A Tiny Sneaker-Pietro

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You put your hand in the bag, rolling your eyes.

"Seriously, Tony, this is so dumb. It's just going to make it awkward between everyone now. Why-"

"Because, Y/n, I said so! Plus, you might get-"

"Anthony Edward Stark, if you finish that sentence, ti ucciderò lentamente con il fuoco," you snarled. You didn't even know how he knew, but he did. Maybe he got you to tell him your crush while you were drunk. In any case, you didn't need him telling the whole room.

"You'll slowly kill me with fire? Sounds...hot and steamy," Tony said in what he clearly thought was a seductive voice. Damn. You had forgotten he spoke Italian.

"Oh, shut up," you grumbled, angrily pulling out the next thing your hand touched. You looked down. You were holding a child's sneaker, the size meant for newborns who couldn't even walk yet. You looked at Tony in confusion.

"Speedy Gonzales!" He yelled. "You're up!"

"Speedy- ohhhh," you broke off, seeing the one and only Pietro Maximoff gracefully stand and stretch. Shit. How had he known? Did Tony rig this stupid thing? "Tony, how did you- agh!" You yelped in surprise as you suddenly found yourself in the closet. "Wha-"

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro was looking down at you, a small smile on his handsome face. "Tony was getting bothersome and I didn't want to waste any time."

"Uh I- yeah, makes sense." Damn it Y/n, could you have sounded any less awkward?

"So in the interest of not wasting time..." Quick as a flash, you found yourself pulled against his chest. "I hope you'll let me do what I've been thinking about ever since you walked into that room tonight."

"What? What do you- oh," you finally realized what he meant. You also though you should probably stop talking, as your brain seemed to have some sort of malfunction. You mutely nodded.

He lowered his head and softly touched his lips to yours. Wow. He was even better than you had imagined. Now you understood why the game was called Seven Minutes in Heaven.

Without thinking, you threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. When you accidentally tugged his hair, he shuddered and let out a slight moan into your mouth.

Oh damn, that's hot.

You tugged slightly again and he actually growled, his mouth moving from yours to trace a path down your neck. He backed you up and you hit the wall with a gentle thud.

"I'm sorry, princessa, are you all right? I just got carried away, I can stop, I'm-"

"Why did you stop?"

"What? I thought-"

"Always a dangerous pastime. Now, are you going to keep kissing me, or should we waste the remaining 4 minutes?" You realized your hands were still in his hair and you pulled it a little to emphasize your point.

He looked down at you, silver eyes darkening like storm clouds, and you could see that he was barely restraining himself. "Are you absolutely sure you want to keep going, Y/n? Because if you keep on pulling my hair like that, I might not be able-"

Smirking, you tug on his hair yet again, teasing him.

"-to control myself," he finishes in a growl. "Get ready."

"For wha-OH!"

There was a whoosh and a spilt second feeling of being weightless, and then you found yourself in Pietro's room, lying on his bed. The room had been decorated in blue and silver, and he had a few pictures of the team and him and Wanda together. You barely had time to process this before he was on top of you, kissing you again.

"I told you I wouldn't be able to control myself, princessa."

A/N: sorry, I wasn't sure how to really end this. I've decided to suck it up and work on mobile. It sucks a little but oh well. Sorry if there are any spelling errors!

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