Married To A Porn Star!- Chapter Thirteen: Part Three

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Here is the final Part of Chapter Thirteen. I hope ya'll like it. And Sorry for any errors not edited. I will have to get someone to do that for me. But All the same i hope ya'll enjoy it.

The song for chapter is: Sara Bareilles- Gravity

Dedication Goes to: Wolf_Fire_Ice

Anyways i hope y'all really enjoy it. I'm not sure how good this chapter is.. But Sorry if its crap!- Tiggermazz.


Married To A Porn Star!- Chapter Thirteen: Part Three: Athiss

Athiss quickly closed his eyes as his heart started to beat at an erratic pace. He didn't trust himself not to pull the man in front of him closer. Just to feel a bit of love even if it was from a stranger. Someone who didn't understand what he was dealing with.

Besides he knew that the state of mind that he was in that he would come to regret it come morning and he wasn't like that. He wasn't a liar, He wasn't a cheater. He was an honest loving guy. Who expected the one that he was with to be the same was that too much too ask for?

Biting his lip he thought bitterly " Why had he let Vaughn just trample all over his heart over and over again without batting an eye. Did his husband think that it was okay? That he wouldn't walk away from the only man that he has ever loved? If Vaughn thought that things were going to stay the same then he was sadly mistaken.

Because a man could only take so much lying, deception, heartbreak and torment before he blew a fuse. And Athiss knew that his fuse had finally erupted. He wasn't totally sure if it was the Alcohol or if it was his sick of it personality that was wanting to put the love of his life in his place.

But whatever it was Athiss wasn't about to stop his train of thoughts- he wasn't about to back down. It was now or never.

Athiss knew that they needed to have a confrontation, and it needed to be now. But he also knew that with his state of mind he would tell Vaughn where he can shove it. And that frightened him. What was he without Vaughn? Without his love?

Slowly opening his eyes Athiss watched as Arenik slowly stepped away but not before he heard "Who was the idiot that broke your heart?"

Athiss Looked at the man in front of him before quickly squeaking out "No one, I don't know what youre talking about. Even to Athiss he knew that he didn't sound convincing. He just hoped that Arenik would not comment on it.

But from the posture and the way that a chuckle had escaped the man in front of him Athiss knew he had better luck hoping that Cheryl would pop in to see him. Than this man overlooking this one fact.

Just as Athiss was about to close his eyes so that he didn't have to see the look on Arenik's face he heard "I know we just me, And i don't know you or anything. But Athiss I know a broken heart when i see one. And you doll, have a broken heart. You may not want to admit it to me, but i can see it in your eyes. And those tears cascading down your cheeks is another give away.

Closing his eyes tightly Athiss quickly counted to ten before muttering "Why am i not good enough", Why does he always choose his job over me?" Did you know Arenik; I am always willing to give him the world. But it doesn't work when its one sided- it just doesn't."

Love and happiness should be something that both people work towards. And if you don't have that they what do you really have? I have never even thought that the man i loved and thought i knew was actually someone i can and don't want to recognize. I feel as if my heart is shattering like the only thing left for me is death.

Do you know what that's like? It's like i'm that frightened teenager again. The one who was so far in the closet that there was no sunshine and rainbows in my world. I don't want to be that person again. I just cant be. I've changed i have a great job, family and friends that love me. But what am i without him or his love.

Fuck i just want to end it. It seems all so bleak. Just as those words left him Athiss felt his body slide down the wall as if all of his energy was taken from him. He knew that he would be a crying mess in just a few seconds but at the moment he didn't care. All he wanted to do was curl up and die.

Just as he felt his butt hit the ground he felt strong arms wrap around him holding him tightly against there body. Athiss didn't know why it felt like the safest place in the world being here with Arenik. Why had this stranger made him feel as if he could open up- and tell him all of his secrets without the fear of being judged or left.

What was it about Arenik that made Athiss feel like he was loved, and by a stranger no less. Athiss slowly wrapped his arms around the man as the tears started flowing. He didn't trust himself not to do something stupid if he was left alone. But he also knew that this man would stay here with him as long as he needed. No matter how long.

