Chapter 4

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Anika's POV:

I knew I couldn't tell her about the marriage deal Shivay told me about. I didn't know what to say to Gauri. I looked at her eyes and there was so much hope in them.

Since we were kids, Gauri has always considered me as the one who makes everything right. I guess it's a normal little sister thing....they always think of their big sister as their hero.

I did go to Shivay...I did yell at him, yelling at him to let Gauri and Om marry.

I couldn't be selfish...I couldn't be selfish just because I didn't want to marry Shivay. If I was going to be selfish, I'd lose my sister and I can't lose her, she is my everything.

Me: baba, you take fashion designing right?

Gauri: yes didi, you know I do.

Me: have you sketched out your wedding dress?

Gauri nodded.

Me: then time to make that sketch into a real dress!

Gauri: kya? His brother accepted.

I nodded. She smiled and hugged me tight. Sahil came in with the game and joined the hug.

Sahil: why are we hugging?

Me and Gauri laughed.

Me: bass aise.

He smiled and just continued to hug us. I looked at Gauri's face....that glow was back. She was once again glowing with love, happiness and hope. I kissed the top of her head then I kissed the top of Sahil's head.

Once we broke the hug, Sahil said excitedly: let's play snakes and ladders.

Me and Gauri: okay.

After dinner, Sahil went home with chachu and chachi. Gauri decided that she wanted to go on a small walk but she didn't want to go alone, so she dragged me along.

Me: Gauri, I think you should rest.

Gauri: didi, you're just saying that because you don't want to walk. Stop being lazy!

Me: you know I don't like going on walks when I am tired.

Gauri: I know but the breeze will wake you up.

Me: will it?

Gauri: haan. Besides I need to ask you something.

Me: that you can't ask at home?

Gauri: no....ummm, how did you convince Shivay to agree to the marriage?

How? Well funny story Gauri, I got past his stupid receptionist and some guy who told me that I needed an appointment to talk to Shivay, then I drenched Shivay with water, then I yelled at him, then he decided to be ignorant then he said that I had to marry him if you and your boyfriend wanted to marry. Now I haven't told him yet but I guess I agree to this condition of his because I want you happy.

Me: umm....I just yelled at him and he said yes.

Gauri: really?

Me: haan after all your didi is amazing! She knows how to get her way when she wants it.

Gauri: you know every little sister should have a big sister like you.

Me: they should?

Gauri: haan but sadly they can't because my sister is one in a thousand.

Me: really?

Gauri: yes really. Kyunki phoolon ka taaron ka sabka kehna hai ek hazoorn mein meri didi hain! (because the flowers and stars say that my big sister is one in a thousand).

I side hugged her, kissing the side of her head. She started saying this dialogue of hers when she saw Ek Hazoorn Mein Meri Behna Hain just she replaced 'behna' with 'didi'.

Gauri: ooo didi, ice cream.

I looked at her direction and saw an ice cream stand.

Me: no, it's not healthy.

Gauri: oho please didi. Let's have ice cream.

Me: and who wants this ice cream? You or my niece?

Gauri: it's a nephew and yes your nephew wants it.

Me: I bet you it's going to be a cute little girl who isn't a crybaby.

Gauri: kya yaar didi....anyway, please can we have ice cream?

Me: no!

Gauri: please.

Me: no, let's go home.

Gauri: tu badi karab hai.

Me: I know. Come on.

Gauri: didi, if you don't then I never talk to you again.

Me: okay.

Gauri: please didi...

She gave me her puppy eyes. This girl knew very well that I couldn't resist her puppy eyes. I sighed and said: fine we will have ice cream but we will buy some from the store. Let me get some cash first.

Gauri: okay didi, thank you didi.

I smiled as we turned to walk back to our house. I told Gauri to stay outside whilst I went to get some cash and my car keys since I didn't want to walk to the store and by the time we reached home, Gauri looked like she didn't want to walk anymore. As I went to get some cash from my drawer, I saw a picture I thought I had thrown was him, clean shaved face, those kanji eyes and his hair styled in a carefree rockstar way, I was next to him, smiling at him and he was smiling back at me. We were happy...we were happy together once upon a time ago but as time flies by, things change.

Anika's POV ends.

Anika picked up some money notes and closed her drawer. She stood at her place for a moment and was thinking, thinking about him.

