Super Bowl Sick

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If there was one thing Tony Stark knew how to do, it was throw a party. But this party wasn't his usual bash, he was throwing a super bowl party. Just the Avengers were invited maybe a few other heroes like Rhody and such but no one else.

Clint munched on some funny chip dip that Rhodey had brought, watching everyone come in with their jerseys on. He himself was sporting a Broncos hat with a number 88 on the back while Tony had on partners gear. Steve and Bucky both had Broncos while Natasha and Bruce had panthers. Clint chuckled as Thor came in with Jane as he had Broncos but she had panthers.

"House divided!" Tony laughed as he took a huge bite of the dip.

"It's going to be a great game that's for sure." Rhodey says from his spot on the couch with Sam as they drank beer.

"Hey Cap why the Broncos?" Clint asked from his spot by the breakfast bar.

"Yeah why Manning? He's way too old for this." Tony joked giving Steve a light punch to the shoulder.

"Maybe I like to rout for the old guys, the underdogs." Steve said Bucky nodding in agreement.

"Let's us begin the battle of the Ball of Foot!" Thor's force boomed as they gathered around the TV at kickoff.

The game was a lot of fun the team staying up well past midnight before they turned in. Do when Steve was woken from his sleep from a sound that sounded like someone in distress he was on his feet in seconds and skidded down the hall.

Steve found a bathroom where sounds of someone being violently sick reached his enhanced ears. He carefully knocked on the door.

"Hello? It's Steve who's in there are you okay?" Steve was concerned when no one answered but the door did unlock. Steve walked in hesitatingly, what he saw all but broke his heart. Clint was hunched over the toilet, he was sweaty, shaking and was deathly pale from losing his dinner and maybe lunch and breakfast to by the looks of him. Clint was resting his head on his arm as his free hand gripped the bowl so hard his knuckles were white.

"God Clint what happened? How did you get so sick so fast?" Steve asked as he kneeled by his teammate, putting what he hoped was a comforting hand on his friends shoulder.

"Mm'don't know..." Came Clint's reply, his voice was cracked and weak, and he was cut off as he dry heaved into the toilet his body shaking with convolutions from his stomach lunching itself.

Steve just rubbed his friends back as he did, saying soothing words as Clint gagged into the bowl. If anyone in the tower ever for sick Steve was the one you wanted to come to your aid. He was calm and kind and very patient with you, never raising his voice and he ways seemed to know what to do to make you feel better.

"Can you make it back bed?" Clint was about to answer when a smiler sound reached the super soldiers ears, he looked and Clint then spirited down the hall. And there with puke on the floor laying on the floor with his arms protectively around his midsection was Tony Stark. Stark looked worse then Clint of possible but that might just be because he hadn't made it to the bathroom.

"Oh Tony..." Came Steve's gentle voice as he kneeled down next to the billionaire, Tony was shaking like a leave and had a layer of sweat on his pale skin. Steve knew this was going to be a long night. He pulled Tony's mused shirt off him making him shudder even more, carefully he picked Tony up and walked to Pepper and his room. Pepper was awake in a moment when Steve carried in the sick man.

"Drunk?" Pepper asked her worried tone was plain to see from the super soldier.

"I don't think so, Clint is sick to, can you get him cleaned up? I'll come back when your done and we will put them on the couch?" Pepper nodded in agreement as she helped the delirious Tony into the bathroom.

A long night indeed this was going to be.


By four that morning, Clint, Sam, Tony, Thor and Bruce were all on the couch. Sick as a dog with God knew what, all of them were nauseated and couldn't even keep crackers down. Steve and Pepper were stretched then since Bucky Natasha and Jane had left after the game.

Getting cool wet wash cloths and empty plastic trash bins for the super sick heroes. Steve was looking in the fridge for some ice when he smelled some of the dip from earlier, his stomached clenched in disgust making him feel uneasy. He ignores it of corse and continues to help Pepper with the other Avengers, Tony is sitting up clutching his bin breathing heavily into it while Pepper rubbed his back soothingly.

But it was a hour later at like five in the morning when Steve lost his battle. He had been holding up well but when Tony threw up causing a chain reaction with the other sick heroes to vomit or drive heave into their prospective bins. The sound mix with the smell made the normal hard stomach of Steve Rogers lurch with a painful jolt. He sprinted at top speed into the closest restroom, he barley made it before the contents of his stomach spilled at a burning force.

