Married To A Porn Star?!- Chapter Eleven

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Hey Jitterbugs, here is the next chapter. I really do hope yall like it. But if not thats okay too. Anyways tell me what ya think? Im sorry it took so long. I promise that it wont be as long between updates as i am almost done with the next one and then ill send it off. Anyways you all have no idea how much your comments mean to me. Thanks for all your support, you all are the best. photo of Athiss will be coming soon Promise!

Song of the chapter: Trading Yesterday-Shattered

Dedication goes too:Eekme_Inn

Thanks Jitterbugs,



Chapter Eleven: Athiss

Athiss gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly as his mind wandered away from the road. Although, it was quite ill mannered of him to think off such a horrendous thing, he had hoped that something had come up at the hospital so he could avoid attending this Christmas Reunion. Actually, just avoid him.

Something in his gut told him something was wrong. It felt like someone had just got a tiny chopstick and was poking him in the gut over and over again. The feeling was quite uncomfortable, and he just hoped whatever this feeling was, that it was just his anxiety level playing up, and that everything was actually fine, and that he had nothing to fear because his mind just liked to over analyze situations. After taking a slow and calm breath, Athiss was soon transported into the nature, as his eyes got lost amongst the mighty trees, cars and people that zoomed by, accidentally biting his lip a little too harshly when he almost ran a red light.

He really hated when their families got together, because they were always asking him and his husband when they were going to settle down with a woman and give them grandkids. It always left a raw nerve wracking in his body.

Why couldn't they just smile at their parents and just flat out put an end to all those useless words and just say, "Were in love, and have been married for three years already...and guess what? That's not going to change anytime soon." However, as this crossed his mind, Athiss smiled sadistically, he knew that most likely would never happen, not in this lifetime at least, because he was nothing but Vaughn's dirty little secret.

Sometimes he wondered if Vaughn would he happy with someone else. The way that their marriage was going, Athiss wished it was something he could fix, something that he alone could do. Although he couldn't until now, as it took two equal and willing people to fix something that was so utterly broken, but lately the scales were tipping so out of balance, maybe they could lay that option on the table.

Gripping the steering wheel tighter, Athiss felt the tears slowly rise to the surface. No matter how much he didn't want them to spill, he knew they would. This was why he wanted to be at work. Work always kept his mind at ease, it never allowed him to dwell too much on what was happening in his personal life.

As he made the car take a sharp left he cursed to himself as he noticed he had just ran a red light. He was getting lost in his own thoughts and it wasn't a very good thing, especially when driving. Thank god, there weren't any cops lingering around, well not that that was the major issue. He should thank his lucky stars that there wasn't any traffic on the opposite direction, then he would really be in trouble, and that was definitely the last thing he needed. Athiss relaxed his shoulders slightly and let his fingers loosen on the steering wheel, before turning down the long winding road that would lead him to his parents' house.

Gently letting out a deep breath of air, Athiss allowed a smile to caress his face as he saw all the houses, line after line, decorated with amazing and magical Christmas lights. He had always loved decorating for Christmas, but since he and Vaughn had been together, he'd never had the heart to push the matter forward as Vaughn and his family were never quite keen on the whole ordeal. Sighing loudly, Athiss thought of all the times and little things he'd sacrificed in the name of love. It appeared as though he was the only one who'd ever made them in this relationship.

Slowly Athiss made his way down the road getting happier and happier as the seconds passed by. The houses were so beautiful and well thought out that it brought a slight pang through his heart. Next year, no matter what he was doing, or wherever he was, he was going to decorate his house, he thought with so much glee that he couldn't help it when the song jingle bells came on and he was singing along with it like a little kid hyped up on candy.

As the song ended, Athiss carefully pulled into the driveway. Timidly, he turned off his baby and sat there as his eyes scanned the cars around him. He noticed everyone was here now except for his husband. A part of him hurt, because thoughts of what Vaughn could be doing took up the majority of Athiss' thoughts.

He just hoped that it wasn't what he was thinking. With everything in him, all Athiss wanted to do was put the key back in and drive away pretending that he was never there. However, he was brought up to be a gentlemen, and he could never even fathom doing something so cruel to his parents, and especially not to his in-laws. But ultimately, he was just tired of running from everything. Although, he wasn't about to make the same mistake as Cheryl had many many years ago, but he was most definitely not going to run away from his problems any longer.

