Chapter - 53

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Double update today, yuhu!! Didn't expect it, did you?
Happy reading dear honey buns!

"Abhi",Virendra called Abimanyu.

"Ekantha",Kanyaka called Ekantha.

Both of them signaled Abhimanyu and Ekantha to come and sit near them. Sitting opposite to each other and looking at their parents and then at each other's faces, Ekantha quickly bent her head low while Abhimanyu was playing with his hands.

"So we have decided that, we'll keep the engagement next month end, as you both wished you can take sometime to go through things and also do your shopping peacefully. Is that okay with you both?",Virendra said.

Everyone's focus shifted to Ekantha and she looked at her mother and then at everyone around her.

"That's fine with me, uncle! Thank you so much",she said.

"Ayyo, what is there to say thank you for this dear. I understand, in fact I am happy you decided to take sometime and take things slow. There's nothing to hurry at all. Take your time, and if anyone questions you for taking time then tell me, I will talk to them. Whatever it is, you both have to spend rest of your life together with each other, so it will be better if you take decisions together while we can guide you to go in the right path",Virendra said.

"He is absolutely right, Initially I was worried what would people think and all as well, but right now even if you do something or don't do something also people will continue talking about you. So, why should we be in hurry and take decisions. We'll take our sweet time too. I'm so happy, Abhi chose you and you chose Abhi! Although I can't wait for you to become my daughter in law and come home soon, let's wait for the right time to come as we party and have so much fun together",Vishalakshi said.

"Not just Abhi, aunty and uncle! I am happy I am going to be a part of this wonderful family and now I understand why Abhi is like this..ofcourse in a good way",Ekantha said and all of them broke into fits of laughter.

"So next month end it is, then?",Kanyaka asked and both of them nodded.

"We'll ask the pandit for auspicious time and let you know about it, brother",Kanyaka said to which the couple nodded.

"Actually maa and nanna I want to go along with Ekantha to their village this weekend when she goes. We'll return back together after that I'll go to Vishakapatnam for my workshop for two weeks",Abhimanyu said.

"I hope that's okay with you, aunty! If that's not its fine I will stay back",he said.

"If Kanyaka sister doesn't have any problem then you go",Virendra said.

"No problem at all, brother! You are always welcome Abhi",Kanyaka said and he squealed in excitement like a little kid.

"Also aunty if its possible you should join the party tomorrow evening. We are going to host little Tara's home welcoming party",Abhimanyu said.

"And the idea is mine",Mayuri said coming out of her room with spects on and a book in her hands.

"Sure, sure! Whatever makes you sleep tonight",he said and rolled eyes at his sister earning a smack from her.

"See this aunty, no respect for brother or anyone! She is like this only please don't mind",Abhimanyu said and Mayuri stomped her feet walking towards Ekantha.

"See Anni, how he is saying",Mayu said and pouted.

"Maa, Mayu is the best person. Don't come into Abhi's words",Ekantha said while patting her cheeks while Mayu side hugged Ekantha.

Both the families laughed at the siblings banter.

"Ekantha, I am telling you don't get into their silly fights. They both will fight against each other and if we say something to either of them they will become one side and taunt us only in return",Vishalakshi said and both the siblings narrowed their eyes at her.

"Lies, Lies,Lies",the two of them said together.

"Anyways, keep these matters aside. Its late already, lets have our lunch today's chef is Mr. Abhimanyu",Vishalakshi said.

"So you should eat at your own risk",Mayuri said earning a playful smack from Abhimanyu.

"Abhimanyu cooks also? That's great dear",Ekantha's grandmother appreciated him while he just bowed to her.

Abhimanyu actually woke up at around 10am in the morning and told his mother that he would cook for the lunch, though she wasn't surprised by him offering her that he would cook, she knew he wanted to make an impression to his wife to be and also his in laws. He made rice, sambar, cabbage fry, curry with phool makhan and as for desert he made gulab jamun with instant mix.

"Woah, so many dishes",Anika exclaimed.

"All of it for his, dear future wife only Ani",Vennela said making it difficult for him to control his blushing face.

Ekantha raised her eye brows asking if it was true to which he nodded leaving a charming smile on her face throughout the lunch. Though he badly wanted to sit with Ekantha he compromised and sat with his sister. As soon as she took one bite, he was eagerly waiting for her reaction and he kept looking at her.

When they had a eye contact he asked her how the food was through his actions to which she just showed a superb action which made him smile wide and he started his lunch. All of this didn't go unnoticed by the cousins gang and they already made a plan to tease them after their lunch.

All of them completed their lunch and Abhi received compliments from everyone making him happy from within. They went back and sat in the living room.

"Amma, what will do sitting here? All our youth gang will go to balcony and chit chat! We won't disturb you and you won't be in a fear that you will make us feel bored",Mayuri said.

"Go, and what do you mean by youth gang? We all are oldies or what?",Virendra asked.

"Then what?",Mayuri said and ran from there. Ekantha, Vennela, Anika, Dixit, Abhimanyu followed Mayuri and went to the balcony. It was super spacious and had a great view.

"Anna, go and get your guitar! Weather is demanding and so is your sister",Mayuri said.

"Guitar?",Ekantha asked surprised by the sudden revelation.

"That came out in flow, sorry anna",Mayu apologized.

