Chapter 18

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This is not going to be an interesting or great chapter, because......I hate class assessments and assignments and I hate mock exams.

Anika's POV:

Shivay: I'm sorry.

That's what he said to me. 'I'm sorry'....5 years late but I was going to let him talk. I wanted to hear what else he wanted to say.

Shivay: I'm sorry for hurting you in the past. I was drunk that day and I wasn't in control of my thoughts or mind with Ella....

Me interrupting: don't mention her name. Please.

Shivay: sorry Anika.

Me: it's fine, anyway continue what you were saying.

I said as our breakfast got served to us. I started to take bites of my sandwich and looked at Shivay who was going to continue what he wanted to say.

Shivay: I put forward the first deal because I wanted to try everything over again. I wanted to rectify my mistake from the past. You were my first love Anika. So when you came back into my life, storming into my office, it was almost as if the universe was telling me that I had a second chance to make things right between us.

Me: so you made the deal for me to marry you to make things right again?

Shivay: yes.

Me: you could have told me then when I asked you a thousand times. Is that the only reason you called me here?

Shivay: not the only reason. Now for Om and Gauri to marry, we have to marry because of our parents, and since we are getting married, let's make some ground rules.

I thought for a minute. I guess the married life with the cat would be easier if we had ground rules between us.

Me: do I get a say in the ground rules?

Shivay: yes you do. These ground rules will be there to make us both comfortable with the marriage.

Me: theek hai phir. My first ground rule is that if I am not happy after six months of our marriage, you will let me divorce you, no question, no begging me to stay.

Shivay looked at me as he took a cup from his coffee cup and took a bite from his breakfast dish. Once he swallowed the bite, he looked at me again and said: okay.

I picked up my phone and typed down the first condition in my notes.

Me: just keeping evidence of the ground rules in case you forget.

Shivay: I'm a businessman, I remember a bunch of deals. I won't forget these ground rules.

I just took a sip from my drink and said to him: second ground rule?

Shivay: we don't bring up the past during our marriage.

Me: okay, I agree. You have to respect my space and I will also respect your personal space.

Shivay: theek hai, toh phir don't talk about the future until it's time to talk about the future.

That was actually a good ground rule, because who knew...maybe by the end of six months, I would be actually happy in the marriage?

Why was I thinking about the future now? I couldn't predict how I would feel in six months.

Me: okay. I agree.

Shivay: another ground rule, you don't have to agree if you don't want to...maybe change your mind after the baby is born.

Me: so after 8 to 9 months?

Shivay: yeah, only if you want to. Gauri will obviously be staying with us as we're her in-laws, but I think it will make Gauri happy if you stay till the baby is born.

I could tell that he didn't have a strong enough condition to make me stay and decide till the baby was born. But, me probably being there under the same roof as Gauri for eight to nine months would be helpful in case her pregnancy tantrums were....too much.

Me: okay I'll stay till the baby is born. I have another ground rule.

Shivay: tell me?

Me: we'll be honest about everything to each other. Agree?

Shivay: agreed? Any other ground rules you like to put forward?

I shook my head as I typed in what we have agreed on in my notes.

Me: anything you want to put on the list?

Shivay: I think the rules we made are perfectly fine.

Me: okay, great.

Shivay: but Anika, I am really sorry and I promise I won't hurt you again.

I didn't say anything. I wanted to say so much like why did you hurt me then in the first place etc but I chose to just have my breakfast and give him a small smile. It was nor the time or place to ask him all my questions.

We didn't say a word to each other as we had our breakfast. Just occasionally smiled at each other. We were both soon finished and I got a text from Gauri, telling me to come back from my 'morning run' since we have to get ready to go to the Oberoi Mansion. I only replied with an 'ok' and then got up.

Shivay: do you want me to drop you off?

Me: no, thanks for the offer but I told my dad that I went on a run so I need it to look believable that I went on a run.

Shivay: kya? You don't want to tell your dad that you just met your fiance.

Me: not my fiance yet. Anyway I am going to go. See you later.

Shivay: oh yeah, you're coming to my house aren't you?

