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Anika's POV:

So Gauri didn't want my charger. What did she want to ask then? Gauri looked at me and spoke: I want to ask you about my marriage with Om. 

Me: why? You are going to marry him now. 

What did she want to ask about her marriage now? Did something happen?

Gauri: how did Shivay manage to listen to you but then he didn't listen to Om when he pretty much begged Shivay to agree? It's a little confusing about why Shivay didn't agree to his own brother but he agreed when you asked.

Gauri didn't need to know about the deal. I didn't want her to know that Shivay was trying to marry me as a result of her and Om's marriage. What to tell her?

Why do people ask difficult questions?

I was trying to think of something to say that sounded believable....maybe not completely believable but somewhat believable.

Gauri: didi, what happened?

Me: nothing, why?

Gauri: just wondering, you just seem to be taking some time to answer.

Yeah taking some time to think of some random nonsense to say that you will believe.

Me: look Gauri, there are some people in this world who are idiots and I guess Shivay is one of them. Want to know why?

Gauri nodded.

Me: because they don't agree at one go, they need multiple people to convince them again and again and again and again and...

Gauri rudely interrupting: we get it! Enough with the 'again'!

Me: jeez someone's rude.

Gauri: me? Rude? Do I need to remind you the amount of times you interrupted me? Remember once when you interrupted me?

Me: when you was 5?

Gauri nodded and my mind immediately took me back to when I was 10 and Gauri was 5....what lovely times (!). We normally get along but there were obviously times that we didn't get along, when Gauri was 5, I interrupted her when she was telling our parents a story and she got her revenge by replacing my toothpaste with this really bitter herbal paste. Yes petty. I was expecting her to put orajel but then again where would you expect a 5 year old to get orajel from?

Gauri: anyway continue whatever you was saying earlier.

I immediately remembered where I left off before my little sister interrupted.

Me: Shivay is the kind of person who needs to be convinced a lot until he agrees now you know me, I can make anyone agree immediately.

Gauri yawned as she nodded and laid down on my bed, hugging one of my pillows, closing her eyes.

Me: tired?

Gauri nodded, saying: just thinking about chachi's golden bangles on my wrist...they will suit me so much.

I rolled my eyes as I kept the blanket on her. Chachi's golden bangles...when Chachi entered the family, Gauri has always had her eyes on her bangles. I don't know why, but Gauri was in love with Chachi's golden bangles and still is now. To be fair, Chachi's bangles are really beautiful.

Anika's POV ends.

The Oberoi Mansion:

Shivay's Study:

Om: Shivay, I just want to know why you agreed to Anika when she asked you to let me and Gauri to marry but you didn't agree when I asked.

Shivay didn't know what to say. He didn't have an answer and he was trying to think of something for Om to believe. Within seconds, he managed to think of something to say.

Shivay: just between you and me, Gauri's sister Anika is scary. I didn't want her to kill me so I agreed and also she made me realise that you deserve to be happy. If you want to marry Gauri because that will make you happy then who am I to get in the way of your happiness?

Om: but why didn't you say yes to me? I am your brother. If Rudy asked to marry any girl, you would say yes immediately wouldn't you?

Shivay: Om....don't make it about that. Can you just be grateful that I said yes at the end?

Om: I am bro, I really am grateful. It's just I was wondering and Gauri was wondering too.

Shivay: and I want you to know that I will never treat you and Rudy differently. You both are my brothers and I love you both so much.

Om gave his brother a smile then looked at his phone.

Shivay: any message from Gauri?

Om: yeah she sent me a message earlier but I didn't get a chance to see it.

Shivay: go call her.

Om: yeah see you.

Shivay: see you.

Om got off his chair and was about to leave but turned to see his brother, saying: and don't work for too long. You are a human, you need to sleep.

Shivay: I will get some sleep don't worry.

Om gave a smile and left his study. As he walked in the hallway, he went on Gauri's contact and clicked on 'call'.

Anika went to Gauri's room to see if she had kept her laptop in her sister's room. She didn't but just before she was about to leave, she heard Gauri's phone calling. Anika saw the phone on the bed so she picked it up, looked at the caller then accepted the call, keeping the phone near her ear.

Anika: hi Om.

Om: Anika? You?

Anika: was you hoping that it was Gauri on the phone?

Om: ummm yeah.

Anika: well your soon to be wife is peacefully sleeping sooooo....

Om: already? Gauri never sleeps early.

Anika: I know, maybe she is really tired.