It was no secret that the two families had always expected for Athiss and Cheryl to get together, and bring forward a new connection between the two families. But that little bubble of hope shattered the moment Cheryl came out to her parents. As did their love for her. They began to see her as something to be glared and kept a great distanced from. Till this day, Athiss never really understood how the Kalil family could abandon their child so quickly and effortlessly, and both men learnt a very harsh lesson of love the hard way. However, times had changed, and something had changed in their parents eyes. They no longer had that periwinkle sparkle that used to brighten the room when they entered. It was almost like they were tired.

Although Athiss knew that Vaughn loved his parents more than words could explain, and that he was afraid that he would lose them like Cheryl had. Athiss never thought that a man who has said he wanted to spend his whole life with him would be so bloody afraid. Of course he was afraid, he was scared shitless to come out as well, but it didn't mean he would run like a chicken with is head chopped off. He was willing to come out for Vaughn.

In all honesty, he was just sick and tired of hiding things from his parents. The only thing he wanted from his love, from his husband, was for them to be themselves. To be able to touch one another without it having to be a secret, to kiss his love and not have anyone feel disgusted about it. All he wanted was to be open about whom they are and what they are.

He knew that his parents would be heartbroken at the thought of never having grandkids by conventional means. But he wasn't going to burden himself with feeling sorry for who he truly was. He was a man named Athiss, and he loved men, well only one man had his attention from the get go. However, at the end of the day, he was a man married to another man and hoped that it would stay like that till they both left Earth.

Just as thoughts of Vaughn entered his head, he heard a tapping noise that made him jump awkwardly, making him smash his head against the roof off the car, and push his elbow against the horn. Groaning from the quick movements, he tilted his head while rubbing the sore area gently to ease some off the pain, and watched as his mother stood there with her arms crossed staring strangely at the sight in front of her. Mumbling a few words of something to do with the world always being against him, Athiss gently reached forward and unbuckled his seatbelt cautiously, before slowly climbing out of the vehicle.

As soon as he was standing right in front of her, he was engulfed by her arms as she smiled gently up at him. Athiss slowly wrapped his arms around his mother and he took a deep breath willing her scent to calm him down.

It always amazed him just how exactly his mother was always able to calm him down. Even though his father also possessed this rare talent, there was just something about a mother's touch that just made every little problem disappear, made you feel safe, warm, and extremely comfortable. As he started to pull back he heard.

"What's got you acting so jumpy lately, huh? Is it that pesky sis-"

She abruptly cut off the sentence she'd meant to say and instead asked.

"Are you crying son?"

Athiss bit his lip as he thought about what he was going to say. But he'd gotten so caught up in emotions and the warm feelings of his mother's arms finally wrapped around him, he hadn't even realized that he'd started crying. He must've look like such a fool, a fool who cries when they see their mother. Slowly pulling away from the warm and inviting embrace, Athiss quickly masks his emotions by slipping on a bright smile before saying.

"It's nothing ma, I just had a bad day at work is all. But! I'm really excited for this Christmas event, it'll be nice to see familiar faces again."

Smiling softly, his mother nodded her head, but the look she had on her face meant she was going to question him about all this later. Her attention was quickly drawn to Athiss' ring finger.

"Where's your ring sweety? You know, the one that you always wear? I've never seen you take that off since college."

Athiss bit his lip gently before taking a deep breath, collecting himself, and then sighing wistfully.

"I lost it somewhere mother, but it's fine, it's not a big deal, really," Athiss chuckles nervously.

He quickly looks for another distraction and can't help but smile.

"The house looks amazing as always, mother. I wish I could decorate my house like this."

But you know how Vaughn is, Athiss finished his sentence in his thoughts.

Athiss slowly walks away from his mother and around the car before pushing a button on his key-ring to open the trunk up. As he starts grabbing the bags that he had spent so much time on, he hears his mother whispering.

"Is Vaughn actually going to show up? Or is he going to make an excuse as to why he won't be here again?"

Closing his eyes briefly, Athiss shook his head and said.

"I told him that we were all meeting up here. So I don't know if he'll show up or not."

Slowly opening his eyes Athiss eyed his mother. She was looking at him with that same expression that told him that she knew he wasn't ok. Slowly dismissing the image, he whispered.

"Mother would you mind helping me with these gifts. I sort of went a teeny bit crazy with them."

