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Next day:

I reached the building quite early cause the next day, we had to go to the Music Bank.

I reached my Cabin and was literally startled when the chair started to move on its own.

It was Yoongi. Yes he was sitting on the chair like Nick Furry who wants to catch spiderman

"Aigoo!! You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing here" I questioned him

He got up and came to me. He came too close to and crouched a bit. Our lips were just an inch away.

My heart flutters like hell, and I could feel my temperature rising up.

"I am sorry for yesterday, "he said

" I didn't know you were married and had a daughter "he continued

"I am not married and it's okay," I said and I could see his eyes getting bigger

"Umm, then Hyojin? Well, nevermind, it's your life" he said and shook it off.

We both stood like that for ten minutes,  looking straight into each other's eyes when I came back to sense and moved away.

I went to my desk and I could feel Yoongi checking me out.

"Well okay then, I should be leaving," he said and left

I sat on the chair, trying to calm myself down. 

"Aish! I felt this after a long time."I thought

I started to work on my recent designs when I got a call from the stylist. 

I went to the main trying room where all f them were trying their costumes.

They all waved at me when they saw me. I must say after yesterday's incident, we became quite close.

They all have different personas and they all are great humans. People see them as Idols and that's why l, they are not able to see the friend in them.

For me, they are just normal humans like me. Frankly speaking, they go to the bed as Kim Namjoon, not as RM and they also deserve the peaceful and happy sleep(A/N okay so I don't know why all of sudden, I started this moral lecture, but somehow this is true. We all at some point saw them as idols rather than normal humans like us and that's why we fail to understand them but I believe that for many ARMY'S they are just like friends whom I want to meet someday and I one of those ARMY'S.  Comment here what type of army you are)

I reached there and approached the stylist.  She told me that Suga was again having some problems.

"So, umm I heard you are having some problems," I said while approaching him

"Umm, yeah! I think it's torn and I didn't want to spoil it so I called for you" he replied 

The costume was torn near the neck area.

I started to stitch it and I could feel him looking at me.

"Well, just eat me up!! But don't look at me like that" I said while doing my work

"Don't live in this image that I was checking you out, but I feel that your smell is pretty familiar?" he said

"What are? A cat or what " I snorted

"No, I mean. I can forget faces but not smell" he said

"Fine! We are done" I said

Finally, we were done with the stitching part.

The next day, we had our performance and the atmosphere in the Building was so tensed.

"Designer-nim, please stay with us so that if we have any other issues then we can contact you directly," Unnie said.

I sat there where the boys were practising and started with my sketching.

Music started and the boys started practising. I was done with my paperwork and stood up to show it to stylist unnie.

I was on my way to her when I felt a Havey wait on my body.

Someone probably fell on me. I closed my eyes the moment I felt the jerk and when I opened it, I saw big round kitty like eyes staring at me.

It was Yoongi. He collapsed on me while practising.

I looked into his deep black eyes. For that moment I felt like I was looking into Hyojin'd eyes.  They were so innocent just like a child.

Yoongi was considered to be cold but I saw the child in his eyes and his fluffy cheeks made him look cuter.

"Do you have any plan of getting up or should we just have sex" he snorted

Ahhh!! Jinjja this guy is too much.

"Aigoo!! I think it's you who is on top of me" I said while raising my brows

"Yeah, baby! I will be on top. I like to dominate, you know!" he  said

"Ahh get the hell off me, "I said and pushed him away.

Well, it was simply the moment I think he is quite nice and we can be friends, I realise that its impossible.

We both stood up and he went back to the members.

I went to Unnie to show her the designs.

I went into my cabin and started with my work again. I made some calls to Mom, to see if everything is fine or not.

I don't know when the time passed and it was again around 9 but this time I already told Mom. They had to perform the next day so I had to work a little extra.

I was making the sketches when my stomach started making sounds and I decided to order something.

It as pretty late, so the building was probably empty. I got the call for the delivery man who asked me to come down.

I was on my way to lift. The hallway was in dark
I thought nobody is there when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist.

I could sense that he was a he. He pulled me towards himself and held my waist. He wasn't that tall maybe around five feet nine inches.

He pulled me towards him and grabbed by my spine. I was enveloped in his arms. 

Before I could realise anything, he started to kiss my neck and left his marks there. I was so startled but for some reason his smell made me feel safer.

His hands started to go inside my shirt and then I realized that it's not that time to enjoy. I Was probably being raped my some I don't know person and I was enjoying it.

I held his hands to show my sign of disapproval and to be honest, I expected him to retaliate but he instead stood there.

He took back his hands and stood there in front of me. Then suddenly I felt his hands engulfing me in his arms. He rested his head on my shoulder like a cat who wants to be pampered.

"Your smell is driving me crazy" he whispered on my neck.

"I feel like a vampire who is crazy for the blood cause of your smell. Don't you dare to use it for other men" he snorted

"Bu-but who- who are you?" I struggled to speak

"We are destined to be together," he said and collapsed on me.

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