Uncle Yugyeom's Friend

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While Mark, JB, and Minyeon are overseas in NYC for work, the rest of the Got7 members are babysitting Jaeyeon, Minjae, Jaemin, and Minyoon. Although Yugyeom has to work on a choreography he's doing for a show with his friend Jungkook of BTS, he invited the twins to the studio anyways because they want to spend time with him. How will they bond with their uncle's friend?

(Im residence, Youngjae POV)

The guys and I were currently at JB's house with his kids, since he, Minyeon, and Mark are in New York City. JB and Mark are producing music with some American hip hop artists, and Minyeon is doing makeup for a fashion show. Yugyeom and Jackson are picking the twins up from school. BamBam is playing with Jaemin. Jinyoung is feeding Minyoon. And I'm washing vegetables for tonight's dinner.

"We're back!" I heard the twins say, entering the kitchen with Yugyeom, and Jackson goes upstairs. Jaeyeon says, "What're you making Uncle Youngjae?" "I'm making kimchi fried rice, steak bibimbap, and jachae," I explained, "How was your day at school munchkins?"

"It was great Uncle Youngjae. When Jaeyeon and I were dancing on the playground to the choreography Uncle Yugyeom is helping us with, Uncle Yugyeom joined in," Minjae says. Yugyeom explains, "They really love dancing with me." "I bet," I said, "Dinner will be ready in an hour or so."

"I'm actually leaving in a few minutes," Yugyeom says, "I'm going to the studio to work on a new dance for an upcoming show with Jungkook." I told him, "Alright then, text me or one of the hyungs when you'll be back." "Okay Youngjae Hyung," he says. Before he could leave, the twins grab his hands.

"Uncle Yugyeom, may we go with you?" Minjae ask. Jaeyeon says, "Pretty, pretty please, Uncle Yugyeom?!" Yugyeom explains, "I have some dancing to do munchkins. I don't want you two to be bored while I'm working." "We won't be bored," they said.

Yugyeom looks at me while the twins say, "Please, please, please, please, please!!" I said to them, "If you listen to what Uncle Yugyeom says and behave, you munchkins can go." "Yay!" the twins say. They run upstairs to grab their travel backpacks. "I might as well grab their water bottles and buy some snacks on the way over there," Yugyeom says.

"That would be a great idea," I said, "Keep an eye on Jaeyeon and Minjae while you're with Jungkook at the studio." "Don't worry Hyung. The twins love me. They'll listen to their Uncle Yugyeom," he says. Jaeyeon and Minjae come downstairs, and Yugyeom packs their water bottles into their bags.

"You two ready?" Yugyeom asks the twins. They said, "Of course we are." Before they leave, I say, "Don't stay out too late you guys. I know the twins don't have school tomorrow, but they still need to be home before their bedtime." "Of course," Yugyeom says, leaving the house with the twins.

(studio, Jungkook POV)

It's already 4:45, and Yugyeom is late. Maybe he got caught up in traffic. Then I got a phone call from him. "Hello," I said. Yugyeom says on the other line, "Sorry I'm running late, Jungkook. I had to run an errand before arriving. I just got here." "It's fine," I said, "I was just concerned because you didn't call or text earlier."

"Okay. I hope you don't mind, I bought some snacks and a couple of guests with me," he explains. I told him, "I don't mind. But could I ask who?" Yugyeom tell me, "You'll see. They're two important people I often tell you about." I nodded, saying, "Alright. I'm on the fourth floor."

We hang up and I start stretching. I wonder who Yugyeom is bringing over. After I did my arm stretches, I see Yugyeom holding a couple of bags and hands with the famous Im Twins. "You made it," I said, hugging Yugyeom, "So you finally brought the twins with you?"

"Yes. They were begging me to bring them here while we work on the dance routine for our performance," Yugyeom says, placing the bags near the wall. The two kids say, "Hi. We're Im Jaeyeon and Im Minjae."

"I heard so much about you two. Your Appa is in the same group as your Uncle Yugyeom," I said to Jaeyeon and Minjae, picking them up. Jaeyeon says, "Uncle Yugyeom told us you're his best friend, Oppa." "That and you're in a group called BTS," Minjae says.

I look at Yugyeom, and he smiles. Then he explains, "I sometimes play your songs while cooking, and dance to them. Jaeyeon and Minjae will sometimes join in and I'd tell them about you." "We also know your dance to 'Fake Love'," the twins say. "I'd like to see your dance," I said, "but first, do you two mind if your uncle and I practice our dance?"

"Not at all Hyung," Minjae says. Jaeyeon explains, "We not only love to dance, but also watch other people dance." "If anything, they would copy our moves as we dance," Yugyeom tells me. I nodded and said, "Okay. That's fair enough."

Yugyeom and I got into position after our music starts playing. We did the choreography we created as Jaeyeon and Minjae watched us. And, like Yugyeom told me, they started dancing with us. He wasn't kidding when he said the twins are talented when it comes to dancing.

