Chapter 2

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The young man comes out as he walked when Haruka and I saw the young man has midnight dark-blue hair and depending on the lighting, it almost appears black. It is parted to the right, usually with a lock reaching his nose and the end of his hair reaching to the top of his ears. The back of his hair covers his neck. He has turquoise-blue eyes. He bend his knee down on the ground when he stare at it. Haruka saw it when she walked towards to him as she spoke.

Haruka: Hayato?

He turned his hear when he looked Haruka. Haruka blushes when she looked down as she spoke.

Haruka: Um... I'm a fan.

Haruka: I never would've thought as I'd be able to meet you here, Hayato...

Tokiya: I'm Tokiya Ichinose.

Haruka: Huh?

Tokiya stood up when he spoke.

Tokiya: Please don't confuse me with that shallow dullard, Hayato.

Haruka: Eh?

Haruka and I went back to the dorm when Tomochika noticed at us.

Tomochika: Haruka, Oriana, where were you!?

Tomochika: I was worried when you two are disappeared!?

Haruka: Sorry...

I sighed when I spoked.

Oriana: It's a long story... but, I chase the black cat because he took Haruka's handkerchief.

Tomochika: What! A cat? You should tell about what happened, you two.

Oriana: Sorry...

I looked at Haruka who seem pale.

Haruka: We ran into Hayato.

Tomochika widen her eyes.

Tomochika: EEEEEEH!

Oriana: Still... it's not him.

Tomochika: Eh?


Tokiya: I'm Tokiya Ichinose.

Haruka: But... you're really Hayato, right?

???: Oh, no!

Oriana: !?

I pulled Haruka toward to me when I hold her with my arm and I looked around.

???: Wrong!

Someone laughed as someone who twirling appeared... it's Saotome.

Oriana: Oh.

Saotome: That's wrong-o!

Haruka: Headmaster, how long have you been here?

Saotome: Me, I've been here all along.

Haruka: Then you overheard everything?

Oriana: I agree with Haruka...

I sighed when Saotome spoke.

Saotome: You could say that.

Haruka and I sweat drop as he continued spoke.

Saotome: He's not Hayato!

Oriana: What?

Haruka widen her eyes because she's shocked when Saotome spoke.

Saotome: He's Hayato's younger twin brother...

Saotome: Tokiya Ichinose.

Haruka & Oriana: Younger twin brother...!?

Haruka: Certainly, his voice is different, but... he has the same pitch as Hayato.

Oriana: I didn't know because he has his younger twin brother...

Saotome: That's because they're identical twins.

Saotome: Nothing unusual about that, is there?

Tokiya: It's a pain... being mistaken for that frivolous idol.

Haruka shocked when she spoke.

Haruka: Hayato is not frivolous!

Tokiya turn around when he looked at Haruka as I spoke.

Oriana: That's right... beside, he's your twin brother, isn't he?

Oriana: But it's no good to talk about your brother like that! Clear!

--End of flashback--

Oriana: I can't stop getting angry... but..

I looked down when I continued spoke.

Oriana: Headmaster knows as I'm strong, just like my mother...

Tomochika: Oh?

Tomochika: But there's your chance, right?

Haruka and I looked at Tomochika when she spoke.

Tomochika: If you get chummy with him, but you may be able to meet your heartthrob, Hayato!

Haruka & Oriana: EH!?

Haruka: I-I...

Tomochika: I know, I know!

Tomochika: You don't like making those kinds of connections, do you, Haruka?

Haruka looked down because she's pale.

Haruka: No...

Tomochika poked Haruka's forehead and my forehead with her finger when Haruka gasp.

Oriana: Uh.

Tomochika giggled when she spoke.

Tomochika: Well, classes start tomorrow, so let's do our best!

Haruka smiled when she nodded her head.

Haruka: Yep!

Haruka and Tomochika looked at me.

Haruka: Shall we, Oriana!

I blink my eyes when I give a small nod.

Oriana: R-Right...

Tomochika: What's the matter with you? Are you running away from the cafeteria because Otoya was stare at you?

Oriana: !?

I felt my cheeks turn red when Tomochika laughed.

