S1. Terror From the Sky

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*Torrington Academy *

Y/n pov

*I was standing outside with my bags with me*

Y/n :so this Torrington Academy,it's huge school. Thank you M.O.M for transfer me here,I hope I'll see Diana,java and Martin

*i head inside the school and look around *

Y/n:whoa....even the inside is huge too

*I walk around the school,as I looking I bump into someone *

Y/n:oh I'm sorry!


*I look and saw Diana and a another girl *

Y/n:* excited*Diana!

Diana:*groan*is good to see you too Y/n. I can't breath

*I stop hugging her*

??:uhhh Diana who is the new guy

Y/n:oh where are my manners,my name is y/n l/n and you are

??:Jenny Anderson

Y/n:is nice to meet you Jenny,can you two show me where the principal office


*2 hours later *

Y/n:thank you girls

Diana:no problem

Jenny: I gotta to say your room is so pretty

*we look around my room seeing all nice it is*

Y/n:why thank you Jenny

Jenny:say.why don't we show you around the school

Y/n: that would be nice

*Diana and Jenny show me around the school,as we walk in the hallway I bump into someone and accidentally punch someone on the face and the person fall on back*

Y/n:* startle*oh! I'm sorry,I'm sorry


*I look and saw Martin on the ground *


*I move my hand to my fist including Martin face *

Y/n&Martin💭:did I have to punch Martin

*Diana,Jenny and Martin we're in shock what they witness *

Jenny:uhhhhhh....I think I should go see ya Diana

*jenny turn around and walk away including Martin friend*

*y/n,Diana and Martin were walking at the hallway *

Martin:this is not the best day of my life

Diana:oh please Martin,is just one fist plus is was an accident

Martin:on the face dia, is feels like a nightmare come true

Y/n:*startle*hello! I'm standing right here!*my Ultra U-Watch and Martin beeping *

Martin:the center

Y/n:*I use my Ultra U-Watch to scan the portal as it points bro the locker*

Y/n:there,at the locker

Diana: The problem is, the locker is locked.

Java: Not anymore.*pulls and breaks the lockers door.

Y/n : Nice job Java.

*As they went inside, Java close the damage lock behind him so nobody would notice. They put there hands on the scanner as it begins to scan.*

Scanner: Martin Mystery: Clear. Diana Lombard: Clear. Java the Caveman: Clear,Y/n l/n : Clear.

Billy: Hey guys

Everyone: Hi Billy.

Billy: *doing there hand shake with Martin till sees y/n with a kiss mark on he's cheek* y/n, is that a kiss mark?

Y/n: It's a long story.

*We went to the elevator to M.O.M.'s office as it opens. They see her putting some substance in to the creatures body.*

Java: Monster!

M.O.M.: Good afternoon agents. Today you will be investigated a disappearance of a man from the Alberta Badlands and reports of strange object falling from the sky.

Martin: Cool.*about to hold it till got hit by y/n with he's bottom dragon Titan of his hand* Ow!

Y/n: Don't even think about it.*puts on he's long jacket with ancestors sword with him*

M.O.M.: Billy, send them the location.

Y/n: Wish us luck.

M.O.M.: Same to you y/n.*sees him went to the portal* Be careful bodyguard.

(Alberta Badlands)

As they made it at Alberta Badlands, Martin park next to the hotel.

Diana: Ahhh just love the badlands. There so cool and quirky.

Y/n: For once, I agree.

Y/n look at the beautiful person in front him. She has short brown hair, wearing a waitress outfit and her skin is light.

...?: I'm Sadie, I've been expecting you.

Y/n: Same here.

Sadie: Uhh...*looking at the kiss mark on his cheek*

Diana: (Whispering)*gasp* y/n, the kiss.

Y/n: Huh?*looks at the kiss Jenny gave him* Oh, it was an accident I just move to Torrington Academy.

Sadie: Oh, that makes sense .

Martin: Hmmm.*tick mark shown*

Y/n: Anyway, I'm Y/n and this is Martin, Diana and Java. We're here to help. Can you explain to us what's going on?

Sadie: Well it happened last night when I herd a loud buzzing noise and I hear my dad scream. I ran outside but it was too late. He already vanish.

Y/n: A buzzing sound?

Sadie: Yes. This is where he disappeared

They look down seeing foot prints as Y/n bends checking them.

Y/n: Those are your dad's footprints alright.*hears a car beeping as he looks to see a customer* You go and take care your business, well stay and investigate as possible.

Sadie: Thank you so much.

