Married To A Porn Star: Chapter:Twenty-Two

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Hey Jitterbugs, Here is the next chapter of Mtaps- this one will be in Parts to i am not to sure how many. May be like the last one. But Anyways i really hope yall like it. As always its not edited. I really hope yall like it..

Songs listened too:

*May It Be - Enya

*My Immortal - Evanescence

*Plastic Man - Seether

Song of chapter: Tom Petty - Breakdown


Thanks for reading,



Chapter Twenty-Two:Vaughn

Vaughn peeled into the driveway not caring if he destroyed anything that meant something to them. All he knew was that he had to see Athiss and he had to see him now. As soon as the car was in park Vaughn quickly pulled the keys from the ignition as he harshly pushed the door open.

He didn't care when the car door creaked as if it was yelling at him. All he knew was that while he was sitting out here Athiss was in there sleeping thinking that he didn't care about him or there marriage. Or worse Athiss could be at work away from him. He had hoped that wasn't the case.

Biting his lip Vaughn quickly unbuckled as he climbed out. As soon as he was in front of the door he made sure to use his foot to kick the door shut. He didn't care what damage he would cause to the car. The only thing on his mind was Athiss- his Athiss his love.

Quickly Vaughn jogged up the walkway towards the house. As he approached the door Vaughn slowly twirled the keys around his finger as he tried to calm down his nerves.Slowly letting his lip go Vaughn sighed loudly.

After Letting his frustrations out Vaughn knew that he was calm well as calm as he could get. Vaughn Slowly placed the key into the door and turned the knob gently as the door opened with a loud creaking noise.

Taking a few deep breaths Vaughn slowly entered the house as his eyes scanned the room. When he noticed that the living room and the kitchen seem empty he shook his head as he made his way towards the stairs.

Vaughn Slowly gnawed on his bottom lip as his eyes looked up the stairs- the house suddenly felt so cold to him. Gently wrapping his arms around his body Vaughn slowly willed his legs to move to the first step. He hoped that this feeling that he had wasn't something bad. He had hoped that it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. He had hoped that Athiss was here- All that he needed was his husband.

Closing his eyes Vaughn knew that he screwed up- That he shouldn't have made Athiss feel as if he wasn't loved. Like he didn't mean anything to him. But Vaughn knew that he was never one that was good with words or hell showing affection to those that he cared about most.

Slowly opening his eyes as he took a deep breath Vaughn quickly made his way up the rest of the steps as he came face to face with the first room. It was made with Cheryl in mind. He couldn't believe that Athiss had done everything in that room. He wouldn't allow anyone but himself to do anything in that room.

It was like Athiss was possessed to make something that Cheryl would love and treasure. When Athiss was working on that room Vaughn couldn't help but admire the man. He was always covered in paint or some other thing. But to Vaughn it didn't matter Athiss was hot to Vaughn no matter what he was wearing or covered in.

Sometimes Vaughn wondered If there was anything Athiss didn't look hot in. Biting his lip hard Vaughn wondered if there was anyway he could get Athiss to try on a dress for him. He was sure that the man would look drop dead Sexy in one. Not that he wasn't already. But something inside of Vaughn wanted to spice up their sex life. Maybe that was the reason why he did what he did. And why he couldn't seem to stop it.

It felt as if he was losing his life. The only person that seemed to stick by him no matter how stupid he acted. And yet he didnt even bat an eye It felt as if he was losing his love, his life and their marriage. Why did he treat the only person that wanted something from him that didn't involve him being hurt in the process as if they were indispensable when he knew that Athiss was anything but.

Athiss was his world- his everything. But how could he just walk away from the job that has helped them so much- the thing that had given them hope. That things wouldn't be as bad as they were back then. He owed Ezekiel so much. Most wouldn't have given someone like him a chance. But Ezekiel did. And now that it was like this- How could he choose? When in choosing one it meant that he would loose the other.

Shaking his head Vaughn wondered why no matter what Athiss wore or didn't wear he was as sexy as hell. Sometimes he wondered how he had won someone like Athiss over? No matter what to Vaughn Athiss was the sexiest person alive. Sometimes Vaughn wondered "Why did he have to be so stupid, that he unwillingly pushed the one person that he shouldn't have away?" And to make things so much worse he ignored his husband all because Athiss wanted Vaughn to choose between him and a job.

It shouldn't be so hard and yet here Vaughn was having the damndest time coming to some sort of conclusion. Maybe Vaughn wasnt ready for this kind of commitment. Maybe marriage wasn't for him. But just the thought of letting Athiss go made his blood boil. Made him feel increasingly cold. Like all he wanted and needed was Athiss and this cold spell he seemed to be in would end.

Slowly shaking his head Vaughn continued down the hall as he whispered " Why am I so stupid?"

As Vaughn made the walk down the hall his arms wrapped around him tighter as the feeling of coldness overwhelmed him. Slowly letting his lip go he stopped in front of there bedroom door afraid- What would he do if Athiss wasn't there?

Slowly closing his eyes Vaughn reached for the door as the cold metal of the knob made his body break out with shivers- ones that he wished that he could stop. Timidly Vaughn opened his eyes as he pushed the door open and stepped in.

As his eyes scanned the room- he wondered why did it feel as if something was missing something so valuable that if lost he wasn't sure what he would do. Slowly walking over to the bed Vaughn laid his hand onto the cold sheets as his eyes began to burn. He knew that he would cry- he never cried and now here he was about to open the floodgates- and there was absolutely nothing that he could do.

