Chapter 55

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To say the least, dinner was awkward.

Mum had brought out her famous chili and spooned a plate full of it for each of us. When she got to Derek, she hesitated for a few seconds with a look of disgust on her face, before she finally set it down. Dad was leaned far back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were wide in horror like he couldn't decipher if the man who sat in front of him was real or a ghost.

Mia sat on my side of the table and bounced in her seat. It made me feel good that she was on this side and not next to my parents. It was like three against two. And right then I needed all the support that I could get.

Mum sat down at the table, deliberately unaknowledging Derek. With her voice muted she whispered a few words under her breath. From what I could conclude they went something like this:

Dear God, please save our family from this asshole who sits at our table here today. Oh and please excuse my language.

I wanted to grab her by the front of her shirt and shake some sense into her. Asshole? Please. He had changed in all the right ways and was almost a completely different person from his troubled- teenaged- youth self. But clearly neither Mum nor Dad saw it that way. All they saw was his one mistake and like a biased judge in court, they had already written off his future without examining all the facts.

How was I supposed to convince them otherwise?

Mia cleared her throat, her eyes furrowed as if she suddenly realized the tense atmosphere in the room.

"Sooooo, Kate, how are you?"

I smiled and flashed my engagement ring that Derek had bought me yesterday.

"Perfect. Everything is absolutely​ perfect," I giggled girlishly, "Being a fiancée is such an amazing feeling. I can't believe I'm getting married. Again."

Finally, Mum looked up from her meal, her eyes narrowed as she glanced at me before shaking her head.

I ignored her looks and put on a cheery smile, "So Mum, how are you?"

"Fine," She said, her tone harsh and clipped.

I faked a smile, "That's great to hear. And you Dad?"

"In all honesty Kate, my day was going wonderfully until I had to attend this dinner."

"Oh," Was all I could muster up.

I was suddenly angry. I really thought that this dinner might change things for my family and I about my marital decision. I was wrong.

Derek spoke up with a sincere look on his face, "Mr and Mrs. Williams, I would just like to deeply apologize for my actions that fateful night. Events from my personal life caused me to act out and even though that's not an excuse, I really am sorry."

Mum said nothing. She stared down at her plate as if she was reminding herself of that night.

Dad began to speak, "That's a very thoughtful apology Derek. But the events of that night are too horrific for us to forgive you. I'm sorry but we just can't."

My fiancé frowned and my plastic smile faded in an instant.

Mum looked up angrily, "You will never be a part of this family. Have you forgotten what you've done? On my daughter's birthday no less! You weren't there to see her face when it happened. To see how broken she was because of what you did-"

"Actually-" I began.

Mum shot me a look, "Don't defend him Kate. He needs to hear this."

I quieted and let her speak.

"You hurt me, my family and your bride-to-be," She snapped, "And for that we can't forgive you."
She stood from the table and the wooden chair she sat on scraped against the floor from the finality of her actions.
"I don't even know what we're doing here, pretending to be this big happy family that will never be."

I stood too, "That's it? What are you going to do? Write us off of the family?"

Mum looked at me with determination on her face and her head held high, "If that's what it takes then yes."

I threw my hands in the air in frustration, "God Mum, you're not even listening to his side of the story! His sister, Liliane, got sold to someone by their father because he wanted an endless supply of drugs, alcohol, and money. Derek's father is abusive, he's been beating him for years!

Derek had been trying to get Liliane out of captivity for a long time though he was continuosly unsuccessful. We made up this game, Callumn, Cass, and I, to grab the steering wheel whenever someone was driving and turn it the other way.

The night of the accident, Derek got a call from the hospital that his sister was admitted because of a drug overdose. She was fighting for her life. Before our party, Callumn went to drive Derek but found him drinking his way to death. Callumn saved him and started driving him to our house so that we could help him.

Callumn suggested playing the game we created together to help get Derek's mind off his troubles. That's when he grabbed the steering wheel and they crashed into the Froyo shop by the school."

