Chapter - 9

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There was absolute silence amidst them. The silence prevailed for the next ten minutes. Ekantha didn't wanted to stay there anymore. She walked to her scooty and drove back home. She kind of expected this to happen and it did. She took turn near her home side and noticed a car obstructing her way. She honked yet the car didn't move neither did anyone come out. She walked towards the car. Poor Ekantha couldn't identify the car was our dear Abhi's.

When she saw him sitting in the car with his sleeves folded till his arms and hands on the steering wheel with his first button open, made him look like a handsome hunk.

"Are you going to get in or stay there?",he asked.

"No Abhi garu, it's okay! I'll tell my parents about it",she said in a low tone.

"Park your bike in home and I'll wait out, come fast",he said and though she wanted to argue, she kept her mouth mum and did it.

She parked her scooty and got into the car.

"Seat belt",he said in a cold tone.

"Huh! Yea!",she kept her seat belt and they journey was all silent. She was very nervous at the moment and she kept on playing with her fingers.

The car halted near city outskirts and the wild imagination of Ekantha started.

Ekantha's POV

My Goodness! Why are we in the outskirts? Don't tell me he is a serial killer? I should save myself, if not me I should leave clues for the police to save women and ladies. Oh god! What sin did I do? Oh wait, what if he is just forced to do this? And the actual killer is someone else who doesn't reveal his identity and Abhi garu is threatened by him. It's fine! I will give my life for saving others life.

End of Ekantha's POV

"Ekantha! Ekantha!",he nudged her and she came back into her senses.

"Uh, yea?",she stuttered.

"Get down", he said and she gulped yet gathered courage and opened the door and got down.

She looked around and found him coming to her with a water bottle.

"Water?",he asked.

"No, no thanks",she said and he shrugged.

"Okay, so I have never brought anyone here in my whole life and you are the first person to come here with me. This is my happy place in this whole city",he said and she gasped.

"And first of all, it's common to have some misunderstandings and I think we should sit and talk about them Ekantha. You have said your POV there, I didn't know how much time it took you to open out there and I didn't stop you back there, I was preparing myself on how to deal with this and you misunderstood it again and went away. I am sure you must have thought something again when I brought you here. To be honest I was not really sure if you will come with me. But thank Muruga you came, that means you still trust me and believe in us, if I am not wrong",he said in a go.

She looked at him in shock and she lost words to reply him. He was so pure at heart and she over thought so much and thought so less about him. She felt she didn't deserve him.

"I do believe in you and us, but I am really sorry Abhi garu. All of this is new to me and I know it is new to you as well and I am just handling things in a childish way unlike you. I don't deserve a person like you, unnecessarily I spoilt your day also",she said in a low tone.

"There you go again, it's not about deserving each other Ekantha, it's about understanding each other. If you feel we both can't do that, we can always be good friends in fact best friends. You are one of the gem in persons I have ever met. You just need to understand that",he said while holding her hand gently and looking into her eyes.

"Nobody has ever told me about how important I am in their lives and I never knew I really mattered in someone's life to think about me. Let go others, I spent most of my life thinking about things which were simple for others but not for me. I blamed myself for being like that",she said and looked down.

"You need someone to love you and cherish you and let you know that you matter and also to teach you to love yourself and prioritize yourself over anything and anyone. People usually tell I am good teacher, so should I teach you and cherish you and.. ",he was just looking at her and she pressed his hands which were holding hers.

"I don't want you to take decision right now, we did ask for sometime right? Let's travel together and then decide what to do",he said and she nodded.

"I need words Ekantha",he whispered in her ears.

"Okay, let's do that",she said.

"Let's do what?",he was teasing her.

"Let.. Let's travel with each other and get to know about each other and understand each other",she spoke and he chuckled.

"Do you want to stay here for some more time Or leave?",he asked.

"Nope, it's already evening and I think the view of moon and stars will be beautiful from here. If you don't mind we will stay, if you have some work we will go. We will come back some other time",she said.

"Nah, today and tomorrow I am completely at your service ma'am",he said and bowed dramatically, she chuckled.

They sat on a bench nearby maintaining safe distance from each other and looking at the setting sun.

"Are you hungry?",he asked.

"Nope, I am fine. Nothing can make me more happier than the nature itself. A reason for such a big garden outside my home",she said and chuckled while he adored her.

"Nice, Nature lover I see",he said and she nodded.

"Choose one sun rise or sun set",he asked.

"Both are equal",she replied.

" Sun or moon",he asked.

"Uhm moon, it gives me peace",she said.

"Cold climate or hot summer climate",he asked.

" Neither, I love autumn and spring",she replied.

"Oh nicee! Do you love music or dance?",he asked.

"Music over anything and everything",she said.

"Classic or pop?",he asked.

" Ilayaraja and coffee is my all time combo", she said and chuckled.

"You've an amazing taste Ekantha",he said and she smiled.

"Don't you want to ask anything about me?",he said.

"I didn't really ask anyone in my life. I am inexperienced in this",she said.

"Maybe you can try once, you do know nobody is going to judge you for this",he said.

"I am my own enemy. I judge myself",she said and sighed.

"Well, no problem! I'll tell you about me. So I love music too actually and I play violin, it's my favorite thing. As a photographer I am into nature very vividly. Apart from that, I love sweets and I am allergic to peanut",he said.

"Oh! And which sweet is your favorite?",she asked.

"I have plenty of them but on top of the list is Gulab Jamun",he said.

"Ah! That's a yummy sweet. My mother makes it very well",she said.

"Ask her to make it sometime I am gonna taste it too",he said.

"For sure! She'll make it tomorrow if I say tonight",she said and laughed.

Ekantha and Abhimanyu sat there in silence watching the nature talking to them in a most peaceful way. Time passes away in a blink when we don't want it to pass, so did it then.

Ekantha looked at her watch and noticed it was 7pm already and she didn't wanted to be late to home.

"Uh, Abhi garu can you drop me home? It will be late by the time we reach home and my phone network isn't working here and amma will be worried",she said.

" Oh yes! I didn't realize the time. We'll start now. But give me one second",he ran to his car.

"Just want to capture this and you only if you don't mind",he asked and she nodded.

She smiled and he captured his all time favorite nature and his favorite person together.

"Perfect💯, want to have a look? No! I'll give  you hard copy",he said and both of them walked side by each other to the car.

They settled down, the silence this time was comfortable between them.

"Want to connect your Spotify?",he asked.

" Nope you play yours, I will listen to it",she said and he chuckled.

He dropped her at home.

"Bye Abhi garu, good night. Today will be a memorable day in my life",she said.

"Glad I could make your day memorable. We'll make many more memories soon. Good night dear! I'll pick you tomorrow morning, will text you when I start from home. Bye!",he said and she nodded and smiled.

Hello dear readers,

I am back with an update.

They're taking tiny winy steps in their relationship.

How did you feel the way their relationship is progressing?

How was the update? Did you all like it?

I promise I will update often till 17th you may get 4-5 updates. I have a vacation till 17th of this month.

Thank you for reading. Please do vote and comment your views.

Hasta la vista till next update.

Take care and stay safe

- Sakshi Devi

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