Chapter - 20

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Happy reading, honey buns!

There was an awkward silence in the living room. Arya, Vennela on one side while Anika and Ekantha on the other side.

"Anika, I am sorry. I know no amount of sorrys can heal you from the pain I have given to your heart but I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Whatever I did, no matter what reason it was not fair from my side to behave like that with you. Please forgive me if you can",Arya said and Anika looked at his face.

"Our past is past and nothing can change that now. I wish I could forgive you for all the things that you did but I'm sorry Arya it might take a lot of time and courage for me to do that but I wish you and Vennela have a good future ahead",Anika said and gave him a pale smile.

"Anika, I hold no position to speak in between you both. Arya might have been a freak but the last time you spoke to him, it put a lot of sense in his head, by the time realisation hit him, he lost you already. He went through therapy and had a gap in his career which could be a great loss for him. I'm not telling this as his fiàncee but as a woman who travelled with him. I am not forcing you to forgive him but if possible please do, it will give a lot of relief",Vennela said and Anika just gave her a small smile.

"I'll have to go now, Ekantha",Anika said and Ekantha pressed her hand in assurance.

Though the mess was totally not clear, it wasn't that bad now too. Ekantha walked with Anika to the door.

"How are you feeling, Ani?",Ekantha asked.

"Honestly, better but not too great though. But then, one thing is that I needed to hear this and our lives are not anymore inter related. I wouldn't despise him everytime I see, It's true I may not believe in love or people easily from now on, but whatever happens it will be for our good. Don't worry my dear, all good. You go and talk to your fiancee first",Anika said and nudged her teasingly while Ekantha's face turned red.

"Take care please, and I know I might not be a great help not as much as you but please tell me. I will do things as much as I can-",when Ekantha was going to speak more but Anika closed her mouth with her finger.

"Enough, enough madam! I will take care of myself and I guess I do it better than anyone in this world. So don't worry and you won't listen to me about this but still, don't over think all night about what happened just now. It's done, and as long as Vennu is good with it, we don't have any issues and if he breaks her heart. We'll find a place to bury his body, deal?",Anika said.

"Anika, don't say things like that. Wait, why don't you stay back and have dinner and go?",Ekantha asks.

"Oh, how I wish. Alas! You know right, If I eat, I sleep and then the day is just boom! Done! I have planned a lot for today atleast let me complete few things",she and Ekantha sighed.

"Madam, I am fine! I am not that heart broken devdas roaming on streets. I will be good, Ekantha. Why do you worry so much yaar?",she asked side hugging Ekantha.

"Who else do I have to worry about except you and Dikshit?",Ekantha said and hugged her back.

"Ahaan, you have more people cutie! The new admissions into your life to be precise in your work language",she and Ekantha scrunched her face.

"Who?",she asked.

"Oh ma'am. Don't tell me you forgot Mr. Abhimanyu and his family. Aren't they new admissions into your life?",Anika asked.

"There are more people too",Ekantha tried to control her blush.

"Did you say yes to him?",Anika asked.

"Not yet, but I think I will soon",Ekantha said with a huge smile on her face.

"Niiiiceeee, so can I start my shopping already?",she asked with a teasing smile.

"You don't even know his answer yet, Ani",Ekantha said.

"Oh please, if he wasn't into you, he wouldn't have talked to his mom about it and take time out for dates and stuff",Anika said.

"I don't want to keep any expectations Anika, I am still scared. What if he deserved better?",Ekantha asked worried.

"See, this is the reason! You're overthinking Ekantha. Listen, you deserve the best and I think if you could get any person like the best of the best, it's Abhi and for Abhi, I think you are great pair Ekantha. You should try to divert yourself from these thoughts",Anika said and Ekantha nodded.

"Okay ma'am, now I will take my leave",Anika said and they shared a hug.

"Text me when you reach home, drive safe and take care, Anika",Ekantha said and Anika waved to her.

By the time she came in, Kanyaka, Vennela and Arya were talking to each other.

"What were you talking for so long, Ekantha?",Kanyaka asked.

"Nothing amma, just some talk with Anika",she replied.

"Your phone was ringing, Abhimanyu was calling you",Kanyaka said and Ekantha rushed to the table to open her phone.

"We will leave now, aunty",Vennela said.

"Vennu, it's all done. I don't have any questions anymore. I just want you to be happy always. Arya, I don't have any enemity with you but since now that you are becoming my almost relative as Vennu's fiancee, I will try my best to be friends with you too. Stay back for dinner at least",Ekantha said keeping her phone aside deciding that she would call Abhi back once Vennela and Arya leave.