Om: well thanks for letting me know.

Anika: no worries. Bye

Om: bye.

She cut the call and smiled, thinking to herself: Gauri is so lucky to have a sweet guy. I wish Shivay was sweet like his brother.

Back to the Oberoi Mansion:

Pinky was looking at her husband. She was waiting for him to ask her his question but he seemed hesitant.

Pinky: asks me now, I'ms losing my patient.

Shakti: fine, why did you agree for Om to marry a middle class girl? You didn't seem to care at all about the girl's class.

Pinky: you want to know why?

Shakti nodded. Pinky got up from her stool and sat on the bed, getting out some nail polish from her bedside table top drawer. She started to paint her fingernails. As she was painting her nails, she started to speak: I could cares the least if Om or Prinku decides to marry someone froms the streets.

Shakti: but why?

Pinky: you know very well why. Om and Prinku can do whatever they want in their lives, I don't cares. I cares about what Shivay and Rudy do in their lives. If they were goings to marry middles class girls or girls from the slums, thens yes I would do everythings in my power to make sure they don't marry those girls.

Shakti: Pinky, Om and Prinku are our responsibility, they are our children.

Pinky: and if they want to marry whoever they want, they can. I cares only about Shivay and Rudy.

Shakti: unlike you, I actually care about Om and Prinku. I made a promise ensuring that if they want to marry, they will marry high class people.

Pinky: do that with Prinku then if you cares a lot, lets Om marry Gauri.

Shakti: fine but if I had it my way, I would make sure Om would marry a high class girl.

Pinky rolled her eyes. Honestly she didn't care about Om and Prinku...they could do whatever they wanted in their lives and she could care the least. When Om announced that he wanted to study art and not business, Pinky just allowed it since it didn't matter to her if he became an artist.

The next day:

Gauri woke up to find herself in Anika's room, she was feeling tired even after sleeping.

Anika: morning sis.

Gauri saw Anika already dressed up and ready for the day.

Gauri: how are you already ready?

Anika: because unlike you, I don't like staying in my pyjamas all day.

Gauri closed her eyes and said tiredly: don't you have work today?

Anika: no, why?

Gauri: good I get a day with my sister.

Anika smiled. Gauri just hugged one of Anika's pillows. Suddenly she felt something in her throat. She immediately got up and ran to Anika's bathroom. Anika went after her to see that her sister was vomiting.

She went up to her sister and kept her hair back, after Gauri was done, Anika got some water for her then gave her alcohol-free mouthwash for Gauri to rinse her mouth out.

Anika: do you need anything else?

Gauri shook her head.

Anika: okay, you go, take a shower in your bathroom. I'll clean my sink.

Gauri: didi, I'll do it.

Anika gave her a stern strict look. Gauri went out of the bathroom without arguing to go into her own room and bathroom.

After Gauri took a shower and changed her clothes, she went downstairs with Anika and to the dining table. She made a face looking at the food.

Gauri whispering to Anika: my son wants pakoras.

Anika whispering to Gauri: it's a girl and we'll make pakoras later on.

Gauri made another face as the sisters sat down on their chairs. Manju chachi wasn't there yet so Gauri sighed in relief. She and her chachi never got along. Mainly it was to do with the golden bangles. The family was served food by Sakshi and as they were eating, Gauri got a text from Om.

Gauri: mum, dad, dadaji, have we got anything planned for today?

Sakshi: not that I know of, why?

Gauri: is it okay if Om and his family can come? It's something to do with rings.

Balraj: of course. It's no problem.

Dadaji: and when they come, we can check the kundali charts. Ask his mother or dadi to bring Omkara's chart

Gauri: why a chart?

She looked at Anika since she knew that Anika would know why her dadaji wanted the charts.

Anika: voh, a kundali chart is like checking aspects such as the doshas, gunas, the nature, the nakshatras etc. Your chart and Om's chart will need to be checked and they need to make sure that each aspect matches. Also they need to fix a date for the wedding.

Gauri: kya yaar! What's the point of kundali charts? Also I want a quick marriage. I don't want all these superstitions and weird charts to be checked and yeah. I just want a simple rememberable quick wedding

Sakshi: why a quick wedding? Does Om even want a quick marriage?

Gauri: I just do and Om wants it to, he told me. Om is perfect for me and I don't need any stupid chart to tell me otherwise.

She stood up from her chair and left the room. Anika was about to follow her but Balraj signalled her to stay on her seat.

