A Gun-Natasha

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You felt something smooth and oddly shaped. You pulled it out, surprised by its weight.

"A gun, Stark? Seriously? There was nothing else you could have used to represent Natasha?" You rolled your eyes in exasperation. Typical Tony.

"Anthony Edward Stark, I will ask you this one time. Where did you get my gun?" If looks could kill, Tony would have died about twenty different ways at the same time. He gulped and stuttered out a few words.

"I- Well- It- I mean you- I mayormaynothavestolenitfromyourroom-" In a flash, Natasha was on his back, arms locked around his throat. His eyes widened as he started to panic.

"I will let it go this one time, if you say you're sorry. However, if you even think about touching any of my belongings again, consider yourself dead," Natasha growled. She loosened her grip slightly.

"OkokI'msorryIwon'teverdoitagainIpromisepleasedon'tkillme," Tony gasped out.

"Good! Now, I believe it was Y/n who pulled my gun out of the bag?"

You had been watching this unfold in shock, unsure if you should try to calm Nat down or just let her give Tony what he deserved. Even Baby Groot knew not to go near her guns. You couldn't imagine what possessed Tony to do something so unbelievably stupid. But when Natasha spoke, you were snapped out of your thoughts.

"I- Yeah, I did."

"Well let's go then, what are you waiting for?" She pulled you up and linked arms with you as you walked over to the closet. You were way more nervous about this than you let on. Even Wanda and Nat didn't know you were pansexual. In fact, the only person who knew was Tony. A few weeks ago, you had been at the tower for a brief while and he was the only other one there. The two of you had gone out drinking and you had drunk far more than you meant to. You had a vague memory of sitting at the bar, coming out to Tony and also confessing that you had a huge crush on Nat. You didn't think he remembered that night, but as you turned around to shut the door behind you he winked and you inwardly cursed. That little shit. If he says anything about it i will murd-

"Hey Y/n? Y/n, are you ok?" Nat's voice cut through your thoughts.

"Yeah of course I am, just thinking," you said, hoping she wouldn't press further. You were about 90% sure she was straight, because you knew she'd had crushes on Clint and Steve and even had a thing with Bruce for a while. If she pressed you, you'd have to lie, and you knew she could read people better than anyone else on the team.

"You seem tense. Is there something you want to tell me? Or are you too afraid to say it?" You knew she was teasing, but you decided you were done hiding in the closet.

"Yeah, actually. I, uh, I'm pansexual. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't know how you'd take it and I wasn't sure I was ready to be out yet, and-"

"Woah woah woah, slow down there a bit. Why would I not be supportive? I'm glad you trusted me enough to come out to me. I won't tell the others if you don't want me to, but I think they should know. And I'm bi, so it really doesn't matter to me." She put a hand on your shoulder, and used the other to wipe a tear off your cheek. You hadn't even realized you had started crying.

"Thanks, that really means a lot to me. Wait, you're bi? What- Why-" you asked incredulously through your tears.

"Yeah, I am," she laughed gently, "and I saw that coming a mile away. You made it pretty obvious."

"Made what obvious?"

You had your eyes closed, wiping away the last of your tears, and when you opened them, you jumped in surprise. Nat had moved forward so your faces were only a few inches apart. You could feel her breath on your lips when she spoke.

"This," she whispered, and kissed you.

Your eyes, which had started to close again, flew open. Natasha Romanoff was kissing you, in a closet, and she had just told you she was bi. Was this a dream? You closed your eyes and kissed back, feeling as light as air. When you finally pulled away for air, you looked at her, shocked.

"What was that?" You whispered.

She looked into your eyes. "I've been watching you for a while, Y/n. I see the way you look at me when you think no one can see. I know you've been flirting with me for the past few weeks. I thought I'd return the favor." She smirked slightly. "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that."

"No- I- That was amazing, Nat! I just never thought you'd be into girls." Before you lost the courage, you blurted it out. "Could you kiss me again?"

She laughed, arms going around your head. "I'll kiss you as many times as you want, angel."

You put your arms around her waist and leaned into her, lips locking in a passionate kiss. Her tongue swiped your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You gladly complied, more than happy to let her take the lead. You hands roamed up and down her back, while hers tangled into your hair. This was pure bliss.

Suddenly, the door banged open and light flooded in, causing you both to jump. "Hell, yeah, finally!" Tony cheered. Nat gave him a threatening look as you two came out of the closet before grabbing your hand and leading you back to the couch. Before you could register what was happening, she sat down and pulled you onto her lap. You blushed, and Wanda turned to you with a smile on her face.

"Ok, I had my suspicions, but this is beyond anything I imagined. Guess I'll be the third wheel from here on out, huh?" Wanda tried to sound sad, but the huge grin on her face betrayed her.

"That's right, you will. Get used to it!" you laughed, turning to peck your girlfriend on the lips.

You curled up into her, and watched, grinning, as Steve pulled a dollar bill out of the bag. He looked at Tony and blushed. Tony winked at him and pulled him into the closet. You turned to Nat and Wanda, shocked at this new development. Nat looked as confused as you, Wanda just smiled.

"Well I guess you aren't the only ones in a gay relationship anymore. Who would have thought?"

You laughed, you sure wouldn't have predicted it but you were happy for them, if anybody could calm Tony down it would be Steve.

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