I nodded.

Shivay: see you then.

Me: you too.

We smiled at each other and I walked out of the cafe. Maybe the next 8 to 9 months weren't going to be that bad...hopefully. If we just acted like we were just, it would be easier and bearable. I just had to keep the past locked up because I didn't want to hurt myself, thinking of my past whilst married to the guy from my past.

I came back home and Mum got me to change into the salwar that she left on my bed. I simply nodded and went up to my room to change to meet Shivay again...

I guess it was a good thing that I met him before so things would be less awkward between us.

When I went into my room, Gauri was in it for some reason, already dressed and sitting on my bed looking at it. I was a little confused why she was giving me some random look.

Me: what do you want?

Gauri: I just want to know if dad and mum knew about your little date with Shivay...oops not Shivay. I shouldn't be calling him that anymore. Jiju. Your little date with Jiju?

Me: no and I was not out with Shivay. I went on a morning run.

Gauri: morning run? Didi, I used that excuse many times when I wanted to meet Om in the morning. I just figured that you went to meet Shivay using the 'morning run' excuse.

Me: how did I believe all your excuses till now? 'Didi, I am going for a morning run'. 'Didi, I am going to the library'. 'Didi, I am going to Richa's house'. 'Didi, I am going to this place and I will be a little late because this is happening'. Now the proof of your excuses is coming in the form of another human being!

Why did I even believe these excuses in the first place? I should have known that Gauri was meeting a boy secretly. Urgh I was so gullible back then.

Gauri: and yet, no one suspected a thing. I used so many excuses like your lame 'morning run' excuse so you need to find new excuses to meet meri pyaara Jiju! Now how was your date with Jiju?

I rolled my eyes at that girl. I picked up the salwar that was on my bed and walked up to my bathroom door.

Gauri: tell me didi!

Sighing, I turned to look at my darling little sister and said: it wasn't a date. We just wanted to talk about the marriage and just make sure we were both comfortable with it.

Gauri: you are comfortable with it right? Didi, if you are marrying Shivay jiju...that has a nice ring to it...anyway if you are marrying him for me and Om and solely because you want to make me happy, you don't have to.

I smiled at Gauri and said: I'm happy with this marriage Gauri. Now don't worry about me, just get out of my room and stay out of trouble.

Gauri: fine, I'll focus my time on getting Chachi's gold bangles.

Me: just accept it already...she's never going to give you them.

Gauri: we'll see.

I laughed and sent her out of my room, so that I could change. I thought a little about what Gauri said, as I changed and applied kajal. I guess earlier I wasn't comfortable with the marriage, not one bit. I only agreed to Pinkyji's deal for Gauri and my niece or nephew. It was a good thing that Shivay texted me to meet him at the cafe, because after setting some basic ground rules, I was feeling a little comfortable with the whole deal and everything.

I just hope that with everything happening, I can protect my heart and keep my guard up.


We were at the Oberoi's mansion now. Thankfully in my house earlier, no drama happened, no one said anything stupid to make someone else upset. Nothing really interesting was going on. All that was happening was that the Oberois called over a Panditji to look at mine and Shivay's kundalis, even though I was already told that our kundalis matched.

I was sitting next to Gauri with the three Oberoi brothers sitting on the opposite sofa to us. Gauri and Om had gone into their own little world, having some sort of conversation with their facial expressions and mouthing of words, so I was just playing with the ring I kept on the hand of my right middle finger.

As I played with the ring, everyone else was quiet and only Panditji was talking. I looked up from my hand to see Shivay looking at me. He smiled at me and I gave him a small smile back, before looking at the Panditji.

Panditji: the two's Kundalis match. Their Nadi are not the same so they will not face any problems in their marriage and if they want to start a family. Their gana is the same which makes them a great match. Since all 36 gunas match, the shaadi will be successful and you can go forward with the shaadi ceremonies.

Pinkyji: that's greats then.

Mum: it's really great. Thank you Panditji.

Panditji smiled and Shaktiji walked him to the door. The moment the Panditji left, a jeweller entered the house.

