Clint Barton

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You went to Clint's house to help him put his new bow together, you figured he just wanted some company since he could probably put the thing together in his sleep. Clint had all the pieces laid out on a table when you got there, so you stood across from him and held a conversation while watching him.

You were thinking it, but you weren't supposed to say! Unfortunately luck wasn't on your side today and it slipped out.

"You have beautiful eyes."

This seemed to catch his attention, Clint looked up from the bow, right into your eyes and smiled.

"Not as beautiful as yours though." Your faced flushed at how smooth he was about it, when he didn't go back to his bow and kept staring at you, it was like your heat was having an adrenaline rush.

Clint slowly walked around the table and stood in front of you, he raised his hand to your cheek. When you leaned into his touch Clint took that as his approval and went for it, he leaned forward, hovering only centimeters above your lips giving you the chance to back away.

You moved in, gently touching your lips with his. Clint realized you were kissing him and kissed back, he was so happy he asked you to come over today and had to remember to thank his mom for giving him, her 'beautiful' eyes.

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