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Rhea's POV:

"I think we'll get along pretty well." Emma said grinning. She has been telling or should I say bantering about the jerk. She even acted like him. It was such a comical and funny sight.

"I don't wish to intrude, but what was the matter with you and Mr. Parker the other day?" She asked out of the blue, her concentration on her work as she took a swift glance my side. The constant smile on my face faded instantly.

Soon, she realized it as she tapped my arm. "Okay, I don't want to know. I was just..." she trailed off shaking her head a little. "Anyway, I should not be asking something personal." She smiled with a shrug as she went back to writing something.

"No that's fine," I start to say, "We had a deal and that's the reason I'm here, working as his assistant." I told her the half truth. "Otherwise, I hate him in fact, I loathe him." I confessed in a quiet voice as she chuckled.

"Same feelings this side too, sweetie," Emma laughed making me smile. "He's so discourteous and unmannerly." She cringed and I giggled.

We laughed, snickered and were so engrossed in our talks, that we didn't realize that we were actually very loud until in a flash, I heard my phone ringing endlessly.

"I am pretty sure it's Mr. Devil's call for you. Take it before he appears here and shows his outburst." She said pointing at his cabin, as she continued doing her work.

I chuckled and answered his call. "Ms. Wright, in my cabin. Now," he roared at the end and hung up without waiting for my reply.

"Yes?" I asked him calmly once I walked in his room.

"I didn't hire you to create havoc with your loud and immature talks with other employees. I won't tolerate that at any cost. You're neglecting your work." He commented rudely glaring at me.

I almost rolled my eyes looking down making myself ready for his attack. "I apologize for that sir," I say as I don't want to mess with him again. I better chose to stay calm rather to involve in an unnecessary argument with him.

"I want you to find all the annual files from last 15 years and go through it and make notes out of it. You'll find them in the store room two floors down." He ordered right back casually, ignoring my apology.

My lips curled up as I glared at him.

Is he serious! What is the use of it now?

"But, what's the need of finding them now. I mean I can make notes from other ongoing company deals." I reasoned out.

He stared at me and his face glowered, "I'm not asking your opinion. It's not needed. I'm ordering you." He enraged banging his palms against his desk table and I flinched at the sudden action. "Just do as I say and I want them by 4 this evening." He declared dismissively with mock anger and I can't help but to look at him with disbelief.

"Now, will you leave me alone?" He asked snapping back at me and had this prominent smirk dancing on his lips at the end.

I zipped my lips and just nodded trying to be calm and left his room. Only a fool would take his time to realize the fact that he was doing this intentionally to infuriate me more.

Why does he not fire me, if he does not want me to work with him? Of course, he knows I cannot relinquish and he is perceptibly perceiving it as an advantage.

Significantly, he wants to see me suffer and helpless. He loves doing that. I ranted to myself walking in the elevator. I didn't realize I was cursing the devil out loud and noticed a guy beside me in the lift, giving me amused stares. I raised my brows at him as he let out a chuckle.

"What?" I outraged but soon regretted it. I was so pissed off and this guy found it amused.

"Nothing," he shrugged still smiling widely in amazement. My brows furrowed as I stared at him, touched. "It's not everyday that I see an angry young woman." He laughed and that made me smile.

"Sorry, I got this vexatious task to do, an order by my imbecile and annoying boss." I hissed pressing my temples. I felt so exhausted at the moment, just by thinking about going through those old files.

"Mr. Parker?" He inquired and I nodded weakly. I guess everyone is so bothered by the boss here. I'm not the only one. The doors opened and I walked out.

"Welcome to the devil's association." He grinned walking out behind.

I let out a mirthless smile. "What's the task that made you crazy?" He questioned and I shared about the work appointed by the monster Ryan.

"Well, your pettiness is justified." He responded with a small smile.

"If you want, I can help you." He offered his kindness and I grabbed the help with open arms.

I found the second kind and accommodating human being in this firm.

"Thank you so much..." I trailed off recalling his name and apparently, I realized, I have not introduced myself.

