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**Request for Chloe_s20 where Bruce and Peter are best science friends and they have a blast while Tony is out of town. I wanted to make the ending you suggested work, so it's a little wonky as far as what's going on there, but cute nonetheless. I hope you enjoy!!**

It had been a horrible conflict of situations. May was out of town for a mandatory nurses' training, leaving Peter with Tony. But Tony had just heard that there was a fire at the factory in Hong Kong and there was going to be massive set backs for the company and he was going to fly out and try to help. And, in a horrible turn of events, Pepper was stuck in California without a way back because there was a false TSA red flag at the airport and every plane in the area was downed for the foreseeable future.

Which left Peter at home. Alone.

Tony and May were both a little worried about that, though, and so Tony called the only other person he trusted to watch the boy. Bruce Banner. The others were all at the compound, and honestly, Tony was thankful for it. He'd been keeping his young intern a secret for now, and he wanted it to stay that way.

Peter was seated at the dinner table when Bruce got there.

"Hello? Peter?"

"Oh, my God!" Peter tripped out of his seat and sprawled across the floor, then jumped up and stuck out a hand. "Mr. Doctor. Doctor Banner. Bruce Banner. Doctor Bruce, Mr. Banner, sir."

"Just Bruce, kid. Tony said you were into science, but I didn't think you'd be so happy to see an old scientist like me." Bruce laughed a little, his tense posture melting away a little. "So. What are we going to do this weekend?"

Peter's eyes were wide with awe. "We could do whatever you wanted."

"How about you help me with a project I've been working on," Bruce suggested, and that brought Peter and Bruce to Tony's lab. It didn't take long for Peter to relax into the swing of working, trading science puns and unique solutions to problems that left Bruce snickering and awed by Peter's talents. They didn't even notice when they blew through dinnertime and spent most of the early morning in the lab. Tony had been right to warn Bruce.

In just 12 hours, Bruce was ready to die for this teenager, and he wasn't at all ashamed to say it.

When they finally got out of the lab, nearing 5 in the morning, Peter offered to make Bruce an omelette, adding the caveat that "it might not be very good" and "last time, Mr. Stark said I didn't have nearly as much shell in it."

Bruce gave a soft chuckle. "I'll eat anything you make me, Pete."

"Okay! You don't have to, but I'll try my best to make it good!"

They headed up to the penthouse and Bruce sat at the kitchen bar as Peter got to work. It was kind of fascinating to watch, actually, as Peter would grab eggs and veggies, then forget the pan on the stove until the oil burned and-

Wait, what? Bruce took a double-take as Peter webbed a carton of milk to his hand.


"Huh?" Peter looked around the kitchen as if just remembering he wasn't alone. "What's up?"

"Are you Spiderman?"

Peter's face paled. "No. No way. Not at all. Why would- why would you think that? Think that- I am- no way."

"Peter, I just saw you web a carton of milk across the room to your hand."

Peter reddened. "You can't tell anyone. Please."

Bruce raised his hands in submission and shook his head. "I wasn't going to, kid. Is this how you and Tony met? I always wondered how you two met since Tony avoids anyone under 21 with a psychotic fervor."

"Yeah," Peter murmured. "I uh- He saw my video on the internet. He figured it out."

"And he kept you on when he realized you were a genius?"


Bruce hummed. "Well, I think you're a damn good scientist, and a good hero. One of the best heroes. Not every day you see someone sacrificing their whole lives to save the everyday citizen from muggers and thieves."

Peter nodded, then passed over an olmelette. Just like that, the whole thing was forgotten, and Bruce, bless his heart, didn't even complain when he took a bit of crunchy egg shells.


Bruce and Peter continued to get closer and closer as time went on. It kind of drove Tony nuts, especially when they got into a science themed 'pun-off' or talked in their own little science language. (It was actually just Klingon since they both loved Star Trek and Tony never watched it.)

And now Bruce knew about Peter being Spiderman, he was almost as bad as Tony, worrying and mother-henning over the teen.

But then there was the attack. The team was called out from the compound because they were dealing with yet another alien invasion and Tony was suited up. Even the Hulk came out to help, but not before Bruce had left very, very strict instructions with Peter to stay home and stay put.

Peter followed those instructions to a tee, sitting on the couch in the living room with eyes glued to the television where live footage of the fight was playing out. Steve had taken a bad hit, and Natasha had pulled back to make sure he was okay. With two of the team down, it was no contest, and aliens were picking off the others. Tony had never been so thankful for the suit before, as his body was pretty much covered, but then the Hulk was being targeted and there was a building falling over him, and Peter was suited up and swinging through the air before he even knew it.

As he swung across the city, he tried to keep an eye on which building had fallen, but there was so much rubble and-

"Kid! Get back to the tower!" Tony was screaming from where he hovered in the air, but there were more aliens coming and he had to turn his attention away.

Peter was pulling off the slabs of concrete that had pinned the Hulk, careful to not cause more damage. The aliens were finally starting to retreat, having lost too many of their own, and the team watched, impressed, as Peter finally dug Bruce out, now transformed back into his own body.



The team strained to get a closer look at the whole interaction, but Tony was running forward, pulling Peter up by the arms. "You scared me, kid, what did Bruce tell you?"

"To stay home."

"And what did you do?"

"I came out here," Peter mumbled. "But I did it to save Bruce. If he'd been under there anymore, he might have died! I know that!"

"You know that?" Bruce cut in. "Peter, have you had a building collapse on you before?"

Slowly, with wide eyes and a blank expression, Peter nodded under his mask. Both Tony and Bruce gasped and pulled Peter into their arms, holding him close and tight. "Peter, please tell me you're okay!"

Peter pulled off his mask. "All good. You can check, Bruce."

"Oh, so he get's to be 'Bruce' but I'm stuck with 'Mr. Stark'?"

Both Bruce and Peter ignored him as Bruce turned Peter's head in his hands, looking over the teen with worry.

"I'm sorry, can someone explain to me why Tony's intern is dressed in the Spider-suit?" Clint asked, throwing up his hands in exasperation.

"Because he's Spiderman," Bruce said, still holding Peter tightly.

"And you knew about this?"

"Of course I did," Bruce said. "I'm his favorite science Uncle."

"And you're not at all surprised that he's a child?"

"Not really." Bruce shrugged. "I've known him for months now. He's brilliant, guys, not just any teen can keep up with Tony and I in the labs."

Peter tugged on Bruce and Tony's sleeves. "Can we go back to the Tower now? I don't want to be out here with everyone and the press and stuff. They'll try to figure out who I am."

Tony  laughed. "Yeah, kid, we can go back. I think Bruce and I wanted to finish your birthday present early anyways."

Peter helped Bruce up, all the while chatting excitedly about the project he was working on and the chemical equations he'd been working on. It was far too advanced for anyone on the team to understand, and they watched in awe as Peter, Tony, and Bruce took off for the Tower.

"Well, then," Clint said. "I guess he is."

"Guess he is what?" Natasha asked. "Spiderman? A kid? Really smart?"

"All three."

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