His whole body hurt as he expelled everything he felt like he had ever eaten, maybe even something from 1942 came up he was throwing up that hard. He was gripping the bowl so tight he felt pieces of it breaking off from his hold. This was bad, but he couldn't get sick what was going on? Pepper needed his help, he had to go back, but the shear thought of the others pining made his head go back into the bowl dry heaving so hard he was fight to catch his breath. Yes this was bad indeed.


Natasha and Bucky were cokes to say the least at the sight that lay before them. Five Avengers strewn over their large living room with an exhausted and frazzled Pepper doing her best to tend to them all.

The two ex-assassins were planning on meeting Steve and Clint along with Sam this morning for a run around NYC but that obviously wasn't going to happen.

"What happened here?" Bucky asked Pepper as Natasha went to check on Clint, she was gently pushing his hair back when Pepper answered.

"They all got really sick at like two this morning, me and Steve were taking care of them but he went for ice twenty minutes ago and hasn't come back and I was going to see where he went when-.." Pepper was freaking out to say the least to Natasha stepped in helping her as both Clint and Tony heaved into their bins.

"I'll see what Steve doing..." Came Bucky's soft but fierce voice. Bucky checked the kitchen with no Steve in sight, he walked down the hall looking for his best friend. When he came to the bathroom and found Steve hunched over the toilet and gasping for breath with the dry heaves the racked his muscular frame. He jumped to his side and started rubbing his friends back as Steve fought for breath, of course he was sick to and hadn't told a soul. Steve was just like that, always looking out for others and not himself.

"Easy punk...try to breath." Bucky soothes as his friend slowly is able to breath again, it was like the strength was smacked right out of the blonde haired man as he all but collapsed on the bathroom floor. Bucky's concern escalated whatever had made Steve this sick was very bad news for the rest of the team. He started his metal arm first as he lifted Steve into his arms and carried him into the large common room where the rest of the sick Avengers were. Pepper gasped as he laid Steve on a empty place of he huge couch pulling a blanket over his friend.

"Oh no not him to..." Pepper said mournfully as she stepped over to them placing a cool cloth on the soldiers head. Steve made a sound that nothing else but a whimper leaning into her touch.

"What on gods name happened to them?!" Bucky said a bit too loudly making the whole team groan from their own places aprons the room.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.? Is their anything that they all did to make them this sick?" Asked Natasha as she eased Bruce back on his back as he quit puking.

"They only thing Ms. Romanoff is that they all are some of Mr. Rhodes's dip." Came the curt reply from the robotic AI.

"That explains why we aren't sick, none of us ate it." Pepper said as she stroked Tony's hair.

"And why Steve is sick, he had a pound of that junk." Bucky said as he looked worriedly over to his friend that was curled into a ball holding his stomach. Natasha sat next to him and rubbed Steve's stomach gently making soft nosies of both pain and comfort from the sick soldier.

"This is going to be a long day." Bucky murmured, he wasn't the best at taking care of people, he was still learning but the painful look Steve had made him want to help.


"Well this will be a story, the day the Avengers got Super Bowl Sick." Tony said sitting up feeling much better then he had. It had been two days since the Avengers had been smashed with super food poisoning. Steve snorted from his place his arm over his eyes not 100% as of yet.

"No more dip...ever." Clint said from under his mound of blankets.

"I second that!" Sam said from his place on the floor on an air mattress.

"Ditto." Bruce said softly pulling the the blackest over his head.

"Men a bunch of whimps all of you." Came Natasha's smart reply, as she passed about ginger ale and gatoraid. She sat next to Steve's head as he lay his head in her lap sighing as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"We almost died!" Stark yelled making the rest of the recovering superheroes groan and throw things at him. Steve burrowed his head into Natasha's belly even more, Pepper hushed Tony with crackers while Bucky plopped down next to Natasha with a tired thump.

"You guys owe us BIG time." Bucky mocked putting his metal arm around Natasha. There was a chorus of moans and grumbled what-evers. Natasha grinned leaning into Bucky as Pepper full on laughed.

It took almost a week but they recovered, and they weren't going to hear the end of this for a very VERY long time. But that what's family's do and eve though they make fun you know they will always be there for you.


Ok so this is longer then I thought it was going to be but HEY I liked it!

I got my first vote and comment YAY!!


Anywho?! For the Americans out there who do you want to win the super bowl?

Broncos or Panthers?

Manning or Newton?

Denver or Carolina?

I want Broncos!

For U none Americans what u guys doing?

I hope u all have a great Sunday

The pic is just funny at least I think it is

And he song is "I will win" by KB seemed to fit for Super Bowl Sunday



Natasha Romanoff 🔫🔪💣

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