part 10-2

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Hey guys
Please ignore grammatical mistakes
Happy reading.
Happy birthday Shivanya73
May God bless you with all happiness sweety and you touch the sky of success.

I can hear mom shouting out my name , but I didn't care I ran upstairs to her room , her room was wide open I heard her cries from the bathroom , she was sobbing now she felt my pain , she has changed her dress into her night pyjamas .

Nandini (with a hoarse voice )- what are you doing here ??

Manik - you are feeling bad aren't you ?

Nandini (crying )- you hate me that much ?

Manik smirks at her

Nandini - you want me to go away from your house right ?

Manik - gladly , But I know you will just speak these words infront of me that I will go away from here , but you will not leave my house .

Nandini (crying )- why do you hate me so much ? I did all your works and followed your words right .

Manik ( angrily ) - so what ? And then I failed in my exam , you know this party should have been mine not yours . Because of you I failed in my exams , But why the damn I am giving you an explanation ?

Nandini argues back

Nandini - But its my birthday right ?

Manik - Is this your home ? No this is not why do I have to remind you nandini that you don't belong here , your place is somewhere near the orphange , Don't you have any relatives , Wait may be even they didn't wanted a burden like you in their house , And after seeing your face dad would have ,melted and then he would have bought you to our house . he pitys you nandini .

No words were now left from nandini's mouth ,she was baffled with his words usage

Nandini - I will never come back , I will leave this house .

Manik - I don't care , And next time don't mess with me , today I just insulted you infront of few people , tomorrow I might to do more , and walks away .

Nandini pov - This is not my home , What he said was true ." Am an orphan and an orphan stays in orphanage , not in someone's shelter . " I will never come back to this house again , And its my promise to you manik , you insulted me infront of everyone , In future I will make sure that you pay for this , you could have asked me to go away from your house, I would have obliged your decision respectfully .And your parents I think they pity on me that is why ? they brought me here .

Nandini walks to neyonika and raj's room

Nandini - uncle can I come in

There neyonika was sitting holding her head and crying , raj was consoling her , seeing nandini both of them composed themselves

Neyonika - nandini come in dear

Raj pulls her inside

Nandini - aunty today its my birthday right

Raj - nandini we are sorry that manik did like that , he is just stressed that he has failed his exams .

Nandini pov -Yes manik was right , his parents pity me not love , now uncle also defended him , But didn't speak that manik was at fault .This is not my home .

Nandini - I don't want manik to go to hostel , instead I want to go to hostel .

Gasps were heard from both raj and neyonika

Neyonika - what are you saying nandini ? if its cause of manik then, He will say you sorry but please don't talk about leaving this house dear .

Nandini pov - No aunty you are taking me wrong , I don't need his sorry and not his pity and sympathy

Nandini - please this is the last time am asking you something , After this I will never ask anything to you

Raj nods at her

Raj - Do you have any idea that where you want to go ?

Nandini - Yes, But please don't reveal about this to manik or anyone

Raj understands her dilemma ,and gives her approval

Nandini - I want to leave tomorrow morning .

Neyonika - but

Raj -it will be done nandini , Neyonika will pack your bags . you can go and have rest , Tomorrow early in the morning 3 you have to start . And I know where you want to go ?

Nandini nod at them weakly and mumbles good night to them and walks to her room .

Neyonika - raj why did you do that ? Hostel don't you thinks she is very young .

Raj - I have done this to punish manik , neyonika tomorrow morning guilt would eat him down but then he would ask sorry. Nandini would forgive him and then he would take her for granted , I dont my son to turn like that , He needs to know the value of people and respect them and their wishes, And nandini I could not say her no because she told me this is the last time she is asking something from us on her birthday , we could not celebrate her birthday, But atleast we could atleast respect her decisions right .

Neyonika - Do you think manik will ask about nandini ?

Raj - 100./. sure , I know him very well he acts like stone , but inside he is very soft .

Neyonika - I just hope what ever you are doing , gives us better results in future .

Raj - it will trust me .

Neyonika - Hmmm , But I will miss her and starts crying

Raj - this is all for good


Manik was busy in playing xbox , his phone ran indicating that cabir has called him

Manik - hmmm cabir , tell me dude ?

Cabir - you know what I have a good news

Manik - cabir I don't think it will be any good news for me .

Cabir - dude we can rewrite our maths exam again , And this time we will pass out .

Manik - even if we pass what about the other subjects science , social ??

Cabir - all thanks to nandini

Manik - what ? what did she do ?

Cabir - mam forgot to submit out assignment marks and the assignments which nandini did , we scored full marks in them and by adding that we will pass science and social , don't you think now its good news ,we just need to clear maths now .

Manik drops the controller from his hand - cabir don't prank upon me , Are you really serious ?

Cabir - yes dude , that is why I got even gift for nandini .

Manik pov - Oh dam what did I do ? I

Cabir - manik manik wher are you lost ? am shouting your name over phone

Manik - huhhhh , nothing dude lets meet tomorrow, am tired right now

Cabir mutters - idiot

Manik pov - Shall I go and tell sorry to her , No why should I say sorry ? she was the one said she would do anything for my forgiveness right , It was her who followed my works she had a choice to not listen my words , I mean everyone one of us have rights to choose our wish , But at the end I am the one who is benefited right ? uggghhh shall I tell sorry and thank you or not , If I will say then she will again sit on my head ,and I don't want that , OK I am a humble and honest person so "I Will say thank you to her " only for formalities ,now i wont be going to any hostel thank god you saved me .


Manik pov - I didn't find nandini anywhere , I mean On the breakfast table also , she was not there and neither was dad , Is she sick no ? If she would have been sick mom would not have been calm , But dad may be he went for his meetings like usual , she does not want to see my face or what ? after my behaviour towards her . But am not wrong at my place right , I was frustrated and she was the one who came infront of me , I will buy her some gift and tell sorry on her face , and I will convince her like last time .

3 hours later

Manik pov - damn , where is this little mouse ? I have searched whole house and now I don't find her , When I need her help she wont be present in front of my eyes and When I don't want to see her she would be present infront of me , Let me ask mom may be she knows that where did she go ?

Manik - mom

Neyonika - yes, Manik

Manik - mom where is nandini ?

Neyonika (sternly )- you hated her presence right , she went away

Manik (tensed )- what , Where ?

Neyonika pov - Raj was correct , but I wont tell you where nandini went manik , she needs space right now and she is correct at her point of view .

Neyonika - I don't think you need too know about it . go now

Manik ( frustrated )- mom please stop messing up with me , You know right I need to see her now

Neyoanik - and why is that manik malhotra ?

Manik- Cause, cause

Neyonika - you don't have an answer for my question , the same goes even I don't have an answer for your question , Now move from my way I need to prepare lunch , your dad might be coming soon .

Manik pov - she left me .

Done with the update

few words for manik ?

few words for nandini ?

Next update on completion of 400 votes and 💯 comments
Love you all
Bye .
Promo - part - 2 on insta by 5 .

Here ends level -1 of married at 16 .

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