Tomochika: Don't worry, Oriana. You'll be alright and you don't have to run away, okay?

Oriana: O-Okay...

Haruka's Mind: Dear Grandma, my heart is racing and I met my childhood friend. Her name is Oriana Nishikino. She's looks like her mother because she's an idol princess.

Ringo: Good morning!

Haruka's Mind: At last, my classes at Saotome Academy start today.

Ringo: Everyone's here... has survived the fierce entrance examination battle...

Ringo: But your real battle begins today.

Ringo: People in the idol course, raise your hands!

Otoya, Tomochika, Natsuki, Masato and... I raise my hand, everyone looked at me as shocked.

Ringo: Looks like Oriana's an idol princess!

Ringo: Then people in the musical composition course...

Haruka raise her hand.

Ringo: I see. So we've got kids who aim to become idols and kids who to compose for the idols.

Ringo: You'll be studying together in order to acquaint yourselves with each other, but at the end of the first term, the idol course students and composition students will pair up!

Tomochika: Eh?

Oriana: What?

Haruka & Oriana: Pair up?

--S Classroom--

Orange Haired Male: And your partner... won't necessarily have to come from this S class!

Orange Haired Male: You're free to find a partner to your liking from A class, B class, or any class.

Orange Haired Male: Your graduation audition will be performed in that pairing!

Orange Haired Male: And the road to a major debut will be opened to the victorious pair!

--Back to A Classroom--

Ringo: Until the official pairs are decided as at the end of the first term...

--S Classroom--

Orange Haired Male: ...Get to know a lot of people and search for your perfect partner!

--Back to A Classroom--

Ringo: And one more thing!

Ringo: There's a very important rule!

Haruka & Oriana's Mind: Rule?

--S Classroom--

Orange Haired Male: That rule is...

Orange Haired Male & Ringo: Romance is absolutely forbidden!

--Back to A Classroom--

Haruka and I shocked when Ringo spoke.

Ringo: Dating between the sexes is outlawed!

Ringo: Offenders will be expelled immediately, no matter what the reason!

Ringo: That's the academy's rule!

Oriana: ...

Ringo: Now, let's start with checking everybody's capabilities... by having a recording contest!

Student Girl 5th: There it is!

Student Girl 8th: Am I gonna sing too?

Ringo: I'm going to pair you up for this one time only.

Ringo: The idol course kids will write the lyrics... and the composer course kids will write the music.

Otoya widen his eyes.

Otoya: L-Lyrics!?

Haruka and I shocked.

Haruka & Mayuko: Write the music!?

Haruka's Mind: How can I suddenly make music...!?

Ringo: I randomly drew lots to decide on the pairs!

Everyone: Eh.

Ringo: After all, in show business, luck is also part of ability.

Student Girl 1st: I don't believe this...

Haruka's Mind: I'm with...

Haruka saw the paper...

Music Nanami Haruka

Lyrics Ittoki Otoya

Haruka's Mind: Otoya!?

Haruka widen her eyes when she looked at Otoya, but Otoya smiled as he stood up.

Otoya: All right!

Otoya: I'm paired up with Nanami!

He winked at her when he spoke.

Otoya: I'm looking forward to it!

Student Boy 1st: Let's do our best!

Haruka: I-I'm looking forward to it, too!

Ringo clapped his hands.

Ringo: Okay!

Ringo: As a reference point, let's listen to the best tune from last year.

Ringo: Accompanying on piano will be... Nanami Haruka!

Oriana: Eh!?

Haruka: M-Me!?

Ringo: That's right! If you would...

I looked at my best friend Haruka was looked down, she stood up when she goes to the piano as she put the paper of lyrics on top of it and she sit down on the chair.

Ringo: All you have to do is play the melody.

Haruka: Eh?

She looked at Ringo.

Ringo: Please start from letter A, after the 16th bar of the intro cut.

Haruka looked at the piano when Ringo spoke.

Ringo: Where the repeat mark is...

Haruka: ...

Ringo: Huh? Would you rather play from a chord sheet?

Haruka: ...

Haruka's Mind: What should I do?

Haruka's Mind: I don't understand...

Student Boy 8th: What is it? What's wrong?