Just then she got a call. It was Gauri.

Anika: bolo.

Gauri: hurry up!

Anika: coming baba, coming.

She cut the call then got the car keys. After that, she went outside and got in the car with Gauri.

Gauri: you took so long.

Anika: I was trying to think how much cash I should get with me.

Gauri: you are a chartered accountant, shouldn't you know how much a tub of ice cream costs?

Anika: Gauri, I am a chartered accountant....I manage financial systems and budgets, I give financial advise, I make financial reports so why would I know how much a tub of ice cream costs when I deal with the big things of finance everyday?

Gauri: your job sounds boring.

Anika: it isn't. Sometimes when I get tired of looking at numbers, I want to throw my laptop.

Gauri: why are you still doing it then?

Anika: I guess...I guess because I'm good at it.

Gauri: wouldn't you want to be happy though?

Anika: I am happy. I am good at my job and I am happy even if I have to do things I don't like sometimes.

Gauri was about to say something but got distracted when she saw the store.

Gauri: yay we are finally at the store! I'm going in.

Anika: you sure?

Gauri nodded. Anika sighed and gave her the money. Gauri went out and Anika stayed seated in the driver's seat, going on her phone. She was looking at her phone but she was thinking about that picture. Why didn't she destroy that picture ages ago? How did she manage to miss it when she was busy destroying the other pictures?

As she was thinking, her phone rang.

Anika: unknown number?

She picked it up and kept the phone near her ear: hello?

Voice: is this Anika Kumari Sharma?

Anika: Shivay Singh Oberoi! How did you get my number?

Shivay: well I wanted to contact you so I asked Om if he had your number, he didn't so then I searched up your name and your number popped up. Did you know that the company you work for displays your number?

Did she forget about that? Yes. Yes she did.

Anika: you stalker!

Shivay: I just had to ask you if you accept my condition or not and in case you don't remember, the condition is that you have to marry me for your little sister to be happy.

Anika: I accept.

Shivay: really?

Anika: yes really. Gauri is my sister and I can do anything for her.

Shivay: cool whatever. Now tomorrow we will discuss the details about this condition.

Anika: why not now when you are talking to me over the phone?

Shivay: because tomorrow you will be getting a surprise.

Anika: surprise? What surprise?

Shivay: bye Anika.

Anika: bye? Don't you dare hang up on me you....

She couldn't complete her sentence because Shivay hung up on her. She groaned in frustration. What surprise was this Shivay on about? She didn't want any unexpected surprise bombarded in her face....she hated surprises.

Gauri got back in the car with a tub of ice cream in a bag.

Anika: look who's back!

Gauri: sorry if I took a little while. There was so many flavours of ice cream didi I couldn't choose.

Anika: so what did you get?

Gauri: cookie dough ice cream. Now let's go home and have it.

Anika nodded and started driving again. Once they reached home, they got spoons, went to Anika's room, watched Netflix and ate the ice cream straight from the tub.

Later Gauri fell asleep. Anika caressed her sister's hair and said quietly: I can do anything for you Gauri even if it means giving up my life or marrying the man I hate. I am happy to do it for you.

She laid down to sleep.

Oberoi Mansion:

Shivay knocked on Om's door. He didn't answer.

Shivay: Om, open the door!

Om: get lost!

Shivay: I need to tell you something important.

Om groaned and went off his bed to open the door.

Shivay: congratulations.

Om looked confused. Why was he saying 'congratulations'?

Shivay: oh Mr confused! Congratulations, you are getting married.

This statement was not only heard by Om but by Pinky who was passing by.

Pinky: oh my mata! Really?

Shivay: yes mum, our Om is marrying?

Om: but you said...

Shivay: forget what I said! You are getting married now bro!

Pinky: finallys I gonna get a bahu!

Now this statement was heard by everyone in the mansion. Everyone came to where Shivom and Pinky were at.

Dadi: who is getting married?

Pinky: Om!

Shakti: but Om you are too young, you are still young.

Om: I want to marry Gauri. She is everything for me and I want to make her my wife but I want to marry with my family around.

Pinky: of courses you will.

Dadi: Gauri...such a beautiful name. Om Gauri like Shiv Parvati.

Prinku: I think we should meet Gauri bhabhi and her family tomorrow.

Dadi: we should. Om, let your Gauri know that we are coming.