As she went to help the customer, the gang continued there search

Y/n: Hmm? *Sees a huge crater* Let's look over there.

Martin: This is where the strange object fell from the sky.

Diana: How can you be sure? Whatever left  in the hole is gone.

Java: *picks up a glowing rock* Not all gone.

Y/n: Nice looking Java*grabs the rock* I'll send Billy for analysis. Huh?*looks down seeing slime on the ground* Will, this is unexpected.

Diana: Eggh.

Java: Goo!

Y/n: Martin, care to do the honors?

Martin: Will pleasure Y/n.*activates he's U-watch and summons slime scan*

As Martin scoop the slime and put it in the scanner, it begins analyzing.

U-watch: Analyzing. Sample of and unknown origin. 20000 corrosive of energy detected.

Martin: Highly radioactive huh?

Y/n: That has something to do with Sadie's dad disappearance but who or what it is and the buzzing sound she's talking about.*hears a wolf howling*

Diana: We can answer that in the morning. Right now we should probably head in.


As everyone is get ready for bed, Java felt something till he sees a scorpion pinching he's toe.

Y/n: Easy Java, scorpions are very defensive arachnids.*takes it off of he's toe and put him on the ground* There go.*close the door*

*i came back with my pajama.I takes it off of he's toe and put him on the ground*

Martin: What kind a place is this?

Diana: Where in the middle of the badlands. What do you expect?

Martin: I expected that the Center would put is in luxury hotel, one with out scorpions.

Y/n: Hahaha! Martin, sometime you gonna do something new sometimes besides it's only a motel. Diana,You don't mind if I sleep with you.

Diana:sure and also I love your pajama

Y/n:thank you diana

*I turn off the light*

Martin: Fine, but it's not gonna be easy. If you forgot Java snores like a buzz saw.

Java: Hey, Java no snore.

Martin: Don't get mad Jav, oleander falls have your affliction. It's an evolution thing.

(2hours later)

As everyone is asleep, Diana woke up seeing it's 3:00 as she turns seeing y/n sleeping peacefully.

Diana: (Thoughts) Look at him, he's so sweet in he's sleep.*hearing a buzzing sound* Huh?

Y/n: Ugh. What was that?

Martin: See what I mean? What do you try sleeping on the other side?

Java: Java no sleep.

Martin: In that case, what's that noise?*realized* What a minute, didn't Sadie say something about a buzzing noise right before her dad disappeared?

Y/n: Now you mentioned, it is.*hears the door open*

Diana: *gasp*

Sadie: It's back! Come on!

They all get dress as they head outside hearing the buzzing noise.

Martin: Where's the buzzing coming from!?

Diana:  I can't tell, it's to dark!*screams*

Martin: Diana!

Y/n look up seeing it's some sort of giant insect as he run twords the shadow insect figure as he jump high and grab her shoe.

They both disappeared as Martin, Sadie and Java get to the vehicle to follow them.

(With Y/n and Diana)

Diana: Y/n, do something!

Y/n: Just hang on! I'll get us out!*swings her leg and jumps high unsheathed his ancestors sword that is glowing red* Dragon titan slash! Ha!


Y/n slash it in half as he caught Diana and landed on he's feet.

Diana: That was incredible!

Y/n: Thanks.*looks down* seeing the insect he cut in half* It looks like this is the one that take Sadie's dad.

Diana: But how we gonna find him?

Y/n: Look*sees a trail of slime* A trail of slime. Let's go, Martin will catch up.

Diana: I hope your right.

(Abondon Mine)

Y/n and Diana are walking into the abondon mine. As they continue, they see the path is block by slime.

Diana: What ever it is, it looks like it doesn't want us to come inside.

Y/n: No need, stand back.

Diana stand back as Y/n multiple slash the slime into slush as he sheath it back.

Y/n: Let's go. Stay close to me ok?*activate he's ultra U-watch to bring out alpha goggles*

Diana:yeah sure.

Diana got closer to him as they went inside looking at the fossils.

Y/n: An insect fossil. They look very old.

Diana: Look,more fossils.

Y/n: Let's look at the legendex*summons the legendex* There. According to the legend, these insect lives 200 thousand years ago from outer space.

Diana: The longer it's extinct it reproduce of deadly acid spewing queen. Look at this, it's smaller.

Y/n: Let's keep going, Sadie's dad can't be far.*hearing buzzing sounds coming close*

Diana: There coming!

Y/n: This way!*grabs her hand and hides behind the rocks*

They see the mutated insects flying pass them as there gone.