"No, Ekantha. Actually-",Vennela tried to give some excuse but since Kanyaka already prepared dinner for them she asked them to have dinner too and they couldn't say no to Kanyaka.

The four of them had their dinner together.

"Aunty, you should come home some time. Your long lost friend keeps telling me to invite you home but it always slipped out of my brain",she hits her head with her hand.

"I'll visit her soon, Vennela. I'll have to come to give Ekantha's wedding invitation, right?",Kanyaka said and Vennela nodded.

Ekantha was lost in thoughts, Were they going to get married? What if they don't? Will he still be with her like he is now?

"Ekantha, aunty, we'll take your leave now. After long time, eating your hand made food was nostalgic. Hereafter, if I go home or not I will come here every single weekend",Vennela said.

"You're always welcome home Vennela. As much as this is Ekantha's home it is yours as well",Kanyaka said.

Ekantha went to see both Arya and Vennela off.

"You, madam ji! You better come home once you are free. I need some time from my best friend",Vennela said to which Ekantha agreed.

Both of them left and Ekantha was locking the door, so that she doesn't have to come again to do it. She saw Abhi standing there looking at her. Ekantha's eyes had some shine for a moment.

She quickly unlocked the door and went outside.

"Abhi, what are you doing here?",she asked him.

"Well, ammu I am here to spy on you",he said and she looks at him confused.

"I was joking, there is a location shoot going on and I didn't have my lunch yet so I took a break and thought to go to some hotel but while I was passing by, I thought I'll just have a look at a beautiful lady who was talking with a couple a few minutes ago. Mind it, she was too pretty even in her pajamas",he said with a slight smirkish smile.

"Was she really beautiful?",she asked.

"Yeah",he replied.

"I think it's Mr. Mathur's daughter",Ekantha said with a pale smile.

Abhi smacks his head and that's when Ekantha glares at him and rubs his head as she tried to soothe the pain.

"Why would you do that to yourself, Abhi?",she asked.

"Punishment ammu, Punishment for trying to tease an innocent soul like you",he said.

"When did you tease me? You were talking about Mr. Mathur's daughter right?",she asked.

"Ayyo, tubelight I was talking about you",he said trying to control his laugh.

"But when did I wear my pajamas?",she asked being clueless and looked at her outfit to find she was in her night wear in the middle of the road with the guy whom she might be destined for the rest of her life. There was Mrs. Mathur looking at them and giggling.

She suddenly felt it would have been loads better if Mother Earth swallows her at this instant. Removing her hair from the bun, trying to cover herself with the hair, she looked down awkwardly.

Abhi noticed her uncomfortableness and pulled her into a hug which surprised her and she didn't reciprocate the hug  but did feel a bit uncomfortable. She moves away and walks towards her gate taking smallest possible strides. He walks along with her.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about, ammu. I know you might not like it when I hug you like this, I am sorry about that. I promised I would take baby steps but I just wanted to protect you from the stares that make you feel uncomfortable, I didn't realise this made you even more uncomfortable. I'll try not to repeat it, atleast till you are comfortable",he said

"I am not used to people comforting me like this, Abhi. Never did anyone hug for comforting me. Words are all I get for comforting me",she said.

"Alright, then I will go. It's getting late and I need to get back",he said giving her a pale smile.

"Bye, Abhi! Remember to take care of yourself and drive safe",she said and waved to him.

"Bye ammu, you too! Sleep tight",he said and walked back towards his car while Ekantha locked the gate and went towards the garden area.

The warm wind flowing towards the opposite direction from her felt like her life going in the opposite direction too. Will she ever able to gain her confidence in life?

A question that has been bothering her every day and night. She has a lot of questions to ask but the fear of being let down, the fear of people leaving her all alone haunts her.

On the other hand, Abhi was thinking about their recent encounter. He thought to take her out and spend some time with her but something unexpected happened.

Life has it's own plans, your plans might or might not coincide with it.

To be continued..

Hello dear readers,

After eight long months I am here back with a brand new update.

I know many of you might have lost connectivity with the story but please refer the previous chapter to understand better

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Also Merry Christmas in advance y'all!

Thanks a bunch for sticking to this story. Sending you loads of love, I'll try to update again for new year!

Till then

Take care and stay safe

Sakshi Signing off🦋✨

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