16. Photoshoot

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This is dedicated to LeehyoAh..

Thanks for reading~



Hana's POV

"Hi guys.. Annyeong Haseyo.." I bowed and smiled cheerfully at them.

"HANA?!" All of them shouted in sync. I smiled nervously as I saw their eyes are now widened while looking at me.

"Hi?" I smiled and scratched my head.

"Oh? They know you, Hana." Mr. Lee who is my boss, asked me and I nodded at him. "Yes.. I guess so.. Hehehe.." I answered

"You're a photographer?" Baekhyun walked towards me and asked with his widened eyes. Chanyeol and Luhan also approached me with their curiousity in their eyes.

"Uh.. Huh.." I nodded and smiled shyly.

"Wow! That's cool!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

"Wow.." Chanyeol said while clapping his hands and he's smiling. There he goes again with his smile. I smiled and blood rushed to my cheeks.

My eyes widened as I realized that I'm being surrounded by EXO. But except for one guy.. and it's Kris.. He was at the back and he was looking the other way while crossing his arms ignoring my presence. He even looked pissed off. Aish. Why do I even care? He's a jerk anyways.

I came back to my senses as I heard Luhan's voice. I shifted my eyes to Luhan. "Why didn't you tell us?" Luhan pouted.

"I.. uh.. You didn't ask.." I answered and I smiled shyly.

Someone cleared his throat and I think it's their manager. "Okay, guys.. You can chat with her later, okay?" Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol backed out.

Then, Mr. Lee clapped and called the other girls who are assigned to style out EXO.

"Girls.. Go and let these boys change their outfits. Show them their clothes that they are going to wear, okay?" Mr. Lee said and the 4 girls bowed and agreed. 

"Annyeong Haseyo.." The 4 girls greeted and bowed. "Annyeong Haseyo.." EXO bowed and greeted also with a smile. I can see that the 4 girls blushed because of EXO's charm.

"And by the way, these  5 girls over here are also EXO's stylist.. They will also help them.." The Manager of EXO said to Mr. Lee and he nodded. "That's great." He smiled.

"Then, Let's head towards your dressing room." One of the stylist girls approached EXO then, all of them agreed.

"See you later, Hana~" Luhan waved his hand and smiled at me. Blood rushed to my cheeks as he smiled so cutely at me. Oh, Luhan.. Why are you so cute?

"Bye Hana~" Chanyeol and all of the other EXO members said waved their hands. I smiled and waved my hand but my eyes shifted to Kris' back. He didn't even turned his back nor look at me. The  members walked away from me as my smile faded and I frowned. 

After 30 minutes of waiting and all of our set-up for the shoot is now finished.. One of the stylist  girl said,"They are now ready, Sir.." My eyes shifted to the door of the dressing room.Then, EXO stepped out from the dressing room. My eyes widened and my jaw opened in surprise of what I'm seeing right now. They are all in suits. They look so drop dead gorgeous in suits. They are walking towards me while Luhan waved his hand at me and smiled, the rest of the EXO members smiled too except for Kris, he's looking away with his bitch face. Psh.

"Hi Hana~" Luhan, Chanyeol and Baekhyun greeted me with a smile.

"How do we look? Do we look handsome?" Baekhyun smiled and chuckled.

Blood rushed to my cheeks. OMYGOSH. THEY LOOK COOL IN SUITS.. THEY ARE SO HANDSOME! I nodded and chuckled. "Yup.."

My eyes shifted to Kris while he is holding his phone. He looks good in black suit with a black tie. His blonde hair looks so combly neat. He really stands out because of his blonde hair. Aish. Why are you always so handsome? My eyes widened as our eyes met. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked away. Psh. Still a jerk.

"Okay..Let's start.." Mr. Lee announced. The music starts to play and the song is HISTORY by EXO-K making Baekhyun chuckled. "It's our song.." Baekhyun said.

"Let's start for individual shots.. Let's start with Baekhyun.." Mr. Lee said and Baekhyun smiled.

Then after Baekhyun's individual shots, it's Chanyeol's turn. He stood up and smiled to the camera. Chanyeol's so handsome. He's like a model. So tall and so handsome.. After how many turns of the rest of the EXO members. It's Kris' turn. He's the last to have the individual shot. He walked towards the stage and started to pose with his cool pose. He stood up tall with his hands is now in his pocket.