Shaktiji: I had a good feeling that the kundalis would match so I called the jeweller here.

Pinkyji: that's good then. We cans choose the rings and then have the engagement this evenings or tomorrow.

Mum: I think having the engagement tomorrow would be better. That way we can get everything sorted. What do you think Anika and Shivay?

Me: I think that it would be more efficient to have the engagement tomorrow.

Shivay: I think that we should have it today.

Me: but we barely got any time.

Shivay: yeah but it's not like we are the ones doing the decorations etc. Mum, auntyji, I can get Khanna to call the event planners we used for Prinku's last minute party.

Why did he want the engagement today? That question was answered when he whispered to me quietly: don't think much of it. It's better to get the engagement out of the way so then we can do the other functions.

I whispered back: fair enough.

Pinkyji: what do you thinks Balrajji and Sakshiji?

Mum: I think it's a good idea.

Prinku: ek minute, last minute party?

Rudy: the less you know the better.

Me and Gauri chuckled seeing Prinku's sad face. Prinku then got up and sat next to me, saying: Anika bhabhi, Gauri bhabhi, let's get these functions over and done with so then I can have two new members on my team. Promise me that you two will never take your husbands' sides and you will protect me from these three idiots.

Gauri: of course Prinku.

Me: we'll protect you from them.

Prinku: yes thank you!

Mum: by the way, I just got reminded. Pinkyji, I feel that we should have a quick wedding for the kids. Voh we want to do the marriages quickly before Gauri starts showing. We don't want anyone to know of her pregnancy until after marriage. Varna log kya kahenge?

Gauri looked at me, rolling her eyes and I sighed quietly. Mum, dad and their age-old thinking. At least our Dadaji didn't have an old mindset. He was supportive of Gauri's pregnancy since the beginning.

Pinkyji: I think it's a good idea.

She said but I saw in her eyes that there was sudden pain. I remember when I spoke to her about letting Om marry Gauri, she had the same pain in her eyes. What must she be thinking about that makes her upset?

I wanted to ask her, but at the same time...I didn't know if it was my place to ask her.

Gauri: didi, see these rings for Shivay jiju.

Shivay: already calling me jiju Gauri?

Gauri: haan because it feels weird now just saying your name alone, especially since you are marrying my didi.

Shivay smiled as he looked at the rings with his brothers and his Dadi. Gauri, Mum and I looked at the rings for Shivay. We looked at the rings and tried to see which one I would give to Shivay. I was still not fond of the marriage deal, but my niece or nephew was going to thank me for getting their parents married. I was just going to go along with this marriage deal and see what would happen when the baby was born.

Mum: I think this ring will suit Shivay.

Me: it does look nice, but yeh wala bhi accha hai.

Mum: yeah it looks so nice.

Prinku: I think this will suit Jungli Bhaiya.

Me: Jungli Bhaiya?

Prinku: when I was little, I couldn't say billu nor Shivay. Dadi used to call bhaiya jungli though so I started calling this old person Jungli Bhaiya.

Me: awwwww how cute! Jungli Bhaiya.

I looked at Shivay with a smile and he just rolled his eyes at me then at his sister, who was laughing.

Gauri: this one will suit Shivay jiju won't it Prinku?

Prinku: it will. Definitely.

Gauri: didi, this ring is final or do you want to choose another one?

Me: this one is really nice. Let's go with this ring.

Om: which ring did you guys choose?

Gauri: why will we show you?

Om: because the groom's team needs to outdo the bride's team.

Gauri rolled her eyes and said: there has never been a wedding where the groom's team outshines the bride's. So just keep dreaming,

Om laughed then focused on Shivay who was still choosing the ring for me. I noticed the brothers smiling at each other and then Shivay spoke aloud: dad, we've found the perfect ring.

Prinku: show us then.

Shivay: no.

Prinku: but....

Shivay: no.

I laughed as we finalised the rings and then kept them in the boxes.

After the elders were talking for long, we finally left in the mid afternoon for the engagement preparations. As the elders were saying bye for another 15 minutes, I looked at the cat in his blue eyes and he smiled at me. I gave him a small smile back. The mini she-devil Gauri nudged me and looked at me teasingly. Finally we got to leave.