Haruka: ...

Ringo: What's the matter?

Haruka: Um...

Student Girl 9th: Maybe she doesn't know how to read the music?

Haruka looked at them when she shocked.

Student Girl 6th: No way!

Student Girl 7th: Seriously!?

Otoya: ...

Student Girl 5th: I can't imagine!

Student Boy 7th: Why?

Haruka: ...

Ringo looked at Haruka as being worried when the girl of student spoke.

Student Girl 10th: Don't tell me she can't even play the piano...

Haruka stood up when she spoke.

Haruka: I can play the piano!

Haruka: My grandma taught me!

Student Girl 8th: Her grandma!?

Student Girl 9th: She isn't studying with a professional teacher?

Everyone mumbling as the student of girl spoke.

Student Girl 10th: Then how did she get in here?

Student Girl 9th: Maybe through a connection...

Haruka: I...

Otoya stood up when he spoke.

Otoya: Nanami, don't listen to them!

Student Girl 8th: You're the one who's in for trouble, Otoya.

Student Girl 6th: Getting teamed up with that girl...

Haruka was shocked when Otoya yelled.

Otoya: That's out of line!

Haruka: ...

Oriana: ...

Everyone who startled because I slammed my hands on top of the table when I glare at the students.

Oriana: How about you guys need to SHUT! UP!

Oriana: Haruka Nanami is my dear childhood! If I see you made her sad, you are worthless of students!?

The students wide their eyes when I looked at Haruka.

Haruka's Mind: Oriana...

Oriana: Haruka, you should don't listen to everyone, understand?

Haruka nodded her head.

Oriana: Good.

*Skip Time*


Haruka and I was sitting down on the bench when I wrap my arm around Haruka gentle to pull her toward to me.

Haruka: Oriana... thank you.

Oriana: You're welcome.

The raining are started when I sighed.

Oriana: Great...

Haruka felt someone who put the jacket on her when she turn her head... it's Otoya.

Otoya: You'll catch cold.

Haruka: O-Otoya...

Otoya: Oriana... why are you so different?

Oriana: You see... I'm shy, angry, and fear...

Oriana: I feel shy when I saw you... because you stare at me.

Otoya: Eh!? S-Sorry!

Oriana: It's okay.

Oriana: I'm getting angry because they bullied my dear childhood Haruka. I hope they will shut up!

Haruka: Oriana... wait, what's your fear?

Mayuko: ... Thunderstorm.

Haruka & Otoya: EEEEH!?

Oriana: When I was 7 years old...

--Flashback of memories--

Oriana: I was staying in my room when I practice to dance.


I scream when I started to crying as I hear the door are open.

Loki: Oriana? What's the matter?

I whimpered when Loki hugged me gentle with his arms.

Loki: Shhh shhh, it's okay.

--End of flashback--

Oriana: I'm terribly scared... because of the thunderstorms...

Haruka: Oh Oriana...

Otoya took me and Haruka goes to somewhere and we sit down on the chair. Haruka looked at Otoya and me.

Haruka's Mind: He's helped me again... and Oriana is protected me.

Haruka's Mind: They're really so kind.

Otoya: Look, it'll be okay.

Haruka and I looked at Otoya when he spoke.

Otoya: Reading a score and all that... if you study from here on out...

He turn his head to looked at us when he smiled, but Haruka looked down.

Haruka: But I've never composed music before...

Otoya: It'll be all right, I tell you!

Otoya: I've never written lyrics before myself!

Haruka: Then you're the same as me, right?

Otoya: We're in the same boat!

But he sweat drop.

Otoya: Nanami, you must've come here because you wanted to do something too, yeah?

Haruka: Eh?

Otoya: In that case... you can't give up.

Haruka looked at Otoya.

Otoya: I've been singing for as long as I can remember.

Otoya: Even if you're feeling blue, singing cheers you up, doesn't it?

Otoya: So...

Otoya: When I make my debut, I hope someone is encouraged by my songs.

Otoya: Anyway, for now, I'll try to write lyrics for one verse by tomorrow.

Haruka stood up when Otoya and I looked at Haruka.