"Okay.. Good.. Kris.." Mr. Lee said while he is capturing Kris' pose and he thumbs up. I saw him smiled and my heart just skipped a beat. Then, he strike a new pose. He is now in a side-view while looking up and his hands are now on his pocket. He looks like a real professional model. 


"Wait.. Hana.. Can you fix Kris' tie? It's loose.." Mr. Lee said as he stopped from capturing pictures then, he looked at me waiting for my answer. WHAT?! W-WHY ME?! I don't want to!

"Me?" I asked curiously with my widened eyes.

"Yes, you.. Please hurry up and fix his tie.." He ordered with his sharp, serious eyes. I became scared because of his serious eyes. He's scary. I nodded. "Yes.. Sir.." I hurriedly walked towards Kris and he looks rather annoyed. "Just wait for a moment, Kris.. She will just fix your tie.." Mr. Lee said and he nodded. I stopped  from walking and I'm infront of him. He looked away and I'm now fixing his tie quickly. I can feel that my heart is beating so loudly while my hands are now nervously fixing his tie. Why am I getting nervous?

After I fixed his tie, I can feel that Kris is watching me. I looked up to see his face and our eyes met. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I quickly avert my eyes.Why do I always meet his eyes? I hurriedly let go of his tie and started to walked out away from him, going back to where I stayed. 

"Okay, Kris.. Just sit down on that sofa and pose whatever you like.." Mr. Lee announced and Kris nodded and sat down. He crossed his leg as his right arm rests on chair's arm while he tilts his head to the side that makes his pose looked cool. 

"Okay.. Nice shot, Kris.." Mr. Lee thumbs up again and then, Kris changed his pose again while Mr. Lee is capturing his pose. 

"Okay.. Good Job Kris.. Then, let's do the group shot.. Let's start first with EXO-M.. You need pose a cool one. A serious and cool one, okay?" Then, the EXO-M walked towards the stage and the song that is now playing is Mama-EXO-M. All of them striked a cool pose and Mr. Lee started to capture a lot of  pictures.

"Wait.. Hana.." My eyes widened and my heart stopped as I heard my boss called out my attention again. What again? I looked up to him and smiled nervously.

"Can you fix Luhan's fringe? It's covering his eyes.." Mr. Lee ordered and I nodded. "Okay, sir.." I quickly towards them and I stood up infront of Luhan. He smiled at me. "Hi, Hana!" 

"I'm just gonna fix your hair.." I said. "Thanks, Hana.." After I fixed Luhan's fringe. I looked to Mr. Lee. "Sir, is this alright?" I asked. "Yeah.. That's good.. Thanks Hana." Mr. Lee said and smiled. I exhaled and walked away. After how many hours, the shoot is not yet finished but it's lunch time.

"Okay.. It's Lunch time.." Mr. Lee announced.

"Guys, you have 3 guests.." EXO's manager said and all of them looks so surprised.

"Who is it?' Baekhyun asked curiously then, as I turned my back. Three beautiful girls stepped in.. I narrowed my eyes and it's SNSD.. It's Taeyeon, Seohyun and Jessica.  The three looks so blooming and beautiful. Taeyeon and Jessica wore a floral dress while Seohyun is wearing a black knee-length shorts and a white blouse.

"Noona!!" Baekhyun waved his hand and he ran towards them happily. The others quickly walked towards them including Kris. What's with these heavy feeling in my chest?

"What brings you here, Noona?" Chanyeol asked curiously with a smile.

"We had nothing to do and we decided to visit you guys on your photoshoot.." Jessica smiled. She looks beautiful. She is wearing a pink floral dress that is now slightly short above her knees while she is wearing a white wedge. Her long light brown hair scattered on her shoulders. She's tall and beautiful like a model.

"We brought you food.." Seohyun said and the three of them showed a the plastic bags filled with a container that they are now holding with their hands.

"TADAA~" Jessica and Taeyeon said in sync and they smiled happily.

"WOW!!" EXO members yelled for joy and smiled cheerfully. They're so close. I envy their closeness.

"Hana? Aren't you going to eat?" Mr. Lee asked beside me.

"Ah.. Yes.. I'll eat.. I made lunch for myself."  I answered.

"Oh. Okay then.. Eat up, okay?" I nodded. I took my bag and walked towards the cafeteria. I sat down together with these EXO's stylist because they invited me over.  I looked up to see that the EXO members and the three SNSD members are sitting on the other table, they looked so happy with each other. They sat down together with those long tables infront of them while I'm sitting here at the back of them with these 3 girls who are the EXO's stylist. I don't really know them so, I decided to keep quiet and eat my lunch.

