Field Trip Down Memory Lane

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**Request for Eggs_Benedict_Afton where Peter's field trip with school goes poorly and the whole school learns about Peter's secrets. I hope I did this one how you wanted! TW for a PTSD/Panic Attack and some stupid phrases from Flash about Peter being an attention w****. Enjoy!**

It was, all in all, a pretty good field trip so far. Peter didn't have a good record with these kinds of school trips, but this one had been alright. No spider bites yet. No maniacs trying to attack the city. No monuments being targeted.

Oh, but there was that one, little, inconsequential part where Peter was standing in the hall of Stark Industries, waiting to go into the cafeteria, and waiting for his impending doom.

Ever since... well, ever since the whole Endgame ordeal, Peter had moved into the Tower and been adopted by Tony and Pepper. It had been a difficult recovery and adjustment, but they were all settling into the new dynamic now. Morgan had even taken to Peter like a fish takes to water. They were practically inseparable and even held "sleepovers" in Peter's room, where they would build massive forts of webbing and blankets and Tony would find them asleep and curled together. It was pretty cute.

So far, Peter hadn't seen anyone. They'd taken the tour through the labs and offices, and no sign of Pepper, Tony, or anyone else on the team. But the cafeteria was a risky place to hang out - Tony liked to get lunch down here when he was working since it was closer to his office.

And he didn't know Peter was at the Tower

"You still doing okay?" Ned asked. Peter nodded a little.

"It's fine. We can probably dodge him if he shows up," Peter assured.

Ned and Peter got in line to go through the counter for sandwiches, behind Abe. Flash was behind them, scowling at Peter's head. "Oh, because you know someone who is so terribly important here."

Peter went red, but didn't respond.

Flash kept going. "Because someone here knows puny, pathetic, poor Parker. I always knew you were an attention whore, but I didn't think you'd ever pull a lie like this."

Peter saw a couple of the cooks look up in alarm. They knew Peter, of course, but they never really talked to him. He shook his head a little so they'd let it go. He just grabbed a sandwich and a pack of chips before he rushed through the rest of the line. He and Ned found a table to sit at, but Flash was following them quickly. Peter could feel his whole body getting tense. Flash was just a little too close, a little too overbearing, and Peter felt his neck tighten up.

Flash put a hand down on the table hard, the sudden noise making Peter flinch back. Ned pushed himself up and gave a frustrated yell.

"Leave us alone, Flash!"

"What are you going to do about it, fatty, eat me?" Flash turned back to Peter. "How about you just admit you're a liar?"


"Admit you're a liar and I'll leave you alone," Flash said again.

Peter pushed his untouched food across the table at Ned and shimmied out from under Flash's arm. "I'm not hungry. I'm going to go to the bathroom."

Flash sneered as Peter got up from the table. "What? Not feeling so good?"

Maybe it was the general noise of the cafeteria, or the ringing in Peter's ears from Flash's hand earlier. Maybe it was the tense muscles and the feeling of being trapped. Maybe it was just those four little words, but whatever it was, Peter was shaking. His eyes were dilating uncomfortably, trying to focus on something. Peter's stomach rolled like he was about to be sick, and the ground was rubble, and Peter was on his knees-

He was there again.

He was going to die.

Where was Tony?

Peter was going to die again.

Where was Tony?

Tony was supposed to hold him.

The rubble was painful under Peter's knees, so he rolled to his side, but that was worse-

Was that the Vulture?

Why was his chest aching?

Where was his dad?

Where was his dad?

"-eter! Bambino, I need you to breathe with me." A rough and calloused hand encased Peter's own and drew it up. Peter could feel someone's heartbeat and the creaking of ribs as they breathed slowly and deeply. He tried to mimic the breathing, gasping a little as his lungs fought to take shallow breaths. After a couple tries, he got it though, and took a full breath.

"Good job, kid. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Peter shook his head. "Don't feel so-"

"No." The voice was firm on that, like it was painful to hear. "No, you're not there. You're in the Tower. In the cafeteria."

"I'm at home," Peter murmured, dragging his hand along the floor. It wasn't rubble anymore. "I'm at home. We had a field trip to the Tower today."

"Good, tell me something you can see."

Peter's eyes moved rapidly and a hand clamped over them. "Go slow."

He looked around more slowly, taking in the room. His class was all up against a wall, looking terrified, and the other SI workers were long gone. The cook who had made Peter's sandwich was standing near by with a glass of water and Peter smiled.

"I see the cook with the water," the teen said, swinging his head back to look up at- "And I see you, Dad. How'd you get here?"

Tony sighed in relief, his shoulders slumping. "Thank God, I was so close to having to sedate you. I got the alert from FRIDAY about 30 seconds before you rolled over and under the table."

Peter blushed. "That's embarrassing."

"No, it's not," Tony said. "Peter, you died. You died in my arms, and before that, you almost died in that warehouse. And in Europe. And a whole lot of places. This is just a hero thing, like when Natasha can't leave her room, or when Bucky can't stay in his for too long. This is just hero things."

Peter nodded a little and held out his arms for a hug. Tony did him one better and swung the kid onto his back, letting Peter cling to his shoulders as he hooked his elbows under the teen's knees.

"How about we go commandeer the fort?" Tony asked. He didn't sleep in that fort often - it did all sorts of torture on his back - but Peter and Morgan never needed to know that.

"I have school," Peter protested quietly.

"I'm your dad," Tony said back. "And I'm Tony Stark. I can do pretty much whatever I want. Hey, teach! I'm signing Peter out for the rest of the day. Don't believe me? FRIDAY, have one of my people bring down the adoption papers."

And with that, Tony was leaving, Peter still clinging to his back and neither looking back at the stunned faces of Peter's class. It was time for some cuddles.

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