Athiss tears just kept flowing no matter how much he willed them to stop they just didn't want to listen to him. It was as if his heart was saying it's time to let him go. He made his choice now you must make yours. Its time to walk away. But Athiss knew that walking away from Vaughn would be the hardest thing he had ever had to do.

And he knew that he wasn't strong enough not yet. But he also knew that it was time for Vaughn to get an ultimatum either him or the job. His husband and the love of his life couldn't have best of both worlds anymore. It was destroying them and the fragile thing that was called there Marriage.

Just as Athiss felt his eyes grow heavy he heard " You can't sleep here Athiss, there is no bed and besides sleeping on a hard floor will cause many problems in the morning. No matter how young you are. Sleeping in a place like this wouldn't be good. Besides don't you have to call someone- so they don't worry about you?

Athiss just nodded and mumbled I have no gas,no cellphone so i can't exactly drive home now can i? Besides if i go home i will have to see the bastard and at the moment i don't want too; can't i just stay with you. And besides no one will worry about me. Why would they when they can open their legs for anyone and then come to me with a I miss you and a smile on there face.

I was a fool Arenik Please let me stay here with you I promise I'll pay you anything you want. I just need a place to crash. Just as those words left his mouth Athiss felt the darkness take him under. He knew that Arenik said something but he could decipher what it was. All he knew was that sleep was calling for him and that was better than reality at the moment.

Athiss woke up with a groan as the Alcohol from the night before was doing things to his body. As he looked around he noticed that he was in a place that he didn't recognize He slowly stood up and noticed that he was in nothing but his boxers and that frightened him. Did he do something with someone last night? Did he cheat on Vaughn like Vaughn did him? It would serve his husband right. But Athiss knew that deep down he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did cheat on the man. No matter how deserving it may be.

Just as Athiss turned around he heard Shuffling behind him and that when he saw the man. The man that just walked in was in nothing but sweat pants and his chest was glistening with what looked like sweat. Athiss couldn't help it as his eyes slowly scanned the body in front of him. But then panic began to rise. He didn't- he couldn't have slept with the man in front of him could he have?

He knew he had to ask. He had to know. But the words just wouldn't come. Just as Athiss was about to dart from the room he heard "We didn't do anything Athiss, The only reason you are in just your boxers is because you threw up all over yourself and me. When i brought you here from the dance studio last night.

I also charged your phone and called someone, they said they'll be here shortly. They seemed to be relieved. Must have been your man yeah?

Athiss bit his lip he didn't want to see Vaughn, he didn't want to see talk to him. All he wanted was for the man and his lies to disappear. If Vaughn thought he was going to touch him, He had another thing coming.

Because Come hell or high water Vaughn was going to hear what Athiss had to say and this time he wasn't going to be able to weasel his way out of it. It was time to make a choice. And as much as that frightened Athiss he just hoped that he meant more to Vaughn then his job of fucking people.

Athiss opened his mouth and Whispered " I don't really want to see him, what if he hurts me again. Physical hurt is worse than anything else I've ever endured. Mister, what if i'm not enough for him?

A few seconds later Athiss heard laughing I am not mister i am Arenik, but i guess you forgot that huh. Must have been the Alcohol in your system and as for your man If he hurts you, then you will just have to move on and slowly rebuild yourself. You know Athiss you aren't alone. I can tell we will be good friends already. Besides only an Idiot would let you slip through their fingers.

Athiss slowly turned and smiled at Arenik, before whispering I hope you're right. Because without him i'm nothing. And that's when he heard it a loud pounding at the door.

All Athiss wanted to do was run and hide. But he knew that wouldn't solve anything. But a part of him just wanted to keep the peace a little bit longer. Sighing loudly Athiss watched as Arenik walked from the room and that's when panic seeped in what would Vaughn think, with him dressed like this? And the man in nothing but sweats and looking like he just fucked someone?

He just hoped Vaughn wouldn't jump to conclusions. Just as Athiss sat on the ledge of the bed with his hands in his hair he heard " Holy Fuck you are Vaughn the Porn star, what are you doing here?"

After a few silent moments, he heard footsteps walking towards them and when he looked up he saw his husband the love of his life looking at him with an apprehensive look that sent shivers down his spine. How could Vaughn affect him so much- and with just one look?

Athiss knew he had to be strong but that was easier said then done.

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