Clint: Fever

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This is for my Clintasha fans! Hope you guys enjoy it ;)


Clinton Barton didn't ask for help, very rarely did he said he was in trouble or in need of help. Same thing for when he was sick or hurt, he thought of this as weakness and kept clear of admitting he was sick or hurt. And what was worse is he could hide it, he could be smiling and talking to you with the worst case of the flu and still make you think he was fine. Yes he could hide it from everyone...well almost everyone...everyone except Natasha Romanoff......


It was after a mission and he got home very late or very early whichever you prefer. Either way he was dirt tired and he sick off. So he stumbled into his room at Avengers Tower, he kicked off his boots and left in his tactical gear for the time being too tired to care it was uncomfortable.

Bed. He wanted his bed as he wanted it now. Clint opened his bedroom door and collapse onto his warm bed, his bed was wonderful, like a warm hug every night. The blankets keeping him warm and safe feeling, he might like he's bed slightly...slightly!

Clint pushed his head into his pillows, hoping to ease his fast growing headache. God no, he wasn't sick, no way no how he wasn't! Sleep he needed sleep, maybe he would feel better in the morning. Pulling his blanket over his chilled frame he tried to get comfy, nothing felt good no way he lay was easing his aching body. He got to a point were he was so tired he fell asleep anyway, out cold from pure exhaustion.


Natasha Romanoff was known for being stone cold, never flinching at spilling another's blood. And for a while that has been true, until one stubborn ass archer had come along and spared her life. Showed her that life could be better then what she had, was it love? She wasn't sure if she even knew what that word meant but one thing she did know, she cared about Clint Barton and she would protect him from anything and everything. Even if the thing that was harming him was himself.

Natasha knew how he got when he was sick or injured. He didn't like to babied, or so he said until she forced him to admit he was indeed in pain. Then he would let her cafe for him, the first time being in Budapest Clint coming down with a nasty case of pneumonia because he wouldn't say he was sick. That mission was indeed a interesting one.

So when the ex-red room assassin found out Clint had got in and gone straight to his room something in her clicked. She knew something was up, call it her Clint sense she always knew when he was hiding something and she was the only one that could tell.

The red haired woman made her way up to Clint's floor. When she opened the door she wasn't surprised to see his boots strewn across the room, he always kicked his boots off. As she made her way down the hall she heard a strange sound...groaning. Her steps quickened as she hurried to his room and what she saw broke her heart and made her roll her eyes all the same.

For her partner, the one she was supposed to count on in the battlefield was laying awkwardly on his bed. Still in his tactical gear from his mission, with his pillow over his head. But when she stepped closer she saw his skin was shiny with sweat and his brows were close together as if he was in pain.

Natasha quickly pressed bed hand to his head making the shield spy jump, "N-Nat?..." He slurs looking up at her with cloudy eyes, yup her hawk was sick.

"Yes agent stupid...what did you do this time?" She said the words softly with no malice in them, they had their way of communicating that other people would think they were being mean but the two of them knew there was no real harm in them.

"Nothing...didn't do nothing." His words were muffled by his face smashed into his bed making Natasha roll her eyes and grin. Dare she say that it was down right adorable? She looked down at her team mate, scanning the room for his bags.

"Ok Barton lets get you fixed up..."

"M'fine..." Clint mumbled keeping his eyes closed as he lay awkwardly on his bed. Natasha rolled her eyes and went to his dresser and grabbed him a new shirt and sweat pants.

Once she had got what she needed she went back over to him, "Alright Barton up and at em...lets get these on you." Clint groaned and stayed right where he was, from the looks he wasn't moving anytime soon. The hard way it was then.

She eased Clint into a sitting position, his head lulling onto her shoulder. She hands tenderly went down his vest unzipping it and pulling it off and tossing it to the side. He shivered his flesh now covered in goosebumps, she hurried and pulled his shirt over his head. Now for the sweat pants...this was going to be fun...cue sarcasm. It took 10 minutes but she eventually got him into the sweats, she sighed as she put him right side up in the bed. Tucking him in, she was about to leave when he grabbed her arm.

"Stay...please?" His eyes big and pleading, she sighed and nodded her head. She knew she would have to change before that happened, she quickly pulled off her shirt showing her cami underneath and grabbed a pair of Clint's sweats pulling them on. She then slide into bed next to him and he quickly grabbed her waist laying his head in her belly. She smiled gently at her shield partner, running her fingers through his brown locks. He let out a breath and seemed to relax, snuggling close to her.
If any of the other Avengers saw this they would never hear end of it, with that thought through her mind she fell to sleep with her archer in her arms.


Natasha awoke some hours later with Clint whimpering in her arms. Alarmed her eyes snapped open and she sat up, quickly taking his temp...103.1...that was a little too high for Natasha. She hurried out of the room and rushed back in with some fever reducers and water and a cool cloth for is head.

She made fast work of it making Clint take the meds even with his fever garbled protests. She forced him to lay down and out the cloth on his head. She waited...then in about an hour she checked his temp again...102.3...better. She sighed and only hoped it would get better from here. She got back into the bed and Clint shifted his fever soaked body as close to her as he could. It was rare to see him like this, weak and vulnerable. He hated being weak so whenever he let his walls down and aloud her to see him hurting it made t so very special to her.

She stroked his sweat soaked hair away from his red face that was warm from the fever.

"хорошо спать мое сердце." She said softly in Russian, which meant, 'sleep well my heart'. And with that she also fell asleep once more, having the man she may love safe in her arms. But what was love? Did she really know? And would this man be the one to teach her what love truly was?


When Clint awoke he felt someone under him, was he laying on someone? He carefully opened his eyes and saw the rich green eyes and fiery red hair of Natasha Romanoff.

"Hey..." He whispered looking up at her.

"Hey yourself." He smiled and lay his head on her belly again, letting out a deep breath relaxing into her hold.

"Just like Budapest Huh?" He said softly looking up at her from his spot on her stomach. He watched as her eyes crinkled, eyeing him.

"No...better then." He get her kiss his temple and that moment alone was perfect. And no one could ever screw it up ever, that moment it was just her and him and it was perfect.

"Better?" He whispered grinning with his sky smirk.

"Yes...better." Clint grinned and thought for a moment, maybe I should get sick more often but then again he felt like crap but oh well. He had Natasha and that was all he needed.


Well? What you guys think?

Man I've had this idea for a while and to tell you the truth I don't know who I like Natasha with the most...she's so shipible

But I do love Laura and Clint together so much!

But even I love me some Clintasha! ;)

So anyway sorry this is late been a long day!

I'm 50 reads away from 1,000 reads on this book!


Thank you all so much!

Please keep commenting and voting means the world to me!

LUV U my Geeks!



Natasha Romanoff🔪🔫💣


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