Chuckling softly, his mother nods her head as she reached in and grabbed the remaining two bags. Just as they were closing the trunk Athiss heard a car pull up. He didn't want to look. He didn't want to see who it was, because he already knew who it was, the final member. But that wasn't the reason how he knew - the way his heart was beating erratically, and the way that his hands were shaking slightly, it could only be one person that affected his body with such a force. If only he could gain the courage and just turn around and get this over with. But if he did that, he'd want nothing more than to run into the arms of his love, his Vaughn, and have those big, strong muscles tightly wrapped around him.

Before things could escalate any further than they'd already gone, Athiss quickly made his way into the house. Trying to run away from the sound of his sweet voice for a little bit longer. It seemed he was not quite over running away from things like he'd thought he was on the way here. However, like always, he was proven once again unlucky, because as he was just but a few steps away from entering the house, he heard it, the sound that made his insides turn to jelly.

"Merry Christmas Catrina, your house is looking as lovely as ever. But I believe the true beauty is standing in front of me."

Athiss inhaled sharply, not hanging around to find out who that was really aimed at, and quickly completed walking up the last few steps that reached the main door, and as he was about to knock, he watched the door being pulled open and standing there was none other than Vaughn's glorious father. Smiling quickly up at the man, Athiss quickly whispered. "Happy Holidays Mr. Kalil," before quickly trying to walk around him without him beginning a conversation. Today just happened to be Athiss' lucky day it appeared as he heard Mr Kalil chuckle and reply.

"How many times have I told you to call me Javier and not Mr. Kalil young man?"

Athiss shrugged his shoulder, and tried to quickly walk off again.

"It's good to see you again Athiss."

Athiss turned around and smiled.

"Thank you, it's wonderful seeing you again as well Javier," before walking over to the tree and placing the bags and packages down underneath it in small piles. He closed his eyes and inhaled a little as he felt the Christmas music flow through his body making him remember what this holiday meant to him. Just as he finally began to forget how much his heart was in agony, he was pulled out of it.

"Athiss son, how are you? How's that..uhh..Doctor business was it, coming along?"

Biting his lip, Athiss quickly made his way towards his father who had a glass of eggnog in his right hand, positioned at his mouth to take a sip, however, the glass was taken right out of his hands and Athiss was standing a few feet away, smirking mischievously at his dad, before drinking out of the glass instead.

Both of them watched each other before bursting out laughing. This had always been a thing with them ever since Athiss was a child. And although some would say it was something that should have been stopped long ago, Athiss was one to say that some traditions were meant to stay, and this was one of those traditions.

Just as Athiss put the glass down and was about to open his mouth he heard.

"Merry Christmas all!" Vaughn spoke excitedly.

That's when all senses flooded his mind. His smell being the first sense, the muskiness and sweetness of his husbands smell came wafting into his nose. He shivered as a tingle made its way up his back, and the hairs on his arms stood straight. All Athiss wanted to do was run, all he wanted to do was say sorry, and that he had something's to take care of at the hospital. But then immediately regretted the thought of doing that to his parents, or to Vaughn's for that matter.

So taking a deep breath he allowed his head to turn to the side and that's when he saw Vaughn. He was dressed in black pants, a red top and white shoes, with a green and white beanie on his head. The sight of him took Athiss' breath away. All he wanted to do was to pull Vaughn flush against him and make him know who he really belonged too. To show him that the idiots he fucked for money weren't the ones who were going to stay beside him like he was.

Just as his eyes lingered on Vaughn he heard someone clearing their throat, and that's when he saw all eyes were focused on him. Smiling softly Athiss spoke casually.

"Well it seems we're all here, so why not get straight to it and open up some gifts, huh?"

No one said anything as Athiss quickly busied himself with looking at the pictures on the wall and then finally deciding to make his way to the living room and sitting down for a while instead. He felt as if his bad mood was putting a damper on things, and he would never want that. So smiling gently as everyone came into view he tried once again.

"Or, we can watch some Christmas movie as we wait for the food to finish. Wouldn't that be nice?"

But he saw the glint in the parent's eyes, they wanted to speak, and it was off a topic he had no interest in participating in. Sighing dejectedly, he spoke.

"I have no girlfriend, and I ain't about to settle down with anyone just so you can have grandkids mother and father. Besides I'm still in my twenties, yes, I know, the late twenties, but believe me when I say I am still too young to be having any kids, or to even be thinking about them right now.

"Now before you say you had me at eighteen mother, I know you did, and I honestly love that you and father have given me the kind of love and life that some kids can only dream of. But don't worry, when the time is right you'll have your grandkids."

