Steve Rodgers

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Hydra had infiltrated the medical hospital you were recovering in and kidnapped you. Steve was on his way back from a coffee shop when he got a call saying you were being taken. Dropping his coffee and doughnut he ran as fast as his legs would carry him,when he finally got there an agent told him they were headed for the roof. Once again Steve ran, all the way up the stairs and burst through the door,just in time to see them setting you in a helicopter hovering above the landing pad.

An agent spotted Steve and told the pilot to take off, Steve chased after the aircraft and graded hold of one of the legs,he reached down and locked his fist around the edge of the landing pad. Steve felt his mussels tiering out and starting to slip,but he thought of your beautiful face and how he still hadn't told you how much he loved you,so with all the strength he had left,Steve pulled the helicopter back down to the landing pad causing it to malfunction and shut down.

Prying the door open,Steve through the hydra agents off the building then gently picked up your limp body. They had injected something into your system,so Steve took you to stark tower to get checked out.

Steve promised himself after you woke up he would tell you, how beautiful,wonderful,smart,pretty,cute,funny, and everything else,but most of all how much he loved you.

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