Married To A Porn Star!

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Heres the New Story i was talking about.. I really do hope people give it a try.but if its not popular ill still continue it. Cause i like this idea. so if you would be ever so kind comment and tell me what ya think..-Tiggermazz

Dedication goes to: Tape1258 for the awesome cover.


Chapter One

Athiss walked into his house after a long, hard, strenuous day at work. Who would have thought that being a doctor would be this hard? Rubbing his neck tiredly, he unleashed a deep sigh thinking to himself about his life. He was always told from the start that becoming a doctor, although, would be quite strenuous and tiresome, would end up being the key to unlimited happiness, ending all of his troubles and fears that other adults would have to face in their life due to the change in economy.

They told him once he'd graduate, if he just kept his cool and treated patients with the love and his profound expertise gained from Medical school, he'd manage to conquer all his problems. And he had, well till recently. Even though there were still many situations which required additional help, situations that required the knowledge and teachings of another, he can still proudly say that with the basic knowledge he has covered through his six years of practice, he can go on treating patients to the best of his ability. However, there is now something that is harder than saving thousands of innocent people's lives on a daily basis, and that is his life.

See, coming home after a stressful day at work shouldn't be a difficult task, in fact, after a long day hard at work, one would be crazy not to want to return home and snuggle up with their loved ones. However, and there was always a however in his life. Athiss didn't get to have that little bit of luxury. If this situation belonged to anyone but him, anyone, they'd have some motivation to want to come home. Who wouldn't? Afterall, home was where all your stress and frustrations were meant to just melt away.

He always knew even once he graduated Medical school, his life decisions wouldn't get any easier, he always knew that things would be difficult, but he never planned for things to get this difficult. He never, in his life thought that he'd have to hide who he was, who his partner was, who they were.

Now, everything was twice as hard, and Athiss hated it. He was a simple man, with simple life goals, and he hated the fact that he had to pretend he was single - and worse yet, straight. He absolutely detested the idea and thought of hiding the fact that he was married and happily settled down with his one true love. Athiss lets lose a small chuckle. Oh they were married alright, but far from happy.

Sometimes he wondered if all of the heartache and pain was really worth it. If he took the easy way out and bailed, if all his problems would cease to exist. He was always questioning himself about his life choice decisions from when he first met his one true love to now, where he went wrong, why he was suffering while others rejoiced.

Why was his life at the hospital easier to understand and adapt to than his own life? Shaking his head of these negative thoughts, he slowly pulled off his white lab coat and hung it on the coat rack before deftly unbuttoning the top two buttons of his crisp, white shirt. Even though he wished that he could just take a long shower, eat, and then retire to his big comfy bed with the one he loved cradled against him. Unfortunately, he knew that all of that wishing was for nothing.

At this precise moment in time his biggest wish of all would be that he wouldn't be able to hear, to smell, and to taste, for his mouth had become bitter and vile from the ongoing activities in the house. Sometimes he just wished that when they had this house built that they should have made the studio soundproof, so that when he arrived home after a long day at work, he'd be able to eat, bathe, breath naturally, and finally crawl into bed pretending that everything in their life was as blissful as he had wished. But he knew that with the sounds of clicking and the yelling that could be heard further through the house, some new idiot was down in the studio with his lover.

Just thinking about it made Athiss want to run into the studio and show everyone who Vaughn really

belonged to. But they had made an agreement that stopped him from doing just that. It didn't however, make anything that was happening in the studio any less painful to deal with. Now, more than ever he wanted nothing more than to get down on his hands and knees and beg Vaughn to stop. They didn't need the money anymore and as time gradually ticked on, Athiss found himself getting more and more jealous and unsure of himself and their relationship.

Shaking his head slightly, Athiss made his way into the kitchen hoping to find something in there to place his thoughts elsewhere. Once he entered the kitchen Athiss quickly made his way over to the refrigerator. Opening it slightly, he allowed his baby blue eyes to roam around the contents in it for a few moments before they locked onto his favourite drink: cold water.

Besides, he could have just walked over to the wine cabinet and grabbed something strong enough to take the pain away. But he knew that sticking with the water was the wiser of choices because Athiss always spoke of his real thoughts when he was drunk, and at the moment keeping silent was probably what was best for him and Vaughn.

Slowly, he gripped the cold bottle between his thin fingers and delicately began unscrewing the top as he made his way over to his favourite stool and sat down. Just as he brought the bottle to his mouth, he heard a noise behind him which made him jump, and he gradually turned around on the stool to leisurely raise his eyebrow at the young man standing in the doorway.

As Athiss made eye contact with the young man, he regretted it immediately, for the man had rosy, red cheeks, and flushed skin - which really aggravated Athiss. He could smell Vaughn on the boy. Vaughn's smell was unlike anyone else's, so of course Athiss could pick the scent out in many a crowd. But this was no crowd, this was just one young man standing in his kitchen smelling like the man he loved. How exactly had his life turned out like this again? Oh yeah, he fell in love.

The boy was gaping at Athiss and, unsure of what to say or do, just stood there. Athiss wanted to ask the young man why he was there, but Athiss already knew why he was in the house, so he just remained quiet, hoping that the man would just start talking before Athiss ripped his head off and sent him on his merry way.

But to Athiss' surprise, minutes passed, without the boy saying anything, so as low as he possibly could, Athiss whispered, "Why are you in my kitchen?"

The young man jumped slightly just as his cheeks began to redden even more. Blimey, this young man can blush, Athiss thought as he watched the man open and close his mouth ever so slightly before he stuttered out, "I was told... that I could come up here and get a drink as I was - I mean I am - thirsty."

