Steve Rodgers

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You were cooking breakfast for boyfriend, Steve Rogers, when suddenly you felt a pain in your chest and collapsed to the floor. Steve saw you fall and ran to your side, he cradled your limp body in his arms asking if you were okay. But you only apologized before falling unconscious,

Steve carried you all the way to Tony's lab and begged him to help you, Tony quickly clear off his table and had Steve lay you on it. Tony immediately started a scan on your body, when the results came back Tony was scared to tell Steve.

"Is she alright?!" Steve asked very concerned about your well being, Tony wouldn't make eye contact with him and mumbled something out.

"Tony!" Steve yelled not liking his posture or murmuring,

"She's dying!" Tony said, not trying to be rude but you were like a sister to him and it was hard to say it any other way.

"What...?" Steve asked, his heart slowly crumbling into nothing. Tony pulled up your body scan and zoomed in on your heart, he pointed to several places and sighed.

"That's cancer, it's taken over her heart, not too much longer and.....a-and it's gonna stop beating." Tony choked at the end and had to turn away, Steve though, he could only look at you. You were dying and there was nothing he could do to save you.

You woke up in a bed, in Tony's lab. Remembering what happened your eyes filled with tears, you should have told him but you were scared he would leave.

Steve walked in and went straight to your side to hold your had. You asked him if he knew and he nodded,

"Then why are you here?" You asked wondering why he didn't just run out on you.

"Well, I couldn't leave my best girl." He had a pained expression but you could tell he was being truthful, you cried and pulled his hand to your face, kissing the back of it and telling him how sorry you were for leaving him. His expression didn't change as he told you him and Tony were trying to find a way to save you. He leaned up to kiss you on the temple,

"I love you (Y/N), till the end of the line."

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