I often asked him if he could bring them over so I can meet them. And I would watch their dance videos on JB's SNS or on reality shows. Now that I finally got to meet Jaeyeon and Minjae in real life, I can see the passion they have for what they do. They really are like their father.

After we finished our dance, I asked the twins, "You ready to show me what you two got?" "Of course Hyung/Oppa," Jaeyeon and Minjae say. Then Yugyeom starts playing my group's song, "Fake Love":

Jaeyeon and Minjae are really great at following the choreography to this song. I'm glad I decided to record this. That way, the hyungs can see how great the famous Im Twins are. Even they way they mirror their moves and expressions are natural. People weren't kidding when they said that Jaeyeon and Minjae are fast learners.

For a pair of 7-year-olds, they really know a lot about dancing. If they get the right amount of training, they could be successful performers. At the end of the performance, the twins did the same pose Jin Hyung and I did. Yugyeom and I applaud them.

"That was so natural and amazing!" I said, hugging Jaeyeon and Minjae, "I bet your Uncle Yugyeom here taught that dance well." "Actually, he didn't," Minjae says. Jaeyeon explains, "We taught ourselves the dance. We want to be able to teach ourselves how to memorize choreography without relying too much on our Appa, uncles, or teachers."

"You really are Im Jaebum's kids if you have that kind of passion," I said, high-fiving the twins, "and I can tell your uncles also encourage you." "We showed Uncle Yugyeom our dance last week after school," Jaeyeon and Minjae say. Yugyeom grins and says, "Told you they were fantastic, Jungkook."

"I had no doubts," I said, "Let's eat these snacks, rehearse one more time, and call it a night." "Sure thing," he says. We ate the snacks Yugyeom brought before rehearsing the dance again. Then, we bid each other farewell.

(Im residence, Yugyeom POV)

I was in the kitchen with Jinyoung Hyung and the twins. We were making breakfast to start our day. Because it was a weekend, the twins don't have school. Lucky for me, they don't have plans today. Since Jungkook had so much fun yesterday with Jaeyeon and Minjae, I could surprise them.

The Hyungs already know this, so I went on ahead and grabs mine and the twins' jackets, as well as their traveling backpacks. I also got my wallet and keys, and said to the twins, "Hey munchkins, are you ready to spend some more time with your Uncle Yugyeom?" "Yes!" they said.

Jaeyeon and Minjae run to the doorway to meet me after I gave Jaemin and Minyoon hugs and kisses. I said to everyone else, "We'll be back later, Hyungs." With that, the twins and I left the house.

First, we stop by the grocery store to buy some snacks and drinks. Next, we went to a sub sandwich shop to buy some sandwiches. Then, we went to a gift store so we can buy some gifts. Finally, we made it to our main destination: Big Hit Entertainment.

"What're we doing here Uncle Yugyeom?" Jaeyeon asks. I told her and Minjae, "You remember the fun you two had with me and Jungkook right?" "Of course Uncle Yugyeom," Minjae says, "Jungkook Hyung is awesome!" "Well," I explained, "I brought you both here with me so we can surprise him and his bandmates."

Of course, the twins were screaming in excitement. "This is amazing!" Minjae says. Jaeyeon then says, "We get to see Jungkook Oppa!" I smiled at them and starts grabbing all of the bag. "Hey munchkins, my hands are full. So I'm going to need you two to hold each other's hands and follow me, okay?" I said.

They nodded and held hands. I called earlier this morning, so one of the staff members of Big Hit let me into the building, and helped me carry the bags upstairs to the practice room.

(practice room, Jungkook POV)

The Hyungs and I finished our dance practice to our latest song "Idol". I was showing them the video of the twins that I took yesterday. "Wow!" says J-Hope, who was astonished by the video, "They're really good." "And you said they taught themselves this dance?" Jimin asks.

I said, "Of course. Jaeyeon and Minjae are talented." "Of course you were lucky to meet the famous Im Twins," Rap Monster says. I told him, "Only because I'm friends with Yugyeom. And the twins look up to him and the other Got7 members as their uncles." "Isn't JB of Got7 their father?" V asks.

Jin Hyung says, "Everyone knows that. After all, how do you think they can break dance so well?" "I had fun yesterday," I said, "Hopefully, I can spend time with them again." "I'd like to meet them too," says Suga Hyung. We heard a knock on the door. Jimin says, "It's open!"

One of the staff workers comes in holding some bags, saying, "You guys have special guests here to visit you." We were confused, because we don't remember hearing about somebody visiting us. Then, Yugyeom enters holding some more bags. I ran up to him and said, "Yugyeom! What are you doing here?!"

"I figured that since you guys were busy with your comeback and performing in the states, that I pay you a visit and give you some food," he says, "Also, I brought a surprise, or two." "Two?" J-Hope asks. Yugyeom leans his head towards the door and says, "You can come in munchkins!" Munchkins? That could only mean one thing.