Slowly Vaughn shook his head as he lifted his hand off of the mattress. Just as his head turned he saw something glistening on Athiss nightstand. He was afraid of what it was. What if the man took off his wedding ring again. Although Vaughn knew that he would have deserved it- but still he didnt even want Athiss not to have the ring with him.

Vaughn quickly turned and made his feet move over towards the nightstand as his arms wrapped around his torso. He hated feeling like this- so weak. Why did Athiss make him feel like this? He knew that the man was better than he had ever wished for but he never wanted to disappoint those that he loved. No matter how badly his parents treated their kids they had to love them some right?

That had always been his thinking- but now it seemed as if all he needed and wanted was Athiss he didn't care if his parents disowned him for being what he was. He knew he wasn't gay at least not completely but he chose to marry a man. And that meant that he had to respect Athiss decisions. No matter what Vaughn wondered why Athiss had chose someone like him. When there were so many other people that wouldn't have made the man wonder if he was really loved or not.

Biting his lip Vaughn knew that he would be a miserable ass if he didn't have Athiss. When they first got together Vaughn used to shower Athiss with flowers, secret dates and love. Which as he thought about it now. There were nonexistent. Maybe what Athiss really needed was to know that Vaughn cared about him- and about their lives together and there marriage.

Slowly Vaughn shook his head. He didnt want to call it quits after only three years of marriage. He wanted this to last. But then again it all comes back to his job- how can he let something that means so much to him go? He needed this job- just as much as he needed Athiss and to breathe.

Letting his lip go Vaughn slowly took deep breathes as he allowed his arms to drop from around his torso. Just as they fell his hands grazed something. A box. It was a beautiful box covered it bows and everything. Vaughn was a sucker for Bows. He hadn't been before he met Athiss. Athiss was his ray of sunshine. The ray of sunshine that seemed to not be around. But instead in its place was this box. Gently Vaughn reached forward and grasped the shiny box into his hands.

It was so small. So perfect. It was just like Athiss. Athiss was perfect. In everything he did the man was Vaughn's perfect protection from the cruel world. And yet what does he do? He treats him like shit- like he doesn't matter. But Athiss mattered to Vaughn, he mattered so damn much that it made his heart hurt. It made him want to scream out.

Athiss was Vaughn's perfection. Anything that Athiss wanted Vaughn used to go to the moon and back to give it to him. But now why couldn't he do that? Why couldn't he just say fuck you Porn, my husband and our future together means more to me than having sex with some random guy. It's time that i leave you behind so i can enjoy a happy life.

But no- All he could think about was whether or not he can have both. Sighing softly Vaughn slowly ran his fingers along the bow as he wondered what could possibly be in the box. Biting his lip Vaughn timidly walked over to the lounge area and sat down on the plump white sofa. As he allowed his fingers to pull the bow unraveling it gently. As soon as the ribbon fell away from the box Vaughn's heart rate picked up.

The box slid open and inside was a piece of paper with writing on it. Vaughn didn't want to know what it said. He didn't want to smell his husband's scent that was invading his nostrils that made it hard to keep it together. But he had to he just had to keep it together nothing else mattered.

So slowly vaughn picked up the piece of paper and allowed his eyes to scan the first line and read " I've had this for awhile Vaughn, in case i didn't know what to say, or how to say it. But you take me for granted you act as if i will always be here by your side allowing you to walk on me. And to treat me as if i am your property."" But Vaughn let me make myself really clear here I am no ones property. I deserve to be loved to be shown that i matter to you. That i am more important to you than what pays the bills. I will admit that you and the job you do helped us when we were in college. But love we are no longer those kids. The ones that didn't want to rely on their parents even though with one call we could have had there help. We wanted to be independant. And we were. "

"But Vaughn now it's time to grow up. To be an adult. I will no longer hold your hand and act as if what you do doesn't bother me. That you making love with those that aren't me doesn't make me want to cut out my heart and hold it out to you on a platter. Vaughn, i never thought that i could love someone so much that with just one look- one action that they could break me. I never allow anyone to break me- but love you did.You have you do it over and over again without a care in the world. You make it seem easy. You make it seem like i don't matter. But some part of me doesn't want to believe that- that i don't matter to you. And that you don't care about us- and our marriage. Just know things won't always be this easy. I will face you head on. "

"But it works both ways. I'm so close to just throwing in the towel. Do you not understand what this means? It means Vaughn that you finally broke me- that you made me wonder why we married- why did i say i do? When i had a fear that you would break me like this? Was my love so blind that i thought that you loved me just as much as i loved you? Maybe what you need and what my heart needs are two different things. Just know that i love you Vaughn, You i will always love. But come to me when you make your decision. I don't even know what that decision is or will be but i just hope that you wont break me more than i already am. I love you Vaughn."

Love always,Athiss

Vaughn let the paper slip from his fingers as tears were rolling down his face. Why was he so stupid. Why didn't he hold Athiss- and let him know what he meant to him. Did this mean that Athiss wasn't in the house anymore? Did this mean that he lost his chance at the love he now needed?

Quickly bolting up Vaughn ran through the room until he was heaving and panting. He knew that Athiss was no where in the room. And he wondered if that also meant that he wasn't in the house? Vaughn quickly bolted around the house until his lungs burned and he felt as if he was going to break down.

He knew that Athiss was most likely at work so he grabbed his keys and bolted out the door not caring what was about to happen- all he knew was that he needed to talk to Athiss and he needed to now. No matter how much of a fool he would make of himself. He needed Athiss to hear him out- he needed to speak to his husband face to face. And than maybe he would be able to come to his conclusion then.

All Vaughn knew was that he needed Athiss- and he needed Athiss now.

End of Part One

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