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"Wake up," mom said while shaking me

Well, I must say that the night passed quite fast.

I wasn't in a mood to actually wake up but soon I realized that I have to report. It's going to be my first day in office. Though  I never had any friends in The U.S, except for Karan, but still I felt that I should have said bye at least.

I lazily woke up from the bed. I saw Hyojin sleeping next to me. I dragged myself to the washroom and took a shower.

The sad part was that I didn't buy too many many clothes and for sure not the good ones.

I tried my best to find something decent for office. I was reporting as the head stylist so I had to the myself well.

I got ready and saw that Hyojin was still asleep. I just removed her hair from her face and kissed her hairline.

I don't know but I feel she looks more like her father. She is much more beautiful and cute than me.

Her pale skin reminds me of that morning when I found myself in his arms. It was indeed my best night. More then a one night stand, I felt safe and protected in his arms.

I still remember the smell of his cologne that lingered in my nose and made me feel like I should stay in his arms forever.

"Mr Unknown, thanks for giving me such a beautiful daughter," I said, maybe to the atoms and molecules in the air. (A/N okay so my online exams are approaching but I am still updating. Hahaha!! I I am the dumbest person but still. I literally studied chemistry like hell and now it's all chemistry in my head🥴🥴)

Finally, I got up and left the room. I can downstairs and saw Mom and Dad sitting on the Table.

"Breakfast is ready," Mom said while doing her work.

"Good morning," Dad said while burying his face in the newspaper. All this reminded me of the old good days.

I am happy that Hyojin will also line what I lived.

"Good Morning dad" I replied

"Only dad?" Mom said while giving me a look

"Gooooodd morning Mom and Dad!!" I said while chuckling.

"Hmm better," she said

To be honest, I got my Savage side from her only.

Mom came with the plates and I are my breakfast.

My Lil Meow Meow was still sleeping, so I gave her a forehead kiss and was ready to leave.

Karan came out of his room and hugged me. His kissed my hairline and wished me luck.

"Okay! Are you guys dating or what?" Dad said

"No!" We both said in sync

"We are best friends dad," I said while picking up my stuffs.

"Well okay," he said while raising his brows and giving us the 'I know you are lying expression

"All the best love," Dad said and hugged me

"Well, I'll drive you, you don't know much about it," Karan said

"Ohh Jinjja?? I think I am the one is was born here and I guess I am one who grew up here. Right???" I said while giving him a disgusting look

"No need! I'll drive myself" I said

"I am telling you, you better just sit in the car," he said while snatching my stuffs and going out

"And they say, that they are not dating" Dad whispered to Mom

"I heard that," I said while going out and waving towards them.

I sat in the car and this dumbass drove us to the Building.

Damn! It looked like a hundred-floor tall multinational building. Bighit is indeed big but I didn't expect it to be that big.

"Thank you so much for the service, I think you will pick me as well!" I said while taking out my stuffs.

I entered the building and went straight to the reception. I was on my way to the counter when I bumped into a guy.

He was not that tall, I think maybe five feet nine inches. He was wearing all black attire. Black skin tight jeans, black T-shirt, black letter jacket, black mask, black cap.

I literally dig my face into his wide chest and he wrapped his hands around me to safe me from any shocks. We both fell on the ground, I was on top of him. Only his eyes were visible.

They were dark and mysterious. Though the collision Was fast but I knew that he hugged me and made us turn so that he falls on the ground and I am not hurt.

We both stood up and I started to collect my stuffs that was scattered like particles in a gaseous medium.

" I am really sorry, I was I a hurry but you should have been careful," he said while picking up the papers.

"What do you mean? You should be careful" I retaliated

" well- ahh never mind. I hope you are not hurt" he said while examining me or you can say checking me out

"No, I am good. Hope you are also okay" I said in a cold way.

I am not like this. I don't behave rudely to people without any reason but I was really rude to him. I don't know why.

"That doesn't matter," he said and handed over me my stuffs and walking away.

I shook off his thought and went straight to the reception. I could feel his eyes gazing straight at me but I ignored his gaze.

"Hello, I am Park Mikyong and I am transferred from Gucci, New York," I said

"Yes ma'am, welcome. Please follow me" She said and started to walk. I followed her.


I was really in a hurry and was about to leave the building when I bumped into a girl.

She was around five feet six inches tall. I think she was about my age only, she was approaching the reception and I bumped into her.

She buried her head In my chest and we both fell on the ground. I didn't know but hugging her gave me a different feeling. I hooked up with so many girls but didn't get this type of feeling. It was same as that night when I took that college students virginity.

The smell of her hair was so similar to that girl. She smelled like vanilla and of course alcohol cause she was drunk. I remember how she fell on my lap and then we both felt that.

I did all those things to her that I never did to anyone. I took out her shoes, gave her my marks and many more. That night was indeed the best night.

Though it was a one night stand in her arms, I felt that this is the place where I belong. I am damn sure that we didn't use protection and I didn't know that was she on birth control or not.

I wanted to meet her and want to continue things with her but she left. All I have now is her note which says" if destiny wants then we will meet again"

I still have that in my wallet. I feel she is different. I felt good with her. Unlike other girls, I didn't just want to fuck her but I wanted to protect her, take care of her... But she left.

I remember each and everything about that night. It happened five years ago but it feels like I woke up this morning and wanted to see her face. I know her smell, her moves, her moans when she was enjoying the pleasure but the only thing I don't remember is her face.

Finally, we both parted our ways and I gave and we good up. I walked out of the door but couldn't resist to turn back and see her.

She was simply dressed and looked quite beautiful and sincere. For some reason, she looked more mature for her age.


I followed her and she directed me to a large office. The board said "Bang PD"

We entered the room and she said "sir, she is from Gucci"

"Ohh, Mrs kyong!! Welcome, I was waiting for you only" he said with

"It Is my pleasure sir," I said

"Well, you are already so experienced and talented, so I think you should start working. Min, show her, her office" he told the receptionist

"Well, wait... Before that let's meet BTS. You will mainly work with them only" he said while getting up from his seat.




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