We see Jaeyeon and Minjae enter the practice room while holding hands. My Hyungs and I start cheering and clapping for them. "Come and get it! Hello, we're the Im Twins, Im Jaeyeon and Im Minjae," they said. V smiles and runs up to them to give them a hug, saying, "How adorable!" I couldn't help but smile and hug my best friend.

"It's the Im Twins in person!" J-Hope says. Jimin looks at them and says, "They're like small, carbon copies of JB!" The twins giggle at my hyungs. "Of course we are," Minjae says. Jaeyeon tells them, "He's our Appa!" "And he brags about you two so much," Rap Mon Hyung says.

Yugyeom explains to us, "These two munchkins don't have school today, and my bandmates and I weren't busy today, so we figured we could drop by and surprise you." "Surprise us, you did," says Jimin, "we always wanted to meet Jaeyeon and Minjae."

"I just showed them the video we filmed of them yesterday," I said. "You Hyungs saw us?!" Minjae asks. Jaeyeon asks, "What do you think?" "We think you two are amazing," Suga Hyung says, fist bumping the twins, "and we heard that you two want to be performers like your Appa."

"Appa and our uncles are helping us reach our goal," Jaeyeon says. Minjae explains, "Uncle Yugyeom helps us with our dancing most of the time." "He's Uncle Hit The Stage!" the twins gleefully exclaim.

"They started calling me that because the hyungs call me Hit The Stage Yugyeom," my best friend explains. I asked, "Is it okay if the twins do the dance to 'Fake Love', and then after that, we all have a dance party?" Jaeyeon and Minjae happily exclaims, "Ne!" "We want to see it in person," J-Hope Hyung says.

We put the music for "Fake Love" on and Jaeyeon and Minjae started dancing like they did for us yesterday while we ate the food that was brought to us. The Hyungs and I were cheering for the young twins every now and then. After they were done, we cheered even louder and ate the food together before we started having a dance off.

When the dance off started, Jaeyeon and Minjae got in the middle of us and started showing off their flips, break dancing, and street dancing to us. We of course were impressed. J-Hope, Jimin, and I did a freestyle battle against Jaeyeon, Minjae, and Yugyeom.

The day ended after we spent time with Yugyeom and the twins before they had to go back home. That was honestly really fun to spend time with Jaeyeon and Minjae. They made me and my group members laugh.

(Im residence, JB POV)

Minyeon, Mark, and I got back from New York since we were finished with our work. The twins were telling me and Minyeon about them spending time with their Uncle Yugyeom and BTS's Jungkook. Yugyeom even introduced Jaeyeon and Minjae to the other BTS members. I can tell that they loved it.

"And then, after we did the dance to 'Fake Love', we had a dance off," Jaeyeon explains. Minjae says, "Uncle Yugyeom teamed up with us as we went up against Jungkook Hyung, J-Hope Hyung, and Jimin Hyung." "As long as you two were safe and had fun, that's all that matters," I say, holding Jaemin in my lap.

Minyeon holds Minyoon in her arms and says, "It's great to know that you two are working on dances all by yourselves." "You really think so Eomma?" Jaeyeon asks. Nodding, Minyeon explains, "I know so. You'll be just as great of dancers as your Appa and uncles in no time."

The twins hugged their mother as Minjae says, "Thank you Eomma." I heard a knock on the door, and got up to answer it. When I do, I see Yugyeom and Jungkook together. "Hey you two, how was practice?" I asked. Yugyeom explains, "It was great Hyung. Tomorrow is the showcase, and I think we're ready. Thanks again for having me and Jungkook over for dinner."

"It's the least I can do for you since you were so kind to the twins last week while Minyeon, Mark, and I were in the United States," I explained. Minyeon hands Minyoon to Yugyeom and says, "We're going to set the table. You two can play with the kids if you want."

While Minyeon and I were setting the table with the food, we look into the living room and see Yugyeom and Jungkook play with our kids. Minyoon is giggling while Jungkook is making funny faces to her. Minyeon looks at me and says, "I'm happy they have such a loving uncle like Yugyeom to play with them and guide them."

"I am too," I said, putting the bowls on the table, "especially one who shares his passion of dancing with the twins. Although I'm happy they want to dance like me, it's great that they look up to Yugyeom and want to learn many different styles of dancing."

"Yugyeom told me that the members of BTS were estatic to spend time with Jaeyeon and Minjae," explains Minyeon, "They were kind to them and loved that they covered their song 'Fake Love'." "They'll grow up to become something amazing," I said, and then turned to the living room, "Everyone, dinner is done!"

Jaeyeon and Minjae climb into their seats in between Yugyeom and Jungkook. We said our thank you's and started eating the food we prepared. While eating, we began talking more about what we did last week in New York. Then, after we're done, I played the song Mark and I helped produce. Yugyeom, Jungkook, and the twins, of course, were dancing to it. I guess the twins found a new friend.

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