Chapter 48

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I was nervous the whole walk to the coffee shop. And stressed. Very stressed.

I hated going behind Derek's back like this especially because the last time I did this it ended our relationship. But the possibility of taking away the only piece of blackmail Evelyn held over our heads was too big a mistake to pass up.

This was my chance to finally one-up her. And Derek and I would finally be free to live our lives without Evelyn pushing her doubts onto us. We needed this. I needed this.

As I pushed open the door to the small café, Josh spotted me and waved me over to a table. I wondered how long he'd been waiting for me.

I sat down and saw him smiling like he won a million bucks. Hell he already had that much because of his father's business. I don't know anything else that could make a man happier.

His ocean-blue eyes sparked with delight at the sight of me. He reached over the table to envelope his hand over mine.

"How are you?" He asked excitedly.

"Fine, now what is it you wanted to tell me?" I said, getting straight to the point.

I didn't have much time on my hands before Derek realized I was gone too long.

Josh just smiled, unfazed, "I'm glad you want to get right into it. I know that breaking this marriage is as important to you as it is to me."

My mouth opened automatically to correct him but he kept talking and didn't give me the chance to say a word.

"So I found out the real reason why Derek and Evelyn teamed up together. Did you know Derek has a sister?"

I rolled my eyes, "This is what you dragged me here to tell me?

Josh was taken aback by my response,"There's more. She is super corrupted. Derek's father sold her to a guy named Mark for alcohol and drugs."

Now it was my turn to be shocked. That information was sensitive. Derek would not be happy that Josh knew.

"How did you find out about this?" I inquired.

He looked at me seriously, "I hired a private investigator."

"What the hell Josh? Why would you dig into Derek's past like this? It's a serious invasion of privacy!"

I couldn't hide my disgust. Josh had clearly changed for the worse. This was not the same guy who held my heart for three years.

He reached over the table again for my hand but I pulled it out of reach. Josh looked desperate to please me.

"You have to know, Evelyn made a deal with Derek. She promised that she would get his sister out of the clutches of Mark if he teamed up with her to get you away from me."

Jeez. Now I felt like shit. I'd given Derek hell for betraying my trust when he'd only done it to save his sister. But why hadn't he told me sooner? Why was he keeping it a secret?


"And she hasn't followed through with her word! Since she made a verbal contract with Derek and she didn't do it, we can slam her with a lawsuit!" Josh exclaimed as he started getting excited again.

The idea of Evelyn getting crushed by a lawsuit sounded very appealing. But first, Derek had to know. And he had to tell me why he didn't tell me about Liliane sooner.


"Katie wait!"

Shit. Derek was back again, hounding me from the bus home. I couldn't be seen with him or I'd end up with a broken arm like the last girl Evelyn dealt with.

"Can't talk. I have to go." I said quickly as I picked up my pace.

He caught up with me easily, "You always have to go."

He grabbed my arm and tugged it gently, forcing me to stop. I sucked in a breath and quickly scanned the area for anyone who could recognize us and report back to Evelyn.

"What's gotten into you lately? It's like you never want to see me anymore." He frowned.

"We can't be seen together." I said, still looking around.

He waved a hand in front of my face to grab my attention, "Earth to Katie, please respond."

I glared at him, "This is serious Derek. I don't have time to joke with you."

I yanked my arm away and continued my brisk pace.

"Okay fine, I'll get straight to the point then. Why won't you talk to me, respond to my calls, or see me? Jesus, it's like you don't want me around anymore." He said, his tone hinted anger in it.

My silence seemed to answer his questions.

"Is there someone else? Is that it?"

I whirled on him, shocked by the question, "No!"

"What then?"

Shiftily, my eyes shrunk away, "I can't tell you."

He grabbed my hands, his eyes pleading, "Please Katie? It's killing me knowing that you're going through something and I'm not able to help."

"Why do even care? The last time I was 'going through something' you skipped town and left."

His fingers brushed against my chin and gently lifted my face so that I could look him in the eyes. God, his beautiful green eyes.

"Because I love you. And because I care. Last time was different and I know you know that."

Almost immediately, like cold water on a burn, my anger started to face away.

Shit. Evelyn would kill me.

Wait. Since when did I care what Evelyn thought of me?

"It's Evelyn. She cornered me in the bathroom and attacked me with her friends." I said finally.
Author's note:
Ouu, Kate has found out the real reason why Derek teamed up with Evelyn. Were you guys surprised?

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