Tony: Nightmares/ De-aged Tony AU

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I got my first request AHHHH! So this is for you ThatBookfanatic thanks so much! You were so sweet and made a bad morning better
Warning: daddy issues with nightmares of past abuse, this is a real problem today and it's not ok. This was used for a story.

The Avengers had seen very strange things in their line of work. From robot armies to alien invasions, so nothing really should have surprised them at this point in time.

That was until that morning, a hot June morning brought forth the hottest day they had yet and the strangest thing they had seen yet.
And yes it has to do with Tony Stark.

The team they thought they knew their genius billionaire, but they didn't know how well Tony had hid things from them. Until the strangest of all strange things made them see their Man of Iron in a new way.

And it all stated with a pool toy.


"I told you I had a pool." Tony said with a grin on his face as he showed off the new super sized pool on one of the roofs of Stark Tower. The Avengers marveled at the sight of the pool and never had they been so grateful for a body of water.

It was a smoking 95° and all of the Avengers were hot and uncomfortable and even Steve was hot. The team had found him Sam and Bucky laying on the floor with ice. So of course Sam was the first in the pool, stripping off his shirt and tossing his shoes aside and leaping into the water. Splashing the team that stood next to the edge of the pool.

"Hey! Watch it!" Clint said laughing and did the same leaping into the water. Bucky rolled his eyes but didn't see Steve sneak up behind him and push him into the water. Bucky coughed when his head popped up from the shock of it as he pushed the hair out of his eyes and Steve was bent over laughing.

"Oh that's how it is punk?" Without warning he grabbed Steve and with his metal arm yanked him into the water making the rest of them laugh. Soon the whole team was in the water splashing and laughing and a mega water fight started. Thor's booming laugh as he threw Sam up into the air as he did a cannon ball.

"Hey...where's Stark?" The team stopped when Sam asked as his head bobbed above the water. Where was Tony? He wasn't in the water and was no where to be seen.

"I'll find him," Bucky said as he pulled himself out of the water and walked away in the hot sun. The team watched him walk away and went back to splashing in the pool, Wanda using her powers to help get her brother and the rest very wet.

"GUYS a little help!" The team shot out of the water when they heard Bucky's yell and all of them drenched ran to see what was wrong. And the sight they saw shocked them, Bucky was crouched down in front a small pile of clothes but that wasn't shocking part the shocking part was the baby that looked to be about 2 or 3 years old. With dark hair and deep sad brown eyes watched the team but it was the small circle glow on the baby's chest.

"Oh my god..." Sam said looking stunned, the baby was only covered in a white tank Tony had been wearing only now it was more like a night dress on the baby.

Tony...the baby was Tony! The team was shocked and the only thing that shocked them out of it was when Tony started crying, big tears rolling down his little cheeks. Clint was the first to do anything the rest of the team too stunned and most not knowing what to do with a baby. Clint however had a baby at home plus 4 other kids including the twins, so he walked forward and picked Tony up with the most gentle of hands.

Tony was sniffing and Clint had noticed the slight flinch the baby had given when he picked him up, Clint soothes the him saying softly in his ears.

"'s okay buddy I got you shhh it's okay...don't be scared." Clint rocked back and forth and Tony's cries turned into soft sniffles as he sucked his thumb and buried his head in Clint's neck. Clint rubbed his back doing his best to sooth the kid, resting his cheek on top of Tony small head.

" the name...of" Bucky said liking shocked.

"This smells of magic..." Thor said, his normally booming force soft as not to disturb the babe.

"How old you think he is now?" Steve asked getting closer to look at the now young iron man.

"Id say about 2...maybe almost 3..." Clint said gentle still rocking, Tony was keeping his head on Clint shoulder sniffing. His brown eyes red as he watched the team closely.

"Hey little old are you?" Clint asked softly still rubbing his back as he swayed side to side.

"3..." The baby said in his baby voice keeping his head where it was.

"We should have Bruce check him over to make sure he's okay." Steve said looking worried about his friend.

"He has a point." Natasha said as her hand was stroking the already thick dark hair on his head.

"Okay one step at a time he's scared." Clint said as Tony pressed his face into Clint's neck. The poor kid was scared the team saw that now.

"What are we going to do?" Wanda asked as she stood close to Clint watching the baby.

"Get him some clothes and feed him then put him to bed...problem is I was going to fly back to the farm tonight to bring Pietro here..." Clint looked worriedly down at baby Tony, the kid was clinging to him in a tight hold. This wasn't good at all, far from good.

"Plus me Wanda and Sam have a meeting in DC." Natasha said, this was a problem, the only people that would be here was Bruce Steve and Bucky and Thor. Bruce maybe the only one of them that had any idea how to care for a child.