Anika's POV ends

Gauri: didi, look what just came in the post!

She said as she entered Anika's room. Anika was busy sorting some finance documents, but she did look up from her laptop.

Anika: what's in the parcel?

Gauri: pata nahi but it's from Om and Shivay Jiju.

Anika: really?

Gauri: why are you being so neutral about it? It's so cute when guys send you gifts?

Anika: the past valentines days make so much sense now. The secret admirer was Om all along?

Gauri: yeah. Just in case anyone saw the parcel before me. Anyway, let open this parcel.

Anika: you do it then.

Gauri rolled her eyes as Anika went back to typing on the laptop. Gauri opened the parcel and smiled.

Gauri: oh! Accountant ji! This one's for you.

She said, giving Anika a packet that had her name on it. Anika kept her laptop to the side and opened the packet. She saw a little note and read it 'I hope you like my gift'.

Gauri: awwww is that a smile on your face?

Anika: get out of my room.

Gauri: fine. Good to know that you don't appreciate my presence. At least you are honest with me.

Anika rolled her eyes at her drama queen sister as she left the room. Anika looked at the note again and smiled at it again.


As Shivay had said, the event planners did manage to decorate and organise an event in a short time. The families agreed for the engagement to happen in the Sharma's house. So the event planners came to the Sharma's house, and now the entire downstairs was decorated beautifully with pretty snowy white flowers and red roses. The staircase was decorated with sparkling fairy lights. It was simply decorated but the downstairs looked gorgeous.

The Oberois were the first to arrive, along with Aniri's chachi, chachu and Sahil. Om and Shivay were dressed in golden-white kurtas, both looking extremely handsome.

They looked around for their respective fiancées, who were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly Om's eyes caught Gauri. She came down the stairs, wearing a baby pink ankarali salwar. that he gifted her in the afternoon. She smiled at her fiancé and came up to him with a smile and blush.

After Gauri came now, Anika came down and Shivay's eyes were on her. She came down wearing a beautiful white floral sari paired with golden jhumkas and necklace. She was wearing that sari he gifted her, that made his heart dance in happiness.

Anika looked like a goddess and his eyes couldn't leave her. She was gorgeous in every way and he was cursing at himself for losing her in the first place.

Now maybe this marriage could help him rectify his mistake and heal both her and him.

Gauri: Shivay Jiju, don't just stare at my sister. Compliment her.

Everyone including Shivay chuckled whilst Anika rolled her eyes. Before anything else could be said, guests started coming in. Shivay was going to talk to Anika but many guests kept coming to talk to him.

Anika: did not expect many people to come.

Gauri: I know right. Imagine these guests stealing our fiancés to talk to them.

Anika rolled her eyes and as the sisters spoke, they heard a voice and they both sighed, hearing the voice.

Sonia: hi you two!

Anika and Gauri: urgh.

Sonia was Gauri and Anika's cousin from their mother's side of the family. She was their Savika's Maasi's daughter, and both Anika-Gauri were not Sonia's biggest fans.

Anika and Gauri with forced smiles: hi Sonia.

Sonia: I can't believe that you two are getting married. Anika, why do you want your life to end at 25? And Gauri, you haven't even started living your 20s yet! Just tell your parents that you don't want arranged marriages.

Gauri: actually they're both love marriages, because unlike you, we can actually keep a man.

Anika: Gauri....

Gauri: waise how is Dev?

Sonia: he's...he's not doing fine because we're not dating anymore. Without me, he is just simply breathing and he will soon realise that he can't live without me. By the way, have you considered losing weight? You should try keto like me.

Gauri under her breath: bakchod...

Anika under her breath: Gauri...don't beat her up. As entertaining as it would be, let's get through this function without anyone getting yelled at.

Gauri rolled her eyes as she looked at Sonia. Resisting the urge to kill Sonia, she said: I would try keto but I don't want to be at a risk of getting any heart disease. Maybe drop the keto and the attitude.

Sonia was about to say something but Om came.