Mum was silent. She stood in place, her mouth opened and closed because she didn't know what to say.

"So if you want to blame anyone for the accident you have to take it out on Cass, me, and Callumn as well as Derek. But you have to know that we were all partially involved," I said, "All of us."

"I... I didn't know..." Mum said, barely audible.

"Of course you didn't. It's because you never listen to anything I have to say when it comes to Derek," I said, adding salt to the wound.

Mia stared at us, sensed the tension in the air and cleared her throat, "Er, how about we all calm down and talk about something a little less crippling?"

I threw down my napkin that was fastened neatly around my neckline. The papery fabric crumpled down on the table.

"Forget it Mia, this dinner is over." I stated angrily, grabbed Derek's arm and we walked out the door.


"So," I said and leaned in close so no one could hear but her, "Have you decided what you're going to do about the baby?"

A horrible, worried look crossed over her face. She shook her head as if she wanted to shake away any thoughts that may have come to mind when I asked her the question.

"I'd rather not talk about that," She began to smile, "Let's talk about your birthday. You're finally turning 18!"

"I know!" I squealed back then​ rolled my eyes, "Ugh, but it sucks that I have to celebrate with my brother every year. Sometimes I wish he would just disappear so I could have the party all to myself, you know?"

Cass elbowed me hard, "Don't say that about my boyfriend!"

I winked at her, "Don't you mean fiancé? He still thinks you're getting married right?"

Cass rolled her eyes, "Ew. Don't remind me. I mean I love your brother, but I think it's way too soon to think about getting married. We've only been dating for a couple months."

"You're right, it is too soon. But I really think you should tell him soon before he starts planning for a non-existent wedding," I said seriously and gave her a pointed look, "And next time you guys decide to sleep together promise me you'll be on the pill too."

"Yeah, yeah mom," Came Cass' sarcastic reply.

Two arms encircled my midriff. Surprise crossed over my face.
"What the-"

"Surprise Katie!" Derek's deep voice said as he came up beside me and ruffled my freshly straightened hair.

Just as I was about to scold him for messing it up Justin, Callumn, Jenny and Rachel appeared beside me.

"Hey evil twin," Callumn said and made everyone around us laugh, except me.

I scowled, "Right back at you Loki."

This time it was Callumn's turn to frown. We both love super heroes and we watched every single Marvel movie that came out. Out of all the villians, Callumn hated Loki the most. I think it had something to do with his green costume, ice cold personality, and weird septor that he carried around with him. Using his hatred for Loki against him was just priceless.

"Excited for your birthday?" Jenny asked me.

"Very, except that I have to celebrate with this loser," I winked at her and jabbed my thumb in Callumn's direction.

My brother opened his mouth to protest but I intervened with a concerned look on my face, "Hey does anyone know where Cass is?"

"She said something about feeling sick and then ran to the bathroom," Rachel answered.

At the same time, Callumn and I cringed. She was sick. Because she was pregnant. Cass, Callumn, and I hadn't told anyone about what had happened so nobody else but us knew.

"What?" Justin asked as he looked between our faces.

"Nothing!" My brother and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Uhh, okay..." Justin drifted off.

I decided to change the subject before one of my friends started asking questions.
"Are you guys coming to the party?"

"Depends on if you guys are gonna have booze," Rachel stated in a matter-of-fact​ tone.

I smiled, "We won't. But you're welcome to bring your own. Just keep it hidden 'cause our parents are chaperoning."

"Chaperones? Ew," Jenny said.

I rolled my eyes, "That's what I said. But seriously, you guys are coming right?"

"Yes," Jenny and Rachel said at the same time then looked at each other and giggled.

I looked at Justin and scanned his face for a sign. He still wasn't over Evelyn and had been feeling more upset than usual these past few days. Finally he smiled.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Awesome!" I exclaimed.

Callumn nodded in agreement, "This is going to be a party to remember."

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