Peter Parker: Bullied

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A/N This is when Peter is beat up by Flash after Gwen passed away and a Avenger comes to his rescue and patches him up! Enjoy my marvel people! Also the pic I found online on tumbler I believe but it's so cute and I was like AW! He just wants to play with them! And the video was done by the Daily Asguardian news in honor of Spidey joining the marvel cinematic universe! One of the best days ever


Peter shrugged his bag on his shoulder, 3 days until summer break he couldn't wait! Collage wasn't bad, he enjoyed the classes and all but with Spider-Man and class and his Aunt May it was a lot of stress and was looking forward for a small break from at least one of those things.

Peter was walking down the street when he heard someone call out, "Hey! Parker!" Peter internally cringed, Flash 'Eugene' Thompson, his high school bully. Flash seemed to like to make a point to make Peter's life a living hell when he could but he hasn't seen the larger boy in a while and hoped the guy had gotten over using Peter as a punching bag. Sadly he was very, VERY, wrong.

"What do you want Flash?" Peter asked preparing himself for the worst. Flash caught up quickly then proceed to drag Peter into a near by ally, Peter didn't bother to try and stop him. Sure he was Spider-Man but he had made a promise to Uncal Ben never to use his powers that way, if he did he was no better then Flash, he wouldn't use his gifts to get even and that was a promise he was going to keep.

"It's been too long Parker...I think you're over due for a beating." Flash grabs Peter by the collar slamming him into a wall, the force of it jarred Peter a bit but it wasn't bad thankfully. But that feeling didn't last long as Flash's fists collide with Peter's face making him fall to the pavement. Soon Peter felt a blow to his gut causing the wind to be knocked clean out of him, after that the rest became a blur, Flash kept hitting him and Peter took it all praying they were almost done.

"Get up Parker! Get up and fight!" Flash snarled but Peter refused to yield, he wouldn't let the driving desire to knock Flash off his rocker win out, so Peter stayed down. It wasn't long after that when Peter heard another voice he didn't recognize, he yelled out Peter hearing every word the voice said.

"HEY! Get off of him!" The hitting stopped as Flash was yanked off of Peter. Peter couldn't really tell what was going on but someone was kneeling by him trying to talk to him. The word hospital came up, that got Peter's attention, no way was he going to a hospital, nuh huh not going to happen.

"Okay, okay! No hospital but at least let me fix you up a bit I have a friend who could look you over to." Peter was too weak to argue so he let whoever it was help him up, little did Peter know that his life was about to change dramatically.


Steve Rogers was walking through the city of New York, it was a nice spring day and he was in desperate need of a day out. The tower was starting to feel claustrophobic and Steve was thankful for the fresh air in his lungs and the cement under his booted feet.

He had been walking for over an hour now and was a good ways away from the tower when he saw a university off to the side. Kids that looked only a few years younger then him were waking in or out of class, some were on the lawn talking or eating. Steve couldn't help but smile at the scene before him wanting to sketch it to keep forever, if Tony were there he would've just said take a picture but it wasn't the same or as fun.

Steve finally turned away from the school walking down the sidewalk. He only walked a few minutes when he heard a sound that was all too familiar to the super soldier. The sound of someone getting beat up. Steve ran towards the sound, he turned a corner and there it was. A boy with blonde hair and was larger, almost like a football player, was beating up a smaller skinner boy with dark brown hair.

The brown haired boy had his arms over his head trying to shield himself from the never ending blows. Something deep within Steve snapped, his anger boiled up to a point he could snapped the guy in half for hitting that kid. If it was one thing Steve couldn't stand it was bullies, he didn't care who they were or where they were from. A bully was a bully end of story and he wasn't going to stand by and let this happen.

"HEY! Get off of him!" Steve charged over yanking the boy off of the smaller guy. Steve pushed him back away from the kid that was bleeding on the ground. He couldn't be 18 or 19, the whole thing brought back memories of him being the guy on the ground and Bucky coming to his rescue.

"Go home son." Steve said keeping an eye on the guy before he shrugged himself of dust and left without a word. Steve snorted he had been hoping he would challenge him so he could at least punch him once, but Steve didn't know how scary he could be when he wanted to be, one look could send the bravest men trembling in their boots.

Steve kneeled down by the guy, laying a gentle hand on his back as the kid was on his stomach seemly trying to regain his rapid breathing. "Easy now I'm going to take you to a hospital." Steve was surprised with the reaction he got from the guy, his whole body went tense shrinking away from his touch, this guy did NOT want to go to the hospital and Steve was worried if he tried to make him he would hurt himself more.

"Okay, okay! No hospital but at least let me fix you up a bit I have a friend who could look you over to." That seemed to go over better with the browned haired boy who didn't fight him when he helped him to his feet very slowly. The guy didn't stay on his feet for long before his feet gave out from under him luckily Steve already had a hold of him keeping him from falling completely.

"Crap okay just sit down okay? I'm calling a ride." The boy barely nodded as he leaned against the wall as Steve pulled out his flip phone. Yes he had a flip phone, it was the only one that he could somewhat use without it crashing on him so yes that's what he used.

It only ringed twice before they picked up, "Yellow?" Said the cocky voice of Clint Barton on the other end of the line. Steve was glad he was in town because he was in no mood to deal with Tony.

"Hey Clint it's Steve, can you come pick me up?" Steve said in a hurry. The kid was looking very pale and wasn't saying anything making Steve all the more worried.

"Umm...sure? What's going on?" Clint asked sounding confused, Steve quickly relaid the news about the kid and the bully and now he had stepped and the kid was pretty beat up. Clint hummed in response for a lot of them scoffing when he heard that the larger guy had been beating up the kid. Clint held the same ground as Steve when it came to bullies, as in he couldn't stand them.