Om: I will dadi, thanks for agreeing to this marriage.

Dadi: we are finally getting a bahu. We lost all hope with Billu because he refuses every girl we show him.

Om in mind: you guys aren't just getting a bahu but a grandchild too.

Shivay in mind: dadi, your billu will also be getting a wife soon.

He smirked.

Pinky: its so late but no worries. Shaktiji, lets get everythings on speeds dial.

Shakti nodded as he followed a chatty Pinky to their room. Rudy and Prinku Hughes Om saying congratulations and then went.

Dadi: the girl has good values?

Om: ji dadi.

Dadi: that's great. Does she make you happy?

Om: yes dadi, she makes me really happy.

Dadi: as long as she has good values and makes you happy, she is accepted into our family. May god bless you with endless happiness.

Om smiled as dadi left. He looked at Shivay and said: thank you Shivay.

Shivay: anything for my baby brother.

He smiled as Shivay left. Om was beyond happy knowing that Shivay and his family accepted this marriage. Now if Gauri's family accepts this marriage.

In the morning:

Gauri: so your family is coming at 1?

Om: yeah at 1.

The moment Gauri woke up, Om called her and now they were talking about this marriage arrangement an hour later.

Gauri: I'm gonna give my family a surprise. Especially my dad and chachi. They really want me to marry.

Om: really? That's good then because I have a higher chance of making you my wife.

Gauri laughed and said: I want to marry you as quick as possible.

Om: oh so you just want to get to the wedding night quickly?

Gauri: shut up!

Om laughed. Even though he couldn't see, he said: I know you're blushing Gauri.

Gauri blushed more: how did you know?

Om: I just know you by now. I can tell if you are blushing or crying or smiling without even being there physically.

Gauri: you're cute.

Om: no you are.

Gauri: we are not starting this argument again.

Om: fine. You're still cuter though.

Gauri rolled her eyes.

Om: I know you are rolling your eyes.

Gauri chuckled: I'm gonna go now. Gotta get ready and the family ready.

Om: okay jaanu. Bye. Love you.

Gauri: Love you too, bye.

She cut the call and went downstairs. Of course her chachu and chachi were already here. She sat on the dining table and said: today you all need to get ready.

Balraj: why?

Gauri: we have some special guests. Mum brought some snacks for the guests earlier so I will get those ready.

Sakshi: why are we having guests though?

Gauri: that is a surprise.

Manju: surprise? Is Shahrukh Khan coming?

Gauri: no chachi but let's just say you will be giving me your golden bangles soon.

Sakshi: Gauri....

Manju: in your dreams! My beautiful expensive golden bangles will never be yours.

Gauri: they will be mine.

Manju rolled her eyes and Gauri rolled her eyes back. After breakfast, Gauri managed to make everyone change as she got the snacks out with Anika's help.

Anika: who are the special guests?

Gauri: you just have to wait and see.

Gauri went upstairs to get ready. Anika was curious about these special guests. Gauri normally told her everything, sometimes not everything but 99.5% of everything so why wasn't she telling her about these special guests.

Soon everyone was dressed and everything was set out. They were now waiting in the living room.

Devraj: who are these special guests  Gauri?

Sakshi: haan Gauri, please tell us.

Gauri: it's a surprise and if I tell you then it won't be a surprise anymore. Logic duh!

Everyone rolled their eyes.


Shivay and Rudy were told to pick up some sweet boxes. The Oberoi family looked at the house leading to Shakti saying: is this where Gauri lives?

Om: yeah. Why?

Shakti: it looks small.

Dadi: so just because it looks small on the outside doesn't mean that it will be small on the inside. It could be quite big inside.

Om: yeah it is.

He knew for a fact that Gauri's house was quite big inside since when there was no one in the house, Gauri would invite him over and they'd enjoy having the entire house to themselves.

They started walking to the house and rang the doorbell.

Gauri: they're here!

Gauri got up but Anika stopped her: I'll do it.

Gauri was about to say something when Anika got up to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw Shivay's face.

Anika's mind: why am I seeing his face? Please don't tell me that....

Her thoughts were interrupted.

Shivay: surprise!

Precap: talks

Do you think the Oberoi Sharma talk will go well?

What will Shivay tell Anika regarding their deal?

Anyone has a clue of that guy Anika saw in the picture?

Thank you for the support ❤️❤️❤️

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