Steve: Homeless Hero

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Steve Rogers was a private man in fact he was probably the most private person out of all of the Avengers. He kept to himself when it came to his personal life and talked about his home even less then the rest of the team did and that was saying something when two members were spies.

What the team didn't know was that Steve didn't have a home, didn't have a bed to go home to at night. Didn't have a roof over his head. This might seem crazy but after Shield went under his housing went with it, along with Steve's job. It was then he learned how hard it was for vets to find work that gave them the same level of purpose that protecting their country gave.

The Avenges only called in high level emergencies that thankfully didn't happen often. Steve didn't want that to happen but it was hard to find a job that would keep him in the big city. So he worked as a truck guy, at unbelievably early hours he went on a cold truck to unload it at the stores and restaurants around the city. The pay wasn't great at all, but he only had a back pack of things and it was enough to keep him somewhat fed.

Steve didn't like to admit it when he was struggling, he didn't want to be proud but it was almost like he felt undeserving for whatever help that people would want to offer. So he slept where no one would see him, Sam Willson didn't even know about it, he was busy searching for Bucky for him which he was happy to do. So no one knew Steve was indeed homeless, just like hundreds of men and woman who have served this country. Just another statistic, another face to add to that list.


Steve pulled his hat lower as he carried the last of the boxes of bread into the Starbucks. It was late October beginning of November and it had been a pretty warm fall and a even warmer summer. Steve had been thankful for it he hates the cold and wasn't looking forward to the winter when it got really cold. As he set the last box down a little red head was smiling up at him. It was early but the girl was smiling warmly, she presses a cup full of piping hot coffee into his hands. Stuffing a old bagel into his pocket.

"Thanks Grant have a great weekend." Steve smiled and nodded to her, no one knew his name was Steve and he went by his middle name for security reasons. He had been ignoring the pain in his throat and skull. Ignoring the shivers that shook his body, the uneasiness of his stomach. He couldn't get sick he couldn't he was Steve Rogers he couldn't afford to get sick. He ducked out of the store and rode in the freezing truck in silence. God he didn't feel so good, he didn't stop when he got to the warehouse and grabbed his only backpack that had everything he owned in it even his shield was carefully hidden inside.

He ducked out of the warehouse after picking up his check it wasn't much but he could sit in a IHOP for a few hours and buy a coffee and save the rest for emergencies. He held the cup the Young barista had given him, it was so hot he could feel his pale skin sapping the heat from the cup. He was so cold, as he walked down the street to the closest hidden area he ducked into out of sight. His stomach was rolling at this point and he couldn't see straight, the world seemed to be tilting one way then shifting just as quickly the opposite way.

He couldn't even think of eating the stale bread in his pocket. Even the thought made him lurch and hurl what little he had in his body. He threw up hard making the vertigo all the worse, he didn't know that he was now laying on his side. Didn't remember when that happened, the world around him seem to be sloshing like the ocean and a great storm. His vision now so blurred he could barely make out what was around him, he curled in on himself as his stomach cramped painfully. The wind was picking up as a cough wrecked through Steve's body, the force of it so strong it shook his frame. He was pressing he body behind a dumpster in hopes of blocking the wind as a storm was for sure rolling into town.

He was shivering, he didn't know what was going on anymore didn't know how long he had been laying there in the cold loud wind as he started to feel sleeting rain on his think jacket and head he coughed and sniffed and put his hands over his head as he passed out in a feverish sleep.


Coulson knew why he stayed dead, knew it was best for everyone to believe him gone for good. But it was also so hard to do, so hard to stay dead even though he knew it was best for everyone. So he did his job in the shadows, it had taken him a bit after Shield fell for him to find Steve Rogers it had been the first cold day in months and he found Steve tucked behind a dumpster covered in vomit and sweating and shaking profusely. Coughing fits trying to stop his none restful sleep the Solider must be getting.

