3.Long Day.

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Rhea's POV:

"Here." The rich bastard extended the signed papers to the officer as he inspected it.

"Mr. Parker, you filed this action against Mr. Wright last month, only to take back all the charges?" The cop inquired glancing over him.

Meanwhile, Evan appears, as he stood there puzzled. His forehead creased deeper the moment he spotted me and this rude man in the same scenario.

I witnessed the jerk's fists clenching as he shoots daggers at Evan. I couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh.

It is going to be hard for me to elucidate everything to Evan. Because knowing him, I am sure he would prefer ending up in jail forever than dealing or even making a compromise with this living devil.

My gaze fell over Evan, as he stood there clueless. He had no idea what was going on and what's going to come in my way. However, his face grimaced as soon as he made an eye contact with my now employer, Ryan. His jaw automatically got clenched. The scenario reflected like two long time foes had finally got to encounter each other and this was their chance to defeat the other one.

Evan stared at me raising his brows quizzically and I tried to avoid his questioning stares for the hundredth time by looking away.

"What's going on here?" He questioned with a deep frown traveling his perplexed gaze everywhere.

"You're free." The cop announced in a thick tone and his frowns creased deeper. "What?" He expressed in a quiet voice as he was left staggered.

Ryan glanced my way and his temperamental expression completely reinstated with a knowing smirk. He was enjoying, isn't he? He continued sharing those unbothered stares.

Well, he can better perceive it as fun but I was doing this to bring back the tranquility in my life as well as my brother's. Evan is the only one left for me whom I call as my family and for him; I could handle this supercilious man as well.

I found guaranteeing myself but deep down I cringed at the thought of working with him for I do not know how long. He is well known as a living devil, a monster and I am going to be with him all the time, starting from tomorrow.

Noticing the exchange of glares and smirks between us, Evan hissed silently, "Rhea." He let out in a warning like tone.

I stepped a little further as I held his arm, "Let's go brother." Saying so, I turned round.

Tilting my head a little and giving the rich bastard one last glare, I finally succeeded in taking Evan with me outside the exit door.

Mentally, I prepared myself to face and deal with his queries and sighed inwardly. I started picturing his reactions and I was apprehensive.

What if he objects? Of course, he would. The question doesn't arise at all. The main thing that needed to figure out is what would be my attempt if he tries to mess with Ryan all over again.

Seriously, I had no idea what I was doing here. However, my heart felt contented thinking the fact that finally, I managed to get back my brother's freedom, which he totally deserved. Cause let's face it, people like me cannot afford to fight against rich maniacs like Ryan. We already did when Evan was accused then, but the lack of proofs ended him in the prison and since that day, I have not been able to get a peaceful sleep.

"What did you do that they let me go all of a sudden?" Evan 's voice dragged me out of my reverie as he inquired me suspiciously. I looked at him and just smiled a little, which didn't even reach my eyes.

"You're making me vexed now." He announced frowning at me. "Wait a moment; did you by any chance meet him?" He inquired dubiously making me wordless.

"Don't tell me..." he trailed off glancing at my expression which was as transparent as clear water. I couldn't hide any longer. "Damn Rhea, I have already told you not to mess with him. He is so cruel and ruthless. He is not just someone that you could trust." He raked his hand over his messy hair as he let out an exasperated sigh.

"It's nothing really," I quietly said assuring him, concentrating on the road in front of me though I myself needed more assurance.

"Oh. Really, they left me just like that. Tell me, you are scaring the hell out of me now!" He exclaimed raising his voice. I closed my eyes and looked at the other side. "Come on Rhea, for god's sake, speak up." He uttered anxiously right after.

"I went to his office building today." I responded in my low voice, which was barely a whisper. I could feel his shocked stares and when I looked at him, he was flabbergasted as his gaze widened. "What? Why? I mean you didn't have to..." I cut him off.

"I know what I'm doing. Trust me in this. Everything is going to be fine now." I say but my tone was unsure. The moment he placed this condition in front of me, I was at a loss for words. I wasn't sure if I heard him right or not. I lost my voice a few times.

For an instant, I was elated when he said he'll take back all the charges he forced upon Evan. Though I was not sure, thinking may be he was just playing around, but now I can sigh in relief, as he is right beside me.

I took a glimpse at Evan and realized, he was waiting for my explanation. I hope he won't make a big deal out of this and let me handle him my way. I sighed, big time.

I noticed him raising his brows questioning me. He mirrored like a little kid who's completely clueless of what was running at the moment.

Heaving a sad sigh, I started telling him everything. He was completely taken aback the whole time and stared at me with disbelieve in his eyes.

"Are you insane?" He exclaimed loudly, looking mad. I maintained silence. I heard him sighing disappointedly.

"Let's take a chance Evan, alright? And look at the brighter side, you're free now." I pointed out positively, trying to make him understand the situation. He looked deep in his thoughts for a moment and again spoke up.

"You're all I've got, Rhea. I can't afford to lose you," Evan started in a low voice, "I know what kind of a person he is and I worked with him. He's emotionless and so insensitive. We just can't trust him." His voice quaked at the end.

"Why did you meet him in the first place? I could've managed something to get out. He's definitely planning revenge. I know him, he can only think about his profit and nothing else." He spoke again when I didn't respond. "Fine. If you want to accept this job with him, I won't stop you. But, please be careful and you have to quit if you sense anything wrong." He requested glancing my way.

I just nodded a little, agreeing with him. He hugged me sideways and kissed my head.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. He said he would make sure to get you a respectable job. Everything will be normal now." I say observing him.

He replied with a weak nod and gave me a warm smile, but he still had this frown on his forehead. Processing through our own thoughts, we reached our place and walked inside opening the door. Our house is not so big but big enough and cozy for us to live in comfortably.

I used to work at a private school as a music teacher, piano teacher to be precise and Evan used to work at that jerk's company. I found myself gripping my phone in my hand just by thinking about him. The past events started flooding in my mind one by one and his constant smirks made me feel sick to my stomach.

I shrugged it off and placed my phone on my bedside table. Every now and then, I wish we could know who our parents were or someone could have just adopted us when we were young.

At least, we wouldn't be suffering this much. Growing up without anyone of the parent is heartbreaking. It feels like you are missing something big in your life.

I shook those sad thoughts away and changed into comfortable PJ shorts as it's time for me to sleep. I plopped on my bed setting an early alarm.

I rolled my eyes.

Who calls his employees to work at seven in the morning? He's definitely doing that to piss me off. But, I'm not going to let him know that it's really annoying.

I have to make sure that he doesn't realize that I was anywhere scared or agitated by him. I need to be confident and assertive.

I heaved a deep sigh and closed my eyes. I've really had a long day and just need to sleep to forget about my worries, though it's quite difficult to attain rest in this situation. But I need to stay positive.

Dealing with him is no less than an adventure.

Let the adventure begin. Thinking so, I drifted off to my dreamland.


Hey Amigos,

So, what do you say?
Oh I love them.

Anyway, please support me me as a writer, it'll mean a lot to me if you vote.

And I would be really very grateful to you if you go through my other works too.


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Love y'all<3

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