"It's Luke." He smiled opening the door for the storeroom for me.

"Thank you," I showed him my crinkly-eyed smile as I walked in, "No problem." He shrugged followed by a slight nod, "And myself Rhea." I said, "Nice to meet you Luke. I owe you one." I smiled again.

He chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Absolutely you do." He jests and I started searching for those files.

Where these files are kept?
I asked myself watching over all the racks present there.

There was dust on each and every file present here. It's absolutely certain that all these files are untouched and ignored.

"So, how would you like to thank me?" He asked and I glance his way confused. "Start with coffee? No?" He exclaimed suggestively and I smiled slightly shaking my head.

"What!" He reacted.

"Well, I thought you were here to help me in finding those useless papers Luke." I chuckled and he laughed advancing his steps my way.

"Right. Sorry." He let out a boyish grin and I nodded.

"You inspect that way and I will check this corner." I instructed and he obliged making his way to the said part. Finally, he found them on the top of a rack shelf.

"Here." He announced followed by a sneeze as there was dust on it. He handed them carefully to me as they were covered with dirt.

"I'm grateful for your assistance." I smiled walking out.

"Anytime, see you around then." He smiled and I nodded.

"Sure. You really saved my day." I laughed and waved him bye. Instantly, I made my way back to the devil's floor.

I opened the topmost file and sighed, big time. It's going to be long day now. I took out my notepad and started making notes out of them one by one.

"Hey, it's already lunch time. Let's go eat something and then you can continue working on them." Emma spoke as she stood there, facing me.

I was so engrossed in this effort that I didn't realize that it's already lunch time. "I'm not hungry actually. You carry on." I replied with a thin smile.

"Are you sure? I can wait for you." She asked right back.

"Oh no, I'll grab something on my way back home." I said swiftly glancing up at her and averted my eyes again on the file in front of me.

"Okay, see you." She added as I felt her footsteps fading away.

I started working again. I rather complete this task than eating as I don't want to hear harsh comments coming from the devil himself.

I glanced at my watch and it ticked 2:30 in the afternoon. There were still eight files left. I sighed, leaning back on my chair as I felt the pain residing slowly as my back was hurt due to sitting in a same position for quite few hours.

I groaned closing my eyes and felt my eyelids turning heavy. Shaking my head, I quickly shifted my concentration back on my work.

Ultimately, it was done and I was ten minutes early. I breathe in relief. Briskly making my way to his room, I knocked on his door. I heard a fade, "come in" and I walked inside.

I just want to end this up fast and rush to my place and sleep. Meanwhile, my stomach growled, reminding me that I didn't eat this noon.

"Here are the notes you asked for." I stated normally placing it on his table and stood a few steps back waiting for his another order.

His gaze traveled to the notes and then at me. I noticed a surprised expression on his face but he quickly maintained a straight face.

He took the notes from his table and placed them aside without even glancing at it. My eyes widened in daze. "You did not even look at it?" I blurted out; my tone came out a bit complained one.

He looked up at me quirking up his brows and spoke in a monotonous tone, "I know that, you may leave." That's all he had to say.

That was it; my anger reached its peak. I was about to snap but didn't utter a word when I saw his lips twitched into his famous hidden smirk. Closing my eyes tight, taking a deep breath, I controlled my infuriation.

"Alright sir, is that all?" I inquired plastering a fake smile on my face including a bit of hidden mockery. He examined my expressions and let out an amusing smile which was not entertaining at all.

"Ah! No." He said smiling triumphantly and smirking at the same time. I took that cue to leave.

I growled angrily once I reached the restroom. I washed my face and went back to my cubicle. I glanced at my watch and it was time to leave. Grabbing my things from my desk, I hurried towards home.

If things are going to be this way then I swear I'm going to kill him.

I would be delighted if it's legal to kill one person in this country and undoubtedly, I would choose him over all the devils.

Oh how much I hate him right now!
All my inner thoughts were erupting like a volcano.


Hey Amigos,

I'm back with another update😊

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