Sakshi: this girl is so impossible.

Balraj: at least she is getting married.

Sakshi: papaji, do you want me to get Anika's chart as well?

Anika was now a little surprised.

Dadaji: of course, let's see when Anika will get married.

Anika: my marriage?

Sakshi: yeah your marriage. You are 25, you have a job, you got a good income and most of your friends are married at your age. Don't your friends Chanda and Tia have a small kid each?

Anika nodded.

Balraj: I really want a grandkid and Gauri will obviously not have a kid just yet. She is still in college and she is young. Getting married is one thing but having a kid is something else at her age.

Anika started to cough. Sakshi stood up and patted her back gently. Anika soon stopped coughing and poured herself a glass of water, taking small sips.

Dadaji: are you okay now Anika?

Anika nodded but in her mind, she was thinking: dad, you will be getting a grandkid but not from me, from Gauri....she is not only getting married at her age.

Sakshi: so I will get both my daughters' charts. Balraj, call the panditji and the jeweller.

Balraj nodded.

Sakshi: my youngest is getting married soon, all I want now is to find the perfect man for you think we should do an arranged marriage if she doesn't find someone before Gauri is married to Om?

Balraj: I think that's a good idea, right Anika?

Anika just gave a nod. Once again, she was thinking: don't worry, my marriage news will be coming straight after Gauri's marriage and sadly I will be marrying a man I despise.

Gauri's room:

Om: since when do people use kundali charts?

Yes Gauri was on the phone to Om and she complained about the kundali charts to him, saying that her dadaji and parents wanted the kundali charts. Surprisingly even Om's dadi wanted to use the kundali charts and Om complained about that as well.

Gauri: exactly! I was thinking the same thing. In Europe and places, they don't use stupid charts. I don't need a stupid piece of paper to tell me that you are perfect for me or not. I know that you are the one for me.

Om: and you are the one for me.

Gauri blushed and said: I can't wait to see you today. It's great knowing that you can now come to my house without having to climb into my bedroom window.

They laughed. Before Gauri's pregnancy or any marriage plans, Om used to climb the walls of Gauri's house and go in her bedroom window. What lovely times.

Om: I know right, now I won't break my arm.

They laughed again remembering the time Om broke his arm when he was leaving.

Om: I still haven't forgiven you for making me have a pink cast.

Gauri: pink is a cute colour and it suited you.

Om: it did not.

Gauri: if you had the choice to choose your cast colour, it would be black and black suits you yes but pink suits you more.

She giggled as Om rolled his eyes. Before Gauri was about to say something, Anika came into her room.

Gauri: I'll talk to you later. Okay....haan your son is fine. No it's a little boy and that is final. Haan fine bye.

She cut the call. Anika came up to her little sister, saying: Om?

Gauri: haan.

Anika: oooo what did he say?

Gauri: kuch nahi...

Anika: you don't want to tell me? Fine. We have a blood relationship, we tell each other everything but if you don't want to tell me then don't.

Gauri: oho didi, don't be so dramatic. Sometimes couples keep secrets from everyone else, it's normal. When you get into a relationship, you will understand.

Gauri picked up a kajal pen and started to apply kajal to her eyes. Anika gave a mere smile saying: let's not talk about me and relationships right now, we are focusing on you first.

Gauri: I can't wait to marry and then hold my baby in my arms. Uff I am so scared for childbirth.

Anika: don't be scared for childbirth. My sister is strong, she will manage childbirth.

Gauri: pakka na?

Anika: haan baba pakka. Now let's go and get snacks ready for your boyfriend and his family.

Gauri nodded as she walked with Anika out of the room. Anika got a text message as they walked.

Anika: Gauri, you go. I'll come in a minute.

Gauri nodded. Once Gauri walked away, Anika unlocked her phone to see who the message was from...

Shivay: can't wait to see you today ;)

Anika rolled her eyes and decided to leave Shivay on read. She didn't want to text him as she would unfortunately have to see Shivay today.

Anika to herself: I will definitely be regretting this marriage....I'm already regretting saying yes to the deal.

Precap: rings and charts

I was going to do the rings in this chapter but decided against it.

Sorry if this chapter was boring and sorry for not updating last week. I was feeling really down last week and I decided to stay away from wattpad for a week.

Will the kundali charts hopefully match?

What will Anika's chart say?

Why did Pinky say that she couldn't care the least about Om and Prinku?

I hope you all liked the chapter. 

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