Coulson crouched down and felt the mans head, he was burning up something awful it was plain as dead that he was very VERY sick. Coulson took a breath in, he knew he couldn't help him in the normal way but the kid needed a warm bed and fresh clothes ASAP. That's when Coulson made a decision he was going to lead Tony Stark to Steve Rogers...


Tony Stark liked to think himself as a cleaver man, he worked in his garage or lab most days the others he spent with Pepper. Things had been pretty quiet, he had hired a bunch of shield agents who lost their job and even went to Steve's hospital after he it is ass handed to him. Tony would never say he had been worried about the big lug but he was. Steve was in a new world alone and he hadn't really adapted to it.

He was thrown from one war to another the guy had never really ever come home. But Tony tried not to think about it, he made sure all the Avengers were happy and comfortable. Bruce was the first to come and stay at the tower, he had shown up right after the events in Malibu. With a shy smile he had asked to stay and how could tony say no, Clint was next he dint say as regularly as Bruce but Tony had grown used to walking into the kitchen to find Clint making coffee and passing him a cup.

Natasha was next, he didn't know how that happened, he just found her on the couch watching TV like she had always been there and Tony knew better then to question it.

Steve was the only one who hadn't come and stayed with them and Tony was a little hurt but at the same time he wanted to respect the man. That was until today, he got a email from and untraceable source.

"J what the crap is this?" Tony looked up from his gauntlet as the words of the email read this.

Dear Mr Stark

You don't know me and it is best that you don't for your safety. This may be strange to you and I can't give you all the details but someone needs your help as soon as possible. There is no time to loose, follow the map I have Inclosed in the attainment below please a life may depend on it.



Tony frowned "APC?" Who the crap was that? Tony was uneasy but looked at the map, it lead to the more sketchy area of the city and this also made tony very uneasy but if someone really was in danger he was Iron man after all it couldn't hurt to check it out.

"Hey J get my undercover suit ready we are going to check this out."

'As you wish sir'

Came Jarvis' voice as Tony grabbed his jacket and glasses and headed for the door.


Tony had taken one of his more low key vehicles so as not to arouse suspicion. Tony honestly didn't know what he was even doing, didn't know why he felt the need to check this out didn't know why he felt that urge to make sure whoever this was was ok.  It hadn't taken Long before he got to the spot but it wasn't a store or a house or apartment building it was a ally at the end of a street. Tony starting to regret not bringing Clint with him.

He stepped out of the car, the last tracker that had been in the file on the email had led him here? He let his one gauntlet come on as he walked slowly down the alleyway. He was on edge to say the least, but the closer the he got the more odd this was getting, the wind was howling as a storm was on the verge of taking New York in it's vice grip.

Tony pointed his hand at the dumpster the signal was coming from and leaped behind it and was he saw stunned the life of him. His mouth fell wide open in shock, he crouched down and laid his hands on the mans side and head pushing the hat off to confirm what he already feared. Steve Roger was laying there huddles behind a dumpster shaking violently coughing horribly every couple minutes as he sniffed. He smelled of vomit and looked slightly thinner then last time he had seen him, Steve was a big guy with a very fast metabolism so he needed to eat more then the average or it was dangerous.

God why was he here?! Tony quickly checked for bullet wounds. "Jarvis run a scan." Tony said quickly as Steve started to cough even harder his breaths wheezing out so hard Tony had to heave him up slightly so he could breathe.

'Sir it seems the captain is running a 102.4 degree fever, his lungs seem to be inflamed and his throat seems chafed, my data also reads he has thrown up at least twice sir and has no liquids or nutriment in his system, I would advice getting him warm as soon as possible'

Tony let out a breath and didn't even think for another second, he pulled Steve into a sitting position. He put his bag on his back and pulled until the Solider was staggering to his feet. The man was groaning and whimpering and it was punching Tony in the gut even more.

"Come on big guy let's get you warm and dry yeah?" Steve was nowhere near Lucid but it was enough to half help half drag the man to the car and pile him into the back seat. Steve laid down almost at once moaning and shivering so violently. Tony yanked his own coat off and laid in on the sick Steve who seemed to calm just a bit. That gave Tony the push he needed to climb into the drivers seat and start speeding his way towards the tower.