I looked up again to see the other table and I saw Jessica is sitting beside Kris while Taeyeon and Seohyun are sitting with each other at the right side of the table. The other EXO members are sitting with each other as I can just see only their back.

"Wow~" Baekhyun and Chanyeol exclaimed after they opened the lunch boxes.

"Wow it's Curry~" Chanyeol said while he is smiling so happily.

"It looks delicious.." Suho said with a happy face.

"Well, Jessica was the one who cooked these and the two of us just helped her.."Taeyeon announced happily and I can see Jessica's surprised face. She looked at Taeyeon with sharp eyes as she felt embarrassed.

"Really, Noona?"  Baekhyun asked and Jessica nodded, "Yes.. But these two helped me.." She said with a smile. My eyes shifted on Kris while he is looking at the food while smiling so happily. "Eat up everyone.." Jessica said. "It's delicious Noona~" some of the EXO members said in sync and they really do looked all pleased. Jessica thanked them.

Kris took his spoon and taste a spoonful of curry with rice. He then looked up to Jessica as he thumbs up while smiling at her. "It's good. So delicious.." Jessica looked at him and blood rushed to her cheeks as she smiled at Kris. "Thank you, Kris.. I'm glad that you like it.." She said while smiling at him. My heart aches as I saw Kris and Jessica smiling at each other. They really do love each other. 

 I opened my lunch box and I took my spoon as I started eating the curry that I made last night. It may not be so delicious as Jessica's curry is but I'll still eat it because I'm starving. While I'm chewing my food, I take a look on Jessica and she looks so beautiful while smiling and laughing. I can see why Kris likes her. She's everything Kris' likes in a girl. She's beautiful, fashionable, friendly, kind and knows how to cook. But compared to me, I'm the total opposite of her. I shook my head and continued to eat, Why am I thinking that?

I saw the three girls who are in the same table as me stood up and they are finished eating. "We'll go right over there Hana.. Eat well.." one of the EXO's stylist said and I looked up to them and nodded with a smile. Then, they walked away from me and here I am, eating alone in this table.

"Hana.." I heard Luhan's voice called my name and to my surprise, he's sitting beside me. He smiled widely at me. "Luhan? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to eat there?" I asked curiously at him. He pouted cutely. "I'm finished eating and you're all alone here.." He said and my eyes widened as my heart skipped a beat. I just looked down shyly at my lunch box. "We decided to invite you to eat with us.."

He said and I looked up to him and shook my head from left to right. "Thank you but I'm fine here.." I answered with a smile. "But.." I cut him off. "It's fine, Luhan.." I smiled. He nodded and pouted. "Okay.. Then, I'll just sit here beside you.." He said and he smiled making my cheeks turned bright red. "Wow.. Can I taste your curry?" He asked while looking at my lunch box and he shifted his gaze at me while smiling. "Why? You already ate right?" I asked and he pouted again. "But it looks delicious and I want to taste what you made..". I smiled and nodded.

He took my fork in my hand and smiled at me. "I'll borrow your fork, okay?" My eyes widened in surprise as he quickly took a bite on the curry that I made and he smiled at me. "It's delicious, Hana.." He said. "You're just saying that.." I answered. He frowned. "Yah. I'm being honest here.."He pouted. "I don't believe you.." I pouted. "Why don't you believe me? I'm telling the truth."He frowned and he looked like a poor cute puppy.

I chuckled. "Fine... I believe you.." I said. His eyes brightened up and smiled. "Really?" He asked. "Yes.. Thank you.." I answered and smiled at him. Then, we talked a lot on various things. Luhan is funny. He talked about his embarrassing moments in high school that made me really laugh. Then, I'm finished eating.

"Hana..I'll be back.. I'll just go to the comfort room.." Luhan said and I nodded. He walked away from me and I shifted my eyes to EXO's table. Kris and Jessica are talking and laughing. Looks like they are so happy together. I frowned as my chest starts to swell. They look so good together. They both suit with each other like a perfect couple. She's everything that Kris' likes in a girl. I hate it.. I hate how he smiles brightly and looks handsome all the time. I hate how he manage to be nice and sometimes rude. I hate how he makes my heart race and my heart in pain. Right now, seeing the two of them looked so happy pierced my heart and my chest swells up

making me realized that I love him.


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Thank you~

Sarangheyo~ <3

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