23. Family

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Hi guys~

This chapter is dedicated to luhanforeva.

Thanks for being the first one to comment on the previous chap.

Hahaha. And also thanks for reading this~

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment guys~

thanks ^___^


Hana's POV

Since this day will be our first date, I decided to wear a dress. I opened my closet and scanned any dress. "Omo.. There's no dress here.. I already move my clothes on the other apartment.." I slapped my forehead in disappointment. Good thing, I still have few clothes left here.. I took the white shirt and blue shorts. "This will do.." After I get dressed and combed my hair.

I took my bag and stepped out from my room. I guess I'm ready. I slowly walked towards Kris' room and as I stood infront of his door, I exhaled to calm down. I didn't knocked the door coz the door is slightly open, I took a peek inside of his room and I saw Kris sitting on his bed while holding his phone on his ear. I was surprised until I heard Kris' angry voice speaking to someone on the phone.

"Weisheme?!" His voice is in a high tone. (trans: why?)

Huh? What did Kris just said?

"No! Buyao gei wo da dianhua!" He yelled in anger. (translation: Don't call me!) Chinese? Why is he speaking in Chinese? and who is he talking to? and why is he so angry about? Ugh.. I don't understand a bit.

"Wo Hen ni!" He yelled in such anger voice. (trans: I hate you)

Then, I was startled when I heard that he threw his phone so hard on the floor. He ran his fingers on his hair in anger then, messed it. "Shit!" He hissed as he punch the bed in anger. He's scary.

But what's wrong with him? I frowned as I saw Kris started to cry silently and punched the bed. Why is he crying?

The door slightly opened a bit as Kris suddenly turned around and he narrowed his eyes as he saw me.

"Kris? W-What's wrong?" I asked stuttering but then, he turned around avoiding my gaze.

"It's nothing. I'm fine.." He answered and I can see that both of his hands are now on his head looking so furiously.

"No.. You're not.. Tell me.." I said in a worried tone as I slowly walked towards him and sat down on his bed beside him.

"I'm fine.."

"Tell me and I'll listen.. I'm worried about you.." I said. Then, I was surprised when suddenly Kris hugged me. I slowly patted his back with care. "Tell me.. Why did you seem so angry about? Why are you speaking in chinese?" I asked.

"I-It's about my dad.." He whispered but still, his arms are still wrapped around me.

"Your dad?" I asked with widened eyes.

"Yes.. My dad.."

"Mr. Nicholas?" I asked curiously.

"No.. He's not my real dad." Real dad?

"Not your real dad?"

Then, he quickly broke the hug and looked down. 

He stood up but he turned his back and lean on the wall. "Yes.. He's my step-dad.. My Mom and my real Dad divorced when I was still 10 years old.."

"Divorced? But why are you so angry with your dad?"

He didn't respond and we were in this silent moment.

"I'm sorry if I asked.. It's fine if you don't want to tell me.. I understand.." I said in a worried tone.

"It's okay.. I'll tell you.. My Mom.. and my real dad divorced when I was 10. Before then, he always fight with my Mom and he didn't care about us. He never played with me when I was a kid. He always shouts and he left us without notice. Then, my Mom always cry because of him and I hate it. I hate him! Soon after, they divorced as my Mom and I decided to migrate on Canada. I want to forget about him but then, awhile ago, I didn't expect that after how many years have passed, my dad called me today.. telling me that he wants to talk and see me,  he also said that he misses me and my Mom Fuck! Is he out his mind?!. After what he had done with us?! Shit! He must be kidding me!" Then, I startled as Kris punched the wall in anger.

"Shit. I hate him!" He hissed.

My eyes widened and I quickly stood up and walked towards Kris. "Stop it. Kris.."  I held his hand and looked at him with such worried eyes. His saddened eyes met mine. I quickly hugged him and pat his back. I broke the hug and look sternly at him. He looked down.

"Why don't you try to talk with him through the phone for once?" I asked. Then, he quickly lifted his head and furrowed his eyebrows on me.

"Are you kidding me?!" He asked.

"Just once, Kris.. He's still your father.." I said while holding his hand and looking at him with such worried eyes.

"No! I don't want to talk with him! After what he had done with us! I will never forgive him!" He hissed.

"But Kris.. He's still your dad.. Your real dad."

"He's the worst dad and I hate him." He hissed looking away.

"Can't you just think about it? It won't be that bad to talk with your dad just once.." I said.


