Story 2- Chapter 2

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Story 2

The Gentleman Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 2

His lips moved against mine. His hands on my face. What the hell? I immediately pushed him away slightly.

He jerked back breaking the contact and I looked at his eyes. Woah! Deep black pools. 

"What?" Before I completed, he claimed my mouth this time. I was all ready to punch him, but my betraying body kissed him back. Darn! 

His tongue moved disabling my senses. I had never been kissed. This was sudden and uninvited. Shit! I realized what I was doing and pulled back. Turning away immediately. Why was I kissing him back instead of punching him back?

Your to be husband. So it's okay!

Hell No! It's not!

Before my debating mind could decide. He left the room. I quickly ran to the mirror and checked myself. Taking a long breath I went out. Last thing I wanted is wonder as to why I did not come out behind him. Wopps! He was waiting for me there. Before I could or he could say anything, my grandmother came there, telling that she had given us enough time. If she knew what he did.  

And you did! My brain chided me. 

Whatever. He was the one to blame. He started it!

Once down I did not make any eye contact with him. They left soon after. Once they were gone, my grandmother started praising him. My parents too seemed happy. He was apparently a "good match" for me.

Mom's hand over my shoulder brought me out of my gaze. "Nishu, what are you thinking? Do you like him?"

I looked at her, "Mumma I me him for a few minutes how can I judge him based on that?"

"Oh , shut up. You are lucky you saw him,and spoke to him. In our days we saw the man on the wedding! " Daadi exclaimed. She seemed to love him a little too much. She couldn't stop praising him. Why doesn't she marry him?

"I hope they says yes. The tea was nice. I hope you did not tell him something you weren't supposed to!" Daadi continued. 

Well if the the was the criteria then if yes came it would be for Rachana! I kept my humour to myself and excused myself. I had to get rid of the stupid saree. Which century I was in?

"Mumma!" I whispered entering the kitchen. "I m going for dance class." This was a secret between mother and me. I loved dancing. I was taking classes from past four years. I had already taken up contemporary, hip-hop and was now working on Belly Dancing. Dad knew about contemporary. Daadi had come to know too. She forbade me from dancingm After a break of few months I joined back again and only Mumma knew about it.

"When is this ending?" She asked.

"Final performance is a week later." I informed.

"Nishu. This must end now. I don't think your In-laws might like it. " 

I nodded.

"By the way how was he? What did you both talk?"

"Nothing much!" I said filling the bottle.

"Oh so someohe is keeping it all personal huh?" My mother teased me.

"Oh God! Nothing like that! He is okay with me working he likes horse riding and cooking. He asked me about work." I said thinking that much information was enough.

"Marry him!" She remarked quickly.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"He knows how to cook! What else do you want? Have seen your Papa? He doesn't even know how to make Maggie!"

I laughed. "Bye!" I kissed her cheek and left. Mumma was adorable. 

* * *

The next morning at breakfast table I was pleasantly surprised to see a tasty breakfast. Seems there is some good news. I saw 'kheer', Daadi made 'kheer' only on festive occasions so there was definitely something big.

She hugged me, kissed me and then made me wear another read thread in my wrist.

"Daadi, will you tell me, please?"

She looked at mother smiling and announced, "They said a yes! So you are going to be married. Radha, called me today morning, she said that her grandson likes you, so yes for the marriage!" 

"What?" I exclaimed. So fast?

I looked at Papa and then Mumma. Once Daadi disappeared inside we started whispering.

"Papa, Mumma, I barely know him. "

"He is a nice man Nishu!" Said Mumma.

"Mumma there are many nice men, that doesn't mean I can marry them all?"

"I .." I saw Saadi coming and grew silent.



"What did you tell her?"

"Day after tomorrow we are going to there place for Jagrata and deciding the marriage date."

"What?" the muscles in my stomach contracted, and convoluted. 

"But I did not say yes."

"You did not say no as well!" My mother added smiling. 

My dad laughed. Very Funny!

"Ahh, I need to talk to him before that!" I said.

The three looked at me.

"what?  It's about my marriage. I want to clear a few things and know him better. " I said. Right! That kiss! His character. I had to find out so much.

Daadi was clearly unpleased with the idea. I looked at Papa with puppy eyes. That did it. He convinced Daadi. 

"Fine. I will ask Radha to let him meet you tomorrow." 

"Thank you" I smiled, focussing on the yummy breakfast. Damn! If this proposal went ahead life would change. I would have to wake up early, cook for myself and him. Whatever. Oh, a mountain of responsibilities on my poor head. Nisha Singh all the best! Well it would be better than marrying that Harpreet Singh. I was sure if thus proposal failed Daadi would do just that. God! I couldnt marry that man! He was so full of shaayris and stories of experinces. No! Never! Arjun was anyday twice as much better! 

Harpreet was another man my Daadi loved.  She should consider a second marriage, I was sure late Daada Ji wouldn't mind!

* * *

The entire time I couldn't concentrate on work. My thoughts kept going back to the kiss. Why did he do that? What would he say if Daadi hadn't interrupted? As much as I was scared about the man's character , I was scared about marrying Harpreet. God! Was it so hard to make a nice prince charming for me?

But still my disappointment that did not leave my mind was , 'Why did he steal my first kiss!?'

Was the kiss a problem or the fact that he stole it?


"Sorry Madam?" The cab driver asked. 

I frowned, "nothing." I looked out of the window. The day had wrapped up faster than usual. I thought of treating myself to some window shopping. Yashita my cousin was calling me time and again. I answered her call .

"How is he?"

"How are you?  Should be the question " I rolled my eyes, listening to her.

"Shut up and tell. I called home, Daadi said it's fixed. I slammed my eyes shut. Of course. 

When I opened my eyes, magically I saw his face. What! Was I dreaming or something? No he was the one in the car. He didn't see me. But I was sure he was the one in the SUV. I quickly told her I was busy and ended the call as an idea struck me. I asked the driver to follow the car. Woah I was already being a spy. 

Nothing wrong. It was the question of my life!

* * * 

I fished out the scarf from my bag and wrapped it around my face, as I entered the cafe. He sat on a chair alone. I took the adjacent table such that he couldn't see me, but I could have a clear view.

He ordered a juice and was busy on his phone. Probably waiting for someone. Doing this did not give me right vibes but I stayed to my decision. I ordered a coffee and waited.

I saw his eyes look up as his fingers tapped the table. He looked handsome! Focus. I looked in the direction he was seeing. Their was a couple there. I looked back at his face. Tilting my head I saw his expression. He seemed angry? His muscles were tense and lips tightly straight.

A few minutes later he got up and walked to the couple. What was he up to?

Thanks for your support as always.


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