Om: Gauri, some family members want to meet you.

Sonia: wow. You're hot. I thought that Dev was hot, but I was wrong. You are even hotter. Are you single?

Gauri: no he's engaged. To me. Stop drooling over taken men and find someone who is single and mad enough to be with you. (to Om) chalo, let's go and meet your family.

She held Om's hand and the two went away from Sonia and Anika. Sonia looked at Anika, and Anika was desperate to kill Gauri for leaving her alone with their annoying cousin. She was also desperate to disappear because she didn't like Sonia at all.

Sonia: I never thought that Gauri could get a hot man. I thought she'd get a not so good-looking guy, especially with her obsession with Salman Khan. I wonder how your guy looks.

Anika: well you'll meet him soon.

Shivay: hey girls.

Anika: that's him.

Sonia turned around once more to see Shivay. Even Anika's fiancé was really good looking.

Sonia: hi handsome.

Shivay: handsome? Me?

Sonia: yes you! No one ever told you that you were handsome?

Shivay: sadly no one has.

He said, looking at Anika. Anika just kept a straight face, not giving a damn about Sonia's flirting.

Sonia: Anika! You never called him handsome?! If he was my man, I'd call him handsome every day.

Anika: love isn't only in the looks Sonia.

Sonia: whatever!

She said, smiling and twirling a strand of her hair at Shivay. She was trying to annoy Anika, but Anika wasn't annoyed at all.

Sonia: waise your eyes are very the ocean in the Maldives.

Shivay: you've been to the Maldives?

Sonia: of course I have!

Anika: really? When? You never go abroad.

Sonia: voh my ex boyfriend took me for a romantic holiday there last year. But how would you know? You never see my Instagram pics nor do you ever call me.

Anika: ek minute? You have Instagram? I didn't know that.

Shivay was tempted to laugh at whatever was going on between the cousins, but he didn't. He just stood there quietly, listening to the two women.

Sonia: how would you know? You never make an effort to talk to me.

Anika: I know it's so wrong of me (muttering) I would but all you care about are boys.

Sonia was about to say something when Dadaji came up to the three.

Dadaji: voh Kalyaniji wants to do one small rasam before the ring exchange, so please come.

Shivay and Anika nodded. Anika gave a look at Sonia before walking side by side with Shivay.

Shivay whispering: waise I thought you were not the jealous type.

Anika: me? Jealous of my own cousin? Yeah right.

Shivay rolled his ocean eyes as the two were made to sit on the sofa to hear what rasam Dadi wanted to do.

Dadi: I would have done this at Om and Gauri's engagement but at the time I did not know of this rasam. My friend told me. Now in this rasam, Billu aur Anika have to write each other's name with a blindfold on the plates. The one who has a clear picture of their lover in their heart, the alphabets become clear and dark.

Sakshi: what a cute rasam. I'll get the plates.

Dadi smiled as Sakshi went to get the plates. Once she got the plates and the blindfolds, Om and Gauri got the opportunity to blindfold their older siblings.

Anika: don't try and kill me whilst I'm blindfolded Gauri!

Gauri: of course not didi. After all, it's your engagement. I want you to enjoy it.

Anika just sighed at her sister as she and Shivay got given the plates. Anika and Shivay write their names in the plates. As they wrote each other's names on the plates, everyone clapped. Once they wrote the names, they took the blindfolds off and looked at the plates. Both of them had written their names correctly and the alphabets were quite dark.

Dadi took a look at the both plates and smiled.

Dadi: Anika and Shivay understand each other quite well. Their love is quite strong and as they progress in their marriage, their love will grow stronger.

Gauri: awww how cute. I knew that my Shivay Jiju loved my Anika didi a lot.

Shivay: awww thanks Gauri for having a lot of faith in me.

Gauri smiled as she hugged her sister.

Dadi: now the ring exchange will happen soon.

Shivay and Anika: theek hai.


The ring exchange had not happened yet. Anika was with some family members, occasionally eying Sonia who was flirting non-stop with Shivay. She could only just look at the two and not make a scene.

