12. Playing around

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Hi guys~ Sorry for the late update.

I was so busy.. ^^v

This update is dedicated to AqilahAmrina.

Thank you for your comment on my previous chapter.

It made me smile. :)

And hey, I'll a dedicate a chapter for you if your comment will surely made me smile.



Kris' POV

Chanyeol and Baekhyun are dancing and playing around and I can see Hana is now laughing. Psh. They are so childish.

Jukgo, jugigo! (Baekhyun)

Ssaugo oechigo Igeon jeonjaengi aniya! (Baekhyun)

Dowajwoyo MA-MA-MA-MA, MA-MA-MA-MA Turn back. (Chanyeol while Dancing)

Kkaedatge MA-MA-MA-MA, MA-MA-MA-MA Rolling back! (Chanyeol while Dancing)

Baekhyun and Chanyeol stopped dancing and playing around as Kai spoke up.

"Yah! Baekhyun, Chanyeol shut up!" Kai said while he is slicing the onions.

"HAHAHA! Why? It's your line right?! Why won't you sing with us?" Baekhyun said and he chuckled.

"No way." Kai answered

"Why? You look cool when you sang those lines."

"HAHA. Very funny Baekhyun." Kai said sarcastically.

Ijen manjokhae~!! (Baekhyun) and Chanyeol is clapping as I saw Hana is clapping too. Annoying.

"Look, I'll copy Kai's dance moves." Baekhyun said

"Yah! You two stop playing around and help us cook." Suho smacked Baekhyun and Chanyeol's head. Hahaha. Way to go Suho!

"Awwch.. Hyung.." Baekhyun said while rubbing his head.

"Ouch.." Chanyeol is also rubbing his head and Hana is now laughing. Why is that girl always laughing? It ticks me off. She's annoying.

Whatever.. I'm not gonna help or anything. I continued reading the book which a fan gave me.

"Hey. Kris. Aren't you gonna help out?" Lay asked as he sits on a couch beside me.

"No.. You're too many.. You can carry all of that.." I answered but I'm still looking at my book.

"What are you reading anyways?" Lay asked

"How to calm down.." I answered

"Oh.. That sounds good for you.." He said as he chuckled.

"Yup. It's really good.."

"By the way, is Hana really single? I mean she's pretty." Lay asked and I took a grip tighter of the book that I'm holding. No. She's not single anymore coz she's married to me. She's my wife.

"Yes, she is.." I answered while holding my book tight.

"Good to hear.." Lay smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Why? Are you interested on her?" I asked eyeing on him.

"N-Not really.. I'm just curious.." Lay answered. Oh? Really?

"Okay.. Enjoy reading.. If you want to help us then, don't hesitate, okay?" Lay asked and smiled.

"No. I won't hesitate anymore." I answered

"Okay then.." Lay said and stood up as he walked towards the kitchen.

Why am I so annoyed?

I took a glance on Hana and the other members who are now chatting in the kitchen. Baekhyun, Hana and Kyungsoo are in the sink while the others are slicing vegetables and meat. They are so childish. Playing around and laughing like kids in the kitchen. I placed down the book as I saw Kyungsoo and Hana talking and smiling with each other as Kyungsoo is teaching her how to cook. I furrowed my eyebrows as Hana leans closely to Kyungsoo and smiling at him. They are too close!

I stood up and walked towards them as I insert myself inbetween Kyungsoo and Hana.

"Let me help you, Kyungsoo.." I said as Kyungsoo's eyes widened at me and I smiled.

"Yah! Kris!" Hana yelled and I shot a glare at her.

"Just go over there.." I said while shooing her away.

"Kris, I was about to teach Hana to cook.." Kyungsoo said

"I want to help too, you know.." I answered and smiled at him.

"Oh.. okay then, that's great.." Kyungsoo said and smiled.

I turned around to face her and I smirked as she is now glaring at me.

"Hey, Kris.. Let's go to the market.. They want to buy fruits since it's our last day off today.." Tao said

"I can't go.." I answered

"Come on, Kris.." Luhan said as he is holding my right arm. I took a glance on Hana and Kyungsoo, they are being so close now. I have the feeling that I shouldn't go.


"Kris.. Let's go.." Tao said and he also held my left arm pulling me.

"Fine.." I answered looking with such blank expression.

After we got home from the market, we bought a lot of mangoes and oranges. Then, we started eating our lunch.

"Hmm.. The curry is delicious, Hana!" Chanyeol smiled and thumbs up to her.

"Yes. It's really good.." Baekhyun said smiling then, the other members agreed too. I saw her blushed.

"Uhm.. I'm not the only one who cooked it.. It's because Kyungsoo helped me to cook.." Hana answered and she took a glance at him and smiled.

"Oh.. Thank you but you were the one who really cooked it that well.." Kyungsoo smiled at her and Hana's cheeks are bright red. I held my spoon tightly.

"I-Uh.. It's all thanks to Kyungsoo.." She said as she is smiling at Kyungsoo and he is also smiling at her too. I don't know but I'm pretty much annoyed. They're corny as shit.

"But you're a great a cook.." Luhan said

"Not really.." She answered and shook her head from left to right.