"I've got you Steve I'll call Dr. Banner to while I'm at it and tell him to meet us at the tower, we can take the back entrance since we don't need the press's getting wind of this." Clint shot off sounding like he was grabbing his keys and coat as he spoke, Steve hearing the door shut over the line.

"Thanks Clint see you soon." Steve said as he ended the call. He then knelt down. In front of the boy laying a gentle hand on his should but the kid still flinched. "Hey a friend of mine is coming to get us okay? Then we'll get you all patched up."


Peter felt awful, there was nothing but pain through his whole body and he was starting to regret not fighting back. 'No you don' promised Ben not to use your powers that way' his mind said to him. And with that Peter knew it was right, he wouldn't fight Flash, not again not when Uncal Ben had that look on his face....disappointment.

"Hey son? If you can hear me I need you to tell me your name okay?" Said the kind voice that had pulled Flash off of him.

"P-Peter....P-Par-ker." His voice was weak and trembled as he tried to breathe, it was getting harder and harder to do so and he was starting to panic a little bit. After Gwen died...he had no one to fix him up, and the pain in his belly was starting to make his mind foggy and to do whatever the voice that was so kind said.

"Okay Peter just sit tight, everything is going to be okay." Peter just nodded a bit keeping his eyes closed.

Peter heard a car then hurried footsteps and another voice talk to the first. "Damn you weren't kidding when you say the kid took a beating, no hospital?"

"No hospital I promised him I wouldn't the kid panicked so I couldn't force him..." The first voice said and Peter could almost feel their eyes on him.

"Okay then, Bruce is waiting at the tower." Said the second voice, Peter could almost feel the pity in their voice, he hated pity. He then decided he didn't need help anymore, he didn't want their pity he could take care of himself. With everything he had in him he staggered to his feet, pain shot up his stomach and head, his world tipping dangerously to one side. He would have fallen if not strong steady hands had grabbed him before he could fall.

"Easy kid! You could have broken bones you either come with us or we take you to a hospital, choose wisely." Came the second voice, it hadn't been the first guy that had kept him from falling it had been the second.

"" Peter groaned out, he could feel the smirk on the seconded voices face.

"Good choice."


Clint was a sensible man, and one of the most patient, had to be to have four kids plus the twins. Plus he was a sniper and a spy to boot, Clint was the best at waiting if not anything else. So as he helped the kid into the back of his car he saw the worried looks Steve kept shooting towards the teen, he couldn't be older then 20 maybe even 19 and his face was colored in black and blue.

Of course it had to be Steve that found the kid and saved him. Everyone knew how Steve felt about bullies, Steve only lost his cool about three things, protecting the Avengers, Bucky and bullies.

Clint saw the way Steve's jaw set every time the kid whimpered when they hit a bump or grunted when he tried to move. Clint knew Steve wanted to go back and beat the living daylights out of the guy that did this and was by sheer force of self control he hadn't.

When they pulled up to the tower the kid had fallen unconscious, Steve picked him up carefully and carried him bridle style into the tower. Bruce was waiting in the med-lab when they got there. Smiling his shy concerned smile as Steve laid the kid down.

"What's his name?" Bruce asked as his rolled up his sleeves, fixing his glasses.

"Peter." Steve said staying close to the table the kid was lying on, Clint knew Steve was going into over protective Captain America mode.

"Alright then." Bruce unbuttoned the shirt the teen was wearing, exposing a white t-shirt underneath. Bruce cut that shirt away not wanting to harm the boy anymore, the sight was enough to make Clint's temper flare. Peter's chest and belly were almost one large bruise, his breathing was uneven and sounded like it hurt to do so. Bruce's face softened as he looked at this, he gentle out an O2 mask on the boy to help him regain his breath. Even more gently he laid his hands on his chest, carefully moving to his stomach.

The kids gasp of pain made Clint move, both he and Steve were at his side in seconds. Steve putting a hand on the kids shoulder, while Clint pushed the kids hair back. Flashes of Pietro and Conner jumped into his mind, if one of his kids came home like this there would be hell to pay.

"Easy son you're okay just relax." Steve's voice was so calm and soft the boy relaxed almost instantly stilled. And Bruce smile softly and started fixing him up once more.


The first thing Peter notice was his head hurt, he moaned as he lay a hand on his aching belly. He sat up slowing as white hot fire burned at his insides. A hand pushed him back gently, "Wouldn't do that kid, you got a badly bruised stomach, bruised lung and a concussion to boot."

Peter was shocked to see the face of a brown haired man, with gentle dad like eyes and a smirk. The second voice! Peter turned his head to see another man that was built like a tank, blonde hair and blues eyes and a kind smile. He was being over some soup.

"I'm Steve this is were beat up in the ally do you remember?" The blonde man, Steve, said.

" pulled him off of me." Peter said as he carefully sipped the mug of soup that was handed to him. Steve smiled and nodded, they then told Peter that he was in Stark/Avengers Tower, which made him him flipped out. He called his Aunt May telling him he was okay and that he would be gone few days.

He was introduced to all of the Avengers, Tony Stark was the most interesting out of all the meetings. Even more so is when they got into scientific research and engineering. Let's just say Peter was offered an internship, Steve would show up at random at his school the following year making sure he was okay. Of course he didn't tell them about Spider-Man, maybe he would someday. But now he was happy right where he was.


2500 words!! How did this get so long?

I don't know but happy Valentine's Day💋💋❤️❤️❤️😘😘!!!

Hope u all have a great day!

Next week is when my Marvel Imagine book is released hope u all love it like I do

Thx for the reads guys!!



Natasha Romanoff🔫🔪💣

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