Haruka: I... I'll study musical scores and composition!

Otoya and I smiled as Otoya nodded his head.

Otoya: Yeah! Let's both our best!

Haruka smiled when she spoke.

Haruka: Okay!

Haruka's Mind: I can't drag Otoya down...

Haruka: Oh, Oriana. Do you really have to go?

I nodded my head when I spoked.

Oriana: Headmaster want me to go to the photo shoot with my younger sister Maki soon, so please do your best okay?

Haruka: Okay. But wait... I have to write the song or lyrics for you.

*In the library*

Haruka was doing the study.

Haruka's Mind: I have to... I have to study!

Haruka's Mind: I have to repay Otoya's kindness... by writing a good song!

Haruka's Mind: And my precious childhood Oriana.

Natsuki and Masato watches Haruka was get the books and she doing the study, Natsuki smiled. Masato looked at me because I went out.

Natsuki: She's surprisingly positive, isn't she?

Natsuki: Looks like Oriana is an idol princess when she's going to the photo shoot soon.

Natsuki: That puts my mind at ease.

Haruka was continued to the study.

*In Otoya's dorm*

Otoya was listening to the music when he removed his headphone away from him.

Otoya: Yeah, there it is!

Otoya: Time to write!

But then...

Otoya's Mind: But what should I write?

Otoya: Hmmm...

Otoya was trying to think, but nothing when he messed his hair with his hands.

Otoya: I can't do it after all!?

He said when he stretching his arms and he laying back down.

Otoya: Shouldn't it just, like come to me in a flash...?

He whined when he roll to the left and to the right, as he stopped... Tokiya stare at him.

Tokiya: ...

Tokiya: I can't concentrate if it's noisy.

Otoya: ...

Otoya: Sorry! Sorry!

Otoya: You can be noisy too, Tokiya.

Tokiya: That's not the point. I'm saying that I want you to be quiet!

Otoya: Eh...? But I have to write song lyrics...

Otoya: That's it!

Otoya: Tokiya, how are you gonna write your lyrics?

Tokiya close his eyes when he spoke.

Tokiya: I'm not obliged to tell you that.

He said when he turn to walked away, but Otoya stood up when he spoke.

Otoya: Oh, it's okay! Come on, tell me!

Otoya: Please! Pretty please!?

Otoya: Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

Tokiya sighed.

Otoya: Come on!

Tokiya: Fine, if I must... I'm only going to say this once.

Otoya: Thank you, Tokiya!

Tokiya: First, decide on the motif that will become your theme.

Tokiya: From there, you can free associate...

He said when he speak faster, Otoya feel depressed, his face and body turn into white. Tokiya sweat drop as he finished.

Otoya: Thank you, Tokiya...

Otoya: I think I'll ask the others, too...

*In Syo's dorm*

Natsuki: Here, please put this on.

Syo turn around and Natsuki spoke.

Natsuki: You're already cute and petite, Syo, so this'll make you even cuter.

Syo's Mind: Cute?

Syo: Why, you...!!

He's getting angry when he grabbed Natsuki's collar to pull toward to him with his hand.

Syo: I already told you, I don't wanna hear that "keyword" come outta your mouth!

Natsuki shocked when he close his eyes because he chuckled.

Syo: W-What!? What's so funny!?

Then... Syo scream. Otoya open the door when he spoke.

Otoya: Natsuki...

Otoya: Eh?

Otoya saw Natsuki grabbed Syo's both arms because he struggle.

Syo: Let go of me!!

Natsuki giggled.

Natsuki: Gotcha!

Natsuki laughed when Otoya sweat drop and he spoke.

Otoya: What are you doing?

Natsuki: Eh? Writing lyrics?

Otoya: Yeah.

Natsuki: The stars transmit pretty words into your head... so all you have to do is remember them.

Otoya: S-Stars?

Natsuki: Yes, the stars.

Otoya's Mind: This isn't helpful...

Syo: It's pointless to ask a genius like Natsuki.

Otoya: Eh?

Natsuki and Otoya looked at Syo.

Syo: Those who aren't geniuses only have effort.

Natsuki: Don't move!

Natsuki took a picture with his cell phone.