Sonia: so you are a chef?

Shivay: not a chef, I just cook when I am stressed or if my mum decides to cook.

Sonia chuckled: so your mum isn't a good cook?

Shivay: no she isn't, but maybe don't tell her that I think she's a bad cook.

Sonia: of course not. My lips are sealed.

The two laughed and Anika was suddenly curious about what the hell the two were laughing about.


Back in the afternoon, Pinky was given the two boxes of the rings for Anika and Shivay. As she spoke to some guests, she realised something....

Pinky in mind: oh god! I left the rings at home! How could I make such a big mistake?!

Guest: arre Pinkyji, what happened? Why do you look tensed?

Pinky: the rings....

Om and Gauri came at that moment and showed Pinky the rings.

Om: relax choti maa, here are the rings.

Pinky: how come you two have these rings?

Om: I called home to ask about the chandan packets, aur Khanna told me that the rings were at home so I told him to bring them here.

Pinky: why did you not tell me?

Gauri: you would have got worried, that's why.

Pinky: trues. I haves so much on my mind, I should have given this responsibility to you two. Om, Gauri, you two keep the rings until it's time for the exchange.

Om: okay choti maa, we will.

Gauri: nothing wrong will happen in this engagement.

She reassured her soon to be mother-in-law. Pinky smiled and went back to talking with the guests. Om and Gauri left Pinky and the guests to be.

Om: we better not lose the rings.

Gauri: haan else all the blame will be on us only. Waise my parents don't like me at all so they'll just curse my existence.

Om gave his fiancee a side hug and a head kiss.

Om: your parents just don't appreciate you but I do and your sister does too. Don't think about how much they hate you and just think about the people who love you.

Gauri: okay...waise my cousin seems to be getting too flirty with my Jiju.

Om: surely she isn't.

Gauri: she is. It's Sonia, Om! Sonia is literally the devil who wears prada! She is the reason why my cousin Rekha's shaadi got called off because she charmed Rekha's fiance and he canceled the wedding. Obviously he didn't mention Sonia's name, but all he said was that he found someone else. Now I am very smart, I knew that by someone else, he meant Sonia. So shaadi canceled, poor Rekha didi's heart broke and Sonia left the guy two months later.

Om: you know a bit too much about everyone's love life.

Gauri: well someone has to have all the information. I wonder why didi hasn't proceeded to beat Sonia up yet.

Om: because she's not you?

Gauri: Riddhima shouldn't have tried to get with you. I'm just saying.

Om: I hope that our child doesn't have your short temper.

Gauri rolled her eyes and then saw some kids and Sahil filling up water balloons. Whatever those kids were up to, she needed to stop it as she wanted her sister's engagement to run smoothly.

Gauri: hold didi's ring. I need to sort Sahil and those kids out.

Om: do you want me to sort them out?

Gauri: nahi it's fine. Sahil will only listen to bribes or blackmail and only I know how to bribe or blackmail him. You just hold this box and don't lose them.

Om: okay jaan, I won't lose them.

Gauri smiled and went to Sahil and the kids. Om went to talk to Shakti and Dadaji. Whilst talking to them, a worker came up to them and asked for a tall person to help them with something. Since Om was the tallet, he went with the worker but before he went, he gave Dadaji the rings just to look after whilst Om helped the worker out.

Manju: papaji, do you think you can just see if the chefs have finished preparing the meals? Voh guests are hungry and I need to put these gifts upstairs.

Dadaji: okay I will. Shakti, please excuse for one moment.

Shakti nodded. Dadaji went to the kitchen and asked the head chef when the food would be ready.

The head chef: food is nearly done.

Dadaji: accha, good.

Suddenly he heard his phone ringing. He kept the ring boxes on the kitchen counter, and picked his phone up.

Dadaji: namaste Nikita. You want to talk to Anika? Ji bilkul.

He left the kitchen, leaving the two ring boxes on the kitchen counter.....

Precap: ring search

So like I said, this was not an interesting chapter, I am really sorry for the wait and boring chapter. I am nearly done with my mocks and by next week, I am done with my pre-exams.

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