As he finished, Athiss looked over at Vaughn who was looking at him like he had just heard the worst thing in his life. But at the moment Athiss didn't care about anything except one thing, and that was saying what he truly wanted for once. No one else was taking his spotlight. He didn't care what anyone had to say, and especially not his husband. And another thing that pissed Athiss off was the big hickey plastered onto his husband's neck. If Vaughn thought that stupid hickey on his neck was fooling him, than his husband was stupider than he thought.

But at the moment mentioning such a thing in present company was the wrong way to do it. But Athiss was in a crappy mood, so slowly Athiss smirked as he looked at Vaughn. He noticed Vaughn twitch slightly as the words left his mouth.

"So who was the lucky woman you were with last night Vaughn, the hickey on your neck tells all."

Athiss watched as Vaughn glared at him, and all parents' eyes were now stationed on his husband. They were grilling him, and Vaughn's eyes never left that of his husbands as the sorrow, the guilt was displayed across his face like a permanent mask.

What Athiss hoped for was that it was from a man, and not a woman. He hoped beyond anything and everything that Vaughn said no to his agency, and that their marriage had meant something to the man that he loves. It pained him to think of what would happen if Vaughn actually went through with it. How would he react, no a better question would be, what would he do if this happened?

Biting his lip, Athiss chuckled as he heard his husband get all worked up. It was strangely alluring, watching him find his way out of this interrogation session.

"Would you all stop, it's nothing. Just a fling. I am not about to settle down with someone just because you want grandkids from me either. Besides Cheryl and her girlfriend already have a child and yet -"

Once those words left Vaughn's mouth, Athiss knew he regretted it. His parents weren't supposed to know about that. Not after what they'd done to hide this from them. Athiss looked at Vaughn and shook his head before standing up quickly and grabbing the gifts from under the tree, and handing them out to the desired candidates. He had hoped that everyone would forget that little blunder and not dwell on it with the presents being opened.

It had been Cheryl's wish that her parents never know of this information. She said that they were nothing but money grubbing idiots, who fake being happy for the world, but behind closed doors aren't what anyone sees them as.

Athiss watched as everyone opened the gifts he had bought. His father smiled at him when he opened the envelope to find season tickets to his favourite teams home games, and a gift card to the team's very own shop. No one would have ever thought that a man like him would screech and scream so loudly. It was definitely a sight to see, and wouldn't be erased from his memory for a very long time.

Athiss was smiling so hard it was hurting his face. It had been a long time since he'd laughed so hard. Maybe this reunion wasn't such a bad idea after all. Looking around, he watched as both families chatted amongst one another gleefully. It was a sight to behold.

That thoughts would have remained genuine if not for literally walking into a hand holding out a box wrapped in shiny silver sparkles. A hand that was not particularly wanted to be seen right now. Athiss looked down at it and noticed the crappy handwriting of his husband. He sighed quietly, so as to not disturb the cheery atmosphere. He eyed the box wondering what it could be. He really didn't want to open it, in fact all he wanted to do was toss it at the idiots head and tell him it was him that he wanted, not some silly gift. Why couldn't he have that? He thought bitterly.

But he knew he had to open the box, he couldn't leave it alone with the unwanted new attention he was receiving. All pairs of eyes were staring directly at the two of them. But the eyes that he was reacting to was that of Vaughn's. Slowly untying the green ribbon, Athiss gently pulled the box open and in it sat his wedding band connected to a chain, with a white envelope under it. His heart started beating erratically. Oh, his husband really knew how to make him forget that he was even mad at him. The small things he does. As he gripped the envelope, he eyed Vaughn slowly before gently opening it up and what was inside made him want to cry.

Athiss pulled out two plane tickets, he looked over and whispered.

"Why get me these? Does this mean you're coming with me? Hmm?"

Athiss watched as his husband sadly shook his head.

"No, Athiss this is for you. I think it's what you wanted most wasn't it? I know how much you miss her and I know that you need her more so than ever, so whenever you want to use it, just call the airline and they will book the flight for you there and back."

Surprised and shocked from receiving his wedding band, as well as the tickets, Athiss can't do anything but nod his head in thanks. Athiss slowly places the gifts back into the box before looking at his mother and smiling. She had placed the bracelet he bought her on, and was smiles all around. Somewhere in the background he heard the alarm for the ham go off, and watched his mother jumping up towards it. He took that opportunity to escape the room and ran towards the kitchen to help his mother with setting up everything. He needed to get out of that room. It felt as if he was suffocating.

