Human Nature

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**Request for buff_pikachu where Peter and Venom run into some harsh realities and Venom get's a crash course in human life. This one was fun because I made Venom a little softer, which he is at times. Enjoy!**

Peter had been living with the alien symbiote known as Venom for about a month before he really started to regret his whole existence.

It started on an early Saturday morning. Normally, Peter would have slept in, but with Venom taking up residence - Peter needed far less sleep now - and a business trip with Mr. Stark planned that afternoon, Peter was up bright and early. He poured himself a bowl of Lucky Charms, sat on the couch, and flipped on the old re-run cartoons. The ending credits of Tom and Jerry jingled out, then the theme for Looney Tunes came one. Peter hummed excitedly as he recognized the opening scene.

"Peeeeetteeeerrrrrr," Venom drawled. "Peter, this doesn't make sense."


"This animated duck could not possibly fit through those bars."

Peter watched the cartoon for a little longer before he realized what Venom was so confused about. "Oh. Yeah, Ve, this is a cartoon. It's just supposed to be funny and- it's just entertainment."

"But it makes no sense. How can you be entertained by this?"

Peter shrugged. "It's just funny, you can just suspend your disbelief."

"We do not suspend any disbelief," Venom said with distain. "We like things that make sense."

So that was the first time Peter had realized that Venom was probably really confused most of the time. Humans were weird, especially when observed by an alien symbiote that didn't breath or dream or- well. You get the point. The first time Peter had taken a shower after meeting Venom had even been confusing, for Christ's sake.

So yeah. Human things? They didn't make sense

But the one thing Venom did understand, was bullying. He'd come from a planet known for violence and the act of bullying another symbiote who might be smaller or weaker than others. It was the only way they knew how to challenge order or establish leadership. Venom had watched Peter's classes carefully, and had even shared some of his prejudiced thoughts on the whole subject with Peter

"That one is bullying the others... They are weaker."

"If they spent time growing muscles, they would not be so weak."

"That one must be the strongest. The best."

Peter ignored it for the most part, and he hadn't really run into any trouble with Flash yet, so he was hoping to avoid the inevitable conversation about how weak he was for a while longer. Once Venom saw him so easily pushed around, he would leave right? And then Peter would be- well, not alone but...

He wouldn't have someone to talk to in the middle of the night, when he woke up from nightmares. Or someone to talk to about cartoons.

Peter was a little attached, okay? But what was so bad about that?

And then Flash came to school on a bright Monday morning in a particularly bad mood and bee-lined for Peter.

"Hey. Dickhead."

"Very clever," Peter whispered to himself.

Flash pushed Peter hard against the wall of lockers, the smaller teen's head banging off the metal lockers with force. Peter could feel Venom starting to shake around, a deep rumbling rolling across his chest and stomach. Peter put a hand over his own chest, trying to ease some of Venom's anger, but it did very little.

Flash landed a kick to Peter's shin and gave a laugh. Venom's rumbling was getting stronger, and any minute now, Peter expected to hear Venom's growl.

"This doesn't make sense."

Peter jerked in confusion, but Flash hit him again and Peter doubled over. And then Venom was growling even harder and black tendrils were oozing out from Peter's shoulders. Flash stumbled back in shock, falling on his knees and hands, and then practically falling over himself to run away.

"What doesn't make sense?" Peter asked, unsure yet if he should be happy with Venom for scaring Flash away, or upset that now people knew about his symbiotic friend.

"That boy. He tried to bully you."

Peter blushed. "Yeah, he did," Peter said with a sigh. "Don't start on it Venom, if you're going to leave, just do it and go."

"Leave? Why would we leave?" Venom's growl took on a bit confusion. "I want to know why he was attempting to usurp you. You are far too strong."

"Too strong?" Peter was shocked for a second, but Venom didn't give him any time to recover.

"You are too strong to be bullied," Venom continued. "You did not eve fight back. We are confused, Peter, we could have beaten him easily! We could have shown our dominance and claimed our throne!"

Peter chuckled. "Venom, it's called a secret identity. I am not strong at school, I'm not Spiderman."

"But why?"

"Because I don't want people to-" Peter cut himself off with a sigh. "You know what? How about we have this conversation over a chocolate bar at home? I'll call Tony."

Venom hummed his acceptance of that plan, a deep rumble rolling through Peter's chest happily. It was nice, though, like a comforting weight of a blanket. Peter pulled out his phone to text Tony, but paused after a second. "Hey, Ve? When Flash ran away, which way did he go?"

Venom whispered a direction in Peter's head, and Peter took off to follow his bully. After a couple steps, though, his leg locked up.

"Peter. We cannot allow us to go comfort that boy. He is weaker and a threat to your safety."

Peter laughed. "I know, Ve, but I want to make sure he's okay. You can bee a pretty scary surprise."

Venom was thinking. "We don't understand this either, Peter."

"I know," Peter said gently. "It's something people do. We're kind of blind when it comes to our empathetic feelings, you know. But I think you'll like this, it'll feel good to help someone else. Even if they were mean to us."

Venon didn't protest, but Peter could feel him grumbling inside his chest again. It was a good feeling, and for the first time since Peter and Venom had become one unit, Peter was feeling like maybe, Venom was starting to understand the more human side of things.

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