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It was Saturday. It had been a hectic week, with everyone going off on different missions and finally all getting back last night. You were sitting in your room in the newly renamed Avengers Tower, debating with yourself whether to watch Harry Potter for the millionth time or try something new, when the PA system Tony had installed crackled to life.

"Everyone get down to the living room in half an hour, it's time for TEAM BONDING!" Tony's voice rang through your room. Oh well, you thought, at least I'll get to hang out with Nat and Wanda. Nat and Wanda had been your best friends ever since you joined the team. As the only three girls who were regularly around, you looked out for each other and partnered up for missions more often than not. Your power was being able to understand and speak to any person or animal no matter what language they were speaking. It was pretty fun to insult Tony in French and make him think you were flirting.

You got up from your bed with a sigh, and remembered that the Guardians were on Earth for a while so they'd be there as well. You got along pretty well with them, with the exception of Peter Quill (aka Starlord). Something about him just rubbed you the wrong way. You might have been friends if not for his arrogant, condescending attitude towards everyone he met. Gamora had even broken up with him because she couldn't deal with it. They were still on good terms, but there was nothing romantic between them.

You walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, stepping in and letting the warm water cascade over your body. Washing your hair, you tried to predict what Tony had up his sleeve for tonight. It was the first time everyone had been in the same place at the same time for months. Even T'Challa had come from Wakanda. You got out of the shower, wrapping one towel around your body and another around your head to dry your hair, you walked over to your closet to find an outfit to wear. You settled on this:

You put on some light makeup and slightly curled your h/c hair, letting it fall in loose ringlets over your shoulders. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Wanda let herself in, smiling.

"Hey Y/n! Oh wow, you look gorgeous. Want to walk down to the party together?"

"Of course, Wanda! I wonder what Tony is up to this least we'll get to see everyone again, right?"

The two of you made your way downstairs, chatting about the last few weeks and what you think Tony has in mind. When you got to the living room, most of the others were already there.

"Oh good, Y/n and Wanda are here! And may I say, ladies, that you both look ravishing. Now the party can really start!" Tony exclaimed, turning around at the sound of your footsteps. You laughed and flipped him off, going over to sit on one of the couches with Nat. Wanda followed close behind. "All right, now that we're all assembled," Tony paused.

"Ha ha, very funny, Tony. Now are you going to tell us why you called us down here?" Nat asked, rolling her eyes.

"Fine, since this is the first time we've all been a-"

"If you say assembled again I will have you in a chokehold faster than you can finish that sentence, Stark," you said calmly.

"Well, who knows, Y/n, that might be fun." Tony winked at you.

"Dummes verdammtes Arschloch," you say flirtatiously. Nat, who can also understand German, doubles over in laughter. Tony looks confused but decides to keep going.

"Well since we're all together," he says, putting emphasis on the word, "I thought we could play a little game. In this bag I have an item representing each of you. When you pick an item, you have to go into that closet with the person it represents for seven minutes. What you choose to do with that time is your decision. Once you come back, we will move to the next person. No one is allowed to chicken out. Nothing is banned. Who wants to go first?"

Everyone in the room stared at him, confused, indignant, or exasperated.

Finally, you broke the silence. "You want us to play seven minutes in heaven? Are you kidding? That's a game for teenagers!"

"Thank you for volunteering, Miss L/n. You can go first!" Tony holds out the bag to you. You roll you eyes, but concede. Who knows, it might be fun. After all, you were friends with everyone here, so you'd be able to have some interesting conversations. Looking Tony in the eye, you reached into the bag...

German translation: Stupid fucking asshole

Ok! Intro is done! If I use a language other than English in a chapter, I'll put the translation down here so I don't interrupt the story. Bye for now!


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