Once the table was set everyone sat down eating and laughing like they had no care in the world. It may seem like things were now perfect on the outside, but that's just what everyone was wanting to show. No one ever wanted to show anyone there weaknesses. Sometimes Athiss wished that he could run away from it all, the lies, the hidden secrets, but he knew he couldn't. He wasn't the kind to walk away from anyone. Once he cared for something, or someone, he would be next to them until he took his last breath. And when he loved someone so much that it started to hurt, it was made known to all, because he would do anything and everything to prove his love and its meaning.

Happily about to bite into the juiciest Apple Pie Athiss had ever seen, he was instead distracted by his husband's distress, as he heard Vaughn whisper fuck. No sooner had that word been whispered, was when Athiss felt the first tear fall from his eyes. He tried to wipe it away quickly, but the damage was done. He couldn't just sit here and pretend that everything was fine and dandy anymore. He couldn't pretend that he would be with a woman, he couldn't pretend that he and Vaughn weren't anything, he just couldn't. As Athiss went to stand up he heard.

"Mother, father, I have something need to tell you -"

But before he could complete the sentence, Athiss grabbed him by the arm and dragged him up the stairs and into his old room. As the door shut Vaughn looked at Athiss and smirked.

"Why stop me now love, I think it's time don't you?"

Athiss bit his lip and sighed.

"It's been time Vaughn, a long ass time ago. But don't think that by you telling them that we are married that it changes anything, because what's happening between us isn't something that you can fix with plane tickets, a necklace with our wedding band on it. Or by outing us to our parents. It just doesn't work like that."

"So don't do me any favours. What I do need and want Vaughn is you, it's always flipping been you. I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you, I'm sorry I will always be your dirty little secret. But Vaughn let me tell you now, no let me ask you now. Did you fuck the woman that was in that contract, because love, if you did, tell me now so I can leave."

"I will no longer be the butt of your jokes, of your secret life, I just can't take this any longer Vaughn. So just please tell me the truth so that I can finally be free of these crazy thoughts."

Athiss slowly walked over to the bed and sat down breathing heavily. Just as he looked up he saw Vaughn biting his lip before sighing.

"I did nothing with that woman love, our love, our marriage means everything to me. I would never betray you like that."

Athiss eyed his husband slowly before sighing and standing up. Quickly he walked over to Vaughn wrapping his arms around him in the tightest grip-lock hug he could manage at the moment, before whispering.

"I love you Vaughn, I love you so fucking much. You are my world, my everything. Why don't we go home, and I can give you all the lovin that you need? You don't know how happy you've made me. Thank you love. Thank you so much."

Smiling gently Athiss let his husband go before letting his voice drop.

"Let's go Vaughn. I'm horny and I want you now."

Athiss knew that the words that he was speaking were driven by lust. But his mind was so overcome by the need to have sex with his husband was unbelievable. It was like he was a teenager all over again, and his hormones were constantly raging. Quickly opening the door Athiss made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone was still seated chatting amongst themselves worriedly.

"I'm sorry but I must take my leave now. It was really good to see you all really, but I have an early start in the morning and I don't want to be exhausted for my morning shift."

Everyone nodded their heads acknowledging his hasty leave without much thought, knowing it was tough being a doctor working in the Emergency Ward, and instead quickly said their goodbyes, waving their hands as Athiss made his move to leave the Christmas celebration. On the way out, Athiss grabbed his gifts, and then quickly made his way to his car, waving his hands to signal he was leaving. However, it wasn't until he'd started driving, and finally had the time to think for himself that everything that had happened in the last hour hit him. Every little bit of conversation spoken, gifts exchanged, beautiful memories remembered, and last of all, the confessions made. Oh My God! He almost stalled the car when his mind went back to Vaughn's confession, and his lust filled actions, but most importantly he remembered the expression in which Vaughn spoke. Why had Vaughn looked so guilty if he hadn't done anything? The man he loves and is married to wouldn't lie to him about fucking the woman from the agency would he? This day had really done a number on him, and if his suspicions were correct, he was about to walk into a war zone. But this was the last time, the final round. Their marriage depended on Vaughn's honest answer. If Vaughn thought bringing up the contract was bad, he was sorely mistaken, for it was long passed pulling up the white flag, and definitely not the time to be adding lies into the problems they had with one another.

No, Athiss had finally decided, after tonight, their love, their bond, their marriage, was either going to be welded together with new vows of love, or shattered into thousands and thousands of heart shattering pieces.

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