys . Let me tell you one thing IN THIS WORLD THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE ONE WHO IS GOOD ,AND ONE WHO IS BAD . you cant judge them by their appearances. But it still does not stop you from socializing people right .

Nandini nods her head

Manik – same goes with me and cabir ,after we cleared our boards all the students teased us . Then these both approached us . And in that kind of state we both would not think about their character right . First thing in life is "never judge anyone" slowly slowly you will know the opposite person's intention , that will not stop you from getting close to him , when you both socialise you would know about each other .

Nandini – then didn't you both know about them ?

Manik – I was quite amused with their behvaiour after 6 months I mean passing dirty remarks on a girl's physique , flirting .But cabir chucked and so did I .

Nandini – what did you mean by passing comments ? did you ever do that on me ?

Manik sighs – nandini its not the exact time for you to know about all these stuffs .All you need to know is Always have your guard up , and never trust anyone blindly even if its me . You can only trust a person if he /she is your family member .


Nandini pov – when I heard passing comments on girls , something was burning deep inside my heart . the thought of him admiring a girl made me loose my cool .I could not help but ask him again

Nandinimanik , Holding his fingers

Manik – yes

Nandini – did you ever pass comments / had attraction towards anyone ?

Manik – you want an honest answer ? And raises his eye brows

Nandini – yes

Manik – then listen, Yes I admire few girls some by beauty , some by their qualities . Until you fall in love you will find everything around you attractive , intresting . This is in our human birth nandini . till you fall in love with your other half . you find the all the people / things in the world amusing .

Nandini pov – his answer was honest and the explanation after he gave , I was quiet satisfied UNTIL YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR OTHER HALF EVERYTHING AROUND THE WORLD IS AMUSING . Still I was hurt that he admired few girls, its his life his wish . why do I care ?

Manik – Any more doubts ??

Nandini – no

Manik – can I ask you a question ?

Nandini – yup

Manik – what did you tell mom about this party ? I mean I know mom if she will come to know about this she would never ever want you places near like his , even in her dreams .

Nandini – I lied

Maanik – and what exactly did you lie ?

Nandinisoha lied for me , she told aunty that today its her birthday

Maanik sighs and rubs his face - nandini I think you should not have done that ?

Nandini (guilty )- I know am wrong , But

Manik – it was your first time

Nandini – yes . I never knew ,what was the world outside my hostel ? My world evolved only around the books so I was curious .

Manik – I understand , But you had vacations right ??

Nandini (slowly)- I didn't want to come to your house

Manik pov – soon realized , I was sprinkling salt on her healing wounds . I need to control my fucking mouth for big time

Nandinimanik I think we should leave ? wait wait , why do you attend parties like this ?

Manik – alcohol

Nandini (widened eyes )- you drink ?

Manik nods at her

Nandini – and isn't it wrong ? Few minutes back you were lecturing me that "I should not lie" anymore .

Mabik – I didn't say that am perfect right ? Everyone has flaws nandini. Even I have if I drink alcohol / smoke it does not make me a bad guy . If I go to temple regularly also it does not make me a good guy . Your Actions decide what you are ? I have alcohol but I make sure that I never ran into accidnets , never bought shame / Complaints to mom and dad .

Nandini – hmm

Maniknandini I think driver left

Nandini – why ??

Manik – look over there ? And points at the car

Nandini – oh fish , I asked the driver uncle to come when I would give him a call .But I forgot to take his number .

Manik – don't worry , I can call him

Nandini – you cant , because he is one day replacement for our old driver


Manik pov – The word "OUR" it felt so nice to hear .

Nandini Pov – Now this was more awkward , First how I argued with him When I was wrong .Now I dont even have dare to talk to him directly seeing in his eyes .What he spoke , confused me , I understood a bit of it. But still I could not comprehend about him . ONE GOD ACT CANNOT RUB ALL THE 100 SINS RIGHT , If in future he would change then I may forgive him .But now we are just on good terms .

Maniknandini let me give a call to mom and dad

Nandini Pov – see there is he back in his monster form .Now he will tell aunty and uncle about it . How disappointed they would be, Tears were crawling out from my eyes right now .

Manik pov – I don't know from where am hearing this weeping sound ?I turned back to find this girl crying . Now why was she crying ?? Did I do anything ??

Maniknandini ssshh what happened ??And tries to wipe her tears

Nandini(angrily)- no I hate you , And slaps his hands

Manik (worried)- why are you crying nandini ?? what did I do know ??

Nandini (crying) – you are going to tell uncle and Aunty that I attended this party , And weeps more

Manik (sighs)- listen , And tries to hold her

Nandini (angrily)- No don't touch me , And slaps on his chest

Manik pov – how much time for god it would take to make a normal human being , And here she is killing me with her tantrums . I don't know how will I explain her now ?