"Why do you think so?" Baekhyun asked

"It's because someone that I know said that I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COOK AND MY FOOD TASTE HORRIBLE.." Hana said and she glared at me.

"Really? Who told you that? I'll beat him into pulp.." Baekhyun said as he is holding his fist. I raised my eyebrow. Really Baek? You really want to beat me?

"Yea. Yea. Tell me who said that. I'll kick his ass for you.." Chanyeol said looking furiously childish. You too? HA!

"That someone is a horrible liar.." Suho said

"You think so?" Hana asked and she smirked at me. This girl.. She's testing my patience.

"Yes.. He's rude.. right guys?" Suho asked and all of them agreed. I clenched my fist furiously. So, all of you are now on her side, ha? How pathetic.

"HAHAHA! You're all funny.. That's not necessary.. It's fine.." She said as she chuckled. Psh. Annoying.

Baekhyun is always been the noisy one here. He talks a lot. He jokes around as Chanyeol also joins with him. The rest are laughing as well as Hana. She is laughing too. She talks a lot and it seems that she mingles with them so well. She stopped laughing until she saw me and she immediately averted her eyes from me. I began to think.. Why can't she laugh like that with me? Aish. Never mind.

We finished eating our lunch.

"Who's gonna wash the dishes?" Baekhyun asked then, all of them went quiet. Looks like no one wants to wash dishes at all including me too.

"Uhm.. I'll wash it.." Hana voluntereed herself. I smirked. Really?

"That's a good idea.." I chuckled.

"Hyung!" Chen exclaimed.

"No! No. You can't wash the dishes Hana.. We can take care of it, right guys?' Suho asked eyeing us. Then, no one responded.

"Right.. Don't wash the dishes Hana. We'll take care of it." Chanyeol said and smiled as I saw Hana blushed. So, you like Chanyeol ah?

"Hmm.. Let's see.. Let's decide this with rock,paper, scissors.." Baekhyun suggested

"Good idea, Baek.." Kai said

"But we're too many.." Chen said

"I know. I know. The leaders of EXO-M and EXO-K will be the only one who will compete for it." Baekhyun said as my eyes widened. What?! I don't want to play to that stupid childish game.

"Hyung, you're a genius.." Sehun said

"I really am. HAHAHA!" Baekhyun said while laughing.

Suho came to me and smiled. "Let's just finish this, Kris.. I don't want to wash the dishes."

"Me either." I answered and smirked.

"5 points only.." Baekhyun said


"I won.." Suho said as he smiled at me widely and I can hear loud noises cheering from EXO-K.

Shit. I lose! I can't believe that I lose to this stupid game! AARRGH. Fuck. I don't want to wash the dishes.

"So, Kris and EXO-M members will be the one to wash the dishes.. That sounds good." Suho chuckled. It pisses me off! Shit.

"I was close in winning.. I can't believe that I lose." I messed my hair in annoyance.

"Hahahaha! Enjoy washing." Suho laughed as he pats my back.

"Kris.. We'll wash the dishes.." Luhan pouted and frowned.

"Hey Kris, can we play your Xbox?" Suho yelled

"Yeah. Whatever." I answered

"I want to play too.." Luhan said while pouting.

"Poor Luhan.. You'll have to wash the dishes first.." Sehun yelled and Luhan frowned.

We finished washing the dishes and I'm tired. We sat down and rest for awhile.

"I'm tired.." Luhan pouted while he is sitting.

While they are playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja..I sat down beside Chanyeol.

"Aw. I lose!! NOOO!" Chanyeol whined.

"So, who's next?" Baekhyun asked as he chuckled.

"You're really good!" Hana smiled while she is clapping her hands happily.

"I want rematch!" Chanyeol said

"No way.. You lose for about five times in a row..You will never win against me hahahaha!" Baekhyun chuckled.

"Fine.. Then, Let Hana play.. I'm sure she'll beat you." Chanyeol said looking determined.

"N-No way.. I'm not that expert.. I bet I'll lose." Hana answered shyly

"Nonsense. I believe in you, Hana.. Please.." Chanyeol handed her the black controller of the Xbox.


"Please Hana.. Beat Baekhyun up.." Chen chuckled.

"Yeah.." Suho agreed.

"Oh.. Okay.. I'll see what I can do.." She answered and took the controller.

It's Hana and Baekhyun who are now playing or rather competing with each other.

"Beat him up, Hana! Beat him!" Chanyeol cheered happily

"Shut up, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun chuckled.

All of them shouted for joy as Hana won the first and the second round.

"You're awesome Hana!" Chanyeol yelped for joy. I took a glance on Chanyeol as he shook Hana's shoulder happily and he smiled at her. "Oh.. Sorry bout that.. Hehe" Chanyeol smiled shyly as he scratched his head. He touched her.

Hana's hair is now a little bit messed up and my eyes widened as Chanyeol held Hana's hair and arranged it then, he tucks Hana's strand of hair behind her ear.

"Sorry if I messed your hair.." Chanyeol smiled shyly and I can see that Hana blushed. Why do I feel so pissed right now? It's annoying.

I quickly wrapped my arm on Chanyeol's shoulder pulling to my side as I messed his hair.

"That's enough.." I said


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