"That's okay, Mayu! She had to know it",Abhimanyu said.

"Oh yes, I do play guitar. Not a professional but I play it whenever I am happy or whenever I am sad or whenever my dear sister demands",he said smiling.

"Our bavagaru to be[brother in law] is multi talented for sure! Hayee imagine a guy singing for you holding his guitar. I would fall for him in a second",Anika said.

"And so will this girl sitting here. It's her dream to sing when someone is playing a musical instrument for her",Vennela said.

"Is it? I'll go get my guitar now!",Abhi said and ran to his room.

Abhimanyu came back with his guitar and settled down in his place holding it looking straight into her eyes, while she looked away feeling shy.

"Let me play first, then Ammu can think what she wants to sing, so I'll play for her",Abhi said to which all of them nodded.

He started playing Until I found You and all of them started hooting while Ekantha just enjoyed the whole time admiring him and also the music. She was a big fan of violin but this guitar and him playing it with so much interest made her feel super special.

She was so immersed in it that she didn't realise he completed the song, it felt like she was craving more and more for it.

"Which one do you want to sing, Ammu?", he asked and she nodded her head as no.

"No way I am letting you go without singing with me while I play today",he said and Tara entered the balcony being bored of the elder's talks.

"Wuv wuv",Tara barked jumping into Ekantha's arms.

"See, Tara is asking you to sing too! Go for it Ammu",he encouraged her to sing. Seeing no other option she said him what she was going to sing.

She was going to sing "Yeto Vellipoindhi Manasu" from Ninne Pelladatha movie. Vennela was recording the three of them as they started. It started with Abhi's guitar beats and then followed by her vocals. Throughout the whole time, he kept stealing glances from her while she was trying not to make any eye contact as she knew she wold blush hard make the flow of the song to be disturbed.

"And then look this side",Vennela said as they were done and both of them looked at that side with a smile on their face.

"Thank you so much, Vennela!",Abhi said and looked at the video that she took, Ekantha peeked to look at it as well and put her hand on his shoulder taking it as support and standing there. It came out really really well and Ekantha was surprised to hear her voice also got blended with the beats of guitar. She was proud of them.

"And then she says she doesn't know to sing",Dixit said and Vennela and Anika nudged Ekantha.

"Anni, your voice! Aye hayee! I became your fan. We can set up youtube channel with you both one playing and one singing. Vennela akka can join us too sometimes. We cn set up band only, we'll give concerts",Mayuri said.

"Earth to, my dear sister! We're here! Concerts and all, not my cup of tea but surely we will get free tickets to Vennela's concerts",Abhimanyu said.

"Of course, why not?",Vennela said.

Busy in all their talks, teasings they didn't realise it was going to be six soon and Ekantha had to be in the florist shop as soon as possible.

"What's the time?",Anika asked randomly.

"Quarter to six",Vennela replied.

"Oh my god, I have to be in shop by 6 and its already quarter to six. I didn't realise when did time fly so fast",Ekantha said.

"When you are with your dear ones, time flies",Vennela teased them.

"Are you going to go home and get ready and then leave to the shop or just go to shop?",he asked.

"I'll directly go to the shop now, not much time is left. Vennu, I'll take your scooty",Ekantha said.

"Calm down, Ammu! I'll drop you, let me change and come and no I am not listening to anything else",he said and rushed from there to change.

"You're struck for a lifetime now",Vennela said to which Ekantha just smiled. They all went back to the living room.

"Aunty, uncle, amma I have to go to shop now. Its getting late now",Ekantha said.

"Sure dear, Where is Abhi? Let him drop you",Vishalakshi said.

"Here I am, I went to change only",he said and stood behind her.

"Both of you drive safe and you, dare you try to over speed",Virendra said to which he nodded like an innocent kid.

"One minute, one minute! One picture please",Vennela said and ran to the front to take a selfie of all of them together. All of them took a picture with big smiles on their face.

"You may go now! See you tonight",Vennela said to which Ekantha nodded.

Abhi and Ekantha went out and took out his bike, his one and only. He never uses it much, he would much rather prefer his car over his bike.

He got out on his bike while she was looking at the time nervously, worried.

"Hop on, and sit tight. We'll reach there on time, okay?",he said and she hopped onto his bike.

"No fast driving, Abhi! Its fine if we get late",Ekantha said.

"As you wish ma'am",he said and they started from Abhi's home to her work spot. It was a half an hour travel but with traffic it took them almost forty five minutes. As soon as they reached, she got down from the bike and gave him a side hug and ran into the shop, while he just stood there frozen by her actions.

Abhimanyu's inner voice : This woman never fails to make me frozen to my place, someone please tell her this makes me feel like ugh I can't tell it in words!

To be continued!

Hola hola again! Here is a double update and part two of send off update for our dear friend omradhakrishn

How was the update? Mind you the upcoming updates will have many moments of Ekanya together and you'll love them! I would love writing them and you would love reading them.

Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your views. Just one word from your side would make me feel over the cloud nine!

Do share this book with your friends as well. Any suggestions to this book are welcome! I love Abhi and also Abhi's family!

Just a random question, what are some qualities that you look forward in your future partner? I'll answer in the next update.

Till next time, Hasta la vista honeybuns! Take care of yourself and live life to the fullest!

Your Author
Sakshi Devi

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