Athiss raised his eyebrow at the boy, urging him to continue when the boy finally squeaked out, "Honestly, if I knew the maid was up here relaxing, I would've never come up and made a fool of myself in the first place."

The gentleman gradually brought his bottom lip into his mouth as he waited for Athiss to say something, anything, to make the awkwardness go away. They both sat there for a few moments more, before Athiss smiled and said, "I'm no maid, but you may help yourself to something to drink in the refrigerator. I'm sure you'll find something to your liking in there. It has a bit of everything."

The boy looked at Athiss as he blushed once more. Athiss silently thought to himself, if the man blushed

anymore, he'd find himself settled right next to his newly adoptive relatives - the beet family.

"I am so sorry for calling you a maid. I didn't know that he had a roommate and I can tell just by looking at you, that you most certainly do not look like a maid," the young man tried to think of a quick excuse.

Athiss smiled slightly at the man before looking away and frowning deeply.

"Yes, of course. A roommate is definitely what I am," Athiss seethed while confirming the lie as a truth.

The man quickly walked to the refrigerator and opened it up. As his eyes danced around the open fridge, he couldn't help but watch Athiss from the corner of his eye, as the hot specimen stood up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. The fellow then wondered why someone who could look at that hot piece of ass every single day, was allowing this bona fide hunk to walk around aimlessly without putting some sort of claim on him.

Only someone who was crazy and obviously didn't have eyes, the young man thought to himself as he slowly grabbed hold of the apple juice and closed the fridge.

Just as he turned around, he saw the older gentleman throw his shirt to the side and he bit his lip hard as he tried to suppress the moan that so badly wanted to escape. Oh, how he wished that he could be taken for a ride with the sexy man in front of him. He slowly let his eyes captures the man's appearance once more, before quickly mumbling a thank you and fleeing from the room. However, before completely disappearing he did something to him.

Athiss watched with mild curiosity as the young boy pretty much ran from the room before Athiss himself followed him. Not that he had to really follow anyone, he knew exactly where he was going without even thinking.

As he made his way through the opening, he instantly regretted it with all his heart because what met his eyes made him wish that he had just stayed out tonight - or hell - that he'd just went to his parents' house. Anywhere but being here at this moment.

Normally he would do everything in his power not to be here on the days that filming was to occur, but damn it all. He had forgotten that they had changed the day, time, and location of the studio at the last minute.

As he stood there in nothing but white slacks and black suede shoes, Athiss felt as if millions of eyes were on him - and him only. He had forgotten that he had discarded his shirt a few minutes ago, and that made him a little self-conscious. So, he walked over to Vaughn's chair and grabbed his robe, slowly placing it over his body, and as quietly as possible watched the scene play-out in front of him.

He wished so badly that he could avert his eyes from what he was viewing, but he just watched in horror as the one he loved more than life itself was smacking skin with another. He watched as his lover ploughed in and out of the young man with such ferocity. Yet, he looked blissful as he did so. As Athiss watched, he grew more and more uncomfortable and felt as if at any moment he would gag, but with a few deep pinches on the arm, he managed to contain himself.

Even though he wanted nothing more than to storm over to the pair and pull his love off and out of the twink below him. He knew he couldn't. No matter how much it pained him to watch his love commit an act that was definitely not accepted by him, he couldn't, no, he wouldn't do anything. The longer he watched, the more he broke down inside. Soon, his eyes started to gloss over as the panting and moaning intensified and the slapping of skin on skin was the only noise that could be heard besides the soft whispers of the director and his extra hands.

Athiss softly gritted his teeth as he watched both men, the man that had just been in his kitchen moments ago, and the man that he had loved since middle school, moan and groan without a care in the world. Once he had seen and heard enough, he quietly stood up and laid the robe over the back of the chair, before turning around and carefully walking away from the room. However, his life just always loved throwing curveballs at him, and before he could successfully reach the exit, he lost his footing and began to fall.

He thought for sure that he was going to hit the ground in one big heap, but just as he was preparing himself for the physical pain of hitting the hard floor, he felt a pair of strong, muscular arms go around his waist stopping his descent. As Athiss lifted his gaze, he noticed it was the director. He had met him once or twice before, when Vaughn and he had meetings at the house.

Athiss watched as the director's eyes raked over his body as he held him, and he immediately knew that the director was thinking one thing from the lusty gaze directed at him, that he wished that Athiss would take part and let them make one video with him. But the director knew better than to bring up that strenuous topic ever again after last time, and he definitely knew that neither he, nor Vaughn would ever allow such a thing to take place. It was a taboo subject.

Athiss quickly pulled away while smiling awkwardly at the director and almost inaudibly whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause such a commotion while you were all filming. I just couldn't take it anymore," and sprinted from the room as quickly as possible.

His eyes were burning and he knew that soon enough tears would fall uncontrollably. He knew that as long as he made it to his room, he didn't have to care about his strong barrier he'd pulled up around himself to protect him, he wouldn't have to care about how much he cried or how puffy his eyes would become after all those tears were let loose.

So, he quickly sped up his pace, running down halls and up the stairs until he came to his room. The first tear broke free from his left eye, then another soon after from his right. Somehow stumbling into the room, he managed to run to the bed and delicately pulled the covers over his head finally letting all restraint fly out of the window as he watched more tears let lose one after another, watching them fall past the strong barrier he'd created.

He was gasping and clutching onto his heart like it was his only lifeline and in that moment, he knew something had to change. He was going to make it their room once again, no matter the cost. He couldn't live like this any longer. He was in pain.

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