"It'll be fine we can figure it out." Steve said with determination, Clint look down at Tony who was slowly falling asleep on his shoulder. The kid looked beat, his eyes having bags under them and his skin looked a bit pale. He hoped he would wasn't getting sick.

"Are you sure?" Clint said softly, keeping his hand on Tony's back.

"It will be fine." Steve said again, "you'll be back tomorrow night we will be fine." After much more convincing Clint nodded and went to put the toddler to bed.


Steve knew a bit about kids, not much but he was only 22. Sure he'd been around a while but in truth he was still young himself, and Bucky only a year older knew even less about it, and Thor had only held a babe twice in his life time. Bruce knew about kids thanks to his doctor gig, but Bruce was now in his lab with Thor to try and reverse whatever had been done to Tony.

Tony had been out to bed before Clint had left and now Bucky and Steve sat watching a movie in the common room. It was going fine when they heard soft cries coming from Tony's room. Steve was on his feet and running to the room Bucky hot on his heels as they came into the room they found the now smaller hero in a ball on his large bed. The kid was shaking terribly and crying in almost hysterics, Steve hurried over and lay a hand on his back. He wasn't prepared for the reaction he got, Tony let out a sharp cry and pulled away from him curling into a smaller ball.

"I...I didn't...what did I do?" Steve asked confused, looking at his friend in the door.

"I don't know punk..." Bucky crouched down in front of Tony, and held his arms out the baby. Tony shrank back, what happened? Why was he so scared? Steve started looking around the room looking for the cause, then he saw it. An old box trunk in the corner and inside was a picture of Howard and Maria Stark. The frame cracked Howard looking stern and not like the man he had known.

" he cut?" Bucky turned and saw the cuts on Tony's small hands as the kid kept crying. What had happens to him?


"Sir had a rough childhood master Rogers...often spent his days with Edwin Jarvis and his wife because of it." Steve was stunned, he didn't know what had gone on but he had a few guesses and none of them made him happy. In fact he was angry, very angry. Bucky was now very close to Tony and had him now in his arms as the child sobbed. Bucky looked lost not knowing what to do, it was an odd sight. Bucky and Tony weren't the best of friends, after civil war they had agreed not to kill each other but that was all. Often shooting each other flares and getting into arguments, they tolerated each other now nothing more.

But now Steve watched as he held Tony close to him and Tony cried holding onto Bucky's shirt as he pressed his tiny head into Bucky's broad chest. Bucky looked less lost now as Steve watched Bucky stood to his feet and started rocking the 3 year old.

"What else is in that trunk?" Bucky asked as Steve knelt down and look inside, Steve's heart clenched as he pulled out a picture of himself and Bucky. It was during the war, Steve was laughing and Bucky has this glint in his eyes. Both men in the picture were smiling and they looked so different, it tugged at Steve's heart.

"I...don't...feel...good..." Steve's eyes shot over to Bucky were the small voice had com from. Tony was looking at them with glassy eyes and a flushed face, Steve was worried now  and pressed his hand on the baby's forehead and cheeks. He was hot, way too hot if you asked Steve.

"He has a fever." Steve whispered not wanting to scare Tony anymore, it was then Steve picked up with his enhanced ears the sound of Tony's little belly sloshing. He moved so fast Pietro would've been proud, getting the trash can under Tony as he started puking.

Steve had helped almost all of his team when they were sick and it was never a good sight to see someone throwing up but it was even worse when it was a 3 year old baby. Tony sobbed and shook as Bucky held him up stroking his back and trying to sooth him.

"I know it hurts little man but it will be ok." After 10 minutes of Tony throwing up he was done, Steve and Bucky did a hand off as Bucky went to get rid of the trash can and get Bruce. Steve pulled off the now dirty clothes and found an Iron Man onesie making him smile as he put it on the tiny billionaire.

Tony was hot and flushed with fever and hiccuped because of all the crying. Steve grabbed a small blanket and carried him into the living room. Tony had his head on Steve's shoulder and Steve could feel one of the tiny hands gripping his shirt.

Bruce was waiting for them and looked so worried as he looked at baby Tony when Steve walked in.

"What happened?" Bruce asked as he put his hand on Tony's face, Steve felt Tony flinch at the new touch.

"We heard him crying went in and the kid was in hysterics then we saw he had a fever and he threw up for about 10 minutes." Bucky filled in as he stood behind the doctor. Tony watched Bruce move as he checked him over

"He'll be fine we just need to keep fluids in him and make sure he rests." Bruce said pouring some children Motrin into a cup then tries to give it to Tony.

"No." Tony said putting his head in Steve's shirt away from the meds.

"Please Tony it'll make you feel better." Bruce pleaded as Steve rubbed Tony's back.