A horrible feeling was growing in Tony's gut and mind. He didn't want to think about it and just hope he was wrong but all the facts he was seeing was making him think....was one of their own homeless?


Tony called Clint as soon as he got into the garage to enlist some help. It was going to take the both of them to get him inside. Clint rushed down as soon as Tony had told him what was going on and his face showed his alarm.

"Tony...." Clint's voice was soft in alarm as Tony was heaving Steve out of the back seat.

"I know Clint we will deal with that later but now let's get him upstairs yeah?" Clint nodded and helped Tony help Steve up the stairs, Natasha was waiting for them upstairs. She was wearing sweats and a hoodie her hair tied back her gaze showing concern for their super soldier.

"Let's get him in the spare room." Tony grunted as he helped the heavy man into the room and onto the bed. Natasha right behind them, steve was shaking from the cold and his cloths weren't clean or dry.

"Tony go get him a change of clothes he needs out of these as fast as we can, Clint go get me a basin of water and a washcloth. Then go make tea hot as you can and make that soup of yours, Jarvis?-?" Before Natasha finish her statement the AI replied.

'Doctor Banner was alerted to the crisis Ms Romanoff and is grabbing his medical bag.'

Everything seemed to still for a moment before Natasha's glare set the two men into action. Tony ran and got a pair of thick socks sweat pants and a tee shirt and hoodie hoping this would help warm the sick soldier. He also grabbed some more blankets for good measure. He darted back to the room, where Natasha was holding Steve up in a sitting position the man no longer in his soiled clothes but just his boxers. Natasha was trying to wipe the dirt and grime off of him but she was tiny compared to him and even though Tony knew she was strong she was struggling with Steve's bulk.

Tony dumped his load by her and took over holding him up. Steve was shaking so badly his exposed skin prickles with goosebumps. He coughed a wet cough that hurt Tony in his soul. Natasha was cleaning off his chest and neck, she then moved to his back as Tony shifted his body to let the man lean on his chest. His blonde hair plastered to his forehead. He looked so young in this moment, as Tony could feel the heat rolling off of him in waves. Tony shifted again as Natasha moved to Steve's face, she was oddly tender and shushed the man gently as she wiped his face off then did his hair.

Tony watched her as she ran her fingers through Steve's hair and the man whimpered and leaned into her touch. It was an oddly intimate moment and Tony felt like he was intruding. But at the same time felt like he was supposed to be there, Natasha met his eyes, her green ones pouring into Tony's brown ones. They seemed to agree on something that they both knew, her eyes almost sad.

By the time Bruce got there the two of them had managed to man handle the guy into the new clothes and onto the bed propped up so he wouldn't hurt himself further. They had vetoed the zip up hoodie for now, leaving him in a tee shirt. Bruce sat on the bed next to him and gave him a quick work up as Natasha leaned into Tony. Tony quickly put his arm around her, no one said anything about it. It was a very sibling thing to do and the two liked to keep this to them selfs.

"Well it could be worse, he's dehydrated and needs food in his system-" as soon as Bruce said this Steve heaved, Tony grabbed a bin and held it in front of Steve while Natasha rubbed his back as he dry heaved. Tony's hand firmly on the mans bicep keeping him up as he retched. It took a moment before Steve was done and they eased him back down.

"I'm going to hook him up to a IV for now as soon as he can keep it down he needs to eat." Bruce said as he hooked Steve to the IV. The sick man whimpering as Natasha shushed him carding her fingers through his hair. Tony knew none of them were going to leave this tower. Or this room any time soon so he made himself comfortable in the chair next to Steve's bed. He wasn't going anywhere, neither was Bruce or Natasha, this was going to be a long night.


Steve felt so awful, everything was too hot or too cold like his body couldn't make up it's mind. His head pounding so terribly as the world seemed to shake around him. Theee were voices, but they seemed so far away and muffled so he couldn't make out what they were saying.

