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Hey guys

Happy birthday @arti2502, hey sweetie i am late , i was sick so i could not check  out , hope you  forgive me 

and another birthday girl we have 

Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Happy reading.

please do share this book to your friends , if you think this book needs to be known to all manan readers .


Manik pov – She slapped me . I just cared for her and in the result I get this . My care was wrong for her , She does not deserve this . When she does not accept this marriage ? Wait she is not even accepting me as friend .May be cabir was right , I should not fucking care about her even if she dies . even I don't care about this marriage , but about her ugghhh iam confused .And holds his hair


Nandini pov - I was sitting on the bed , I didn't knew when I did stop crying ? I guess even no more tears lef out in my eyes , my fingers were shaking .I was in dilemma whether to call Raj uncle or not , But when I think of the situation he actually cared for me , he tried to fight with them . I was not sure about my hatred towards him now . My head was throbbing with pain I rubbed my forehead and finally slipped into covers .


Manik – dude did I do something wrong ?

Cabir (rubbing his chin )- umm manik do you want me to speak reality ?

Manik – ofcourse

Cabir – then listen , You were wrong at this late night entering in someone's house is wrong and top of that those oldies will go and confront about this to nandini infront of the secretary . And then you know what ? BOOM " they will kick her out" .

Manik – what ?? why would you think upto that level of negativity cabir ?

Cabir – trsut me bro , this Indian society will blame everything on girl , even if "we the boys are wrong"Initially at the bus stop those morons ,and now you , you entered her house but what did those aunty think they thought she is a a a a ummmm what ever ? they thought "she is the culprit and you are the victim" , But both of us know the reality .

Manik – Why does these words resemble like mom ?? Oh shit mom already warned me about it !

Cabir – about what ??

Manik – She gave me a huge class not to confront her now , and most specially give her space ,and stay away from her .

Cabir sighs – Then what in the world you didn't understood your mother's words manik , she did tell you right ? what was the need for you to see her like mad dog ?

Manik – I don't know cabir , And holds his head

Cabir – lets just sleep tomorrow morning we will have to pull out a solution for her , or else she is gonna fall in huge pit in which you should be.

Manik (frowns)- yes


Nandini's flat

Nandini pov – and what I thought it has turned into reality , the secretary asked me to meet her and give explanation about last night sitauton or else I can leave this falt .

I thought life would get bettr if I have a change but no everything is now more comaplicated and messy , and all credits goes to manik .Did he also recieve a letter like this ? I don't have time to think about him .I hurriedly took a bath and wore my clothes , I skipped breakfast I was no where in mood to have breakfast , my stomach was churning the nervousness in it .

I halted on my steps when I saw manik and cabir , out side the secretary office . Both of them were hesitant to knock the door, because manik was lifting his hand up and down .And cabir was taking deep breathes murmuring something

Manik – cabir , Am scared after this "I will never have chance to meet her again" .

Cabir pov – I don't now what has fucked his brain , his aura, attitude , behaviour has changed since NANDINI came . And his decision few minutes back was very shocking to me I never knew "he can be this selfless" He didn't even think of the consequences , May be its cause of nandini , even she has to understand him right . I underatnd that both of us did wrong but she cant hold that part till her death she has to move forwrd today or tomorrow and that is not possible until both of them sought it out .I was praying for manik's safety , after the step he took , I know he might get killed by his father .

Manik (with determination )– I can do it for her .

Cabir – I thought we were doing this for her forgivenes

Manik (stammers)- yees , I mean yes for her sorry , not for her .

Cabir – fine , let us get in

Manik – wait , nandini is here before she comes we need to get in and stop her , cabir please handle her for sometime .

Cabir – Are you sure ?

Manik – Anything for her, I might be angry on her but "I care for her" .And enters the office

Nandini pov – I was near to the secretay office , but manik hurriedly enterd inside , now I know he would blame everything on me , if he does anything like this I wont hesitate to complaint about this to his parents .He should pay for what he did , why should I "bear the consequences" for his act ?

Nandini – cabir move

Cabir pov – oh god please ,don't get me killed .

