A Knife-Loki

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A/N slight smut warning kinda? It won't go too far but I figured I should put this here just in case.

You pulled out the first thing you touched, which turned out to be an unsheathed knife. Thank God you grabbed the handle.

"Tony! What the hell, why would you put an unsheathed knife into a bag that we'll be blindly reaching into? How on earth is it possible to be a "genius" but do something so inherently stupid? Dumme unwissende kleine schlampe!" You yell, gesturing with the knife toward him. He jumped back.

"Hey watch it! You could have ruined my perfect face!" He wails in mock horror.

"Who does this even represent? It could be Bucky, Nat, Gamora-"

"Or me," a smooth, low voice cut in. You whipped your head around. Loki, God of Mischief, was leaning against the wall, twirling a knife in his fingers. You looked more closely and realized it was an exact replica of the one you held. He raised an eyebrow and you felt your heart flutter a little. Shit. Why did it have to be him? I didn't even realize he was playing. Oh no, I'm staring, he probably thinks I'm weird and I need to stop and- "Well, shall we, Y/n?"

"Wha- oh yeah, l-let's go," you stammered, shaken out of your thoughts. You stood up and walked over to the closet, Loki following behind you. You hesitated a second before stepping in, mentally preparing for the awkward seven minutes that was sure to follow. A second after you stepped in, the door closed and left you in darkness. "Loki?" you whispered, unsure if he was even in here with you.

Suddenly, you felt a cold touch on your hand. You jumped and almost screamed before you realized it was just him, somehow he had gotten behind you. You turned around, your heart beating out of your chest. Why did I agree to play this stupid game? Of course I get stuck with the mysterious, slightly scary, sexy-

"Well, I must say I'm flattered, Y/n. Is that really what you think of me?" You could hear the smirk in Loki's voice. You gasped and blushed, stuttering.

"I- Wha- Did you-" You realized he was still holding your hand and you yanked it free. "How did you-"

"I can read minds, Y/n. At least, if I am touching the person," he said in a low voice. Yep, he was definitely smirking. You were torn between wanting to smack him for invading your privacy and wanting to kiss him. How many minutes were left? Suddenly, you realized that he wasn't in front of you anymore, yet you hadn't heard him move.

"Loki? Where-" you were cut off by his hand covering your mouth. He had gotten behind you again.

"Shhhhhh...we have five minutes left. Let's make the most of it, shall we?" he whispered in your ear.

That voice...it was hypnotizing. You nodded mutely. If you were honest with yourself, you really wanted more than five minutes alone with the Asgardian. You pushed away your inhibitions and tried to calm down.

"Oh my, such interesting thoughts, Y/n." Fuck. "You want more time? That can be easily arranged," he purred. "Do you trust me?"

You weren't quite sure if you did. However, the rational part of your brain had stopped functioning and you didn't care anymore. You nodded, your eyes huge. He took his hand away from your face.

"Well, then, hold on." What? Before you had a chance to react, he picked you up bridal style and an odd feeling swept over your body. It felt like you were flying, but going in all directions at once. You closed your eyes and hung on to him as tight as you could. When the feeling stopped, you opened your eyes. You were in a lavishly furnished room, far more expensive looking than anything you'd seen in the Tower.

"Where are we? How-" He cut you off again.

"This is Asgard, my dear. I can teleport as well." He laughed when he saw your shocked expression.

"Loki, this is beautiful!"

"You did say you wanted more than five minutes," he said slyly.

You turned to him, and he put his hand on your face. Holyshitholyshitholyshitisthishappeningrightnow? I can't think-

"Then don't," he whispered as he lowered his lips to yours. Your hands went to his chest, gripping his shirt as you closed your eyes and melted into him. The kiss heated up quickly. He put his arms around you and backed you up until your knees hit something and you fell backwards onto a bed. He was on top of you, kissing you like there was no tomorrow, and your brain stopped working altogether as your body took over. Your hands roamed his chest as he kissed you. He pulled away and moved to your neck, making you gasp as your eyes flew open. Your hands went to his hair, gripping it tightly. He found your sweet spot and nibbled and sucked on it, making you moan with pleasure. His hand flew up to cover your mouth, and he whispered in your ear.

"Now let's stay quiet, shall we? Don't make a sound." Damn, that's hot. You pulled his hair even harder as he went back to that spot on your neck, his hand still covering your mouth. He slowly kissed back up to your mouth, finally covering it with his again. His hands went to the bottom of your sweater, tugging on it. Your eyes popped open again, you were unsure if you wanted to go further. "It's ok, we don't have to do more than this if you don't want to," he reassured you, looking into your eyes. You made up your mind--well, your body made it up for you. You nodded.

"I-I do want this, Loki. I want you," you said shakily. You weren't a virgin, but you were still nervous at the prospect of having sex with a literal god.

"No need to be nervous, my dear," he said mischievously. He had a devilish smile on his handsome face. "This will be a night you'll never forget..."

German translation: stupid ignorant little slut

A/N: Ok that probably wasn't very good, and I'm sorry it took so long, but I've had a lot going on. I'm sorry, no smut, I really just can't write it very well. Anyway, I'll try to update more often, and please comment and tell me what you think of the story! Keep being awesome!


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