Minyoon's First Words

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JB is spending time with Minyoon while Minyeon takes the twins and Jaemin to their first Taekwondo class. As she is almost a year old (two years in Korean age), JB is doing everything he can to get Minyoon to speak. What will her first words be?

(Minyoon's nursery, JB POV)

Today was the day Minyeon signed Jaeyeon, Minjae, and Jaemin up for Taekwondo, and I was at home with our youngest Im child, Minyoon. I decided to take care of here while I have time off.

She's been crawling since Christmas time, and has finally managed to walk without the use of holding onto something. However, getting her to talk was another thing.

I was changed Minyoon's diaper as I was singing "We All Try" to her. She makes the cutest, angelic noises that any father would want to hear from their child as I was singing to her.

"There," I said in my baby voice I use around her, "all done. Want to watch Pororo on TV!" She giggles as I picked her up and put her on the ground so she can walk. When we get to the stairs, I tell her, "Okay Minyoon. We have to get down the stairs. Grab my hand."

She obediently grabs my hand as we walk down the stairs. I turned on the television so Minyoon can watch Pororo. I had some snack set out earlier for us, so she starts drinking her juice from her sippy cup as soon as I gave it to her.

After a while, I started to hear some noises from Minyoon. She was watching the show as she tried to imitate Krong while squeezing her plush. Dang it! I thought she would talk. Just then, I heard a knock on the door.

I walk to the door, following Minyoon, as I opened it, revealing Junior and BamBam. "Hey JB," Junior says. BamBam, while using aegyeo, says to Minyoon, "Hey Minyoon. How are you and Appa doing today?"

Minyoon opens her arms to get a hug from her uncles. I pout and say, "Minyoon. You won't give Appa a hug?" She runs to me and hugs me, then she pecks my cheek. I say, "Ah! My little girl! I love you!" "Appa!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

Looking at my nearly year old daughter, I ask her, "What did you say?" "Appa!" Minyoon repeated while smiling at me. Junior and BamBam look at her in surprise after coming in the house.

"Did she always say that to you?" Junior asks me. I said, "No. There were times I tried to get her to talk, but she wouldn't. This is her first word actually. My baby's first word is 'Appa!'"

"Wait till the others hear about this!" BamBam said, "They went to see Jaemin and the twins during their first Taekwondo class, so we came by so we can check on our baby niece."

"We don't want her to think her uncles don't love her," Junior says while playing with my baby. I took out my phone and said, "We need to film this now and send it to Min Cake!" I gave Junior the phone as I get Minyoon to call me again.

(Taekwondo dojo, Minyeon POV)

I was with Jackson, Mark, Youngjae, and Yugyeom because they wanted to see the twins and Jaemin on their first day. I soon get a text, and see it's from Jaebum.

"JB sent you a text?" Jackson asks. I said, "Yeah. Maybe he's having trouble trying to feed Minyoon again," then look down at my phone, "Oh. It's a video." I opened the message and see it's a video of my husband and our baby playing.

In the video, JB says, "Minyoon. Minyoon ah. Can you say Appa? For me? Please?" while using his aegyeo. "I swear, him and his efforts to get Minyoon to talk," Mark says. I say, "Tell me about it." "Appa!" I heard from my phone as my eyes went wide.

Yugyeom and Youngjae come up and ask, "Was that Minyoon?" I rewind it, to make sure I wasn't hearing things, as I heard, "Appa," from my baby daughter again as I looked at the video. "Her first word!" I say in a whisper, "My baby said her first word!"

"That's our little niece!" Jackson said. Jaeyeon, Minjae, and Jaemin run towards us since class was over with. "Did Appa send a video?!" the twins asked in excitement as they gathered around me.

I simply nod as I showed them. As they look at the video, they say, "Yoonie!" When they hear Minyoon calling for their Appa, the twins were surprised. Jaeyeon asked, "Eomma, did Yoonie just talk?" "She never talked before?" Minjae says.

I explain, "I know. She's learning because she's still a baby. And actually, she just said her first word." They said, "Yay! Our little sister can talk!" Jaemin says, "Yoonie talk!" I giggle cutely as I picked Jaemin up and said, "Yes, Yoonie talk. She can talk just like her Oppas and Unnie," give him a kiss on his forehead.

Youngjae carries Minjae as Jackson carries Jaeyeon so we can go to the car and get ice cream for the twins. We also got some for Junior, BamBam, JB, and Minyoon. I just couldn't wait to hear my baby girl talk again when I got home.

(Im residence, BamBam POV)

After a while of playing with Minyoon, I hear a knock on the door. "BamBam," JB says, "Can you get the door while I take Minyoon upstairs to change her diaper?" "Sure thing, Hyung," I said, walking to the door. I saw that it was Minyeon, the children, and the rest of Got7, with ice cream.