Syo: All you can do is use effort to compensate for a deficiency of talent.

Natsuki: Cute! That's pretty, Syo! Cute!

Natsuki: Look this way!

Syo: One question...

Syo: How many photos are you gonna take!?

--In Ren's dorm--

Ren: How to come up with lyrics?

Otoya: I was wondering how you do it, Ren.

Ren: See, I live to love beautiful ladies...

Ren: So all of the words that come out of my mouth are love songs.

Otoya: Eh?

Ren: I whisper words of love... and they never fail to hit... my prey.

He said when he throw the dart to hit the red spot with the needle as Otoya shocked.

Otoya: I don't know what you mean!

Otoya: Masa, you're the only person I can count on. Help me!

Otoya saw the paper from who Masato wrote "Dam of the Heart".

Otoya's Mind: It's too idiosyncratic for me to follow.

*Back to the library*

Tomochika looked around to find me, but she spotted me with Haruka. Because Haruka was continue to study.

Tomochika: Haruka! Oriana!

I helped with Haruka to the study. All of time when I helped with Haruka to the study, but Haruka remember about flash back when she widen her eyes and she shaked her head as I patted her back gentle.

*In Haruka's dorm*

Tomochika was looked at the magazine when she looked at us as I helped Haruka to study. I hear the footsteps.

Tomochika: Hey!

Oriana: Hm?

Tomochika: Are you two alright?

Haruka turn her head when she spoke.

Haruka: Oh, sorry...

I chuckle when I spoke.

Oriana: We're fine, I was helped with Haruka to the study.

Tomochika: I see.

Haruka: The more I think about it, the more I have no idea what kind of song to write...

Haruka looked at the paper when she continue to speak.

Haruka: I've learned how to read music, more or less, but...

Tomochika: In just one day!?

Tomochika: That's amazing, Haruka!

Haruka: Still... Oriana is leaving because she's going to the concert soon.

Tomochika: EH!?

Oriana: But Haruka will find the song or lyrics.

Haruka: But composing a song is...

Tomochika: You're taking it too seriously.

Tomochika: I just slapped down lyrics off the top of my head.

Tomochika: Don't push yourself too hard.

Haruka sighed.

Haruka's Mind: I don't want be a nuisance to Otoya... but I don't want to worried about my childhood Oriana...

Haruka's Mind: I've got to make a song, and fast, or...

At hours, I told Haruka to continued the study when I'm going to sleep. Tomochika and I sleep on the bed when Haruka continued the study because she write the something about the song, after she take a break when she looked at the poster of Hayato.

Haruka: ...

She looked down as being depressed.

Haruka's Mind: What am I doing?

Haruka: If I fail here, there's no way I'll be able to write a song for Hayato...

She crossed her arms on top of the table when she buried her arms, she turned her head and her eyes are closed.

Haruka's Mind: What should I do...?


The black cat was standing to get off as he run toward to Haruka when he jumped on the table, he goes around as he licked her cheek. The black cat saw Haruka was tear because she's crying...

--Haruka's flashback--

Haruka's Grandma: Haruka...

Haruka's Grandma: Haruka....

Haruka's Grandma: Haruka, happy birthday!

Little Haruka was smile when she took the teddy bear.

Little Haruka: Thank you, Grandma!

Little Haruka: I know! I'll give you a present too, Grandma!

Little Haruka: I'll sing a song for you!

Haruka's Grandma: Oh, my!

Little Haruka: It's a song I made for you, Grandma!

Little Haruka smiled at her grandma.

--End of flashback--

Haruka woke up when she felt someone who place a hand on her shoulder, she turn her head... it's me.

Oriana: Haruka? You were sleeping.

Haruka: Oh... I just had a dream... my grandma.

I looked at her when I smiled.

Oriana: Why don't you gave her a song?

Haruka: !?

Haruka's Mind: That's right. I gave her a song...

I took her hand when I pulled her up to go to the balcony.

--Haruka's Flashback--

Otoya: Are you okay?

Otoya: I'm Otoya Ittoki.

Otoya: Nice to meet you, again.

Otoya: You'll catch cold.

Haruka's Mind: Kind... cheerful Otoya...

