The rules..

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"...You will not go anywhere without me"

"What!! That does not gonna happen. We can't stay stick together all the day" Aditi exclaimed.

"Sweetheart.. We are married. And we sure have to stick together" replied Zain nonchalantly.

"Change it to something comfortable Zain"

"Hmm.. you will not go anywhere alone and you will not argue any further on this topic" Zain said in a warning tone. Aditi held her hands up in surrender.

"What more do I have to follow?"

"We will never stay more than 2 day without seeing each other"

"What the eff do you mean by that?"

"I mean. We will not be away from each other for more than 2 days"

"Possessive much huh!" Aditi said with a raised eyebrow. Zain chuckled in response.

"The next rule is We will never go to bed upset"

"Why will we be upset? Are you planning on fighting with me or what?"

"No darling. In case if we ever get upset about whatever the issue, we will just sort it out together"

"So, you do have a brain above those broad shoulders" Aditi stated making Zain chuckle in response.

"The next rule is we will try and take out time from schedule just to spend some quality time together"

"That sounds amazing. We will have regular dates" Aditi eyes shone in happiness.

"Yes Baby. We will have regular dates" Zain said. Aditi stood up from her seat and quickly pecked his lips and pulled back before Zain could reciprocate.

"The next one is we will never ignore each other for someone else" This rule got the undivided attention of Aditi towards Zain.

"Why will we ignore each other for someone else?"

"This needn't be done intentionally. I am just afraid that one of us may behave ignorantly" Zain said holding Aditi's hands in his.

"Anything else?"

"That's it for now. Say me if you want to alter anything"

"Zain.. Don't you think we will be fine without any rules"

"No. we must need some rules to carry out this relation. We'll never know what is in store for our future. It'll be better if we have some set of rules so that things will go smooth between us"

"Okay as you wish"

"Tell me if you have any rules you want us to follow"

"No. I don't have any rules. In fact, I am completely against this rules and all. Just for your satisfaction I am going to follow these shit" Aditi said getting back into her menstrual mood

"You want me to change anything"

"Actually there is something you have to change"

"And what is it?"

"The Rule no. 1. It's completely against Indian constitution. It's the violation of fundamental rights. This seizes my opportunity to grow independent"

"That's a little dramatic. But I am not going to change it. You will go out either with me or with someone I permit"

"You know what.. you are completely insane and sick as eff. You are a pig head, half-boiled potato.."

"Watch your language. Don't use such curse words on your husband sweetheart"

"You can't take away my right to speech"

"I can surely take away" with that Zain pressed his lips on hers. He kissed her senselessly and Of course Aditi must respond to the temptation. Soon the passion grew wild and the initial kiss turned into a make out session. But the couple must part away and the passion must dissipate into air. After pulling out of the kiss Aditi pushed Zain and stood up.

"Go take a shower you sweaty dog" Aditi said. Zain frowned at her statement.

"If you can see I don't even have a bead of sweat on me and you can't call me a sweaty dog. That's rude"

"It's not at all rude. You are a sweaty dog. Eww!! You are stinking" Aditi said while covering her nose. Zain narrowed his eyes.

But before Zain could retort Aditi left from there, all the way throwing some curse words from her pretty mouth.

Zain placed his elbow on the table and landed his chin on it.

'Wifey is upset. Hmm.. must have do something' Zain thought looking at the retreating figure of his wifey.

It's a dialogue based filler chapter mostly.

Do tell me know how the story is proceeding. If you want any changes in the story message me or comment below.

Next chapter will updated if the response in satisfactory. Please let me know how the story is so far.


Much Love, Naina

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