"No. I don't wike it." Tony said keeping his face in Steve's shirt. For 5 more minutes this went on but Tony flat out refused to take the drugs that would make him better. Steve was at his wits end and none of the men knew about babies that much wishing Clint was here.

"Okay here's what's going to happen, Tony of you drink all of your medicine you can stay up and watch a movie." Tony looked over at Bucky who was the one that had spoke and nodded slowly and drank the Motrin.

"You just bribed him." Steve said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well it was just sad watching the two of you failing so bad." Bucky said shrugging it off. Steve went and sat down on the couch as Bruce put in a movie 'the little mermaid' the first Disney movie they could find. They got comfortable as the movie started.


Bucky didn't know why this was such a hit, Ariel had just sang about being a human when he saw out of the corner of his eye Steve was fidgeting.

"What are you doing? He won't fall asleep with you moving like that." Bucky said eyeing his friend, Steve was sucking his thumb and curled into Steve's side but he was wide awake and he couldn't blame the kid with Steve moving around so much.

"My leg is asleep and I need to use the restroom." Steve said making Bucky snort a laugh and roll his eyes.

"Here pass him here." Bucky said stretching out his arms, Steve gave him a skeptical look making Bucky roll his eyes, "Just give him here." Steve slowly passed Tony over to Bucky who set him up in his lap so he could watch the movie. Steve walked out of the room leaving Bucky to his own thoughts, Bucky wasn't really watching the film more over he was thinking about what had happened to Tony to make him the way he was. He knew about Obadiah and his betrayal to Stark, knew about his time in the cave. But yet Bucky couldn't help but feel like there was more to the story.

Bucky jumped when Tony have a sharp cry and pressed his face as hard as he could into Bucky's stomach. Bucky looked up, it was the part when Ariel's father was destroying all of her things and yelling at her. Something clicked in Bucky's mind and he shut off the moving and picked Tony up so that he was facing him.

"Tony...was your daddy like that?" Bucky did his best to remember Howard Stark, all he could remember was he was an arrogant asshole but never once was he violent. What was going on?

Tony nodded bug tears falling down his cheeks as he looked at Bucky, "Daddy get mad...throw things...scary!" Tony burrows himself into Bucky and the feeling swelling in his chest, but he had to be sure...

"Tony...buddy..." Bucky whispered using his flesh hand to wipe away Tony's tears, "Tell me the're not in trouble I promise...did he hurt you Tony? Did he ever hurt you?" Bucky's guy clenched, as Tony wiped his eyes and sniffed looking down. Then ever so slowly he nodded his head, a new kind of fury leapt into Bucky's chest. Never ever! Since he had started remembering was he thankful or glad of the people he killed. But now he was glad he had killed that son of a bitch! Because of he hasn't he would now, how could you hurt a child? Your own child even more so!

"Get in daddy's bad..." Tony sniffed looking at Bucky with big brown eyes and just like that the anger left him and he pulled Tony up so he was resting on his chest as he lay back.

"Listen here sport...your not a bad kid...your a good kid...your dad is the bad guy and he's never EVER going to hurt you again, I swear on my life never again." Bucky pulled a blanket over him as Tony snuggled close to Bucky's chest.

"Promise?" He whispered, making Bucky's heart seize in a way he hadn't felt before.

"Yeah kid...I promise."


Steve watched from the doorway, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Bruce was grinning at the sight. Because Tony Stark was sound asleep on Bucky's chest and Bucky was out cold his arm protectively around the 3 year old.

This was a sight indeed.

"Please tell me you got a picture." Said a voice from behind, Natasha. Steve grinned and nodded his head.

"JARVIS did." Natasha smiled and looked at the 2 of them asleep on the couch.

"We have the cure for this...but let's wait until the morning..."


Tony was turned back into his normal state and remembered nothing of what happened. He did notice that Barnes was acting strange around him, even more so then Norma and it was kinda freaking him out.

Tony did he best to ignore the odd behavior but when Barnes leapt on front of him and took 6 bullets for him. Barnes just barley made it and Tony wanted to know what the crap was going on!

He stormed into Barnes' room with him looking pale as the O2 pumping into his system.

"Why did you do that!" Tony yelled at Barnes as he looked up weakly at him.

"M-made a promise." Bucky said weakly, Tony didn't understand and never did he ever understand.

That was until he saw a photo on Natasha's phone of James Barnes holding a baby close to his chest. Looking protective of him. Tony learned that Bucky knew the truth about his father, and he wasn't happy about it either.

But Barnes never said a word, maybe just maybe they could be friends.


9 days and counting!!! AHHH!!

I'm so excited!

Ok this is a long one I know but I just couldn't stop! And had to force myself to stop!

Thanks again to ThatBookfanatic you made my day! And thank you for your request!

See you guys again!

Be geek and proud!



Natasha Romanoff🔪🔫💣


The FREAKEN feels!

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