Haruka's Mind: Somehow, you remind me of sunflower, full of life...

Haruka's Mind: For encouraging me...

--End of Haruka's flashback--

Haruka and I went to the outside when we walking together as we're childhood.

Haruka's Mind: Thank you.

I looked at Haruka when I nodded my head as Haruka started to humming. After Haruka was humming, as suddenly someone spoke.

Otoya: That's a nice tune.

Haruka and I turned around.

Haruka & Oriana: Otoya!?

Otoya: Ah! Sorry...

Otoya blush when he spoke.

Otoya: But I do like that tune!

Otoya: Somehow, I feel it right here.

Haruka blush when she spoke.

Haruka: I was just humming to myself.

Otoya: No, you weren't! That was some fine composing!

Haruka: Eh? You're satisfied with that?

Otoya: I'm happy with that.

Otoya chuckle.

Otoya: I came out here because I didn't have any ideas for lyrics...

Otoya: But thanks to your tune just now, I can come up with something!

Haruka: Eh?

Otoya: Let's see...

Otoya looked up when he sing. After he sing when I spoke.

Oriana: That's good of lyrics!

Otoya blush when Haruka spoke too.

Haruka: I agree, those are good lyrics!

Otoya: Eh?

Otoya chuckle when he smiled.

Otoya: How about continuing... together? And Oriana... good luck about photo shoot.

Oriana: Thanks.

Haruka: Sure!

Haruka: And~ kiss him, Oriana!

Oriana: Wha!?

She pushes me toward to my fiance when I kisses Otoya's lips against mine.

Otoya & Oriana: !?

Oriana: S-Sorry!

Otoya: It's okay, it's my first kisses cause you are my fiancee.

Oriana: Otoya...

Otoya: 🎶Futari tsukuridasu kono MERODI ni nosete
Mirai ga kyou ni kasanaru you
Kawarazu gyutto kono FURĒZU mitai ni
Hanashitaku nainda...🎶

Otoya: Nanami...

Otoya: I've put my feelings for you into lyrics.

Otoya: But my fiancee Oriana went to the photo shoot. I'm so happy for her.

Haruka: Yeah!

Otoya: 🎶Tsumadzuichattari korondari shite futari wa iku
ashita no hou e
kimi ga inakerya sonna atarimae no koto demo
NOIZU darake sa🎶

Otoya: 🎶Tomechaou kono jikan kamisama ni tanonde
Time Leap & Feed Back mou
tameiki ga deru kurai
sorasenai sorasanai kimi no hitomi🎶

Otoya: 🎶SUMAIRU zenkai de ashita o mezasou yo
sen PA no genki de PĪSU SAIN
sono toki wa iu yo ano nimoji no kotoba o
dou shiyou mo naku HĀTO ga Fly
kimi ni hikareru🎶

Otoya: 🎶Egao ni nattari toki ni wa KENKA shichattari shite
oto o sagasou
deaeru hazu sa futari no tame dake no True Music
WAKUWAKU suru yo🎶

Otoya: 🎶Donna ni mo donna ni mo chiisana koto datte
Make Song & Believe Song sou
umareta omoide o
futari nara nandatte uta ni naru sa🎶

Otoya: 🎶Hashirida sou yo ima o bukiyou date ii kara
hare nochi kaisei PĪSU SAIN
sekai o koete hyotto shitara uchuu mo
ROKKU de tsunagarun ja nai?
ore wa shinjiru🎶

Otoya: 🎶SUTĒJI de kimeru ne
futari dake no PĪSU SAIN🎶

Otoya: 🎶SUMAIRU zenkai de ashita o mezasou yo
sen PA no kansha de PĪSU SAIN
sono toki wa iu yo ano ni moji no kotoba o
tsubasa no youni HĀTO ga Fly...🎶

Otoya: 🎶...Nee afureru...omoi ga
I'll Make Tomorrow With You🎶

Otoya looked at Haruka when Haruka smiled. After the song, Tokiya watching Otoya was singing when he walked away to go outside.

Tokiya: ...

--End of Chapter 2--

Otoya: Read Uta-Pri next chapter! That's a promise!

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