A Dollar Bill-Tony

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As you put your hand in the bag, you felt something thin and papery. Puzzled, you pulled it out and found yourself holding a dollar bill. You sighed.

"That would be me, sweetheart. FRIDAY, as soon as we get in the closet, start the timer," Tony smirked, knowing there was nothing you could do.

"Do we really have to do this, Tony? I mean seri-" You were cut off as he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the closet. You were jerked off balance and fell against him as FRIDAY locked the door behind you.

"Wow, Y/n, falling all over me already? Slow down, baby, we haven't even gone on a date yet! Although, I'm not saying I really mind..." Tony chuckled, and you knew he was smirking even if you couldn't see him.

"Stark, one more word and I will have you singing soprano. " You walked as far away as you could, which was about three feet, and leaned against the wall, scowling. You refused to admit it to Nat, Wanda, or even yourself, but you did have a little bit of a...thing for the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist that currently stood a few feet away. He was such an arrogant little prick, but it was kind of endearing sometimes. And that body...don't even. He was hot.

"Penny for your thoughts? Or should I say, dollar?" His snarky voice cut through your preoccupation.

You rested your head against the wall. "Weißt du, du bist ein egoistischer, arroganter Idiot, aber aus irgendeinem Grund mag ich dich." (You know, you're a selfish, arrogant jerk, but for some reason I like you.)

"Well I'd say that's taking it a bit far, but I'm flattered nonetheless."

"Wait what? How did you-"

"After what happened earlier, I asked FRIDAY to immediately translate anything you said to English. And I must say, I'm surprised. Who knew you had feelings for me?"

"Fine, yeah. I do. But I stand by what I said, you are arrogant and selfish."

"Arrogant, maybe. But selfish? Really? Oh, Y/n, if I were selfish, I would have done this a long time ago." He smirked, you could hear it in his voice.

"Done wh-" He stopped you with a kiss. As much as you didn't want to at first, you kissed back. Of course, he was a great kisser too. Stupid arrogant selfish attractive playboy with his stupid game. He was just waiting for this to happen, wasn't he? Just then, his hand wandered down to your ass and squeezed it. You gasped and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You didn't want to admit it, but you didn't want the seven minutes to end. His other hand started to creep up under your sweater, but you pulled away and pushed it down.

"Hey, at least take me out to dinner first! Asshole," you laughed, smacking his arm.

"Then it's a date, Miss L/n. Be ready," He whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

He leaned in and kissed you again, his hands staying safely on your back and yours resting on his chest. Just then the door opened. You pulled away from Tony, shielding your eyes from the light and squinting. Steve was standing there, his hand over his eyes.

"Cap, it's fine, you can look. We're both fully clothed. For now, anyway," Tony said, winking at you over his shoulder. You punched his arm. "Hey, that hurt!"

"You're lucky it wasn't any worse." You brushed past him and went to sit down at the bar, mixing yourself a drink. You sat there and watched as Clint picked Pietro's item and turned red. Pietro smirked from over by the closet.

"You didn't see that coming?"

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