Y/n: Let's go before they come back.

They kept going till they stop seeing cacons till they hear a muffling noise as the two walk to it.

Y/n: Hmmm.*slash the cacons to reveal Sadie's dad*

Sadie's dad: Ugh. Where am I? Who are you.

Y/n: My name is Y/n l/n,were here to help.

Sadie's dad: Thank you. So glad to see you. I remember that horrible buzzing and... everything went black.

Y/n: These insects can be store people in these cacons  for one reason.

Diana: Yeah, food. We need to get out here.

Y/n: Hmm. Can you run?

Sadie's dad: I think so.*hears the buzzing noise* Oh no!

Diana: Ahhh!

Y/n: Crud.

They see the insects as they fire there stingers as they ran away from but stop seeing something dropping acid as they look up.

Diana: Um...Y/n!?

Y/n look seeing it must be there queen.

Y/n: The queen.*looks down seeing water* Diana, take Sadie's dad and get out of here!

Diana: Are you nuts! I can't leave you!

Y/n: You have too, now go!*slash the pumps as water explode*

Sadie's dad: You herd him let's go!

The water got y/n and the queen Diana and Sadie's dad got to the mine cart as they made it out.

Martin: Diana!

They look up seeing Martin, Java and Sadie as Sadie look at her dad.

Sadie: Dad?

Sadie's dad: Sadie.

They ran as they hug each other like father like daughter as Martin ask.

Martin: Where's y/n?

Diana: He's still inside, I just hope he's ok.

They herd a growling noises Nas they turn seeing the queen roaring at them, firing her acid as her severnts came. Suddenly they herd a larger growl.

...?: *Growl*

Martin: Um, did any of you hear that?

Java:Not me.

Diana: *gasp as she looks up seeing ddraig on the mountain* Uh guys, look up

They all look up shockingly seeing the same dragon Titan from before that help them seal the Boogie man:ddraig.

Martin: Ahh, the same dragon Titan from before!

Diana: What's it doing here!?

ddraig Jump and landed infront of the queen as she roars at him but it roar back.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Martin and the others cover there ears from it's loudness.

Martin: Man it's roar is loud.

Sadie: It's fighting the queen!

(Playing it's theme)

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ddraig use it's Dragon Titan fire Breath Blast at her severnts. The queen fire her acid but it dodges and ran to her using his dragon Titan wings to swap her to the wall. Ddarig looks at the rock realizing the queen is gaining power to the rock. ddraig then begins using his ultimate attack as he standing up.

Sadie: Where's it going!?

Martin: *realizing* Oh no, everyone take cover!

They all did as ddraig does this.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

ddraig crash the queen to the rock and explode making everyone cover there eyes.

(End music)
As it done, they open them seeing the queen small but they look around finding ddraig but it just disappeared.

Java: Where did it go?

Martin: I don't know Java, I really don't know.


M.O.M.: Excellent work troops I couldn't better myself.

Martin: Sure you could have,after all your best in the business.

Diana: We would been eaten alive if it wasn't for that dragon Titan and saved us.

M.O.M.: The same dragon Titan?*sees them noded till she realized Y/n saved them as ddraig* I see. Billy, be sure to bring some couple of specimen back to the center. Oh and Y/n is at Torrington Academy resting.

Martin/Diana/Java: Huh!?

As she begins to leave, M.O.M. smiled as she spoke to herself.

M.O.M.: Well done bodyguard.

Martin: (Whisper to Billy) Hey, save one of those for my collection.

Billy: Sure thing Martin.

Sadie's dad: Thank you all for saving me, I would been a gonner if wasn't those insects.

Diana: No problem, it's our job.

Martin: Hey where's Sadie?

Sadie's dad: I think she went to talk to some one.

(With Sadie)

Sadie is walking till she spotted ddraig staring at her.

Sadie: I knew it was you Y/n and I thank you for saving me dad even though your an Two Heavenly Dragons

Y/n (ddraig): *low growls*

Sadie: I know, come by soon for a visit ok? Oh one more thing*writes with pen and piece of paper and write her number and hands it to him* Here's my number, call me ok?*kiss him on he's head as he low roar in response*

Y/n grab the phone number with his mouth and begins fly super fast heading to Torrington Academy.

Sadie: Thank you Y/n!

(With Martin and the others)

Martin: *gasp*

Diana: What?*looks up* *gasp*

They look up seeing ddraig flying last them as he flips his dragon Titan wings by himself go Torrington Academy.

To be continued...

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