So many hands, he wanted them to go away but some were tiny and rubbing his hair soothingly. Ma? Then there was a male voice, Bucky? All helping all warm and kind, they pulled him up and helped him eat something warm and good. What was going on, all the voices and the wind was attacking him anymore and it wasn't wet and the ground was now soft and warm.

"Rest Steve it's okay...." Steve did just that and went back to sleep feeling for the first time like he was safe.


Steve felt weak but more coherent then he had in a long time, his eyes feeling heavy like he didn't want to open his eyes but his stubbornness kicked in and he did open his eyes. He wasn't outside behind a dumpster, he was in a room with a high ceiling and wrapped in some of the warmest blankets tucked around him. The nightmares of freezing to death far from his memory, where was he? Panic seized him what if he was 70 years in the future again?! Then there were hands and a face and it was...TONY! Oh thank God it was Tony. He looked mused and tired but it was him with his hand on his chest.

"Steve hey hey EASY! Calm down it's okay you're alright easy you're okay take a breath." Steve tries but he coughed and then there was a straw by his lips and he met the sharp eyes of Clint as he helped him take a drink.

"That's it you're alright take it easy." Steve had never heard Tony's voice so comforting and gentle. "You scared the crap out of us Steve." Uh oh, Tony never used his first name. "Hey stop it, it's fine Steve don't worry about it alright? But for Christs sake why didn't you call me? Call us?"

"What?...." Steve was confused now what was he talking about?

"Come on Steve you have to know" Clint said on his other side.

"What the boys are trying to say why didn't you tell anyone you were homeless? Ask for help, you said you trusted me." Yeah those words hurt a bit as he met Natasha's eyes, he looked at Tony then Clint then Natasha.


"Okay guys don't overwhelm the kid." Bruce said as he was taking out a IV.

"I didn't want to be a bother...." Steve said in a soft voice so low he thought no one would here. But Tony did, because he was there looking into his eyes and he pulled him up and....hugged him?! As they parted Tony's hands were on his shoulders.

"Listen here Captain-pain-in-my-ass, you are not a bother you here me? You are one of the furthest things from it, I don't think you understand how badly you scared us, your fever was too high and when was the last time you had a decent meal huh?" Steve lowered his head slightly.

"We could have lost you, so you have a room here now and don't even start to argue with me about it because it's done, no more homeless Avengers got it?" Steve nodded and Tony nodded back, as he left the room and steve felt bad. A small hand touched his arm and he met Natasha's eyes.

"He's not the best at showing it but he was really worried about you....just stay steve please..." he couldn't say no to her, he hadn't noticed that Clint and Bruce had left with a grin leaving them alone. She laid next to him her arms around him. He weakly out his arm around her holding her close, she was warm and the bed was warm and he felt safe and he was just happy that his team cared.

No not


Tony signed the check for the program he was helping Sam start for homeless vets, no more would he let them stay on the streets. Someone watched from the shadows as he did this as he saved Steve and the team got closer.

Someone who loved the cello and to collect vintage captain America cards. Someone who was proud of the team before him.

The family that was the Avengers



Hey guys it's been a minute and oh my word I'm over 50k reads I can't even I'm so happy!

But this story was requested but it also became something more.

So many want and woman serve thus country and come home unable to find work or job security or even a home most divorces happen while these soldiers are overseas leaving them with no home to go back to some families even reject them for the stuff they did over there to protect them back here so let's help the statistics one in your local area where you can help out our veterans fine homes have food and not be sick out in the cold.

This was requested by HiddenScreamer for her younger sister who is too young for the Wattpad account but I still have a message for her

Hey darlin' I heard you like my stories that warms my heart and makes me so happy that you like them this is a story just for you request do you buy your big sister who is very awesome and loves you so much I hope you enjoy it and it brings joy to your face and heart keep being you keep being strong and grow up to be one of the best girls ever!

Love you

You're truly Natasha Romanoff

Aka RealBlackWidow

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