Manik (holding nandini tightly in his arms )- sssh , listen am not calling dad to tell about you , instead to get the new driver's phone number

Nandini peeps her head up – really , And stops crying

Manik – yes , I swear


Manik pov – seriously one thing didn't change in her , she immediately stopped crying . one second back she was weeping and thrashing my body with her slaps . Now she is rubbing her face in my shirt . and all I can feel is wetness when I peeped down nandini's face was now tears clean and my shirt was wet from her tears . sorry not wet she cleaned her face with my shirt even her nose .

Maniknandini you know you rubbed your nose onto my shirt

Nandini (innocently)- so , I cried because of you right

Manik – never mind

Nandini – how will I go home now ?

Nandini povssshh am such a cry baby , I weeped into his shirt and what he said it was clear "I kind of made his shirt dirty" , with my running nose and tears . May be I am just paranoid about him .

Manik – am calling dad , And holds the phone close to his ear

Manik pov – I tried calling dad for the third time , why is he not lifting the calls ? Oh!! Finally he lifted the call

Manik – Hello dad

Nandini – he was not speaking next words after dad , I was wondering is uncle lecturing him ? And his eyes they were so wide like 20 saucers , and red colour was visible oh his cheeks .

Nandinimanik give me the phone , I will expain uncle

Manik shouts- no , And cuts the call

Nandini – why did you cut ??

Manikumm actually dad send me a message that he is busy right now , so I thought of not disturbing him again so I cut the call


Manik pov – The most embarrassing situation in life is "when you catch your parents making out" . Yes when dad lifted the call I could hear him groaning I was confused but when I heard mom's words I understood , mom was calling dad's name like a prayer .i was shocked now nandini when asked she wants to speak , I cut the call .that was the only option I had if she would have heard this no no no .

Nandini – how will I go home ?

Nandini pov – he directly went near his bike ,and started it I thought he is leaving me again. But then he stood up again infront of me I was relived that he is not leaving me in this "dirty place" .

Manik - nandini , Hop on my bike i will drop you

nandini - Umm

Manik - i dont bite nandini

nandini - i didnt mean like that , i am hungry

manik - ok on the way i will feed your tummy , And holds back his laugh

Manik pov – when she tried to sit on the bike , she was clutching her skirt she was scared that it might fly . I need to make a note "TODAY'S DRIVING SPEED IS 30 KM/HR"

Maniknandini are you ready ??

Nandini (gulping )- yes

Nandini pov – how shall I tell him that am worried about my skirt ? If it would fly Please god help me this lt time , soon manik started the bike initially I was scared that I will fall . As I was not holding the sides / him .But after 2 minutes of the drive it was smooth drive he was not speeding up like 55 /80KMHR .i was so thankful of him now .On the way many speed breakers came and I definitely had no option to hold his shoulder . I was clutching my skirt with one end and other hand I was holding his shoulder . I prayed internally that this ride should end soon .

Manik pov – at this moment it was difficult for me to drive ,Her soft palms were pressing my shoulder for support . I know how difficult it is for me to ride now . From the mirror I saw her hairs were flying out and her eyes they were shining brightly with happiness , A small smile was tugging on her lips .i was contended seeing it , In middle I saw a fast food centre

Maniknandini are you non vegetarian ?

Nandini – no

Manikok we have a fast food centre over there .You can have veg fried rice right now

Nandini – No I want to have vadapav

Manik – at this time we wont get any ?

Nandini (shouts)- you will get me or not ?

Manik – fine , And sighs

Nandini pov – I was happy that how he was obeying my words ? Once he was stubborn with his words but today he is different , he took me to a vadapav centre and asked me to stand near the bike , as there were many guys , he brought it to me . Where was his plate ??

Manik – sold out

Nandini – this soon , You can have mine

Manik – no , Then his stomach growled in response

Nandini (laughing) – you can have I don't "BITE" ok

Manik pov – she fed me , because according to her I was having big bites while she was having small ones , now she was sharing the bites among us . The more i think she changed she proves me "wrong" she is still MY SAME NANDINI , Wait where did the MY come from . If she would hear it she would chop me into 1000 of pieces and feed to stray dogs . Time flew fast soon I was standing outside malhotra mansion , nandini slowly got off the bike

Nandini (sweetly)- good night

Manik – good night

Manik pov – Then she left , I happily went to our apartment . But soon fear crêped up into me that tomorrow its my result , cabir thinks its 1 week later , he even marked in the calendar like that I need to remind him about this .


SILENT READERS , plz show response tomorrow its my exam but still as per my word you have your update here , so dont be lazy to hit a star if you like the update .

Few words for manik ?

Few words for nandini ?

Next update based on your response and length also depends on your support .

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