"Hey guys," I said. Junior said, "How was taekwondo?" "It was amazing Uncle Junior and Uncle BamBam!" the twins said. Minyeon said, "Jaeyeon, Minjae, and Jaemin did great. Their teacher had no trouble with them, and they followed every move he did too."

"Where's JB and Minyoon?" Jackson asks. Mark says, "We got ice cream for them too." "JB is changing her diaper," Junior says, picking up Jaemin. I said, "JB said that he has a surprise for you Minyeon." "If it's about Minyoon saying her first word," she says, "then I already know."

"You'd be surprise with what JB is going to show you when he comes downstairs," I explained. Junior says, "You would be." JB comes downstairs carrying Minyoon, and puts her down so she can walk to Minyeon.

Minyeon hugs her child and says, "There's my baby girl! Did you have fun with Appa today?" "Appa!" Minyoon says. JB smiles and says, "She learned how to talk today. She said her first two words." "First two?" Jackson asks. Minyeon asks, "What else could she have said?"

"Well," JB said, "she could've said--." "Eomma!" Minyoon says, bouncing in her mother's arms. Minyeon's eyes were wide when she heard her youngest child address her. "Minyoon?" Minyeon asked. Minyoon says, "Appa! Eomma!"

Minyeon squealed and hugged her daughter, saying, "My baby princess! You just said your first two words! Eomma is proud of you." "So is Appa!" JB said. Mark says, "For a baby, she's learning a lot." "I guess JB's efforts really paid off, then, huh?" I asked.

"They sure did BamBam," Minyeon said, "Jaebum, I am so sorry for doubting you about this. If it wasn't for your encouragement, then our baby girl might not have talked until she was a year or two older." "It's okay Min Cake. I'm just happy that Minyoon's first words were Eomma and Appa," JB said.

Jaeyeon and Minjae say, "Yoonie can talk now! Yay!" Minyoon begins to yawn and Minyeon says, "I guess it's somebody's nap time. Jaebum honey, could you do me a favor and get a start on dinner while I put Minyoon down for a nap?" JB said, "Sure. Come on Jaeyeon, Minjae, and Jaemin. Let's go to your rooms," and picks up Jaemin.

The twins follow him as I said, "Well. I guess we'll be heading out." "Okay," Minyeon said, "Jackson, Mark, Yugyeom, Youngjae. Thanks for coming with me to support the twins and Jaemin. And thanks, Junior and BamBam, for visiting Jaebum and Minyoon."

"It was our pleasure," Junior said, kissing Minyoon's cheek. Mark says, "See you later, our precious baby niece," and kiss her cheek. We were in awe as Minyoon begins to slowly fall asleep. The rest of us gave Minyoon kisses, and then we left the house.

(Minyeon POV)

I was upstairs in my baby's nursery as I was rocking her to sleep. I gently placed Minyoon in her crib and softly said, "I guess you and Appa had one fun day, huh? Appa must've looked forward to your first words all day to encourage you to speak. We love you sweetie."

I gently caress her head of soft, straight hair before turning on her music box Eomma gave to me when I was pregnant with Minyoon. Minyoon loves to listen to it when she's sleeping. As I was getting lost in thought while looking at my baby daughter, I feel a pair of hands wrapping around my waist.

I knew who it was, and quietly said, "Jaebum. I thought you were taking care of dinner." "I did," he softly said, "dinner is already done. I came up to get the kids, but I wanted to see how you and our baby were doing." JB plants a kiss on my cheek and looks down at Minyoon sleeping.

"I'm so proud of both of you," I said, "I can not imagine marrying another man and having his children." JB said, "Well, I'm happy you think that. Because I cannot imagine being married to another woman like this with children. I love you Minyeon. I love you and our four kids."

"We love you too JB," I said, kissing him, "this takes me back to when the twins and Jaemin were babies. I am happy our family is complete." "Aw," we heard two little voices say. We turned around to see the twins and their little brother.

"Eomma and Appa love each other," Jaeyeon and Minjae sang while dancing with Jaemin. JB said, "Kids. You weren't supposed to hear that. Go downstairs to the dining room." The kids giggled as they rushed downstairs.

I laughed a little at JB and said, "JB. It's alright. They're just children, they're gonna be teasing us every now and then. Now let's go eat." We saw Minyoon wake up and begin crying. Jaebum said, "I guess someone is really hungry."

"She must be after taking her nap," I said, rocking her to calm her down, but she wouldn't. JB said, "Here. I got her." He takes Minyoon and rocks her while singing, calming her down, "Let's go eat." "Okay," I said, taking my husband arm as we walked downstairs with Minyoon. Perfect indeed.

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