Cabir – sorry nanidni but manik is inside he has some personal work with the secretary

Nanidni (barks )- even I do cabir .

Cabir – please nandini just for ,Once listen to me or else .And rubs his forehead

Nandini ( folds her hands )- or else what will you do ?

Cabir (gulps )- I I nothing , I will do nothing

Nanidni – get out of my way then cabir , I don't have time for your stupid games . I know manik might be filling the secretary ear's all about me .

Cabir pov – she is taking him so wrong , He is doing this much for her, hope she realizes that he is guilty .

Cabir – nandini I cant

At that time manik comes out of the office with the secretary and the other ladies

Nandini – Mam , I can explain

Secreaty – you don't need to explain nandini , I came to know that its not your fault "this moron over here told us the truth" , And points to manik

Nandini (shocked )- what ??

Secretary – yes , he said that he broke into your house through balcony , he wanted you take revenge on you , but he is not telling the reason if aksed why ??

Nandini pov – revenge ?

Secretary – we got a call from your guardians THE MALHOTRA'S that they would be here any minute , Even they should punish this idiot , And hisses at manik

Cabir looks at manik with pity , manik had his head hung down

Cabir pov – I dont know why you are doing this ? But I will be always with you , you are a soft centered child from inside , you called your parents from private number telling that nandini is in trouble so that they can take her away from this place .

Manik pov - I don't know from how many minutes /hours I was hearing people's taunt on my character , But all I wanted is her safety today morning . I saw that rohan and his mother "spying" on nandini's house , then everything was crystal clear to me .Am not doing this to get her sorry but I am doing it for my self to assure that she is safe and this place is not safe for her . That is why I called mom and dad after this they might kick me out .but "nandini will safe under their eyes right" .I know mom and dad will be ashamed of me . I don't care of it because god knows that I don't have any "bad intentions" .

Nandini pov – I was quiet I don't know why ? seeing manik guilty infront of all it reminded me of his act on my birthday , May be I was waiting for him to retort back to people who were bad mouthing about him . But never that moment came Instead his parenst were over here .


Neyonika – nandini are you okay ? And hugs nandini tightly

Raj (sternly )- who was that guy who broke into my daughter's house ?

Nandini pov – Now this would definitely irk him , he hates it when his parenst called / praise others instead of him .But he has shut his mouth why ?

Secretary – sir , this all happened

Raj – I don't care , how it happened ? Until I beat the shit out of that guy I cant keep my cool any more seconds .

Neyonika – yes , didn't his parents teach him the least manners ? Raj nods at her

Cabir pov – manik was crying , how do I know it a lone taer fell on his shoes his own parents were abusing him for what he didn't do ? I wanted to open my mouth but he already told me to shut me mouth by giving me swear on our friendship .

Secretary – sir there is that guy , And points at manik

Raj and neyonika gasp in shock , When they see both manik and cabir , neyonika was crying that son tried to hurt someone even after she explained him .

Raj angrily walked upto him and gave him a tight slap ,making his lower lip bleed

Nandini – uncle

Raj - I never knew my son would do this , I should have known you wont let her live peacefully .


Secretary – sir , we didnt knew he was your son , we are sorry for our

Raj shows his hand - stop , Nandini pack all your bags you will not stay over here .

Nandini – but uncle

Raj sternly- no more arguments

Neyonika (softly) – please for once listen to him , He didnt mean to sound harsh , The situations made him turn like that .

Nandini – I understand aunty

Nandini pov – I wanted to have a word with him , I wated to know hy did he do this

Raj – manik even you are coming with me

Manik – yes dad

Manik pov – I hope this all would be worth at the end , And she would stay in our house .


Done with the update, Hope you all enjoyed it .

 I hope everyone is satisfied with the update , manik is going through the same pain which nandini went through and I think its must , we cant understand one's pain until we feel it by ourselves .

And another question  must have rose in your hearts ?? that why didnt manik prove nandini innocent , and told everyone about rohan , then answers would be in next update .


few words for manik ? TEAM MANIK ?

few words for nandini ?TEAM NANDINI ?

Next update on completion of 600 votes and 💯 +💯 += 200comments .
Love you all
Bye .

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