"Okay.. I'm sorry.. But let me tell you this, eventhough your dad committed a lot of mistakes before.. It will never change the fact that he's still your dad."  I smiled slowly and I let go of his hand. I saw him standing while looking down.

"Just think about it, Kris.. Talking to your dad once more won't be that bad.." I muttered and I stepped out from the room. I sat down on the sofa and let out a sigh. So.. Our date for today won't happen.. How disappointed.

Then, a couple of minutes, my eyes widened as I felt that someone messed my hair. I looked up and it's Kris.


He sat down beside me and showed a smile.

"I guess your right.. Hana.. I'll try to call him back.." he said.

I smiled. "Really?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled widely at him and he suddenly pinched my cheek. 

"Anyways, let's not talk about that anymore.. let's go to Lotte World.." He said and my eyes widened in surprise. "W-What? Lotte World?" I asked and he smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

"Are we really going to Lotte World?!"

"Of course.. We are.." 

"Yes!!!" I yealped for joy.

"Let's go.." He said and held my hand. I smiled so happily and we stepped out from the house. We're now here in Kris' car. 


"Yeah?" he asked

"Can I get my baggage first on my apartment?" I asked

"Sure.." He answered then, after we took my bag, Kris is now driving towards Lotte World. As we arrived the place, we went out and started to walk. Kris is wearing his disguise look so no one won't notice him. But it's fine as long as Kris is with me. I flushed as he held my hand tightly like all couples do. I can't believe that I'm going on a date with Kris!

We took a lot of pictures of us while roaming around Lotte World.

"So.. What are we going to ride?" I asked.

"Roller coaster.." He suggested and my eyes widened. Roller coaster?! I gulped.

"Why? You're scared?" He asked smirking.

"Of course not! Let's go!" I said.

After we rode the roller coaster, I felt so dizzy.. But then, Kris is laughing so hard.

"Yah! Why are you laughing?!" I yelled.

"It's because you were screaming so loudly and look at  your face on these pictures! It's hilarious!" He said.

"Yah! Stop that! Aish... I'm so dizzy.. Kris.. Let's sit down first.." I said while holding my head. Then, he stopped laughing and we sat down for awhile.

"Just stay here. I'll get some drinks.." He said and I nodded. "Okay."

Then, I lifted my head as two guys with the same age as me stood infront of me. "Hey Pretty lady~ Are you alone?" He asked. Yuck!

I shooked my head. "No. I'm not alone."

The two of them wondered their eyes. "I don't see one.." He said. 

"He will just come back.." I answered and glared.

I heard someone coughed all of the sudden and it was Kris. "Yah! You bastards! Get away with my wife." Kris said glaring at them with such cold eyes. The two apologized and ran away when they saw Kris. They were scared because Kris was so tall and they were so short.

"Psh. Those bastards." He hissed.

"Here's your drink.." He handed me the drink and I took it. "Thanks."

After we drank our drinks. Kris took a glance on me. 



"Here.." He said and he handed me a present.

"A present?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah.. Open it.." He looked away as I can see that he is blushing. I chuckled.

"Yah! Why are you laughing?!" He asked glaring at me.

"It's because your blushing.." I answered and chuckled.

"W-whatever..Just open it.." He ordered. "Okay. Okay.." I said smiling while I opened the present. My eyes widened of what I'm seeing. It's a stuff toy. A very cute one! It's a white sheep wearing apirate hat?

"Omg! So cute! A stuff toy! Thank you Kris!" I exclaimed while hugging it.

"Take care of him." He said and he showed a gentle smile. 

"Him? He's a boy?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow on him.

"Yes. He is.."

"How sure are you?" I asked.

"He's a boy coz he is wearing a pirate hat."

"Okay.. Then, what's his name?" 

"It's Ace.." He said.

"Ace? Where did you get that from?" I asked.

"I really like the name Ace.. I want Ace to be my stage name before but it turned out that it's Kris.." He said and I chuckled.

"Okay.. Okay. Ace.. I like it.." I smiled widely at him.

"Take care of Ace, okay? He's our child.." He said and I flushed. Our child?

"Of course I will.. I will love him forever." I chuckled and I saw his cheeks turned bright red.

Me, Kris and Ace. Funny how our first child is a stuff toy...


The next update will be... I don't know. If I have a free time, I guess. 

 Don't forget to vote and leave a comment guys~

I love reading your comments~


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