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After a prolonged tiring journey, the flight landed on Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea. I was really exhausted.

Finally, I reached Korea and I texted Karan.

I saw mom and dad standing there. A smile appeared on her face when she saw me but then it faded away.

I greeted both of them. Dad avoided me. We took my luggage and then sat in the car. We finally reached home.

Mom told me to get ready for her funeral. I got ready without talking to my father. It was really weird and I missed Karan and Hyojin a lot.

We reached our ancestral house and the moment I entered, I saw her body in the middle. It was surrounded by all our relatives.

I went near her and suddenly it started raining. All the memories I had with her came in front of my eyes and I felt tears dropping from my eyes.

I wasn't able to say anything, I was just sitting in the rain looking at her lifeless face.

Though she was dead but her beauty was still there. She was undefinely
(A/N again I am not sure about the existence of this word😅)beautiful. I was speechless but I could feel that my tears weren't stopping.

"All this don't feel real" I whispered

It appeared as a nightmare.

Well, we proceeded with her funeral and buried her remains.

I sat there for almost 3 hours and then mom came to take me.

"She was the only one with me from the beginning," I said

"I know, but now she is in a better place where bad people like us don't exist," she said while trying to stop her tears

"Let's go," she said while pulling me up from my shoulders.

She supported me in getting up and we went back to our house.

I went straight to my room.

I noticed my room. It was same as 5 years ago. Nothing changed.

This is how my room appeared whenever I came back from school.

"It's same, all the pictures, everything is same," I said

I opened my bag and saw a picture. It was mine, Hyojin's and Karen's picture. With that, there was a note which said"I know you need to hang this in your bedroom"

"I miss you dumbass," I said while kissing the frame.

I hung it with all my pictures on my memory wall.

I rested my head on the bed and I don't know when I fell asleep.

Mom woke me when and said "wake up sweetie! Its dinner time"

"Yeah, mom!"I replied while lazily moving my body on the bed

"It's just like the old days" I heard her saying and closing the door behind her back.

I woke up and went to the dining table. Dad was still not talking to me.

"I think he forgets how to communicate with me," I thought

I sat there and had my dinner. Mom made amazing food. The mood of the house was kinda dark and sad.

"The food is delicious," I said in a monotonous tone.

"Yes" dad continued

Finally, we were done with dinner and I straight up went back to my room.

I don't know if he wanted to talk or not but I didn't. I came back to my room and tried to call Karan but then realised that he must be in the office.

"It's just 10 days Kyong, after that, you will back to your normal life," I told myself and went back to sleep.

Time laps: After 5 days. It was the same routine for her and her mom, dad. They woke up..ate and then slept again. Nothing was new. She was just there to see her aunt for the last time and nothing else.

I woke up the next morning and when I came downstairs, I saw...

Ohh my lord, I can't believe what I saw. I slapped myself and even punched myself in order to check if it's not a dream but yes I wasn't dreaming.

Damn! I saw Karan and Hyojin sitting in the living room.

Hyojin came running to me and I sat on my knees and hugged my little devil.

"Oml!! Mumma missed you devil" I said

"I missed you to mum!" she replied

I could see dad smiling for the first time.

I hugged Karan and said

"Well, how? And what about your camp devil" I said while rubbing her head

"Well, Mark's parents came to the camp and said that their kid was not getting good food and all and they created a mess and had a fight. So our camp go cancel" she explained to me

"And then we decided that we should make a visit to Korea" Karan continued

"Are you guys my grandparents?" she said while pointing to mom and dad

"Hyojin!"I said

"Yes! I am your grandfather" dad said while picking her up.

"And I am your grandmother," mom said

I saw dad smiling after such a long time.

"Let's go out and play! I'll tell you about your mom" dad said while taking her out in the garden

"Ohhh yes I really wanna know how mom was!" she said in an excited tone.

"I am bringing the snacks," mom said

"Looks like a child's smile can melt the hardest hearts," Karan said while side hugging me.

"Hmm!"I said

"Kyong, show Karan his room. I'll talk to you later okay son, I have to see him smiling first" mom said while rushing towards the garden

"No problem Mr Park" Karan replied

I showed him his room and went outside in the garden.

I stood at a distance and saw dad playing with Hyojin, the way he use to play with me.

All the memories came and then the scene of him shouting on him and forcing me for abortion also came in front of my eyes.

"I missed you dad!"I whispered while seeing them all happy. I never saw Hyojin this much happy.

I took my phone and clicked a picture of them.

"This needs to be framed, "I said while touching it.




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